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英语2 1A begged 2D normally 3A exposing 4B on 5D rate 6C ensure 7B none 8d 9c 10b 11A reason 12A standing 13D involves 14C although 15A consider 16B chance 17D slight 18 D but 19D above 20B current25A his love 26D a cell phone 27B sends singals 28B it should have free acess to 29B congress 30C privacy 31B when toys begain to existed 32C prepares 33B affected 34D reflecting 35 C the value 36 maximum 37pity 38label 39income 40hunger 41smooth 42truly 43metal 44survive 45discuss 46confusion 47concert 48afford 49beach 50commercial 51equal 52tropical 53merely 54 squeeze 55September 56: patience 57: dependent, 58: frighten 59: management 60:Provision 61: surprisingly 62: assembling 63: commitment 64: formality 65: non-verbal 66:我认为那电影不值得看两次. I don’t think that movie is worth watching twice 67:当你住东北的时候你有没有学会滑冰? Have you ever learnt skating when you lived the Northeast? 68:那些帮助他人的人是值得我们的赞扬. Those who help others are worthy of our praising. 69:我们说服了他坐火车去而不是乘飞机. We persuade him to go by train instead of by air. 70: 通过饮食和锻炼,他减去了150磅的体重. He lost his weight to 150 pounds through diet and exercising. 翻译: 为了解决始于20世纪中叶的污染问题,很多环境保护组织先后成立。但是,最重要的环境保护者也许应该是每个人。如果人人都尽一份力,污染将大为减少。 在日常生活中,通过某一些方式,有些污染问题就可以得到控制。例如,固体污染是陆地污染的主要原因,但是许多垃圾,如空易拉罐,玻璃瓶,旧汽车轮胎和废报纸,这些都是可以回收利用的。有些地方甚至雇人收集用过的商品以便回收利用。还有,空气污染的主要因素之一是许多人毫无必要的使用汽车,因此公共交通工具,如自行车,步行都是避免污染的极佳选择。 In order to solve the pollution problems began in the middle of the twentieth Century, many environmental groups have set up. However, the most important environmentalists may be everyone. If everyone can contribute, pollution will be greatly reduced. In daily life, by some way, some of the pollution problem can be controlled. For example, solid pollution is the main cause of land pollution, but many garbage, such as empty cans, glass bottles, old car tires and waste newspaper, which can be recycled. In some places even hire the collection of used goods for recycling. Also, the air pollution is one of the main factors that many unnecessary to use the car, so the public transportation, such as cycling, walking is an excellent choice for avoiding pollution.

119 评论(13)


66:我认为那电影不值得看两次. I don’t think that movie is worth watching twice 67:当你住东北的时候你有没有学会滑冰? Have you ever learnt skating when you lived the Northeast? 68:那些帮助他人的人是值得我们的赞扬. Those who help others are worthy of our praising. 69:我们说服了他坐火车去而不是乘飞机. We persuade him to go by train instead of by air. 70: 通过饮食和锻炼,他减去了150磅的体重. He lost his weight to 150 pounds through diet and exercising. 翻译: 为了解决始于20世纪中叶的污染问题,很多环境保护组织先后成立。但是,最重要的环境保护者也许应该是每个人。如果人人都尽一份力,污染将大为减少。 在日常生活中,通过某一些方式,有些污染问题就可以得到控制。例如,固体污染是陆地污染的主要原因,但是许多垃圾,如空易拉罐,玻璃瓶,旧汽车轮胎和废报纸,这些都是可以回收利用的。有些地方甚至雇人收集用过的商品以便回收利用。还有,空气污染的主要因素之一是许多人毫无必要的使用汽车,因此公共交通工具,如自行车,步行都是避免污染的极佳选择。 In order to solve the pollution problems began in the middle of the twentieth Century, many environmental groups have set up. However, the most important environmentalists may be everyone. If everyone can contribute, pollution will be greatly reduced. In daily life, by some way, some of the pollution problem can be controlled. For example, solid pollution is the main cause of land pollution, but many garbage, such as empty cans, glass bottles, old car tires and waste newspaper, which can be recycled. In some places even hire the collection of used goods for recycling. Also, the air pollution is one of the main factors that many unnecessary to use the car, so the public transportation, such as cycling, walking is an excellent choice for avoiding pollution.

291 评论(12)



197 评论(8)


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