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我有全部的还有讲解的,1. b根据课文第3-4行The most surprising thing about it, however, is that it can land anywhere…可以判断只有b.是正确的,it doesn’t need a runway to land on(它着陆时不需要跑道)是课文所暗示的这个飞机的令人惊奇之处。其他3个选择都不能表明这飞机的令人惊奇之处。2. c根据课文第7-8行…Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places 和最后一行。。。but Captain Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous 可以看出c. will fly passengers anywhere except very dangerous places(将载运旅客去任何地方,除了非常危险的地方)是正确的结论,其他3个选择都过于片面和绝对了。3. ca. who is 句中修饰的词是物而不是人,因此不能用who 做关系代词; b. whom is : whom做定语从句中的宾语,而本句需要的是做主语的关系代词; d. whose is 不合语法 只有c. which is 是正确的,which 既可以做定语从句的主语,又可做宾语。4. b这是一个带形容词比较级的句子,已经有连词than. a. most surprising 和d. most surprised 都是最高级,不合乎语法;d. more surprised 虽然是比较级,但surprised(感到惊奇)主语应该是人,而本句的主语是it,故不能选d; 只有b. more surprising(更令人惊奇的)最合乎语法和题目意思。5. da. From then 不是正确的表达方式,应该是From then on; b. By then, 和c. By that time都有“到那时”的意思,指截止到过去某一时间,都不能用于现在完成时; 只有d. Since that time(从那时起)是正确的表达方式,可以用于现在完成时。6. b这是一个被动语态的句子,需要选一个合适的介词表示行为的主体,即动作的执行者,a. from, c. which, d. out of 都不用于被动语态,只有b. by 合乎语法,表示执行动作的人。7. a只有a. He wanted the pilot 才能同前一句The man wanted to fly to Rockall 的意思相符。 而b. He wanted 不合乎逻辑;c. The pilot he wanted 不是主谓结构,不合乎语法;d. The pilot the man wanted 同c一样,也不合乎语法。8. b本句需要选出同前一句的unusual(不寻常的)意思相反的词。 a. accustomed(习惯的)不是unusual的反义词 c. usually(通常)是副词,也不是unusual的反义词 d. used to (习惯于)也不合乎题目意思。 只有b. common(寻常的,常见的)是unusual的反义词 ,因此b.是答案。9. b只有b. sowing(播种)最符合逻辑:“耕好的田地是准备播种的”。 a. sewing(缝纫)与耕地无关,不合逻辑; c. seeding(结出种子)也有“播种”的意思,但作及物动词,常于with 连用,如seed the field with wheat,故此句不应该选c. d. growing(生长,长大)不合乎题目意思。10. b只有b It is far from anywhere(它远离任何地方)才能同前一句It's a lonely village(那是一座孤零零的村庄)的意思相符合。a. far(远的)没有强调“孤独”,只强调距离的远。c. alone(单独,独自)没有“孤独,寂寞”的含义;d. the only one (仅有的一个)不符合题目意思。11. ca. parts(部分)不一定指的是地方,词义含糊; b. pieces(小块)不合题目意思; d. sections(部分)同a.一样,词义含糊; 只有c. spots(地点,场所)含义正确。12. b只有b. empty(空的,无人占据的)同前一句的deserted(无人问津)意思相同。a. a desert(n.沙漠),c. abandoned(被抛弃的),d. wasted(浪费的)这3个都与deserted 含义不同。Lesson 301. a根据课文第2行I like sitting by the Wayle on fine afternoons, 只有a. likes sitting on the bank of the river when it’s fine 最符合课文的实际情况,其他3个选择都不是课文所提及的情况。2. a根据课文第6-7行Some people on the bank called out to the man in the boat, but he did not hear them 可以看出,只有a. some people tried to warn the man about the ball(一些人设法提醒这个人注意球)是真实的,其他3个选择都与课文的实际内容不符。3. d在河流的名字前面应该加定冠词,本句中的Wayle 是河流的名字,因此只有d. the Wayle 最正确,而其他3个选择都不对.4. a前一句中的介词across 是“横越”“从一边到另一边”的意思,要选出同它意思相近的词,才能同前面句子意义相同。 b. over(越过),c. round(环绕,绕过)与d. along(沿着)这3个词都不够恰当,只有a. through(穿过,从一边进另一边出)同across 含义相同5. b只有b. hard(用力地)符合题目意思. a. hardly(几乎不)不符合题目意思. c. hardy(强壮的)意思不对,是形容词,不能修饰动词. d. hardily 是副词,有"大胆地,刚毅地"意思.6. c只有选c. in the direction(朝着……的方向)才能同前一句The ball went towards a passing boat(球向着一只划过来的船飞去)的意思相符。a. forwards(adv.向前方)词义不对,b. forward(adj.向前的,在前部)也不合乎题目的意思, d. in direction 不合乎语法。7. c只有选c. couldn’t be seen 才能同前一句There weren’t any in sight(一个也看不见)的含义相符。 a. couldn’t see 是主动语态,不合乎题目意思,因为本句强调“被看见”应该用被动语态;b. hadn’t seen 语态,时态都不正确;d. weren’t seen(没有被看见)是过去式,表示一种事实。 本句强调他们“能否”被看见,而不是强调没被看见这一事实。8. c前一句中的rowing 是“划船”的意思,只有c. oars(船桨)是划船用的。 a. rows(行,争吵), b. sticks(手杖,拐杖),d. rudder(船或飞机的舵)都不是划船用的。9. da. cried(喊叫)不合乎语法,不能直接跟宾语; b. cried with 表示喊叫的原因; c. cried for(为……喊)也不对,只有cried to (向……喊)最合乎语法。10. a只有a. hear(听到)词意思正确。b. listen to(听)强调动作,而不强调结果;c. mind(介意,照料)不合乎题目意思;d. take care of(照看)也不合乎题目意思。11. da. knocked at (敲); b. beat(打,敲,表示连续性地做); c. bounced(指球跳起,弹回); 这3个词的意思都不够贴切。 只有d. hit(打,击打)的词意思最符合题目意思。12. d只有d. disappeared(消失)是前半句中的run away 的结果。 a. dismissed(解散,开除); b. disturbed(妨碍,打扰); c. displaced(使……脱离正常位置)这3个词都不合乎题目意思。

208 评论(10)



234 评论(13)


Lesson 49 1. d根据课文的情景,只有d. The bed was blown off the roof, but the man was not hurt 最能概括整篇课文的中心内容,其他3个选择都不全面,因此应该选d.2. a根据课文第9-11行Glancing at the bits of wood and metal…he promptly went to sleep again 可以判断只有a. he went back to sleep soon afterwards 与课文描述的情况相符,其他3个选择都与课文的实际内容不符。3. ba. because , c. As, d. For 都能引导原因从句,但是只有b. Because of 后面可以跟名词,表示原因,所以只能选b 才符合语法。4. a本句是一般过去时疑问句,因为已经有助动词did 提问了,后面只有用动词原形才对。 b. carries, c. carried, d. carrying 都不是动词原形,所以都不对。只有a. carry 是动词原形,所以选a.5. b本句是针对修饰动词的状语(副词)提问的,a. good (好的) 和d. nice (好的,美好的)这两个选择都是形容词,不能修饰动词;c. goodly 是形容词,有“漂亮”的意思,也不能修饰动词,只有b. well(好) 是副词,能修饰动词,所以选b.6. c这是一个对地点提问的疑问句,需要选出正确的回答。a. Down (adv. 向下,在下方);b. Under (adj. 在下,下方); c. Below (adv. 在下面,低处);和d. Bottom (n. 底,底部) 4个选择中只有c. 词意义和词性都比较正确,并能独立回答问题说明地点,所以选c.7. c本句需要一个现在分词做定语修饰名词。b. laid和d. lied都不是现在分词;a. laying(放,置)虽然是现在分词,但词意思不适合这个句子;c. lying 是lie的现在分词,表示位于,处于某种状态;只有c.最合乎题目意思,因此应该选c.8. a本句需要选一个合适的副词来描绘风刮的状态,b. fast (快),c. quickly (快),d. soon(不久)这3个词的意义相近,但都不适合描写刮风的状态,只有a. hard (强烈地,厉害地)可以用来描写风刮的状态,最合乎题目意思,所以选a.9. c本句需要选出一个同前一句的crashed into(猛撞在,坠毁在)含义相同的词.a .smashed([碰碎,摔破)强调把什么东西打碎,而本句的宾语是courtyard.故a不对.b. knocked(打击,狠敲)的宾语也不应该是courtyard . c. struck(打,击)是strike 的过去式.d. exploded(使爆炸)与crashed意思不同,只有c. struck比较接近crashed into 的意思,因此选c.10. c前句It was smashed into pieces是"它被摔成碎片"的意思.本句需要选出一个与这个句子含义相同的动词短语.a. was struck(被打击), b. was cracked(被撞破裂), c. was destroyed(被毁坏,被破坏), d. was damaged(被损坏,被损伤)4个选择中只有c.同was smashed to pieces 的含义做接近,因此c.是正确的.11. a本句需要选出与前一句中的glanced at(扫视)含义相同的词或短语. a. looked quickly at(快看) b. had a glimpse of(看一眼,瞥一眼) c. stared at (盯着.....看) d. watched(观看) 4个选择中,只有a.与glanced at的含义最接近,所以选a.12. a本句需要选出一个与前一句的副词promptly(迅速地)意义相同的词或词组。 a. straight away(立刻) b. after a while.(过一会儿) c. after a time(过一段时间) d. late(晚,迟) 4个选择中,只有a 同promptly 的含义最近,所以选择aLesson 501. b根据课文第4-5行 “I am going to the Woodford Green…but I don’t know where it is ” 可以看出只有b. he didn’t know where to get off 是作者请售票员帮忙的原因,所以b.是正确答案,其他3个选择都与课文实际内容不符。2. d根据课文第12行 ‘Oh dear’ said the conductor suddenly 与 ‘I forgot to put you off ’,可以判断只有d. forgetful (健忘的)最能恰当描述售票员。其他3个选择a. helpful (乐于助人的),b. lazy (懒) 和c. rude (粗鲁)词意思都不够恰当。3. a本句需要选出一个合适的词做主语.b. travel 是动词,不能做主语. c. The travelling 是动名词可以做主语, 但前面没有必要加the; D. To travelling 不合乎语法,To 不应该放在动名词前,而应该在动词前,动词不定式可以做主语,只有a. travelling 是动名词可以做主语,因此应该选a.4. cb. as long, 和d. such a long都不合乎语法,因此可以排除; a. longer(较长的)在后一句话中没有对比,因此形容词比较也可以排除; c. so long(如此长)是符合题目意思的,因为前一句中的longer than he expected 等于did not expect it to last so long,所以选c.5. c只有选c. shall I 才能使这个问句的意思完整并合乎语法。 a. to, b. for 和d. in order to 都不能使其成为完整的句子,所以选c.6. a只有a. any 才能同句子中的more连用,表示“任何别的”,同前一句的I was the only passenger的含义相符合。而b. many(许多),c. lots(许多),d. a few(几个)都不能与any 连用,也不符合题目意思。7. ab. more far 不合乎语法,因为far 的比较级形式是farther 或further; c. further more 不合乎题目意思, d. so far(如此远)4个选择中只有a 最合乎题目意思,因为any further 同前一句的This is as far as we go(这是我们所能达到的程度)的含义相同,所以a 是正确的.8. da. drives a bus(开公共汽车),b. inspects the tickets(查票),c. buys ticket(买票),d. collects fares(收车费)这4个中只有d.符合题目意思,售票员通常是收车费的。9. b本句需要选出同前一句中的got on (上车)意义相反的词组。 a. get down (下去),b. get off (下车),c. get out of (从……出去)和d. get over (越过去)4个选择中只有b. get off 是get on 的反义词,所以选b.10. ba. sight(景象,景物)指能够看到的事物和情景; b. view(观察,风景)指从特别的角度看到的,观察到的景象; c. scene(风景,景色)指某个地方的自然景观; d. scenery(风景,景色),指自然环境,特别是美丽开阔的乡间景色.只有b与其他3个词的含义不同,强调观察到的,最符合题目意思,所以选b.11. ca. don’t remember (不记得),b. don’t know (不知道),c. don’t mind(不介意),d. don’t matter (没关系)4个选择中只有c. 最符合题目意思,同前一句 ‘It doesn’t matter ’, I said (我说:“没关系”)的含义相同,所以选c.12. d只有选d. best 才能使这个句子同前一句I prefer to stay on the bus(我比较喜欢呆在汽车上)的含义比较接近,所以选d. a. my favourite (我最喜爱的东西);b. my best (我最好的),c. beloved(亲爱的)这3个词都与前一句的意义不符。Lesson 511. b根据课文第6-7行…and was not surprised to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever 可以看出只有b. but he didn’t lose any weight at all 与课文的实际内容相符,其他3个选择都与课文的实际情况相符。2. c根据课文第9-10行he explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally 可以判断只有c. hasn’t kept to a strict diet(没有严格的控制饮食)是课文所暗示的情况,而其他3个选择都不符课文的实际内容。3. d只有选d. is 才能使这个句子的意义和时态同前一句相协调. a. was 时态不对. b. has 不是系动词,不能跟形容词.c. has been 时态不对,表示"他现在仍然很胖",没有必要用现在完成时.4. d本句的时间状语是How long ago 表示过去的时间,因此应该用一般过去时。 a. will he begin 是将来时;b. has he begun 是完成时;c. was he beginning 是过去进行时,这3个选择时态都不对,只有d. did he begin 是一般过去时,最合乎语法,所以应该选d.5. d只有d. in 可以同本句的动词included 连用表示“包括”,所以d.是正确的。 其他3个都不能同 include 连用构成短语动词。6. a这是一个一般过去时疑问句,需要选一个正确的谓语动词,只有a. hide 是原形动词,最符合语法,因为疑问句中已经有助动词did 了,所以谓语动词要用动词原形,而不能用过去式。b. hidden 是过去分词;c. hid 是hide的过去式,d. hiding 是进行式,后3个选择都不对。7. d只有d. guilty(内疚的)最合乎语法,因为本句的谓语动词是felt(感到),它是系动词,所以后面只能跟形容词做表语,guilty是形容词,所以选d. c. guiltless也是形容词,但与guilty意思相反,不符合前一句的意思,所以不选它。8. c前一句中的forbidden 是“禁止”的意思,本句需要选出与它的含义相反的词。a. left (离开,剩下),b. let (让),c. allowed (允许)和d. aloud(大声地)4个答案中只有c. allowed 是forbidden 的反义词,所以选c.9. a只有a. visited him 是正确的,因为它同前一句I paid him a visit 的含义相同,其他3个选择都不是正确的表达方式。10. da. steered(驾驶船或车); b. pulled(拖或拉); c. drove(驾驶) d. showed 才能使句子的意思与前一句的意思相同,所以我们选d.11. d本句需要选一个同前一句中的embarrassed(感到尴尬的)意义相近的词。 a. shy (害羞的,腼腆的);b. shameful(可耻的);c. hot (热的);d. uncomfortable(不安的,不自在的)4个选择中只有d. uncomfortable 与embarrassed 的意义相近,所以选d.12. b本句需要选一个与前一句中的occasionally (偶尔地,不时地)意思相同的短语。 a. again and again(一遍又一遍); b. now and again(不时地); c. once again(再一次); d. over and over again(一遍又一遍地,反复地) 4个选择中只有b. now and again 同occasionally 的含义相同,所以选b.Lesson 521. b根据课文第2-3行I have been trying to get my new room in order. This has not been easy because I own over a thousand books 可以看出只有b. he is finding it difficult to get his room in order 与课文的实际情况相符,其他3个选择都不符合故事所描述的情景。2. c根据课文第9-10行 ‘This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,’ she said, 可以判断出只有c. the books make a nice carpet 是作者的妹妹的真实想法,其他3个选择都与课文的内容不符,也不是他妹妹所认为的。3. c只有c. is still working 是正确的,因为前半句用的是现在完成进行时,表示到现在为止动作还在继续进行,所以后半句应该用现在进行时,才能使句子的时态协调一致。其他3个选择都不能与前半句的时态相配。4. aa. make it tidy (把它收拾整齐);b. keep it tidy (保持整洁);c. make order 不合乎习惯用法,意思也讲不通;d. keep order (维持秩序)。只有a. 最符合题目意思,因为make it tidy 与前一句中的get his room in order 意思相同,所以选a.5. ba. a small enough 不合乎语法,不能说a small enough room,可以是 the room is small enough. b. a fairly small(相当小的),c. a terribly small(极小的),d. a much smaller(更加小的),4个选择中只有b 是正确的,因为b中的fairly 同前一句的rather(相当)意义相同,所以b是对的。6. d本句的谓语动词help后面只能跟动词不定式,动词不定式的形式可以是带to 的,也可以是不带to 的,即help sb to do sth. 或help sb.do sth. 只有d. carry 最合乎语法,所以只能选d. a. carrying, b. to carrying , c. for carrying 都不是动词不定式,因此都不合乎语法.7. ca. needn’t (不必) 是情态助动词,必须同另一动词连用,而本句没有其他动词同它连用,所以a. 不对;b. needs not 不合乎语法,当need 作普通动词时,否定式应该用助动词do 加not 后面跟原形动词need; 第3人称单数应该是doesn’t need; d. isn’t needing 不合乎语法,因为动词need 很少用于进行时态,很少说“正在需要”或“正在不需要”;只有c. doesn’t need 最合乎语法,所以选c.8. b只有b. long 最符合题目意思,因为本句为否定句,前一句是肯定句,所以需要选出一个同前一句的temporarily(暂时地)意义相对的词.只有b. long 同temporarily的含义相反,所以选b. a. for a short time(短时间), c. for a few days(几天), d. for a few hours(几小时)这3个都不与temporarily相反.9. aa. room(空余的地方),泛指空间,不可数. b. place(地点,地方)指某一特定的空间部分,可数;c. area(面积,地面); d. spaces(空间,空位,场所)可以做可数和不可数名词.只有a.最符合题目意思.因为room同前一句的space意义相同,都是不可数名词,所以选a. 而b. place 不能做不可数名词,c. area词意义不对,d. spaces不应该是复数.10. ca. else(别的,另外,其他)只能同nothing, anything, something 等词连用; b. different(不同的)是形容词不能修饰动词; d. other(其余的)代词不能修饰动词,只有c. otherwise(用不同的方法,不同地)最合乎语法和题目意思,因此只有c.与前一句的He actually has to walk on them 的含义相符合.11. ba. watched (观看);b. stared at (盯着看);c. glanced at (看一下) 和d. had a glimpse of (暼了一眼)4个选择中只有b. stared at 与前一句中的 gazed at (盯着) 意义相同,所以选b.12. c只有c. not working (不工作) 同前一句中的in your spare time (空闲时)的含义相符,因此应该选c.其他3个选择都不对。Lesson 531. c根据课文第二行… they have been trying to find out how the fire began 可以判断出只有c. wanted to find out what had caused the fire 最能说明消防队员仔细查看地面的原因,其他3个选择都不够全面。2. d根据课文第10-12行A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires… When it I did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire 可以判断只有d. a snake which had been dropped on to the wires by a bird 与课文的实际内容相符,只有它是引起火灾的原因,其他3个选择都不符合课文的实际内容。3. a只有a. since最合乎题目意思和语法。因为本句是现在完成进行时,只有since引导的时间短语最适合于完成进行时态,表示“自从……以来”,所以应该选a.其他3个选择都不能引导合适的时间短语。4. c本句表示时间的词是often, 表示经常性的动作,因此应该用一般现在时。 a. is causing 是进行时,b. has caused 是完成时,d. is caused by 是现在时被动语态,而本句需要主动语态。 只有c. causes 是一般现在时,第3人称单数形式,本句的主语Broken glass 是单数,所以c.最符合语法,所以选c.5. ca. almost certain(几乎肯定), b. fairly certain(相当肯定),c. completely certain(完全肯定), d. nearly certain(几乎肯定)4个选择中只有c. 同前一句中的quite sure(十分确信)意义最接近,所以选c.6. c只有c. succeeded in solving it (成功解决了它)同前一句中的 was able to solve the mystery (解开了这个谜)的含义相同,所以c.是正确答案。 其他3个选择都与前一句意思不符。7. d只有d. on是对的,因为它后面的词是the ground,表示在地面上,只能用介词on.其他3个选择都不符合题目意思.The snake had been on the ground.这条蛇在地面上。 注意本句说的是在蛇被抓起之前,它在哪?它在地面上。8. ca. controlled it (控制了它);b. checked it (制止了它); c. extinguished it (扑灭了它);d. turned it off (关掉,关上它),只有c. extinguished it 与前面一句中的 put out the fire (把火扑灭) 意义相同,所以选c.9. d只有d. this morning 今天早上, 是正确的表达方式.其它3个选择都不符合习惯用法,都不是正确的表达方式.所以选d.10. aa. by chance (偶然),b. chancily (没有这个词);c. fortunately (幸运地) 和d. luckily (侥幸地,幸运地)这4个选择中只有a. by chance 同前一句中的accidentally (偶然地)意义相同,所以选a.11. c前一句的短语In this way 是"用这种方法",本句需要选一个同这一短语含义相符合的短语. a. That's so 就是如此 b. like this 像这样 d. so 因此, 这3个选择都不符合题目意思. 只有c. That's how(那就是....的方法)同In this way 的含义相符合,因为how 相当于the way in which ,所以选c.12. ca. taken(拿), b. pulled(拉,拖), c. seized(抓住)和d. carried(携带)4个选择中只有c. seized同前一句的snatched(抓住)意义相同,所以选c.Lesson 541. d根据课文第6-12行,只有d. at an inconvenient time (在不方便的时候)与课文的实际内容相符,其他3个选择都与课文的事实不符。2. b根据课文第6-12行,可以判断只有b. the writer was interrupted several times while making meat pies (当作者做肉馅时几次被打断)才是Everything got into a mass (一切都被搞乱了)的真正原因,其他3个选择都与故事中的情节不符。3. d只有d. 是对的。 该句的意思是“早餐是一天中的第一顿饭”这里的breakfast 是泛指的早餐。 而不是具体指某一顿早餐,因此前面不要加冠词。 所以a. the, b. A, c. This 都不对。4. b只有b. at 可以同本句中的home 连用构成固定短语,at home 表示在家,而其他3个介词都不能同home 连用,所以选b.5. d本句只有用最高级才能同前一句Nothing could have been more annoying (再没有比这更烦人的了) 的含义相同。 a. the more 不是最高级;b. more 只能用于比较级;c. most 前面缺少定冠词,不能表示最高级;只有d. the most 是最高级形式,最符合题目意思,所以选d.6. bHelen Bates (海伦?贝茨)是一个女人的名字,因为是以字母s结尾的,它的所有格形式就应该是在名字后面加一小撇’而无需再用-’s. 只有b. Bates’ 是正确的所有格形式,其他3个都不对。所以选b.7. a只有a. when 可以同这一句中的hardly 连用,表示“刚刚……就”,所以选a. 其他3个选择都不能同when 搭配。8. da. joining them(连接它们,加入他们的行列); b. uniting them(联合统一他们) c. unifying them(统一他们) d. putting them together(把它们放到一起). 只有d.能够解释说明前一句中的mixing butter and flour(调拌黄油和面粉),其他3个选择意思都不够贴切,所以选d.9. ca. ink (墨水);b. water (水);c. glue (胶水);d. flour (面粉)这4个词中只有c. glue 同这一句中的pastry (面糊)性质相像,它们都是粘的,所以选c.10. ba. pity (遗憾的事,可惜的事), b. sorry (难过的,惋惜的);c. ill (有病的);d. tired (疲劳的,累的)这4个词中只有b. sorry 同前一句中的dismayed (失望的,灰心的)含义最接近,所以选b.11. d前一句She hung up the receiver 意思为“她挂上了话筒”,本句需要选出同前一句意思相同的短语。a. let it hang (让它挂);b. didn’t put it back (没有把它放回去);c. held it (举着它,拿着它) 和d. put it back in its place ( 把它放回原处)4个选择中只有d.同前一句意思相符,所以选d.12. d该句是现在完成时,缺少合适的过去分词。 a. hanged 是hang(吊死)的过去式和过去分词; b. hang 是原形动词,不合乎语法; c. hanging 是现在分词,不能用于完成时态; d. hung 是hang(悬挂,挂起)的过去式和过去分词,只有d.最合乎题目意思和语法,所以选d.

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新概念英语2选择题答案:Lesson 1: bcbdc adbac ccLesson 2: cdcca bbadc dbLesson 3: cacac bccba bbLesson 4: dbabb acbca ccLesson 5: cadbc dabcb bdLesson 6: dacdd adaba daLesson 7: bccda cdacb abLesson 8: dbbac cbbad bbLesson 9: cbdaa bbdbb dcLesson 10: addcb cacac caLesson 11: bbbab ccacc bdLesson 12: ccadd adacd aaLesson : 13 bdbca bbcaa adLesson 14: bcacd bcbcb bbLesson 15: dbcbc dadcc cbLesson 16: aadab adadd daLesson 17: dbbdc cbaac adLesson18 : Bdbdb cdcac cbLesson 19: Adccd bcbca ccLesson 20: Bcbbc bcacc daLesson 21 : cdcda cbbad ccLesson 22: dbddb dacda bbLesson 23: aaacc addbb adLesson 24: baaca acccb abLesson 25: cbbab cdbaa daLesson 26: adcbc ddabd bdLesson 27: dcddd baddc ccLesson 28: cdbbc dbdcd baLesson 29: bccbd babbb cbLesson 30: aadab cccda ddLesson 31: dbaca adabc acLesson 32: cccbb cadad bcLesson 33: dbdac bbccc acLesson 34: dabca dcbcb caLesson 35: adadd adaba ddLesson 36: addcd ccbad ccLesson 37: cbbbb dacdb baLesson 38: bcaac bddba ddLesson 39: dacdd abacc abLesson 40: ccbca acbbb bdLesson 41: aacdc bbada cbLesson 42: dddbb cddac daLesson 43: bbaad daccd acLesson 44: cbccc bdaba bdLesson 45: bdabb dcbcb dbLesson 46: acdda cbcad caLesson 47: dabad aaddc acLesson 48: cbcba cbbda bcLesson 49: dabab ccacc aaLesson 50: dbacc aadbb cdLesson 51: bcddd adcad dbLesson 52: bccab dcbac bdLesson 53: cdacc cdcda ccLesson 54: dbdbd badcb ddLesson 55: aabda acabd abLesson 56: cacca cabbc ccLesson 57: abbbb dcdcb daLesson 58: bdaac bdcad bdLesson 59: dbddd abada abLesson 60: bacbc babac adLesson 61: bacca dcabb ddLesson 62: addcd ccbda dbLesson 63: dbaab ddacd caLesson 64: ccccb bccab bbLesson 65: adbbc aadcc bdLesson 66: cbaad aabab baLesson 67: daddd dbbad ddLesson 68: bbcdb bbccc aaLesson 69: abcbb ddaab cdLesson 70: dbccd bcacd dcLesson 71: bdbbc cdbbc baLesson 72: acadb accdb adLesson 73: cadac dadaa dbLesson 74: baccd cacbc abLesson 75: cabdb abbdd ccLesson 76: dbdaa bbacb ddLesson 77: acabc dddaa baLesson 78: acbbc acbab caLesson 79: bdcca dbada acLesson 80: cbdad cadcc dbLesson 81: daadb bdcbd bdLesson 82: abadc cdaac bdLesson 83: bacca bcbcd abLesson 84: ccabd cccda cdLesson 85: ddbab abdbb dcLesson 86: bcabb bdcab bcLesson 87: cdcda ccada adLesson 88: cbbcc abbcc cbLesson 89: aadad dadbd dbLesson 90: bccca bcbad ddLesson 91: dbcbc dbbcb cbLesson 92: bcdcb abbad caLesson 93: cdbac ccdcb dbLesson 94: abcba dacda bcLesson 95: dabad cdcac dcLesson 96: dccba dcdab cb 新概念英语第二册第二单元课后练习的答案 Lesson 25 2 1.Both my sister and I went shopping. 2.We not only got very tired but very hungry as well. 3.It was three o\'clock and we could not get lunch so we had a cup of tea. 3 1c 2b 3b 4a 5b 6c 7d 8b 9a 10a 11d 12a Lesson 26 1 B believe...are joking...don\'t know...know...believe...forget...looked...are u trying... believe...think...do u live...don\'t know 2 \'Look!\'she said,\'isn\'t that man drunk?\' \'I think we should cross the road,\'answered her husband. \'It\'s too late now,\'she replied. \'Eh,you two.Look where you\'re going,\'called the drunk . \'Can\'t u walk in a straight line?\' 3 1a 2d 3c 4b 5c 6d 7d 8a 9b 10d 11b 12d Lesson 27 2 1.put their toys away 2.put you up 3.put my shoes on 4.put down 5.putting out 6.put up 7.put off 8.put up with 3 1d 2c 3d 4d 5d 6b 7a 8d 9d 10c 11c 12c Lesson 28 1 A has just bought(1.2);has had(1.3);has parked(1.4);has not been able(1.5);has put up(1.6); have not had(1.7);has put(1.8);have ever seen(1.9);has been turned(1.10) 2 2.who/that 3.whose 4.which 5.that/which 3 1c 2d 3b 4b 5c 6d 7b 8d 9c 10d 11b 12a Lesson 29 1 A What happened:flew(1.6);landed(1.8);landed(1.9);wanted(1.10);did not take(1.11) What has happened:has bought(1.1);has begun(1.1);has flown(11.7-8);has just refused(11.9-10) 2 1.bring 2.fetch 3.refused 4.deny 5.Very 3 1b 2c 3c 4b 5d 6b 7a 8b 9b 10b 11c 12b Lesson 30 1 D 1.Refrigerators are necessary in hot countries. 2.Which river is the longest,the Nile,the Amazon,or the Mississippi? 3.Heyerdahl crossed the Pacific on a raft. 4.Why is Britain sometimes called the United Kingdom? 5.We sailed up the Red Sea and then went through the Suez Canal. 2 1a 2a 3d 4a 5b 6c 7c 8c 9d 10a 11d 12d Lesson 31 2 1.experienced 2.jobs 3.job 4.save 3 1d 2b 3a 4c 5a 6a 7d 8a 9b 10c 11a 12c Lesson 32 2 One day...a postcard...an excursion...one thing...a fax...a form...a fax of one word... 3 1c 2c 3c 4b 5b 6c 7a 8d 9a 10d 11b 12c Lesson 33 1 A 1.The girl set out from the coast. 2.She jumped into the sea. 3.She seam to the shore. B 1.to 2.from/out of 3.(up)to 4.for/from 5.from...to/to...from 6.at 7.to 8.from C (sample answers) 1.A bird flew into the room. 2.The parachutist jumped from the aeroplane. 3.The child pointed at the fat lady. 4.Put the milk in the refrigerator. 2 1.the other day 2.passed 3.next 4.past 3 1d 2b 3d 4a 5c 6b 7b 8c 9c 10c 11a 12c Lesson 34 2 1.on 2.off 3.out 4.at 3 1d 2a 3b 4c 5a 6d 7c 8b 9c 10b 11c 12a Lesson 35 1 C 1.mean...Do u understand 2.used to smoke...dose not smoke 3.was completed 4.have not seen 5.dropped...was crossing 2 1.so 2.such as 3.so 4.such 5.so 6.such a 7.such an 3 1a 2d 3a 4d 5d 6a 7d 8a 9b 10a 11d 12d Lesson 36 1 C 1.We are going to leave at six o\'clock. 2.I am going to pay these bills tomorrow. 3.Are you going to write to him? 4.She is not going to look for a new job. 5.When are you going to buy a new car? 2 1.firm 2.watched 3.look at 4.aolid/firm 5.firm 3 1a 2d 3d 4c 5d 6c 7c 8b 9a 10d 11c 12c Lesson 37 2 1.holding...looking forward to 2.look out 3.look...up 4.is holding 5.look...up 6.held...looking forward to 3 1c 2b 3b 4b 5b 6d 7a 8c 9d 10b 11b 12c Lesson 38 2 A 1.I had no sooner left the house than it began to rain. 2.We had no sooner hung the picture on the wall than it fell down. B 1.continuously 2.continually 3.country 3 1b 2c 3a 4a 5c 6b 7d 8d 9b 10a 11d 12d Lesson 39 1d 2a 3c 4d 5d 6a 7b 8a 9c 10c 11a 12b Lesson 40 1 1.were 2.tries 3.will burn 4.would have to 5.lost 6.do not apologize 7.were 8.won 9.would not be 10.could 2 1.made...to 2.does...makes 3.doing...making 4.made...did 3 1c 2c 3b 4c 5a 6a 7c 8b 9b 10b 11b 12d Lesson 41 1 C 1.mustn\'t 2.mustn\'t 3.needn\'t 4.needn\'t 5.mustn\'t 2 1.remarked 2.noticed 3.remarks 4.notice 3 1a 2a 3c 4d 5c 6b 7b 8a 9d 10a 11c 12b Lesson 42 1 A 1.had had a long walk(1.1) 2.have a rest(1.2) 3.to have a look(1.4) 4.had our first glimpse(1.6) B 1.had a ride 2.was having a look 3.had a wash 4.had am 5.had a fight 6.have had a quarrel 7.had another try 8.having a rest 9.have a smoke 10.have a good sleep 2 1.pick it up 2.pick up 3.pick out 4.pick up 3 1d 2d 3d 4b 5b 6c 7d 8d 9a 10c 11d 12a Lesson 43 1 A were able to take(1.3);could...get over(1.6);was then able to rise(1.8); would be able to reach(1.9);was able to fly(1.10) 2 1.at last 2.at home 3.at once 4.at the moment 5.at times 6.was at a loss 7.At first 3 1b 2b 3a 4a 5d 6d 7a 8c 9c 10d 11a 12c Lesson 44 1 A tried to steal(1.4);started running(1.5);continued to run(1.7);needs mending(1.10) B 1.to see 2.working 3.ironing 4.to leave 5.to argue/arguing 6.to come 7.seeing 8.knocking 9.waiting 10.to rain/raining 11.working 12.taking 2 1.(sample sentences) In the last minutes orf the race,Jim caught up with the leader and passed him. 2.The famer shouted at the children and they ran way. 3 1c 2b 3c 4c 5c 6b 7d 8a 9b 10a 11b 12d Lesson 45 1 A had been lost(11.1-2);must have been found(11.3-4);was not returned(1.4); had been wrapped(1.6);was sent(1.9);was paid back(1.10) C 1.A meal has been prepared for you. 2.The book will be translated into English. 3.A telegram must be sent to him. 4.The fire had been put out before the fire brigade arrived. 5.The cat was given some milk to drink. 2 1.back 2.robbed...stole 3.back 4.stole 5.robbed 3 1b 2d 3a 4b 5b 6d 7c 8b 9c 10b 11d 12b Lesson 46 1 A arrived at Sydney(1.1);could account for the fact(1.3);accurred to one(1.4); was astonished at what(1.5);was so surprised at being(11.6-7); had been confined to the wooden box(1.9); B 1.with 2.to...for 3.with 4.for 5.to 6.at 7.to 8.to 9.for 10.to...at 11.at 12.with 13.with 14.to...for 15.for 16.for 17.with 18.for 19.at 20.with 21.to 22.with 23.at 24.to 25.with...to 26.to...with 27.for 28.to...to 29.for 30.to 31.for 32.to 33.to...with 34.for 35.to 36.to 37.at 38.at 39.with 40.for 2 1a 2c 3d 4d 5a 6c 7b 8c 9a 10d 11c 12a Lesson 47 1 C 1.will have finished 2.broke 3.were 4.could D 1.mustn\'t 2.needn\'t E 1.I asked George what those people were looking at. 2.George answered that he did not know.He thought a new road was being built and that it would be finished soon. 3.I told George that all those people were silly because they were looking into an empty hole. 4.George said that some piople enjoy/enjoyed watching others work. 5.Half an hour passed.George told me to hurry up as we had been there for half an hour. He added that there was nothing to see in an empty hole. 6.i answered that I didn\'t want to go yet because it was very interesting. 2 1d 2a 3b 4a 5d 6a 7a 8d 9d 10c 11a 12c Lesson 48 1 A 1.which 2.denied 3.fetched 4.too 5.jobs 6.One...a...who 7.past 8.next 9.watching 10.continually 11.remarked 12.robbed B (sample sentences) I\'m sorry to cause you such trouble. Have you ever seen such beartiful pictures before? It\'s such a nice day that we can\'t stay indoors! I\'m feeling so tired that I shall have to stop work. C 1.He had no sooner come home than they rang him up from the office. 2.The plane had no sooner taken off than it returned to the airport. D 1.made 2.do 3.make 4.do 5.Do 6.make 7.made 8.does E 1.ou 有好东西,大家分享!祝你成功!

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