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it is a matter of the wil

155 评论(8)




参考词汇:反映:reflect 负担:be burdened 考核:evaluation 考入:be admitted to

Recently ,our class has held a heated discussion about whether teachers’ evaluation should be connected with students’ grade. Different students have different opinions.

Some students are in favor of the idea. First of all, they think this kind of evaluation will encourage teachers to improve their teaching shills, with will help students get higher grades so that they can be admitted to key university .Beside, students’ grades reflect teachers’ qualities so teachers should be responsible for

students grades.

However, other students hold an opposite opinion. They think a good teacher not only helps students get high grades, but more importantly, they should help students develop good personalities. Besides, in order to get high grades, students are burned with more homework. Last but not least, it is students rather than teachers that decide whether they can achieve good grades.

As far as I am concerned, I support the idea.


1. 文章必须包含表中全部内容。

2. 词数为100左右。

3. 参考词汇:网友 online friends 上当受骗 to be cheated

Should students make friends on line? Different people have \ hold different opinions \ attitudes.

Some people are in favor of the idea. Chatting on line, students can not only make more friends but also express their feelings and opinions more freely. What’s more, they can get help with their foreign language studies.

However, each coin has two sides. Other people hold the opposite opinion. First

of all, they think making friends on line is a waste of time, which will have a bad effect on their study. What’s more, some students may get cheated on line.

As far as I am concerned, I am not in favor of the idea that students make friends on line. Students should place their study, health and safety before other things.


1. When asked about..., most people say... But many other people regard...as... I personally think...


2. When it comes to..., some people think that... Others argue that the opposite is true. There is probably some truth to both arguments, but...


3. It is widely acknowledged that...contributed to... Experts argue that China must introduce... But I doubt whether...alone will solve the problem。


4. An increasing number of people are joining... In reaction to the phenomenon, some say... But do they realize that...can also lead to...


5. One of the pressing problem facing our nation (China) today is...and...

我们国家(中国)如今面临的紧迫问题之一是...... 6. Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation today is... 也许当今困扰国家的最危险的现象是...... 7. Never before in history has the issue of...been more evident than now。 历史上,......的问题从来没有比现在更加突出。 8. Perhaps it is time to reexamine the idea that... 也许现在是应该重新考虑......的时候了。 9. A growing number of people are beginning to realize that...is not the sole prerequisite for happiness。


10. Years of observing human behavior has enabled me to conclude that the major difference between...and...lies solely with...


11. There has been undesirable trend in recent years towards... A recent survey showed that...percent of respondents ranked...as their top priority, compared to...percent only a few years ago. Why do people fail to realize that...?


12. I recently read a newspaper article on... The deplorable problem of...has aroused public concern nationwide。


13. Judging from the reams of evidence presented, we can safely conclude that... 根据现有的大量证据,我们可以有把握地得出这样的结论:......

14.Along with the development of..., more and more...


15.In the past few years, there has been a sharp growth/boom/decline in...


16.The ample evidence presented enables us to reasonably conclude that...


17.While the rhythm/pace/tempo of people’s living is speeding up, a lot of changes have taken place in...


18.With the fantastic spur both in industry and its economy in China, the number of...is on the rise


19.It is commonly believed that the rise in...is the inevitable result of economic development。


20.In recent years, China has experienced an alarming increase in...

218 评论(8)



Different people have different views on opportunity. Some people think that there are few opportunities in the world, while others argue that everybody will have some kind of opportunity along his life route.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion. For one thing, I firmly believe that opportunities are everywhere around us. No person will be unlucky enough to have no opportunities all the time, because “every dog has its day”. For another, since opportunities are transient, we have to make good preparations and improve ourselves. Just think of Newton, who discovered the Law of Gravity when many people had watched an apple falling ahead of them.

Taking all factors into consideration, we may safely come to the conclusion that there are quite a few opportunities in our society. Only if we get prepared can we seize the opportunities instead of letting them slip by, just as the old saying goes, “Opportunities are only for the prepared minds.”

Recently, it seems that among the students who choose to study abroad, there are more and more teenagers who study in high schools or even elementary schools. Many people, especially their parents, think that it will certainly do good to their children because the independent life will make them learn confidence and perseverance, Moreover, the quality of overseas education is often higher, thus the child stands a better chance of entering a better university and getting a better job in the future.

After careful consideration, I have to say that the above view is more than biased. On the one hand, early independent life is not necessarily good, if the child can not receive proper guidance and tender care from both teachers and parents. On the other hand, the educational quality is also a problem — too many foreign schools aim at earning money. When the children come back, who can guarantee that they can adapt to the fierce competition here?

We can see clearly that although teenagers’ study abroad may bring favorable results, there are still a lot to worry about. It seems necessary for the parents and the young students as well to make a thorough investigation before making a decision to study overseas.

People’s opinions are always different once they talk about job-hopping. Those who never change their jobs throughout their lives maintain that they have accumulated enough experience to work smoothly and efficiently, so what’s the point in changing to another job? They also firmly believe that anyone who wants to excel in his specialty has to work hard on the same post for years to acquire the required skill and knowledge.

Many people think otherwise. On the one hand, if the present job can offer neither satisfactory working conditions nor future opportunities, they will not hesitate a moment to leave. On the other hand, they hold that life is but once and job-hopping can provide rich and exciting experiences.

My own opinion is that job-hopping, in this fast-developing information era, has become more than common and acceptable. If we want to keep pace with the times, we have to change for the faster, the higher and the stronger. So life is a journey, we have nothing to regret so long as we put meaning into it.

The other day we had a heated discussion about whether it is necessary for parents to accompany students studying at schools. As for the question, there are two different opinions. Some students are for the idea that parents should accompany students studying. Because parents can do such housework as making delicious dinner and washing clothes for students, which in turn allow students to have more time to study and have a good rest.

On the contrary, some students go against the former viewpoint. In their opinion, parents quitting the job to accompany students will add economic pressure to family. Besides, students will be under mental stress. In addition, there is no chance to develop their independence. As far as I am concerned, I am for the latter viewpoint. In the long run, not only should students study well but also learn the ability to live independently. Only by living alone do students have the chance to grow up.

262 评论(9)


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