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Dear Andy

I am glad to learn that you are ing to China and will stay at my home. My parents and I are very pleased to have you with us. Now let me tell you what we have arranged for you. I know the school will organize a lot of things for you to do in the morning,but in the afternoon, I'll show you around and take you to some places of interest. We'll mostly stay at home in the evening watching TV,playing games,and meeting people. I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time and enjoy each other's pany.

I'm looking forward very much to meeting you soon.

Yours sincerely Li Hua


Dear Dick,

How nice to hear form you again. You want to know what is going on in schools in China?In short,things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce learning load. I don't know about others,but I used to have to work even at weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well. Now I have more free time. I can follow my own interests such as reading books,visiting museums and taking puter lessons. In the evenings I can watch news on TV or read newspapers. What's more,I can go to bed earlier.As far as I know ,everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things.

Best wishes, Li Hua


Dear Bonnie:

I will be away for a while. The key to the cottage is under the

doormat, and the food is in the refrigerator. After entering the house, lock the door from inside at once. The cottage is far away from the nearest town, and the area is not quite safe from burglars. So I think the saying is right “Where there is precaution, there is no danger”。

Have a nice stay here.





HereweareatthefootofMountTai.MountTaiisoneofthemostbeautifulplacesinChina.Italsoha *** anywonders.Wewillspendeighthourshere.It’.



Dear Mr Xu,

I hope you are well now. No one will love you any less if you do not wear such expensive clothes. You are such a clever boy and always work hard at study. I'm sure you will have a promising future. Sometimes some people judge a person by the clothes be wears,but time will soon prove they are wrong. Knowledge is beauty.It lasts longer and seems mush nicer than the clothes one wears. Who cares what Albert Einstein and

Marie Curie were wearing when they won Nobel Prize?In my opinion,ciothes are pair of life,not all. Please don't think too much of it,will you?

All the best! Yours ever Huang Ping


Dear Steve,

I'm so pleased to learn that you and your clas *** ates are learning Chinese. I'd like to remend the following two dictionaries. The English-Chinese/Chinese-English Dictionary is really a good one for beginners,It has 18 000 English words and 20 000 Chinese words. Besides plenty of examples,it has many notes telling you how to use a word,Xinhua Dictionary is the most popular Chinese dictionary,and it has a vocabulary of 10 000 words. It may also be useful to some advanced learners of Chinese. Of the two,ECCED is the more expensive,costing 52 yuan,and XD costs 11yuan. Plesse let me know if you want me to buy these dictionaries.

Yours, Li Yue


Dear Paul,

I am so glad that you are planning to take a summer course in China. Our university runs summer Chinese language courses at three levels,form beginning to advanced,All the courses start in early July. Lessons will be given in *** all of no more than ten students. You will get a lot of practice in such a class. All classes are taught by teachers with rich experience in teaching foreign students. Classes meet four hours a day,five days w week-Monday though Friday. If you decide to e or need any further rmation,do let me know.

Yours, Li Hua


Should Men and Women Be Equal?? People have different ideas about this issue,Some people say that men are superior to women in ability because men are physically stronger,do most of the hard labor in the world and hold most important positions. Other people believe that

women have the ability to pete with men. There have been many famous women state leaders and great scientists in the world. We should fully carry out the principle “to each according to his work” so that the enthusia *** of both men and women for work can be fully aroused.

133 评论(10)




1. 想法。


2. 思路。



3. 写作。



1. 基本的语法。


2. 高级句型。



1. 阅读范文。



2. 背单词。



198 评论(12)


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