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雅思大作文教育类写作模板 教育类是雅思大作文写作当中最为主要的一个类型,所以大家在备考自己的雅思大作文写作的时候,一定会准备和教育类相关的话题。下面就为大家搜集整理了关于教育类的雅思大作文写作模板,希望对大家有所帮助。 1) Many people believe that the main aim for university education is to help graduates to find better jobs, while some people believe that university education has wider benefits for individuals and society. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 开头写四段 大学教育好处:我觉得有wider benefits 个人:提高个人知识水平和道德标准,为了今后步入社会训练一些生活技能等。 社会:促进社会的发展,教育水平的提升会让社会有更好的发展,公众道德的提升降低犯罪率。 让步:确实找工作是大学教育的目标之一,但是它不是全部。 总结 2) The government thinks that education system should be up to date. The following are a list of the subjects taught in school. Which two do you think are the most important subjects and which one is the least important to young people? literature sports mathematics economic physics music psychology history geography foreign languages 物理和数学 开头 最为重要的:物理,数学:是各个学科的基础,提高人的思维能力和对世界的认知 最不重要: 文学和音乐: 只有极少数人从事有关工作不是每个人都需要的,真正要学好文学和音乐的人学要一定的天赋和热爱的。而大多数的人对于音乐和文学的态度是作为一种消遣。所以不需要太多的力气去学习。 让步:当然学和重要没有很清晰的评判标准,但是认为数学和物理比较重要还是一种最为理性的选择。 3) Some people argue that teaching children of different abilities together benefits all of them. Others believe that intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment. Discuss both views and how do you think about it? 开头:同意一起第一:如果在一个班级是有不同能力的学生组成的一个团体,这样的话会让这些学生之间相互促进, 如果分开的话可能会让那些能力稍微差一些的学生有被歧视的感觉加重心理负担导致学的更差, 让那些能力好的学生有一种不应该有的优越感。第二:就社会而言,整个社会也是有不同能力的人组成的包括公司和社区,如果在一个有比你能力高和比你能力低的人之间保持一个平衡的心态和正式自己的能力这是以后社会生活需要的,因为社会是这样的所以应该从小让孩子在这样的环境中成长。让步:承认对于一些有特殊才能的学生应该区别对待比如说在某个学科。但是这种区别对待也不能完全将其与其他学生隔离。结尾:观点。否则学生可能导致畸形的心理状态。4) Some people think teachers have a greater influence than parents on the development of a child’s intelligence and social skills. Do you agree or disagree?开头:家长影响大第一段:家长跟孩子在一起的时候比较久,有更多的机会去影响小孩子。人的性格的形成可能是在最初的那里年,而在最初的那几年当中对老师的接触比较少。家长除了在言行上对小孩产生影响,还可以根据自己的生活态度和思维方式给小孩创造一个成长的环境。而一个老师通常面对几十个学生,没有那么多精力去照顾每一个学生的成长。第二段:家长比老师对于学生的教育方式更加多样,因为家长有各种惩罚方式,而老师在教育和影响学生的有许多限制。老师能够影响学生的智力无非就是在课上提供更多的知识,而家长除了自己教,还可以给学生在这方面进行更多的投资。家长更加深入。诚然,学生的成长是在老师和家长的共同影响下进行,但是家长占据了绝大部分。

300 评论(8)


雅思大作文教育类写作模板 教育类是雅思大作文写作当中最为主要的一个类型,所以大家在备考自己的雅思大作文写作的时候,一定会准备和教育类相关的话题。下面就为大家搜集整理了关于教育类的雅思大作文写作模板,希望对大家有所帮助。1) Many people believe that the main aim for university education is to help graduates to find better jobs, while some people believe that university education has wider benefits for individuals and society. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 开头写四段大学教育好处:我觉得有wider benefits个人:提高个人知识水平和道德标准,为了今后步入社会训练一些生活技能等。 社会:促进社会的发展,教育水平的提升会让社会有更好的发展,公众道德的提升降低犯罪率。让步:确实找工作是大学教育的目标之一,但是它不是全部。 总结2) The government thinks that education system should be up to date. The following are a list of the subjects taught in school. Which two do you think are the most important subjects and which one is the least important to young people? literature sports mathematics economic physics music psychology historygeography foreign languages 物理和数学 开头最为重要的:物理,数学:是各个学科的基础,提高人的思维能力和对世界的认知 最不重要: 文学和音乐: 只有极少数人从事有关工作不是每个人都需要的,真正要学好文学和音乐的人学要一定的天赋和热爱的。而大多数的人对于音乐和文学的态度是作为一种消遣。所以不需要太多的力气去学习。让步:当然学和重要没有很清晰的评判标准,但是认为数学和物理比较重要还是一种最为理性的选择。3) Some people argue that teaching children of different abilities together benefits all of them. Others believe that intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment. Discuss both views and how do you think about it? 开头:同意一起第一:如果在一个班级是有不同能力的学生组成的一个团体,这样的话会让这些学生之间相互促进,如果分开的话可能会让那些能力稍微差一些的学生有被歧视的感觉加重心理负担导致学的更差,让那些能力好的学生有一种不应该有的优越感。第二:就社会而言,整个社会也是有不同能力的人组成的包括公司和社区,如果在一个有比你能力高和比你能力低的人之间保持一个平衡的心态和正式自己的能力这是以后社会生活需要的,因为社会是这样的所以应该从小让孩子在这样的环境中成长。让步:承认对于一些有特殊才能的学生应该区别对待比如说在某个学科。但是这种区别对待也不能完全将其与其他学生隔离。结尾:观点。否则学生可能导致畸形的心理状态。4) Some people think teachers have a greater influence than parents on the development of a child’s intelligence and social skills. Do you agree or disagree?开头:家长影响大第一段:家长跟孩子在一起的时候比较久,有更多的机会去影响小孩子。人的性格的形成可能是在最初的那里年,而在最初的那几年当中对老师的接触比较少。家长除了在言行上对小孩产生影响,还可以根据自己的生活态度和思维方式给小孩创造一个成长的环境。而一个老师通常面对几十个学生,没有那么多精力去照顾每一个学生的成长。第二段:家长比老师对于学生的教育方式更加多样,因为家长有各种惩罚方式,而老师在教育和影响学生的有许多限制。老师能够影响学生的智力无非就是在课上提供更多的知识,而家长除了自己教,还可以给学生在这方面进行更多的投资。家长更加深入。诚然,学生的成长是在老师和家长的共同影响下进行,但是家长占据了绝大部分。

229 评论(13)


雅思大作文备考,主要是掌握写作的技巧和策略,针对性的弥补自己的写作短板,这样才能有效的提升成绩,那么接下来就和的我来看看如何写雅思大作文?雅思大作文写作一共有两种类型,第一种为Argumentation, 第二种为Report。 Argumentation:1.给出一种观点-------Do you agree or disagree? Nowadays computer are widely used in education. As a result, some people think teachers no longer play important roles in classrooms. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2. 给出两种对立的观点-------Discuss both views and give your own opinions. Some people argue that there are no basic differences between the way men and women approach academic study. Others insist that there are big differences in areas such as organization, attitude and ambition. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 3.分析优缺点-------Do you think the advantages/ benefits outweigh its disadvantages/ problems? Some people agree to adopt a new language (Such as English) that can be used by people all of the world for international communication. Do you think the benefits of this would outweigh the problems? Report:给出一种现象 1.Why? 2.Result? 3.Solution? 1,2或1,3 1, 2) Nowadays, people always throw the old things away when they buy new things; whereas in the past, old things were repaired and used again. What factors cause this phenomenon? What effects the phenomenon leads to? 1, 3) Many species of plants and animals are dying out. What are the causes of this trend? How can we prevent it? 说完类型,我们在来说说写作。首先看到一个写作题目,要对其进行分析,以确保其写作方向。千万不要写跑题了,或者背离文章的主题思想。这是雅思写作的第一步。 例 如:Some parents in the United Kingdom decide not to have a television intheir home. They believe that, by doing this, their children will spend theleisure time more creatively. To what extent do you agree or disagree with thisdecision? 当遇到这样一个题目的时候,我们应该先分析,然后确定自己的写作方向,是agree,disagree还是要二者兼顾。通常就是从这三方面来写,而不要把重点放到其他的地方。一般来说,雅思文章的结构通常就是:第一段:现象句+考题改写+本人立场,第二段:论证一(topic sentence +支持句),第三段: 论证 二(topic sentence +支持句) 第四段: 论证三(topic sentence +支持句), 第五段:总结段。这种写法与以前我们传统的议论文的写法几乎相同。在论证的过程中要做到论证的有理有据,内容要有深度,而非浅显的毫无说服力的文字。这是文章得高分得关键之一。 例如这样一句话,说出来就没有任何意义:I like Hollywood movies because I like them.相反,如果换个说法:I like Hollywood movies because its comedies attract me most. 这样说出来才有意义。通常在写文章得时候可以把考生分成两类,一类是遇到了一篇自己很熟悉的题目,写起来便滔滔不绝了,一发而不可收,控制不了自己.另一类则是无话可说,该说的话没的有说出来。我们不妨把作文的要求量化到每一个段落:一篇200词左右的作文一般不会超过15句话,把这15句话根据题目要求分配到各段中去,每一段大概只说那么几句话,绝不多说。事实上往往是说得越多,错误越多。因此,跟着提纲走,每一段不要写得太多,点到为止,见好就收,这才是最稳妥的对策。考生在平时的练习中可以训练自己快速列出提纲得能力,这是一个事半功倍得好方法,不仅可以帮你整理自己得写作思路,还可以训练你的快速反映能力。最主要的是提纲可以帮你清晰的把握文章的脉络,对于写作分数的提高很有帮助。 在雅思写作中语言和句式的巧妙运用也可以为文章增色不少。 在写作时用简单的语言把复杂的意思表达出来可谓是伟大之举。对于一个一时找不着词的概念,应该用一种迂回曲折的方式把意思表达清楚。或用一个短语,或用一个从句,或三言两语,只要没出什么语言错误。雅思写作中有三个捷径,可以使文章更容易获得高分。他们是:倒装句,插入语,强调句。如果文章中出现几处这样的句子,相信考官对你的写作水平是会另眼相看的。要是文章看上去更加活泼,单一的陈述句是不够的,可以适当的穿插一些“修辞问句”,这样的文章看上去会更加灵动。 例如:Firstly, in order to know itself better, a country needs to remember thepast. “Why we have these traditions? Why our culture and lifestyle are differentfrom other countries?” Those questions about us can only be answered by thehistory of the country. In addition, from the past, we can also learn lots ofthings. As old person always says “the past just like a mirror which can help usdo better in the future”. Indeed, from the failures and successes in the past,we can seek reasons, thus can avoid making similar mistakes. 句子 “Why we have these traditions? Why our culture and lifestyle aredifferent from other countries?”放在这一段落中是不是看上去更加活泼了。 最后在给大家带来一片大作文范文供大家欣赏: 题目:Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages? 范文:It is quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from studying after graduating from high school. This trend is not restricted to rich students who have the money to travel, but is also evident among poorer students who choose to work and become economically independent for a period of time. The reasons for this trend may involve the recognition that a young adult who passes directly from school to university is rather restricted in terms of general knowledge and experience of the world. By contrast, those who have spent some time earning a living or traveling to other places, have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw on. They tend to be more independent, which is a very important factor in academic study and research, as well as giving them an advantage in terms of coping with the challenges of student life. However, there are certainly dangers in taking time off at that important age. Young adults may end up never returning to their studies or finding it difficult to readapt to an academic environment. They may think that it is better to continue in a particular job, or to do something completely different from a university course. But overall, I think this is less likely today, when academicqualifications are essential for getting a reasonable career. My view is that young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons. That is the best way for them to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives and why. Students with such a perspective are usually the most effective and motivated ones and taking a year off may be the best way to gain this.

101 评论(15)


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    你好 雅思考试是这个星球上公认的最能考查到考生真实英语水平的考试。烤鸭的血泪史一次又一次地证明:单凭考前十几二十天考试技巧的突击培训是很难在分数上实现一个大的突

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