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The rules in the museumWhile you are visiting the museum, please help us look after our common heritage.Works of art are unique, valuable objects that we must preserve for future generations.Your collaboration is requested so that all our Visitors can enjoy the Museum to the full and exhibition hall supervisors can do their jobs properly.Please observe the following rules:Works of art are fragile and can be easily damaged. Please do not touch them.Intellectual property and reproduction rights limit the free circulation of images of the works of art. Taking photographs and filming are not permitted inside the Museum.T o avoid bothering others, the use of mobile phones is not permitted inside exhibition halls.Guide-dogs accompanying the visually-impaired will be allowed entrance to the museum. The entrance of any other animal, however, is strictly prohibited.T he Museum has a Cafeteria where visitors can take a break and eat and drink. Please do not take food and drink into the exhibition halls. Likewise, we would remind you that smoking is strictly forbidden by law inside the Museum.For your convenience, the Museum provides a Wardrobe and Left Luggage Service where visitors can leave umbrellas, back-packs, bags and packages. For security reasons, umbrellas, packages and bags larger than 40 x 40 cms are not allowed into the museum.Children are very welcome. Please keep them close by, however, and make sure they behave themselves properly.Organised groups of more than fifteen people must designate one person as being responsible for the group in order to make things simpler for other visitors.Thank you.编辑于 2014-10-23提交成功!感谢你的认可,不表个态再走吗?评论2022考博英语怎么复习30分!对话短立,快带作答!值得一看的考博英语相关信息推荐考博英语怎么复习是重点,华慧考博“2022年医学考博英语VIP通关班”助您顺利通过!医学考博高分班,签速成,1对1专家辅导,医学考博英语怎么复习就在华慧b2cedu.com广告【4-18岁】提高记忆力的小技巧,记得快,记得多,记得准!值得一看的记忆力相关信息推荐【4-18岁】记忆力训练课,记忆是学习的基础,记忆力飞跃训练,3个月提升记忆力6倍,让孩子记得快,记得多,记得准,现推出0元体验课,快来免费体验吧!jy.gujygs.cn广告更多专家The rules in the museum 英语作文专家1对1在线解答问题5分钟内响应 | 万名专业答主马上提问最美的花火 咨询一个教育问题,并发表了好评lanqiuwangzi 咨询一个教育问题,并发表了好评garlic 咨询一个教育问题,并发表了好评188****8493 咨询一个教育问题,并发表了好评篮球大图 咨询一个教育问题,并发表了好评动物乐园 咨询一个教育问题,并发表了好评AKA 咨询一个教育问题,并发表了好评评论详情— 你看完啦,以下内容更有趣 —购物-京东大牌汇聚,质量保证,好评点满,点进来选购购物-京东价格真实,经久耐用,专业质造,功能更全,一站式服务更贴心!「京东」品类全,折扣狠,送货快,省事又省心,享受愉快购物就在「JD.com」!广告2021-11-23Rulers in the museum. 英语作文70词初中作文谢谢 Rules in the museum. 英语作文: Museum is a very important place to show all collections to public. Therefore, we must obey the rules in museum. 1) To queue to enter the gate. 2) Talk in low voice. 3) No smoking anywhere, and go to cafe house to drink and eat. 4) Don’t touch any displaying items.1,008浏览2020-01-04英语作文school rulesThere are many school rule5赞·14,799浏览A trip to the Space Museum 不少于60词的英语作文I visited a famous museum with several of my classmates another day.in the museum,i saw many valuable historical items rediscovered by archiologists.what i am most insterested in is ancient sword made of brass.its handle looks like a dragon.archiologists estimated that it probably belonged to a king of the ancient times.looking at those ancient items,i felt i were traveling in ancient times after going through the time-spacial tunnel.37赞·578浏览2017-07-07The rules in the museum ... — 找答案,就来「问一问」6250位专家解答5分钟内响应 | 万名专业答主my favourite museum 英语作文写作思路:根据题目要求,以我最喜欢的博物馆作为主题,比如以航空博物馆为例子,可以写明博物馆里面的特色,最后总结参观博物馆,学习到了什么,正文: My favorite museum is the Aviation Museum. 我最喜欢的博物馆就是航空博物馆。 Because I have been to the Aviation Museum once, the scene that caught my eye most is the real big planes hanging from each other, and then going inside, there are all kinds of planes inside, including fighter planes, passenger planes and reconnaissance planes. 因为我去过一次航空博物馆,最映入我眼帘的一幕是一架架悬挂着的真实的大飞机,再往里走,里面的飞机各种各样,有战斗机、有客机、有侦察机。 What impressed me most was the astronauts who went forward bravely. They want to exercise and eat in weightlessness, in order to hold their own lives. How brave and noble they are in our hearts. 让我印象最深的是那一个个勇往直前的航天员。他们要在失重的状态下运动吃饭,来为持自已的生命,他们在我们的心中是多么的勇敢、多么的高尚。 On this day, I learned a lot about aviation. I want to study hard and be a brave and strong person like an astronaut. 这一天,使我学到了无比多的航空知识,我要好好学习像宇航员一样做一个勇敢、坚强的人。4赞·6,690浏览2021-06-24英语作文《the military museum of china》80字The Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution, or China People's Revolution Military Museum is a museum located in Beijing, China immediately west of central Beijing in the Haidian District. It displays restored military equipment from the history of the People's Liberation Army, up to and including modern-day machinery. 在中国人民革命军事博物馆、中国人民革命军事博物馆位于北京西北京中部,中国立即在海淀区。它显示恢复军事装备从人民解放军的历史,包括到现代的机械。 The museum's four floors include ten halls, the largest of which is the Hall of Weapons. The Hall's extensive holdings of antiquated weaponry showcase domestic and foreign weapons, including blades, small arms, artillery, tanks, armored personnel carriers, anti-air weaponry, jet fighters, rockets and rocket launchers, and cruise missiles. In addition, the weapons hall displays equipment from China's space program, satellites and an orbital capsule with two seats. 该博物馆的四层包括十个大厅,其中最大的是武器厅。大厅的广泛持有的过时的武器展示国内外武器,包括叶片、小型武器、火炮、坦克、装甲运兵车、防空武器、喷气式战斗机、火箭和火箭发射器,以及巡航导弹。此外,武器厅显示设备从中国的太空计划,卫星和一个有两个座椅轨道舱。 With two exceptions, other halls are largely historical exhibits, combining plaster sculptures, maps and paintings, historical relics, movies, and plaques with text. The other nine halls include the Hall of the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the Hall of the War to Resist Japanese Aggression, Hall of the War of Liberation of China, Hall of Ancient Wars, Hall of Modern Wa

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211 评论(9)


As a new Chinese students, I am very proud of my motherland. Our country is very rich, strong and prosperous. Since 1949, our country's military began to develop rapidly. We create their own weapons, like the type 54 pistol, 56 semi automatic rifle, submachine gun type 56 and type 59 tanks, all is the crystallization of our efforts. Our people live and work in peace, the rapiddevelopment of our motherland, I will serve the motherland in the future.

192 评论(14)


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