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全部题目用英文作答,请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上 PART ONE (40 POINTS)I. Multiple Choice(40 points in all, 1 for each)Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Mark your choice and write the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.1. All of Charles Dickens’ works, with the exception of _________, present a criticism of the more complicated and yet most fundamental social institutions and morals of the Victorian England.A. Bleak House B. Hard TimesC. Great ExpectationsD. A Tale of Two Cities2. From ____________ on, the tragic sense becomes the keynote of Thomas Hardy’s novels, the conflict between the traditional and the moden is brought to the center of the stage.A. The Return of the NativeB. The Mayor of CasterbridgeC. Tess of the D’UrbervillesD. Jude the Obscure3. George Bernard Shaw’s play ____________ shows his almost nihilistic bitterness on the subjects of the cruelty and madness of World War I and the aimlessness and disillusion of the young.A. Getting Married B. Too True to Be GoodC. Widowers’ HousesD. The Apple Cart4. It was only after the publication of ____________ that D.H. Lawrence was recognized as aprominent novelist.A. The Trespasser B. The White PeacockC. Sons and Lovers D. The Rainbow5. T. S. Eliot’s poem ____________ is heavily indebted to James Joyce in terms of the stream- of -consciousness technique, also a prelude to The Waste Land.A. “Prufrock” B. “Gerontion”C. The Hollow Men D. Lyrical Ballads6. Charlotte Brontё’s ____________ is noted for its sharp criticism of the existing society, e. g. the religious hypocrisy of charity institutions.A. The Professor B. Wuthering HeightsC. Villette D. Jane Eyre7. Shelley’s greatest achievement is his four - act poetic drama ____________ , which is an ex- ultant work in praise of humankind’s potential.A. Adonais B. Queen MabC. Prometheus Unbound D. Kubla Khan8. Among the Romantic poets ____________ is regarded as a “worshipper of nature”.A. William Blake B. William WordsworthC. George Gordon Byron D. John Keats9. The most perfect example of the verse drama after Greek style in English is John Milton’s ____________.A. Paradise Lost B. Paradise RegainedC. Samson AgonistesD. Areopagitica10. The major theme of Jane Austen’s novels is____________.A. love and money B. money and social statusC. social status and marriage D. love and marriage11. T. S. Eliot’s most important single poem ____________ has been hailed as a landmark and a model of the 20th-century English poetry.A. The Hollow Men B. The Waste LandC. Murder in the CathedralD. Ash Wednesday12. According to the subjects, William Wordsworth’s short poems can be classified into two groups, poems about____________.A. nature and human life B. happiness and childhoodC. symbolism and imagination D. nature and commonlife13. Among the following writers ____________ is considered to be the best -known English dramatist since Shakespeare.A. Oscar Wilde B. John GalsworthyC. W. B. Yeats D. George Bernard Shaw14. William Blake’s ____________ composed during the climax of the French Revolution playsthe double role both as a satire and a revolutionary prophecy.A. The Book of Urizen B. The Book of LosC. Poetical Sketches D. Marriage of Heaven and Hell15. Charles Dickens’ works are characterized by a mingling of ____________ and pathos.A. metaphor B. passionC. satire D. humor16. Daniel Defoe describes ____________ as a typical English middle -class man of the eigh- teenth century, the very prototype of the empire builder, the pioneer colonist.A. Robinson Crusoe B. Moll FlandersC. Gulliver D. Tom Jones17. In Thomas Hardy’s Wessex novels, there is an apparent ____________ touch in his de- scription of the simple and beautiful though primitive rural life.A. nostalgic B. tragicC. romantic D. ironic18. Of all the eighteenth - century novelists ____________ was the first to set out, both in the-ory and practice, to write specially a “comic epic in prose”, the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.

357 评论(8)


《英美文学选读》期末考试A卷姓名: 专业: 学号: 学习中心:? 成绩: Answer the following questions in a brief, clear way. You can use the textbooks for reference (20 points for each question)The famous saying "to be, or not to be" is said by whom? How to understand this famous saying? What does the image “lamb” stand for in William Blake's poem "The Lamb"? How does Jane Austen reveal the natures of the characters in Pride and Prejudice? Please make some examples. Who is the author of The Cask of Amotillado? In the story, what is the time and where is the place the narrator choose for revenge? Why? Who is the author of The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras Country? What are the writing techniques adopted in the story?福师2022年2月课程考试《英美文学选读》作业考核满分 (出处: 无忧答案网)

115 评论(12)


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