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Section III Translation Translate the following text into Chinese.Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points) We tend to think that friends and family members are our biggest sources of connection, laughter and warmth. While that may well be true,researchers have also recently found that interacting with strangers actually brings a boost in mood and felings of belonging that we didn't expect. In one series of studies, researchers instructed Chicago-area commuters using public transportation to strike up a conversation with some one near them. On average, participants who followed the instruction felt better than those who had been told to stand or sit in silence. The researchers also argued that when we shy away from casual interaction with strangers, it is often due to a misplaced anxiety that they might not want to talk to us. Much of the time, however,this belief is false.As it turns out, many people are actually perfectly willing to talk— and may even be flattered to receive your attention. 参考译文 我们往往认为朋友和家人是我们交流、快乐和温馨的重要源泉。虽然这很可能是真的,但研究人员最近也发现,与陌生人交流实际上会出乎意料地改善我们情绪和增强归属感。 在一系列研究中,研究人员让芝加哥地区的乘客利用乘坐公共交通工具时与周边的人大胆交流。普遍的结果是∶遵循这一建议的乘客(参与者)比那些建议独自站立或静坐的感觉要好。研究人员还认为,我们之所以羞涩与陌生人在日常生活中展开交流,往往因为一种无谓的焦虑,即认为他们不想和我们沟通。然而,很多时候,这种观点是错误的。研究结果证明∶许多人实际上非常愿意交谈——甚至可能会因为得到你的关注而自满。

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