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第三节 结构式观察 一、结构式观察的概念 结构式观察,又称为系统观察,是观察法中最为严格的一种,是在严格规定和控制下进行观察的特殊形式,制定比较严格的观察计划和程序并实行一定程度的控制,优点:具有系统化、标准化和定量化的特点;缺点:观察范围缴较小;缺乏广度和深度。适用范围:小群体研究或行为科学研究。它与实验观察的区别是结构式观察在自然环境中进行。 二、结构式观察的实施 1.确定观察对象和观察内容,是任何一种类型的观察都首先要确定的问题。 2.将观察内容具体化,作出详细的分类,确定观察的变量和指标。 3.依据观察指标设计观察表格、卡片或拟定观察提纲,并规定标准化的观察方法和记录方法,如: 美国学者豪尔设计了一套作为记录人际空间关系的符号系统,包括三种记号方法:(1)图形符号;(2)记忆符号;(3)数码。 观察结果的记录形式除了卡片记录和符号系统记录外,还可以采用快速记录、系统的观察日记、各种科学记录工具(录音机、摄影机等) 4.对观察记录进行统计整理和分析。 第四节 观察法的优缺点 一、观察法的优点 1.观察法的优点在于可以实际观察现象或行为的发生。主要优点是直观性和真实性。 2.能够得到观察对象不能直接报导或不便报导的资料; 3.观察法简便易行,可以随时随地进行,灵活性较大,获得的资料比较可靠。 二、观察法的缺点 1.观察者对于所要观察的事件有时可遇不可求; 2.并非全部的现象都可以观察; 3.观察者在参与观察的过程中往往会影响被观察者的正常生活。 4.观察结果不易被量化,不容易被重复验证。 三、如何提高观察的信度和效度? 1.提高观察者本身的观察能力; 2.注意消除观察中的偏见; 3.可以通过观察活动的组织来提高观察的信度和效度; 利用现代化的观察工具,提高观察的信度和效度。 第十一章 资料的审核与整理 调查资料的审核与整理是分析资料的基础,是研究阶段的第一项工作。 第一节 资料的审核 一、审核的概念和原则 1.审核是指在着手整理调查资料之前,对原始资料进行审查与核实的工作过程,目的在于保证资料的客观性、准确性,为资料的整理打下坚实的基础。主要类型:实地审核(又称收集审核,是审核工作和收集工作同步进行)和系统原则(在收集资料后集中世间进行审核) 2.审核的原则:真实性原则;标准性原则;准确性原则;完整性原则。

206 评论(11)


9. Still the classification into “learned” and “popular” is convenient and sound .本句中的sound是形容词,意思是“正确的;明智的”,如: 1)He felt so happy that he had made a sound decision. (做了正确的决定,他感到很高兴。) 2)He was so carried away by power that he could not make any sound judgement (他被权力冲昏了头脑,无法做出任何明智的判断) 请看下面几个句子,注意sound 在句中的意思: 1)He is sound in body and mind (他身心健康) 2)The house is sound .Don't hesitate to buy it (这所房了完好无损,别犹豫,买下它) 3)The baby is having a sound sleep.(宝宝在酣睡) 4)Father gave him a sound beating.(父亲给他一顿痛打) 10.When we call a word “learned” we don't mean that it is used by learned persons alone, but simply that its presence in the English vocabulary is due to books and the cultivation of literature rather than to the actual needs of ordinary people not (that)…。but (that)。意思“不是…。而是。”如: 1)I came here again not because I enjoy the scenery so much but because I like the people . (我又来这儿,不是因为我多喜欢这儿的景色,而是我爱这儿的人们。) 2)By calling him Shylock, I don't mean that he is named Shylock,but that he is as miserly as Shylock. (叫他夏洛克,我不是说他的名字叫夏洛克,而是说他像夏洛克一样吝啬。) due to 在句中的意思是“由于”,如: 1)His failure was due to carelessness (他的失败是由于粗心。) 2)Due to lack of funds,they had to postpone the project.(由于缺少资金,他们不得不推迟计划) rather than 在本句的意思是“不是…而是……”,“与其……不如…” 1) He is a writer than a teacher (与其说他是教师,不如说他是作家。) 2)He lay rather than sit in the armchair (与其说他是坐在扶手椅上不如说是躺在里面。) 本课主要词组 1.make up 2.be familiar with 3.learn from 4.belong to 5.at large 6.on the other hand 7.be knows to 8.acquaintance with 9.in a style 10. be of importance 11. in the first case 12. in the latter (case) 13. in print 14. apply to 15. come up 16. as to 17. as a whole 18. due to 19. rather than Text B how should you build up your vocabulary? 短语表达 1. build up (建立;增强;增加) They worked hard to build up the friendship between the people in two countries. Get plenty of exercise every to build up your health. 2. come across (穿过,出现;遇到) They came across the street to meet me. A good idea came across my mind We are bound to come across difficulties, but we are determined to overcome them. 3. look up (查阅) If there are words you don't understand, look them up in the dictionary . For further information about this matter, look up this book. 4. at top speed (以速度) He drove his car at top speed It's dangerous to corner at top speed 5. depend on (依靠;取决于) We'll depend mainly on ourselves to solve the problem. The accomplishment of the task depends on the solution of this major problem. 6. make sense (有意义、讲得通) What he said just now didn't make any sense to me. This sentence doesn't make any sense. 7. try doing sth(尝试做某事) You can try using another method to go it He tried climbing the mountain without any help. 8. come up with (提出,想出;提供) He is expected to come up with some ideas after he thinks about the problem. The TV network will come up with better shows in the future. 9. lead to(导致) Our discussions led to confusion. The earthquake led to heavy loss of life. 10. after all (毕竟) Don't expect too much of him, he is, after all, a child of 10. We didn't finish all the work. After all, we didn't have enough hands 11. provide with (提供) It is necessary that you provide them with all the equipment We are satisfied to be provided with these kitchen utensils 12. begin with (以……开始) The first word of a sentence should begin with a capital letter . To begin with, we ought to know what we are here for.

275 评论(10)


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