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一颗闪烁着古代文明和高科技之光的前史文明名城。西安古名长安,是国际四大古都之一。踏上这古老的黄土地,无处不在的是千古文人(literati)名士(people with literary reputation)传诵于世的古风古韵。前史文明的堆积,造就了一个闻名的游览城市。西安,这座让游人恋恋不舍的城市,在很久以前就享有“通史博物馆(General History Museum ) ”的美誉。


Ancient capital Xi'an is a noted historic and cultural city shining the light of ancient civilization and high technology. Xi'an,once called Chang'an, is one of the four ancient capitals of the world. Setting foot on this ancient ground, you can feel ancient customs and rhymes everywhere, which have been widely read by literati and people with literary reputation for thousands of years. This famous tourism city is created by the sediment of historical culture. Xi'an,a city that let people linger on with no thought of leaving has long enjoyed the good name of the“General History Museum”


1.前史文明名城:翻译为a noted historic and cultural city。


3.古风古韵:古风指“古代的风俗习惯”,古韵指“古代的音韵”,故可译为ancient customs and rhyme。该词组所处语句短少主语,在翻译时需增译主语。

4.恋恋不舍:可译为to have much enjoyment and forget to go back home或许to linger on with no thought of leaving, linger on 意为“徜徉;流连”。

5.前史文明的堆积:可译为sediment of historical culture。sediment意为“堆积”


教育在线上的历年所有科目自考试题年7月全国自考《英语翻译》试题及答案全国2008年7月高等教育自学考试课程代码:0087请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上I. Multiple Choice Questions (30 points, 2 points for each)A. Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness.1. The image of a sudden wall of dark water carrying the man and his car away in an instant is still imprinted on my mind.A. 突然浑浊的雨水像一面墙一样压了下来,一下子就连人带车都冲走了。这情景直到现在还印在我的脑海里。B. 突然浑浊的雨水像一面墙一样压了下来,一下子就连人带车都冲走了的情景直到现在还印在我的脑海里。C. 突然浑浊的雨水像一面墙一下子就连人带车都冲走了。这情景直到现在还印在我的脑海里。D. 突然浑浊的雨水像一面墙一下子就连人带车都冲走了的情景直到现在还印在我的脑海里。2. He occasionally gave a smart nod, as if in confirmation of some opinion, though he was not thinking of anything in particular.A. 待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是对某一个意见表示赞成似的,其实他心里头可并没。B. 待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是对某一个意见表示赞成似的,其实他心里头可并没想什么特别的事儿。C. 待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是肯定了某一个意见,其实他心里头可并没。D. 待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是肯定了某一个意见,其实他心里头可并没想什么特别的事儿。3. In the winter of wet years the streams ran full-freshet, and they swelled the river until sometimes it raged and boiled, bank full, and then it was a destroyer.A. 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,直到有时候汹涌翻腾,泛滥两岸,它就成了祸害。B. 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,直到有时候汹涌翻腾,泛滥两岸,就成了祸害。C. 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,有时候汹涌翻腾,泛滥两岸,就成了祸害。D. 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,河有时候汹涌翻腾,泛滥两岸,就成了祸害。4. When the whale is killed, the blubber is stripped off and boiled down, either on board ship or on shore.A. 鲸鱼被杀死之后,鲸脂被剥下来熬油,这项工作有的是在船上进行,有的是在岸上进行的。B. 鲸鱼杀死之后,鲸脂剥下来被熬油,这项工作有的是在船上进行,有的是在岸上进行的。C. 鲸鱼杀死之后,把鲸脂剥下来熬油,这项工作有的是在船上进行,有的是在岸上进行的。D. 鲸鱼被杀死之后,把鲸脂剥下来熬油,这项工作有的是在船上进行,有的是在岸上进行的。5. While we cannot close the gulf between us, we can try to bridge it so that we may be able to talk across it.A. 虽然我们不能缩短双方之间的鸿沟,我们却能够设法搭一座桥,以便我们能够越过它进行会谈。B. 在我们不能弥合双方之间的鸿沟的同时,我们能够设法搭一座桥,以便我们能够越过它进行会谈。C. 既然我们不能弥合双方之间的鸿沟,我们就能够设法搭一座桥,以便我们能够越过它进行会谈。D. 虽然我们不能弥合双方之间的鸿沟,我们却能够设法搭一座桥,以便我们能够越过它进行会谈。6. 我最恨那些欺名盗世、欺骗读者的谎言。A. That I hate most are those glory-seeking writers who deceive the public with their lies.B. Whatever I hate most are those glory-seeking writers who deceive the public with their lies.C. What I hate most are those glory-seeking writers they deceive the public with their lies.D. What I hate most are those glory-seeking writers who deceive the public with their lies.7. 虽然还没有中国共产党,但是已经有了大批的赞成俄国革命的具有初步共产主义思想的知识分子。A. Although the Communist Party of China had not yet come into existence, but there were already large numbers of intellectuals who approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology.B. Although the Communist Party of China had not yet come into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals who approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology.C. Although the Communist Party of China had not yet come into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals they approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology.D. Although the Communist Party of China had not yet come into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals whom approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology.8. 北海公园原是历代封建帝王的“御花园”,总面积共有68.2公顷。A. Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covers an area of 68.2 hectares, was the imperial garden in the feudal dynasties.B. Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covers an area of 68.2 hectares, being the imperial garden in the feudal dynasties.C. Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covering an area of 68.2 hectares, which was the imperial garden in the feudal dynasties.D. Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covering an area of 68.2 hectares, was the imperial garden in the feudal dynasties.9. 中国山区面积占国土总面积的70%。A. Mountainous areas account for 70 percent of China’s total territory.B. Mountainous areas account of 70 percent of China’s total territory.C. Mountainous areas count for 70 percent of China’s total territory.D. Mountainous areas count of 70 percent of China’s total territory.10. 鼓励合营企业向中国境外销售产品。A. An equity joint venture shall encourage to market its products outside China.B. An equity joint venture shall encourage its products sold outside China.C. An equity joint venture shall be encouraged to market its products outside China.D. An equity joint venture shall be encouraged to market its products over China.B. Directions: This part consists of five unfinished statements, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes each statement.11. 著名的“信、达、雅”翻译标准是我国近代翻译家______提出来的。A. 林纾B. 周煦良C. 钱钟书D. 严复12. 关于语序的论述,下列说法中正确的是______。A. 英语有时态,可以通过动词的变化显出动作发生的先后顺序,而且英语大量使用分词和从句;而汉语叙事多靠并列结构,依靠各成分之间的顺序,尤其是时间顺序和逻辑顺序。B. 英语叙事多靠并列结构,依靠各成分之间的顺序,尤其是时间顺序和逻辑顺序;而汉语有时态,可以通过动词的变化显出动作发生的先后顺序,而且英语大量使用分词和从句。C. 英语有时态,可以通过时间顺序和逻辑顺序显出动作发生的先后顺序,而且英语大量使用分词和从句;而汉语叙事多靠并列结构,依靠各成分之间的顺序,尤其是动词的使用。D. 英语有时态,可以通过并列结构,依靠各成分之间的顺序,尤其是动词的使用显出动作发生的先后顺序,而且英语大量使用分词和从句;而汉语叙事多靠时间顺序和逻辑顺序。13. 傅雷的翻译主张是______。A. 重形似不重神似B. 既重形似也重神似C. 重神似不重形似D. 既不重形似也不重神似 14. 下面关于Saint Jerome的翻译观点,正确的是______。A. I have always aimed at translating sense, not words.B. I have always aimed at translating words, not sense.C. I have always aimed at translating both sense and words.D. I have always aimed at translating neither sense nor words. 15. 原文:“I have seventy-two grandchildren, and if I were sad each time I parted from one of them, I should have a dismal existence!” “Madre snaturale,” he replied.译文:“我的孙子孙女有七十二个,要是每离开一个都要难过,我的生活可就太痛苦了。”听了这话,老先生竟说,“这个做母亲的真怪呀!”本句中画线部分运用的主要翻译方法是:______.A. 反译B. 减词C. 增词D. 省略II. Words and phrases translation(20 points,1 point for each)A. Directions: Put the following words and phrases into Chinese.16. VIP17. arteries of communication 18. annual flood 19. global economy 20. maternal grandmother 21. Gone with the Wind 22. in one’s early teens 23. the Arctic Ocean 24. to enact legislation 25. magnificent dinner B. Directions: Put the following words and phrases into English.26. 大思想家 27. 第一次世界大战 28. 文物 29. 宜农荒地 30. 儿童文学 31. 初冬 32. 中国大戏院 33. 可持续发展战略 34. 平等互利原则 35. 归根到底 III. Translation Revision(20 points,2 points for each)A. Directions: Each of the following translated sentences is inadequate. Revise the given versions.Example:原文:Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate.译文:阿德莱德享有地中海气候。改译:阿德莱德属地中海气候。36. 原文:The school education at the time could only dull an inventive mind.译文:当时的学校教育只能让创造的心灵愚钝。 37. 原文: On behalf of all of your American guests, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality.译文:代表你们的所有美国客人,我向你们表示感谢,感谢你们的无可比拟的盛情款待。38. 原文:When he had climbed the hill above the field he looked back. He could see the white shapes of the girls dancing on the grass.译文:只要他爬上小山,就回头向下看。似乎能看到姑娘们的白色身影在草地上舞动。39. 原文:The liver oil is given to those people who need certain vitamins.译文:鱼肝油是给那些缺乏维生素的人服用的。40. 原文:More than eight years have passed since Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping and I joined hands to establish full diplomatic relations between our two nations.译文:自从邓小平副总理和我共同建立我们两国之间的圆满外交关系以来,已经八年多了。B. Directions: Each of the following translated sentences is inadequate. Revise the given versions.Example:原文:中国在任何情况之下决不首先使用核武器。译文:At no time China will be the first to use nuclear weapons.改译:At no time will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.41. 原文:孟母靠织布来维持生计。译文:Meng’s mother lived on weaving.42. 原文:祈年殿于1545年改建为一座镏金宝顶的三重檐圆殿。译文:The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest was rebuilt into round-shaped hall with triple eaves and gilded ball on the top in 1545.43. 原文:我坐在宫门台阶上,欣赏宫门口那一座大花坛,花坛里栽的是红、黄、白、紫四色分明的盛开的郁金香。译文:I sat on the steps at the entrance of the palace, enjoying the big flower beds near the gate filled with blooming tulips of distinctive red, yellow, white and purple.44. 原文:我从头到脚淋成个落汤鸡了。译文:I was drenched from head to foot like a wet chick.45. 原文:合营企业的一切活动应遵守中华人民共和国法律,法令和有关条例规定。译文:All activities of a joint venture should comply with the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People’s Republic of China. IV. Paragraph Translation (30 points)A. Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. (15 points)46.President Clinton realized — as all of us must — that today’s economy is global. We live in an era in which information, goods and capital speed around the globe, every hour of every day. Whether we like it or not, all of our fortunes are tied together. We are truly interdependent.America supports international trade because we believe fundamentally that trade will enrich those nations who embrace its discipline. The great promise of trade is its potential to promote mutual prosperity — and to strengthen the bonds between sovereign nations.The U. S. and China both demonstrate the potential of trade to improve the lives of our people. You know better than I the great achievements of the Chinese economy over the past two decades.B. Directions: Translate the following passage into English. (15 points)47.生命中不是只有快乐,也不是只有痛苦,快乐和痛苦是相生相成,互相衬托的。快乐是一抹微云,痛苦是压城的乌云,这不同的云彩,在你生命的天边重叠着,在“夕阳无限好”的时候,就给你造成一个美丽的黄昏。一个生命到了“只是近黄昏”的时节,落霞也许会使人留恋,惆怅。但人类的生命是永不止息的。地球不停地绕着太阳自转。


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.







The Yangtze River, as the longest river in China and Asia, is more than 6,000 meters long.

Flowing through 11 provinces, it originates the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and empties into the East Sea.

There are approximately 400 million people living in the Yangtze Basin, among which the ethical minorities account for about 6%.

The Yangtze Basin has been the economic center since Tang Dynasty, and was the birthplace of China's modern industry.

However, presently the economic development in the basin is imbalanced, generally developed in the Delta region and relatively backward in the upper basin.



第二句:翻译时留意用非谓语动词作随同状语;“注入”可译为empty into;“起源于”可译为originate。

第三句:翻译时可以用there be句型,这样后边可以用定语从句将前后两句连接起来;“长江流域”译为the Yangtze Basin ;“少数民族”译为the ethical minority。


第五句:翻译时留意省略后边的主谓让整个语句看起来更简洁;“相对落后”可译为relatively backward。



教育在线上的历年所有科目自考试题年7月全国自考《英语翻译》试题及答案全国2008年7月高等教育自学考试课程代码:0087请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上I. Multiple Choice Questions (30 points, 2 points for each)A. Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness.1. The image of a sudden wall of dark water carrying the man and his car away in an instant is still imprinted on my mind.A. 突然浑浊的雨水像一面墙一样压了下来,一下子就连人带车都冲走了。这情景直到现在还印在我的脑海里。B. 突然浑浊的雨水像一面墙一样压了下来,一下子就连人带车都冲走了的情景直到现在还印在我的脑海里。C. 突然浑浊的雨水像一面墙一下子就连人带车都冲走了。这情景直到现在还印在我的脑海里。D. 突然浑浊的雨水像一面墙一下子就连人带车都冲走了的情景直到现在还印在我的脑海里。2. He occasionally gave a smart nod, as if in confirmation of some opinion, though he was not thinking of anything in particular.A. 待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是对某一个意见表示赞成似的,其实他心里头可并没。B. 待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是对某一个意见表示赞成似的,其实他心里头可并没想什么特别的事儿。C. 待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是肯定了某一个意见,其实他心里头可并没。D. 待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是肯定了某一个意见,其实他心里头可并没想什么特别的事儿。3. In the winter of wet years the streams ran full-freshet, and they swelled the river until sometimes it raged and boiled, bank full, and then it was a destroyer.A. 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,直到有时候汹涌翻腾,泛滥两岸,它就成了祸害。B. 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,直到有时候汹涌翻腾,泛滥两岸,就成了祸害。C. 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,有时候汹涌翻腾,泛滥两岸,就成了祸害。D. 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,河有时候汹涌翻腾,泛滥两岸,就成了祸害。4. When the whale is killed, the blubber is stripped off and boiled down, either on board ship or on shore.A. 鲸鱼被杀死之后,鲸脂被剥下来熬油,这项工作有的是在船上进行,有的是在岸上进行的。B. 鲸鱼杀死之后,鲸脂剥下来被熬油,这项工作有的是在船上进行,有的是在岸上进行的。C. 鲸鱼杀死之后,把鲸脂剥下来熬油,这项工作有的是在船上进行,有的是在岸上进行的。D. 鲸鱼被杀死之后,把鲸脂剥下来熬油,这项工作有的是在船上进行,有的是在岸上进行的。5. While we cannot close the gulf between us, we can try to bridge it so that we may be able to talk across it.A. 虽然我们不能缩短双方之间的鸿沟,我们却能够设法搭一座桥,以便我们能够越过它进行会谈。B. 在我们不能弥合双方之间的鸿沟的同时,我们能够设法搭一座桥,以便我们能够越过它进行会谈。C. 既然我们不能弥合双方之间的鸿沟,我们就能够设法搭一座桥,以便我们能够越过它进行会谈。D. 虽然我们不能弥合双方之间的鸿沟,我们却能够设法搭一座桥,以便我们能够越过它进行会谈。6. 我最恨那些欺名盗世、欺骗读者的谎言。A. That I hate most are those glory-seeking writers who deceive the public with their lies.B. Whatever I hate most are those glory-seeking writers who deceive the public with their lies.C. What I hate most are those glory-seeking writers they deceive the public with their lies.D. What I hate most are those glory-seeking writers who deceive the public with their lies.7. 虽然还没有中国共产党,但是已经有了大批的赞成俄国革命的具有初步共产主义思想的知识分子。A. Although the Communist Party of China had not yet come into existence, but there were already large numbers of intellectuals who approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology.B. Although the Communist Party of China had not yet come into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals who approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology.C. Although the Communist Party of China had not yet come into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals they approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology.D. Although the Communist Party of China had not yet come into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals whom approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology.8. 北海公园原是历代封建帝王的“御花园”,总面积共有68.2公顷。A. Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covers an area of 68.2 hectares, was the imperial garden in the feudal dynasties.B. Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covers an area of 68.2 hectares, being the imperial garden in the feudal dynasties.C. Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covering an area of 68.2 hectares, which was the imperial garden in the feudal dynasties.D. Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covering an area of 68.2 hectares, was the imperial garden in the feudal dynasties.9. 中国山区面积占国土总面积的70%。A. Mountainous areas account for 70 percent of China’s total territory.B. Mountainous areas account of 70 percent of China’s total territory.C. Mountainous areas count for 70 percent of China’s total territory.D. Mountainous areas count of 70 percent of China’s total territory.10. 鼓励合营企业向中国境外销售产品。A. An equity joint venture shall encourage to market its products outside China.B. An equity joint venture shall encourage its products sold outside China.C. An equity joint venture shall be encouraged to market its products outside China.D. An equity joint venture shall be encouraged to market its products over China.B. Directions: This part consists of five unfinished statements, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes each statement.11. 著名的“信、达、雅”翻译标准是我国近代翻译家______提出来的。A. 林纾B. 周煦良C. 钱钟书D. 严复12. 关于语序的论述,下列说法中正确的是______。A. 英语有时态,可以通过动词的变化显出动作发生的先后顺序,而且英语大量使用分词和从句;而汉语叙事多靠并列结构,依靠各成分之间的顺序,尤其是时间顺序和逻辑顺序。B. 英语叙事多靠并列结构,依靠各成分之间的顺序,尤其是时间顺序和逻辑顺序;而汉语有时态,可以通过动词的变化显出动作发生的先后顺序,而且英语大量使用分词和从句。C. 英语有时态,可以通过时间顺序和逻辑顺序显出动作发生的先后顺序,而且英语大量使用分词和从句;而汉语叙事多靠并列结构,依靠各成分之间的顺序,尤其是动词的使用。D. 英语有时态,可以通过并列结构,依靠各成分之间的顺序,尤其是动词的使用显出动作发生的先后顺序,而且英语大量使用分词和从句;而汉语叙事多靠时间顺序和逻辑顺序。13. 傅雷的翻译主张是______。A. 重形似不重神似B. 既重形似也重神似C. 重神似不重形似D. 既不重形似也不重神似 14. 下面关于Saint Jerome的翻译观点,正确的是______。A. I have always aimed at translating sense, not words.B. I have always aimed at translating words, not sense.C. I have always aimed at translating both sense and words.D. I have always aimed at translating neither sense nor words. 15. 原文:“I have seventy-two grandchildren, and if I were sad each time I parted from one of them, I should have a dismal existence!” “Madre snaturale,” he replied.译文:“我的孙子孙女有七十二个,要是每离开一个都要难过,我的生活可就太痛苦了。”听了这话,老先生竟说,“这个做母亲的真怪呀!”本句中画线部分运用的主要翻译方法是:______.A. 反译B. 减词C. 增词D. 省略II. Words and phrases translation(20 points,1 point for each)A. Directions: Put the following words and phrases into Chinese.16. VIP17. arteries of communication 18. annual flood 19. global economy 20. maternal grandmother 21. Gone with the Wind 22. in one’s early teens 23. the Arctic Ocean 24. to enact legislation 25. magnificent dinner B. Directions: Put the following words and phrases into English.26. 大思想家 27. 第一次世界大战 28. 文物 29. 宜农荒地 30. 儿童文学 31. 初冬 32. 中国大戏院 33. 可持续发展战略 34. 平等互利原则 35. 归根到底 III. Translation Revision(20 points,2 points for each)A. Directions: Each of the following translated sentences is inadequate. Revise the given versions.Example:原文:Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate.译文:阿德莱德享有地中海气候。改译:阿德莱德属地中海气候。36. 原文:The school education at the time could only dull an inventive mind.译文:当时的学校教育只能让创造的心灵愚钝。 37. 原文: On behalf of all of your American guests, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality.译文:代表你们的所有美国客人,我向你们表示感谢,感谢你们的无可比拟的盛情款待。38. 原文:When he had climbed the hill above the field he looked back. He could see the white shapes of the girls dancing on the grass.译文:只要他爬上小山,就回头向下看。似乎能看到姑娘们的白色身影在草地上舞动。39. 原文:The liver oil is given to those people who need certain vitamins.译文:鱼肝油是给那些缺乏维生素的人服用的。40. 原文:More than eight years have passed since Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping and I joined hands to establish full diplomatic relations between our two nations.译文:自从邓小平副总理和我共同建立我们两国之间的圆满外交关系以来,已经八年多了。B. Directions: Each of the following translated sentences is inadequate. Revise the given versions.Example:原文:中国在任何情况之下决不首先使用核武器。译文:At no time China will be the first to use nuclear weapons.改译:At no time will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.41. 原文:孟母靠织布来维持生计。译文:Meng’s mother lived on weaving.42. 原文:祈年殿于1545年改建为一座镏金宝顶的三重檐圆殿。译文:The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest was rebuilt into round-shaped hall with triple eaves and gilded ball on the top in 1545.43. 原文:我坐在宫门台阶上,欣赏宫门口那一座大花坛,花坛里栽的是红、黄、白、紫四色分明的盛开的郁金香。译文:I sat on the steps at the entrance of the palace, enjoying the big flower beds near the gate filled with blooming tulips of distinctive red, yellow, white and purple.44. 原文:我从头到脚淋成个落汤鸡了。译文:I was drenched from head to foot like a wet chick.45. 原文:合营企业的一切活动应遵守中华人民共和国法律,法令和有关条例规定。译文:All activities of a joint venture should comply with the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People’s Republic of China. IV. Paragraph Translation (30 points)A. Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. (15 points)46.President Clinton realized — as all of us must — that today’s economy is global. We live in an era in which information, goods and capital speed around the globe, every hour of every day. Whether we like it or not, all of our fortunes are tied together. We are truly interdependent.America supports international trade because we believe fundamentally that trade will enrich those nations who embrace its discipline. The great promise of trade is its potential to promote mutual prosperity — and to strengthen the bonds between sovereign nations.The U. S. and China both demonstrate the potential of trade to improve the lives of our people. You know better than I the great achievements of the Chinese economy over the past two decades.B. Directions: Translate the following passage into English. (15 points)47.生命中不是只有快乐,也不是只有痛苦,快乐和痛苦是相生相成,互相衬托的。快乐是一抹微云,痛苦是压城的乌云,这不同的云彩,在你生命的天边重叠着,在“夕阳无限好”的时候,就给你造成一个美丽的黄昏。一个生命到了“只是近黄昏”的时节,落霞也许会使人留恋,惆怅。但人类的生命是永不止息的。地球不停地绕着太阳自转。






(1) 中国的家庭观念与其文化传统有关。

[解析]句子的主语是“中国的家庭传统观念”,核心词“观念”,“中国的”、“传统的”做定语。和……有关:be related to …

[参考答案]China‘s family concept is related to its cultural tradition。

(2) 和睦的大家庭曾非常令人羡慕。


令人羡慕的:enviable, admirable

[参考答案]The harmonious family used to be particularly enviable。

(3) 过去四代同堂并不少见。

[解析]:主系表结构,谓语部分“并不少见”较短的情况下,处理为itis形式主语句型,“四代同堂”是一个难点词汇,需要考生理解其中的含义,先理解为“四代人居住在一起”,翻译为: four generations live together。

[参考答案]It‘s not rare for four generations to live together in the past。

(4) 由于这个传统,许多年轻人婚后继续与父母同住。

[解析]:由于:due to +名词;许多:numerous / many / a great number of ;继续做某事:continue to;时态是过去时。

[参考答案]:Due to this tradition, a great number of young people continued to live with their parents after marriage。

(5) 今天,这个传统正在改变。


[参考答案]Today, this tradition is changing。

(6) 随着住房条件的改善,越来越多年轻夫妇选择与父母分开住。

[解析]随着… with+名词 with the improvement of housing conditions或:with+名词+非谓语动词:with housing conditions improving

越来越多:more and more/ a growing number of

[参考答案]With housing conditions improving, a growing number of young couples choose to live separately from their parents。


[解析]“联系密切”即为“关系亲密”之意。考察介词短语作为后置定语,“他们之间的”处理为“between them”放在名词之后。

[参考答案]Nevertheless, the relationship between them is still quite intimate。

(7) 许多老年人仍然帮着照看孙辈。

[解析]主语:many elderly people,“帮忙做某事”help to do sth。 / help do sth。

[参考答案]Many elderly people still help look after their grandchildren。


[解析]谓语动词是“抽时间”,处理为“take time to do sth。”,“春节和中秋节等重要节日”考察介词短语作为后置定语,用such as连接,传统节日的表达需要大写字母并加上冠词the

春节:the Spring Festival

中秋节:the Mid-Autumn Festival

[参考答案]Young couples also take time to visit their parents, especially on important festivals, such as the Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival。


2020年自考备考已经开始,自考历年真题对考生来说是十分宝贵的资料,考前每道真题至少要做1-2遍才会事半功倍。网给大家整理了 2019年4月自考《英语(二)》真题及答案解析 ,一起来试试吧!


My Brother

My brother is off at college, and at 14, I miss him terribly. My brother is a rare kind of guy. He’s *** art and kind. And my friends say he’s lovely. But it’s how he handles things and how he treats his friends and his family that make me feel more proud.

He applied to 14 colleges. He was accepted by all but one, the one he wanted, Brown University. So he took his second choice, and off he went to a first year. When he came home for summer vacation, he said he’d move to Rhode Island near Brown, find a job, and do whatever he could to bee known in the area. He’d work his heart out and do his best at everything. Someone,he was sure,would notice. This was a big deal for my parents as it meant agreeing to a year without college. But they trusted him and encouraged him to do whatever he thought it would take to realize his dream.

It wasn’t long before he was hired as an *** (业余的)play director at Brown. Now was his chance to shine, and shine he did. He put every bit of himself into the job. He met teachers and school officials, talked to everyone about his dream and never hesitated to tell them what he was after.

And, sure enough, at the end of the year, when he reapplied to Brown, he was accepted.

We were all happy, but for me the happiness went very deep. I had learned an important lesson-a lesson no one could have taught me with words. If I work hard for what I want, and if I keep trying after I’ve been turned down, my dreams can also e true. This is a gift I still hold in my heart.


1.  My brother had many good qualities.

2. Only one university accepted my brother.

3. My brother’s first year at college was terrible.

4. My brother would like to find a job in Rhode Island.

5. My parents disagreed with my brother’s plan.

6. My brother took every opportunity to promote himself.

7. My brother never told anyone what he was after.

8. My brother applied to Brown University three times.

9. My brother set a good example for me.

10. I wanted to go to college, too.


A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

1 .  A

2 .  B

3 .  C

4 .  A

5 .  B

6 .  A

7 .  B

8 .  B

9 .  A

10 .  C

1 .  由“He’s *** art and kind. And my friends say he’s lovely.”可以得出答案。

4 .  由“he said he’d move to Rhode Island near Brown, find a job”可以得出答案。

10 .  文中没有提到“我也想上大学”。


一颗闪烁着古代文明和高科技之光的前史文明名城。西安古名长安,是国际四大古都之一。踏上这古老的黄土地,无处不在的是千古文人(literati)名士(people with literary reputation)传诵于世的古风古韵。前史文明的堆积,造就了一个闻名的游览城市。西安,这座让游人恋恋不舍的城市,在很久以前就享有“通史博物馆(General History Museum ) ”的美誉。


Ancient capital Xi'an is a noted historic and cultural city shining the light of ancient civilization and high technology. Xi'an,once called Chang'an, is one of the four ancient capitals of the world. Setting foot on this ancient ground, you can feel ancient customs and rhymes everywhere, which have been widely read by literati and people with literary reputation for thousands of years. This famous tourism city is created by the sediment of historical culture. Xi'an,a city that let people linger on with no thought of leaving has long enjoyed the good name of the“General History Museum”


1.前史文明名城:翻译为a noted historic and cultural city。


3.古风古韵:古风指“古代的风俗习惯”,古韵指“古代的音韵”,故可译为ancient customs and rhyme。该词组所处语句短少主语,在翻译时需增译主语。

4.恋恋不舍:可译为to have much enjoyment and forget to go back home或许to linger on with no thought of leaving, linger on 意为“徜徉;流连”。

5.前史文明的堆积:可译为sediment of historical culture。sediment意为“堆积”



2020年自考备考已经开始,自考历年真题对考生来说是十分宝贵的资料,考前每道真题至少要做1-2遍才会事半功倍。网给大家整理了 2019年4月自考《护理学研究》真题及答案解析 ,一起来试试吧!



教育在线上的历年所有科目自考试题年7月全国自考《英语翻译》试题及答案全国2008年7月高等教育自学考试课程代码:0087请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上I. Multiple Choice Questions (30 points, 2 points for each)A. Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness.1. The image of a sudden wall of dark water carrying the man and his car away in an instant is still imprinted on my mind.A. 突然浑浊的雨水像一面墙一样压了下来,一下子就连人带车都冲走了。这情景直到现在还印在我的脑海里。B. 突然浑浊的雨水像一面墙一样压了下来,一下子就连人带车都冲走了的情景直到现在还印在我的脑海里。C. 突然浑浊的雨水像一面墙一下子就连人带车都冲走了。这情景直到现在还印在我的脑海里。D. 突然浑浊的雨水像一面墙一下子就连人带车都冲走了的情景直到现在还印在我的脑海里。2. He occasionally gave a smart nod, as if in confirmation of some opinion, though he was not thinking of anything in particular.A. 待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是对某一个意见表示赞成似的,其实他心里头可并没。B. 待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是对某一个意见表示赞成似的,其实他心里头可并没想什么特别的事儿。C. 待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是肯定了某一个意见,其实他心里头可并没。D. 待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是肯定了某一个意见,其实他心里头可并没想什么特别的事儿。3. In the winter of wet years the streams ran full-freshet, and they swelled the river until sometimes it raged and boiled, bank full, and then it was a destroyer.A. 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,直到有时候汹涌翻腾,泛滥两岸,它就成了祸害。B. 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,直到有时候汹涌翻腾,泛滥两岸,就成了祸害。C. 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,有时候汹涌翻腾,泛滥两岸,就成了祸害。D. 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,河有时候汹涌翻腾,泛滥两岸,就成了祸害。4. When the whale is killed, the blubber is stripped off and boiled down, either on board ship or on shore.A. 鲸鱼被杀死之后,鲸脂被剥下来熬油,这项工作有的是在船上进行,有的是在岸上进行的。B. 鲸鱼杀死之后,鲸脂剥下来被熬油,这项工作有的是在船上进行,有的是在岸上进行的。C. 鲸鱼杀死之后,把鲸脂剥下来熬油,这项工作有的是在船上进行,有的是在岸上进行的。D. 鲸鱼被杀死之后,把鲸脂剥下来熬油,这项工作有的是在船上进行,有的是在岸上进行的。5. While we cannot close the gulf between us, we can try to bridge it so that we may be able to talk across it.A. 虽然我们不能缩短双方之间的鸿沟,我们却能够设法搭一座桥,以便我们能够越过它进行会谈。B. 在我们不能弥合双方之间的鸿沟的同时,我们能够设法搭一座桥,以便我们能够越过它进行会谈。C. 既然我们不能弥合双方之间的鸿沟,我们就能够设法搭一座桥,以便我们能够越过它进行会谈。D. 虽然我们不能弥合双方之间的鸿沟,我们却能够设法搭一座桥,以便我们能够越过它进行会谈。6. 我最恨那些欺名盗世、欺骗读者的谎言。A. That I hate most are those glory-seeking writers who deceive the public with their lies.B. Whatever I hate most are those glory-seeking writers who deceive the public with their lies.C. What I hate most are those glory-seeking writers they deceive the public with their lies.D. What I hate most are those glory-seeking writers who deceive the public with their lies.7. 虽然还没有中国共产党,但是已经有了大批的赞成俄国革命的具有初步共产主义思想的知识分子。A. Although the Communist Party of China had not yet come into existence, but there were already large numbers of intellectuals who approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology.B. Although the Communist Party of China had not yet come into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals who approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology.C. Although the Communist Party of China had not yet come into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals they approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology.D. Although the Communist Party of China had not yet come into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals whom approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology.8. 北海公园原是历代封建帝王的“御花园”,总面积共有68.2公顷。A. Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covers an area of 68.2 hectares, was the imperial garden in the feudal dynasties.B. Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covers an area of 68.2 hectares, being the imperial garden in the feudal dynasties.C. Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covering an area of 68.2 hectares, which was the imperial garden in the feudal dynasties.D. Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covering an area of 68.2 hectares, was the imperial garden in the feudal dynasties.9. 中国山区面积占国土总面积的70%。A. Mountainous areas account for 70 percent of China’s total territory.B. Mountainous areas account of 70 percent of China’s total territory.C. Mountainous areas count for 70 percent of China’s total territory.D. Mountainous areas count of 70 percent of China’s total territory.10. 鼓励合营企业向中国境外销售产品。A. An equity joint venture shall encourage to market its products outside China.B. An equity joint venture shall encourage its products sold outside China.C. An equity joint venture shall be encouraged to market its products outside China.D. An equity joint venture shall be encouraged to market its products over China.B. Directions: This part consists of five unfinished statements, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes each statement.11. 著名的“信、达、雅”翻译标准是我国近代翻译家______提出来的。A. 林纾B. 周煦良C. 钱钟书D. 严复12. 关于语序的论述,下列说法中正确的是______。A. 英语有时态,可以通过动词的变化显出动作发生的先后顺序,而且英语大量使用分词和从句;而汉语叙事多靠并列结构,依靠各成分之间的顺序,尤其是时间顺序和逻辑顺序。B. 英语叙事多靠并列结构,依靠各成分之间的顺序,尤其是时间顺序和逻辑顺序;而汉语有时态,可以通过动词的变化显出动作发生的先后顺序,而且英语大量使用分词和从句。C. 英语有时态,可以通过时间顺序和逻辑顺序显出动作发生的先后顺序,而且英语大量使用分词和从句;而汉语叙事多靠并列结构,依靠各成分之间的顺序,尤其是动词的使用。D. 英语有时态,可以通过并列结构,依靠各成分之间的顺序,尤其是动词的使用显出动作发生的先后顺序,而且英语大量使用分词和从句;而汉语叙事多靠时间顺序和逻辑顺序。13. 傅雷的翻译主张是______。A. 重形似不重神似B. 既重形似也重神似C. 重神似不重形似D. 既不重形似也不重神似 14. 下面关于Saint Jerome的翻译观点,正确的是______。A. I have always aimed at translating sense, not words.B. I have always aimed at translating words, not sense.C. I have always aimed at translating both sense and words.D. I have always aimed at translating neither sense nor words. 15. 原文:“I have seventy-two grandchildren, and if I were sad each time I parted from one of them, I should have a dismal existence!” “Madre snaturale,” he replied.译文:“我的孙子孙女有七十二个,要是每离开一个都要难过,我的生活可就太痛苦了。”听了这话,老先生竟说,“这个做母亲的真怪呀!”本句中画线部分运用的主要翻译方法是:______.A. 反译B. 减词C. 增词D. 省略II. Words and phrases translation(20 points,1 point for each)A. Directions: Put the following words and phrases into Chinese.16. VIP17. arteries of communication 18. annual flood 19. global economy 20. maternal grandmother 21. Gone with the Wind 22. in one’s early teens 23. the Arctic Ocean 24. to enact legislation 25. magnificent dinner B. Directions: Put the following words and phrases into English.26. 大思想家 27. 第一次世界大战 28. 文物 29. 宜农荒地 30. 儿童文学 31. 初冬 32. 中国大戏院 33. 可持续发展战略 34. 平等互利原则 35. 归根到底 III. Translation Revision(20 points,2 points for each)A. Directions: Each of the following translated sentences is inadequate. Revise the given versions.Example:原文:Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate.译文:阿德莱德享有地中海气候。改译:阿德莱德属地中海气候。36. 原文:The school education at the time could only dull an inventive mind.译文:当时的学校教育只能让创造的心灵愚钝。 37. 原文: On behalf of all of your American guests, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality.译文:代表你们的所有美国客人,我向你们表示感谢,感谢你们的无可比拟的盛情款待。38. 原文:When he had climbed the hill above the field he looked back. He could see the white shapes of the girls dancing on the grass.译文:只要他爬上小山,就回头向下看。似乎能看到姑娘们的白色身影在草地上舞动。39. 原文:The liver oil is given to those people who need certain vitamins.译文:鱼肝油是给那些缺乏维生素的人服用的。40. 原文:More than eight years have passed since Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping and I joined hands to establish full diplomatic relations between our two nations.译文:自从邓小平副总理和我共同建立我们两国之间的圆满外交关系以来,已经八年多了。B. Directions: Each of the following translated sentences is inadequate. Revise the given versions.Example:原文:中国在任何情况之下决不首先使用核武器。译文:At no time China will be the first to use nuclear weapons.改译:At no time will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.41. 原文:孟母靠织布来维持生计。译文:Meng’s mother lived on weaving.42. 原文:祈年殿于1545年改建为一座镏金宝顶的三重檐圆殿。译文:The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest was rebuilt into round-shaped hall with triple eaves and gilded ball on the top in 1545.43. 原文:我坐在宫门台阶上,欣赏宫门口那一座大花坛,花坛里栽的是红、黄、白、紫四色分明的盛开的郁金香。译文:I sat on the steps at the entrance of the palace, enjoying the big flower beds near the gate filled with blooming tulips of distinctive red, yellow, white and purple.44. 原文:我从头到脚淋成个落汤鸡了。译文:I was drenched from head to foot like a wet chick.45. 原文:合营企业的一切活动应遵守中华人民共和国法律,法令和有关条例规定。译文:All activities of a joint venture should comply with the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People’s Republic of China. IV. Paragraph Translation (30 points)A. Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. (15 points)46.President Clinton realized — as all of us must — that today’s economy is global. We live in an era in which information, goods and capital speed around the globe, every hour of every day. Whether we like it or not, all of our fortunes are tied together. We are truly interdependent.America supports international trade because we believe fundamentally that trade will enrich those nations who embrace its discipline. The great promise of trade is its potential to promote mutual prosperity — and to strengthen the bonds between sovereign nations.The U. S. and China both demonstrate the potential of trade to improve the lives of our people. You know better than I the great achievements of the Chinese economy over the past two decades.B. Directions: Translate the following passage into English. (15 points)47.生命中不是只有快乐,也不是只有痛苦,快乐和痛苦是相生相成,互相衬托的。快乐是一抹微云,痛苦是压城的乌云,这不同的云彩,在你生命的天边重叠着,在“夕阳无限好”的时候,就给你造成一个美丽的黄昏。一个生命到了“只是近黄昏”的时节,落霞也许会使人留恋,惆怅。但人类的生命是永不止息的。地球不停地绕着太阳自转。

I. 翻译的原则:准确、通顺、完整 Ⅱ.翻译步骤: 逐字翻译 词语调整(词本无意,意由境生) 顺序调整 Ⅲ.长难句翻译“三步法” 拆:连词、关系词、标点符 译: 合:按意思逐层组合成理解通顺的汉语译文 我买了好几套真题卷,每套的翻译参考答案都有些不同,这再次说明像翻译这样的主观题没有标答。我们写真题时只要抓住准确、通顺的原则就好。用“信、达、雅”的标准看只需要做到信(忠实原文)、达(通顺,即符合汉语表达习惯)。 为了做到准确完整,可以先逐字翻译(就是原文字字对译) 为了做到通顺,根据全文语篇来词语调整、顺序调整。 翻译课上大家学的句子分析,有两个目的:1.为了看懂的意思(这一点我们考英语二的同学不用害怕,150词的小短文中真正很难的复杂句最多就1-2句)2.知道如何来语序调整,比如大家常说的定语从句前置、后置,被动语态进行不要出现“被”字。 看书听课了解这些常见的翻译处理方法只是第一步有awareness,最后还要落实到“亲自动手写”上,不然容易漏掉很多细节。 ![翻译评分标准.png](https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/655703-93983f448e7fc6cc.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240) 2018年 ①A fifth grader gets a homework assignment to select his future career path from a list of occupations. ②He ticks “astronaut” but quickly adds “scientist” to the list and selects it as well. ③The boy is convinced that if he reads enough, he can explore as many career paths as he likes. ④And so he reads—everything from encyclopedias to science fiction novels. ⑤He reads so passionately that his parents have to institute a “no reading policy” at the dinner table. ⑥That boy was Bill Gates, and he hasn’t stopped reading yet--not even after becoming one of the most successful people on the planet. ⑦Nowadays, his reading material has changed from science fiction and reference books:  recently, he revealed that he reads at least 50 nonfiction books a year. ⑧Gates chooses nonfiction titles because they explain how the world works. ⑨“Each book opens up new avenues of knowledge,” Gates says. 逐字翻译: ①一个第五年级的学生得到一份家庭作业去选择他的未来职业路径从一个职业清单中。 ②他勾选“宇航员”但很快增加“科学家”到清单上,并也选择它。 ③这个男孩被信服只要他读得够多,他可以探索和他喜欢的一样多。 ④所以他读——每件从百科全书到科幻小说。 ⑤他读如此激情以至于他的父母不得不制定“禁止读书政策”在餐桌旁。 ⑥那个男孩就是比尔盖茨,然而他还没有停止读书——没有甚至在成为这个星球上最成功的一个人。 ⑦现如今,他的阅读材料已经改变从科幻和参考书:近期,他表明他读至少50本非科幻书一年。 ⑧盖茨选择非科幻标题因为它们解释如何世界运行。 ⑨“每本书打开新的知识大道”,盖茨说。 词语、顺序调整: ①一个五年级学生的家庭作业是从一张列表中选择他未来的职业道路。 ②他勾选了“宇航员”但很快又把“科学家”加到列表上,并也勾选了它。 ③这个男孩相信,只要他读得足够多,他就可以尽情探索他喜欢的职业。 ④所以他从百科全书读到科幻小说。 ⑤他读得如此痴迷以至于他的父母不得不规定在吃饭时“禁止读书”。 ⑥那个男孩就是比尔盖茨,即便在他成为世界上最成功的人后,他也没有停止读书。 ⑦现如今,他的阅读材料已经不再是科幻小说和参考书:近期,他透露他每年至少读50本非虚幻类书籍。 ⑧盖茨选择非虚幻类书籍是因为它们能解释世界是如何运行的。 ⑨盖茨说:“每本书开辟探索新知识的大道”。 参考译文: ①一名五年级的学生拿到一份家庭作业,要求他从一系列职业列表中选出他未来的职业道路。 ②他选择了“宇航员”,但很快又将“科学家”加入名单,并将它也选上。 ③这个男孩确信如果他读的书足够多,他就能想探索多少条职业道路,就探索多少条。 ④因此他读书——从百科全书到科幻小说。 ⑤他如此狂热地阅读以致于他的父母不得不制定一条“吃饭时不许读书”的规矩。 ⑥这个男孩就是比尔盖茨,他从未停止过阅读——即便他已成为世界上最成功的人士之一。 ⑦如今,比尔盖茨的读物已经不再是科幻小说和参考书目了:最近,他透露自己每年至少阅读50本非小说类书籍。 ⑧盖茨选择非小说类书籍,是因为这些书解释了世界是如何运作的。 ⑨盖茨说:“每本书都开辟了探索知识的新路径。”


2012年7月高等教育自学考试中英合作商务管理专业与金融管理专业模拟考试 商务英语试题 (课程代码00796) (考试时间50分钟,满分100分) 本试卷分为两部分,共10页。1. 第一部分为选择题,应考者必须在“答题卡”上的“选择答题区”内按要求填涂,答在时间上无效。2. 第二部分为非选择题,应考者必须在“答题卡”上的“非选择答题区”内按照试题题号顺序直接答题,答在试卷上无效。Part 1 Questions 1-5 Where can you see these notices? For Questions 1-5, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.1Return FaresABCIn an airportIn a hospitalIn an office2Buy two and get one free.ABCIn a companyIn a supermarketIn a station3DO NOT DISTURB.ABCAt homeIn a zooIn a hotel4Interview in progress.ABCIn a parkIn an officeIn a hotel5Customers Lounges ABCIn a companyIn a hotelIn an airportPart 2 Questions 6-10 Complete the five conversations. For Questions 6-10, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. 6Hello! It's long time not to see you, how are you?ABCI'm fine, thanks. I'm doing a survey, now.It is warm.I don’t like the fish.7How did you manage to get the ticket?ABCI don’t know.My friend helped me to get it.Disaster.8Do you know the news about the dogs?ABCYes, they are not allowed to walk on the street.But I like it.You know it.9What can I do for you?ABCI am looking for a pair of shoes.I don’t know.I would rather go.10May I leave a message, please?ABCHold on.No, you’d better go.You are lucky.Part 3 Questions 11-15 Read the sentences about a girl’s first train ride.Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For Questions 11-15, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. 11Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was to a children’s party. AinviteBinvitedCinviting12I decide to take by train. AherBhersCshe13Sally was very . AexcitedBexciteCexciting14Because she never travelled on a train before. AhasBhadChave15She sat the window. AInBonCnearPart 4 Questions 16-20 Look at the messages or notices below.Choose the best option (A, B or C) to answer each question. For Questions 16-20, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.16This notice says that there isA. no commission to pay for exchanging money after the end of August.B. a small amount to pay for exchanging money before August.C. no charge for exchanging money during August. 17Delegates who cancel 20 days before the conference must payA.100% of the fee.B.50% of the fee.C.20% of the fee. 18The management remind staff that these parking spaces are reserved for clients.Who are these spaces intended for?A staff B clients C management 19 A Phones may not be brought into the factory by employees. B Phone calls can be made only if a supervisor agrees. C Phone calls made in the factory must be supervised. 20Delivery driversIf you have not had asecurity checked,obtain theappropriate form frommain gate staffA Security checks are carried out by main gate staff.B Delivery drivers are required to have a security check.C Please give your security check forms to main gate staff. Part 5 Questions 21-28 Read the recruitment advertisement below. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For Questions 21-28, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.Experienced managers wantedWe need experienced managers – and we are happy to pay for them! We have opportunities for people (21)………you. We’re giving you the chance to make a real difference, for our clients and for yourself.We help world-class organizations get the best (22)………their employees by checking that they have the most effective mix of people, process and technology. Because we are growing (23)………..fast, we need to recruit people at all levels. We want people (24)……….have the ability to solve complex problems. You will help people in (25)……. companies create positive change in difficult situations. Our team believes in creating high performance change, so ideally you have already worked (26)……….multi-million pound international products. (27)………you are looking for rewards and responsibility, (28)……….is only one possible choice: contact us now!21.A.like B.as C.than22.A.to B.from C.out23.A.so B.such C.too24.A.whose B.who C.which25.A.others B.another C.other26.A.on B.off C.by27.A.Where B.Whether C.If28.A.It B.There C.This Part 6 Questions 29-35 Read the announcement below about working hours. Are sentences 29-35 ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)?If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C). For questions 29-35, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.FLEXIBLE WORKING HOURSThe Company is planning to introduce a new flexible system of working hours. At present all employees work from 8am to 5pm, with a total of one hour for lunch and other breaks. The building opens at 7:30 in the morning, and closes at 7 o’clock in the evening for those doing overtime.Under the new system, employees will work a minimum of eight hours, but they will have some choice about when they work. All staff must be at work in the office for a fixed period, from 10am to 4pm, with a total of 60 minutes for breaks. The building will be open between 7am and 9pm, and staff may plan their remaining work schedule to suit themselves, within those hours.We hope that this scheme will benefit employees with young families, and will give everybody the chance to avoid the worst of the traffic. We will try out the scheme for one month, and then we will send out questionnaires to assess employees’ opinions. Naturally it will add to our costs to keep the building open for the extra hours, but we feel this will be a good investment because it will bring benefits to our staff. 29. At present employees must stop work by 7pm. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say30. At present employees must take breaks at fixed times. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say31. Under the new system employees will be able to start work later in the day. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say32. Employees will be able to choose to work from 7:00am to 3:00pm. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say33. The company is planning to provide new facilities for employees with children. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say34. The company will consult employees before making the new system permanent. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say35. The company says that the scheme may be too expensive for the advantages it will bring. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say Part 7 Questions 36-40 Look at the book cover below. It lists useful aspects of a marketing textbook. For questions 36-40, decide which aspect (A-H) is relevant to each person. For Questions 36-40, mark one letter (A-H) on your answer sheet.Do not use any letter more than once. Key features ofStudent Guide toMarketingA All theories supported by reference to real-life casesB Each chapter ends by summing up the topic discussedC Important vocabulary explainedD Case studies for discussionE Examples of standard diagrams in marketingF Discussion and review questions for further studyG Guide to career opportunitiesH Subject index 36 Stanley offredi is interested in a particular topic and wants to know which page in the book to turn to. 37 Maurita johansson has changed jobs and wants to find the meanings of technical marketing words that are new to her. 38 Harry Chang hopes to learn enough by reading only the main points of what is covered in the book. 39 To get a new job writing market research report, Cristina Perez needs to discover what sorts of graphics are normally used. 40 Ali El hadioui needs some detailed examples of marketing practice for his class to talk about.




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