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全国2001年10月高等教育自学考试 人力资源管理(一)试题参考答案 一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共30分) 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.A 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.B 21.D 22.B 23.C 24.B 25.B 26.C 27.D 28.C 29.B 30.A二、多项选择题(每小题2分,共10分) 31.ABCDE 32.ABCDE 33.ABC 34.ABCD 35.ABCDE三、名词解释(每小题3分,共12分) 36.人力资源开发就是把人的智慧、知识、经验、技术、创造性、积极性当作一种资源加以发掘、培养、发展和利用的一系列活动,是一个复杂的系统工程。 37.委任制是由有任免权的机关按照干部管理权限直接指定下属工作人员的干部任用制度。 38.劳动定员是企业劳动管理的一个重要组成部分。劳动定员是企业根据生产方向、生产规模和产品方案,根据劳动定额和定员标准以及企业经营管理层次和机构设置等编制的。它规定一定时期内、一定技术要求下企业各部门应当占有的人力资源数量。 39.模拟教学法是事先设计制造一种情景,由受训人扮演模拟环境中的角色,从事指定的活动,训练学员在复杂情况下处理问题的能力,以达到一定培训辅导目的的方法。四、简答题(每小题4分,共20分) 40.不是任何失业者都能享受失业保险待遇,必须具备一定的要求和资格: (1)失业者必须处于劳动年龄阶段,即处于法定最低劳动年龄与退休年龄之间。 (2)失业者必须是非自愿失业,而不是自愿失业。 (3)失业前必须工作过一定时日,或者投保过一定的时日。 (4)失业后必须立即到政府指定的劳动就业介绍机构,一般是职业介绍所去登记,表明自己已经失业,门槛寻求新的工作岗位;同时必须表示,愿意接受职业介绍机构提供的新的、适当的工作,服从分配,愿意接受职业介绍机构提供的再就业培训辅导,以便到新岗位上能胜任。 41.“金无足赤, 人无完人”。人各有优缺点、长短处。我们选才用才要坚持用人之长原则,主要看人的长处和优点,看他的资格要求是否符合空缺岗位的资格门槛,注重人的现有能力的有效利用和潜在能力的发掘。 42.在组织内部形成一种宽松的环境,使成员能够畅所欲言,提出批评和建议。有恰当的渠道发泄不满,有“出气孔”可以随时“减压”。 43.人员保护的任务包括: (1)保证安全生产。 (2)实现劳逸结合。 (3)实行女工保护。 (4)组织工伤救护。 (5)做好职业中毒和职业病的预防工作和救治工作。 44.对于员工的考核不能只看一时一事,应全面、历史地来看。阶段性考核是员工平时考核的各项评价指标数据的积累。考核的连续性门槛对历次积累的数据进行综合分析,以求得出全面和准确的结论。 五、论述题(每小题14分,共28分) 45.人员报酬是组织对自己员工为组织所付出的劳动的一种直接的回报。 组织在制订人员报酬时应遵循下列原则: (1)成本补偿原则。这一原则门槛:①报酬要能够维持员工劳动力的再生产;②报酬要能够补偿劳动能力形成过程中的经济消耗。 (2)效率优先和兼顾公平相结合原则。要在坚持以员工的生产效率为主确定报酬的前提下,防止员工之间的劳动收入过分悬殊。 (3)短期利益与长远利益相结合的原则。门槛组织在利润率较高时为维持长期优势应首先加大利润留存水平,而不是首先增加员工工资;在经营发生困难时应尽量维持员工的实际报酬水平。 (4)工资增长与劳动生产率增长相协调的原则。报酬的增长水平一般应低于劳动生产率的增长水平。 (5)货币工资与实际工资相符的原则。实际工资是指一定时期内用货币工资可以交换得到的商品和服务量。货币工资和实际工资本相符的原则。门槛:①员工得到的应是货币形式的工资;②员工的本期实际工资水平应等于或大于前期的实际工资水平。 46.人力资源和自然资源一样不仅是社会财富的源泉,而且人力资源在社会财富的创造过程中,起着决定性作用。 ①人力资源是自然资源转换为社会财富的决定因素。社会财富是由对人类的物质和文化生活具有使用价值的产品构成。自然资源并不具有这种有用性,人们只有通过劳动即人力资源的消耗来引起、调整和控制人与自然之间的物质变换过程,使自然资源变成为财富。 ②人力资源是社会财富多寡的决定性因素。人力资源量等于劳动者人数和它的能力水平的乘积。当劳动者的劳动能力一定时,投入社会财富创造过程的人数多,则“变换”出来的财富就多,反之,就少;当劳动者人数一定时,劳动者劳动能力提高,则“变换”出的财富就多,反之,就少。 ③人力资源是社会财富多样化的决定性因素。人们丰富多彩的生活,需要丰富多彩的使用价值即有用物来保证。而多种多样的有用物是靠拥有多种多样劳动能力的劳动者在生产过程中创造出来。 ④人力资源是社会财富增值的决定性因素。一旦财富转化为商品,财富就不仅表现为有用物,而且表现为价值,即无差别的人类社会劳动的凝结。复杂劳动是倍加的简单劳动。提高劳动者的劳动技术,从而提高劳动的复杂程度,是增加商品价值的决定性因素。

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全国2012年4月高等教育自学考试英语语法试题课程代码:00831一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)Choose the best answer from the choices given and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. 1.There are a lot of ________ in Xinhua Children’s Hospital. ( )A.woman doctors B.woman doctor C.women doctors D.women doctor 2.We ________ . Please fasten your seat belt. ( )A.have landed B.are landing C.landed D.land 3.Mary and John ________ each other since childhood. ( )A.have been knowing B.knew C.have known D.had known 4.Almost all the main roads in the city center ________ by the end of next year. ( )A.will be widened B.were widened C.will have been widened D.would be widened 5.The factory will be fined if the work ________ by the end of the month is delayed. ( ) A.to be completed B.will be completed C.being completed D.completed 6.I don’t think it advisable that the young man ________ to the important post since he has no practical experience. ( )A.is appointed B.will be appointed C.be appointed D.has been appointed 7.Mary’s score on the test is the highest in her class; she ________ have studied very hard. ( )A.may B.should C.must D.ought to 8.The students are staying up late these days ________ for the final exams. ( )A.to preparing B.to prepareC.being prepared D.prepared9.He tried ________ a new microphone and was able to make himself heard. ( )A.to use B.to be used C.to using D.using 10.Mr. Johnson met ________ at the party that day. ( )A.a certain retired movie funny star B.a retired certain funny movie star C.a funny certain retired movie star D.a certain funny retired movie star 11.Tom likes watching TV ________ novels. ( )A.more than to read B.more than reading C.than reading D.rather than to read 12.The Conservative Party is one of the ________ parties in Britain. ( )A.major B.mainC.big D.huge 13. ________ , he couldn’t deal with these problems. ( )A.Obviously speaking B.Obviously to speak C.Obvious D.Obviously 14.The room is too cold without heating and too small for a family of four. ________ , it is better than I expected. ( )A.Still B.But C.And D.So 15. ________ their differences, John and Mark remain good friends all their lives.( )A.But for B.For all C.Above all D.Except for16.She is a gentle and quiet girl, ________ none of her sisters is. ( )A.who B.whom C.that D.which 17.She is married to a man who she believes ________ both makes a lot of money and loves her. ( )A.who B.whom C.that D./ 18.Neither of them who had applied for a position in the company ________. ( )A.has been accepted B.have been accepted C.was accepted D.were accepted 19.What she wanted from him ________ just promises at that time. ( )A.is B.areC.was D.were 20.I know I need a good car, but I can’t afford ________. ( )A.it B.one C.that D.this 二、填空题(本大题共28小题,共36分)Section A: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the group. (共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)21.go, goes, is going, advice, advices, piece of advice My special thanks ____________ to Professor Brown, who read the first draft of this book and gave me a lot of invaluable ____________ . 22.a, a, the, the, some, such ____________ beautiful is not always the same as ____________ good. 23.worrying, are worrying, has been worrying, fining, being fined, is fined The browns ____________ about their son ____________ for overspeed.24.was, were, be, never, being, will never be, has never to be Though be ____________ reduced to poverty, he ____________ dishonest. 25.work, worked, working, tell, told, telling ____________ hard until ____________ to stop. 26.which, which, what, what, that, that There is something ____________ I want you to do but ____________ you hate to do. 27.what, which, that, is, are, was What he did and ____________ he said ____________ totally different. 28.such, so, it, make, to make, made ____________ is not funny at all ____________ fun of a disabled man. Section B: Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets. Make changes or add something where necessary. ( 共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)29.Let’s not talk to the director, ____________ (we)?30.You say you took the book without his permission. ___________ (other words), you stole it. 31.The book will provide a ____________ (stimuli) to research in this very important area. 32.They speak ____________ (not French) nor German, but a curious mixture of the two. 33.In my ____________ (mind) eye, she remains a little girl of six although she’s actually a grown woman. 34.I’m afraid you ____________ (have) to be responsible for everything you do after you’re eighteen. 35.Look at the dark clouds. It ____________ (rain).36.Mary is naughty, but she____________(be) a good girl today.37.Congress has decided that the present law____________(maintain).38.­—The lights have gone out. —A fuse____________(blow).39.Having finished the first project, John went on____________(work) on another one. 40.____________ (stand) on the church tower, the whole village could be seen.41.When I told her the news, she became all____________(depressed).42.How much did the second____________ (expensive) has cost?43.I think the noise____________(come) below the window.44.Don’t get____________(mad) the children. They don’t know what they’ve done.45.____________ (consider) the strength of the opposition, we did very well to score two goals.46.That is the reason____________(for) he is leaving so soon.47.Each man and woman____________(be) asked to complete a form.48.I don’t want____________(there be) any disturbance during my lunch break.三、改错题(本大题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分) Correct one error in each of the following sentences.49.—Did you work out the solution to this problem?—I am at my wits end with this problem.50.I’m going to buy a new coat. The weather report says it is very cold.51.Far is it from me to call him a thief.52.She talked a long time, and in the end she could make him believe her.53.The Himalayas have a magnificent variety of plant and animal life.54.The additional work will take five another weeks.55.Such chances should never be let to slip.56.There is something wrong with the car; it needs overhauled.57.Having paid my taxes, the amount left in the bank is hardly worth mentioning.58.Just take a look at that fellow, so you’ll get sick.59.Brown bread and butter are usually eaten with smoked salmon.60.Not a single page he read the whole semester.四、改写句子(本大题共12小题,每小题2分,共24分) Rewrite the following sentences as required.61.Adding a suitable tag to the following statement: I don’t believe you’ve finished knitting that cardigan yourself.62.Reinforcing the negation in the following sentence: No one on the committee approved of my proposal.63.Combining the two sentences by using coordination: He himself is interested in the subject. All his students are beginning to show an interest in it.64.Combining the two sentences by using an adverbial clause: John spoke through a microphone. He could be heard in every room.65.Combining the two sentences by using a conjunct:The house was in bad repair. It was to be sold at a reduced price.66.Combining the two sentences by using a conjunct: The term papers were very brief. They were better than I had expected.67.Using extraposition: Whether there was gold left in the mine was not known.68.Using fronting: The plane dived into a large crowd of spectators.69.Using a modal auxiliary: I’m sure that he is working late at the office.70.Using whatever cohesive device is appropriate: We are told that he will come tonight, and if he comes tonight, our meeting will be held tomorrow. If he doesn’t come tonight, there won’t be any meeting tomorrow.71.Using whatever cohesive device is appropriate: I finally threw out my dirty tennis shoes, which pleased my mother tremendously.72.Using subjunctive mood: I had recommended him to be placed in a more responsible position.五、简答题(本大题共2小题,每小题4分,共8分) Answer the following questions.73.Give a brief answer to the criteria of the classification of open class words and their significance.74.List the types of subjunctive mood with examples.

1、B. Thank you2、C. The journey was very well. 3、A. Hello. You’ve got the wrong number. 4、B. Ten dollars and thirty cents.5、A. No. What’s it about?6、B. No, but I hope to go there next year7、C. Oh, thank you for your kindness 8、B. The older one does9、C. It’s on the right corner just ahead 10、A. Yes, I’d like some information about morning flights from Beijing to Detroit





全国2001年10月高等教育自学考试 人力资源管理(一)试题参考答案 一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共30分) 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.A 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.B 21.D 22.B 23.C 24.B 25.B 26.C 27.D 28.C 29.B 30.A二、多项选择题(每小题2分,共10分) 31.ABCDE 32.ABCDE 33.ABC 34.ABCD 35.ABCDE三、名词解释(每小题3分,共12分) 36.人力资源开发就是把人的智慧、知识、经验、技术、创造性、积极性当作一种资源加以发掘、培养、发展和利用的一系列活动,是一个复杂的系统工程。 37.委任制是由有任免权的机关按照干部管理权限直接指定下属工作人员的干部任用制度。 38.劳动定员是企业劳动管理的一个重要组成部分。劳动定员是企业根据生产方向、生产规模和产品方案,根据劳动定额和定员标准以及企业经营管理层次和机构设置等编制的。它规定一定时期内、一定技术要求下企业各部门应当占有的人力资源数量。 39.模拟教学法是事先设计制造一种情景,由受训人扮演模拟环境中的角色,从事指定的活动,训练学员在复杂情况下处理问题的能力,以达到一定培训辅导目的的方法。四、简答题(每小题4分,共20分) 40.不是任何失业者都能享受失业保险待遇,必须具备一定的要求和资格: (1)失业者必须处于劳动年龄阶段,即处于法定最低劳动年龄与退休年龄之间。 (2)失业者必须是非自愿失业,而不是自愿失业。 (3)失业前必须工作过一定时日,或者投保过一定的时日。 (4)失业后必须立即到政府指定的劳动就业介绍机构,一般是职业介绍所去登记,表明自己已经失业,门槛寻求新的工作岗位;同时必须表示,愿意接受职业介绍机构提供的新的、适当的工作,服从分配,愿意接受职业介绍机构提供的再就业培训辅导,以便到新岗位上能胜任。 41.“金无足赤, 人无完人”。人各有优缺点、长短处。我们选才用才要坚持用人之长原则,主要看人的长处和优点,看他的资格要求是否符合空缺岗位的资格门槛,注重人的现有能力的有效利用和潜在能力的发掘。 42.在组织内部形成一种宽松的环境,使成员能够畅所欲言,提出批评和建议。有恰当的渠道发泄不满,有“出气孔”可以随时“减压”。 43.人员保护的任务包括: (1)保证安全生产。 (2)实现劳逸结合。 (3)实行女工保护。 (4)组织工伤救护。 (5)做好职业中毒和职业病的预防工作和救治工作。 44.对于员工的考核不能只看一时一事,应全面、历史地来看。阶段性考核是员工平时考核的各项评价指标数据的积累。考核的连续性门槛对历次积累的数据进行综合分析,以求得出全面和准确的结论。 五、论述题(每小题14分,共28分) 45.人员报酬是组织对自己员工为组织所付出的劳动的一种直接的回报。 组织在制订人员报酬时应遵循下列原则: (1)成本补偿原则。这一原则门槛:①报酬要能够维持员工劳动力的再生产;②报酬要能够补偿劳动能力形成过程中的经济消耗。 (2)效率优先和兼顾公平相结合原则。要在坚持以员工的生产效率为主确定报酬的前提下,防止员工之间的劳动收入过分悬殊。 (3)短期利益与长远利益相结合的原则。门槛组织在利润率较高时为维持长期优势应首先加大利润留存水平,而不是首先增加员工工资;在经营发生困难时应尽量维持员工的实际报酬水平。 (4)工资增长与劳动生产率增长相协调的原则。报酬的增长水平一般应低于劳动生产率的增长水平。 (5)货币工资与实际工资相符的原则。实际工资是指一定时期内用货币工资可以交换得到的商品和服务量。货币工资和实际工资本相符的原则。门槛:①员工得到的应是货币形式的工资;②员工的本期实际工资水平应等于或大于前期的实际工资水平。 46.人力资源和自然资源一样不仅是社会财富的源泉,而且人力资源在社会财富的创造过程中,起着决定性作用。 ①人力资源是自然资源转换为社会财富的决定因素。社会财富是由对人类的物质和文化生活具有使用价值的产品构成。自然资源并不具有这种有用性,人们只有通过劳动即人力资源的消耗来引起、调整和控制人与自然之间的物质变换过程,使自然资源变成为财富。 ②人力资源是社会财富多寡的决定性因素。人力资源量等于劳动者人数和它的能力水平的乘积。当劳动者的劳动能力一定时,投入社会财富创造过程的人数多,则“变换”出来的财富就多,反之,就少;当劳动者人数一定时,劳动者劳动能力提高,则“变换”出的财富就多,反之,就少。 ③人力资源是社会财富多样化的决定性因素。人们丰富多彩的生活,需要丰富多彩的使用价值即有用物来保证。而多种多样的有用物是靠拥有多种多样劳动能力的劳动者在生产过程中创造出来。 ④人力资源是社会财富增值的决定性因素。一旦财富转化为商品,财富就不仅表现为有用物,而且表现为价值,即无差别的人类社会劳动的凝结。复杂劳动是倍加的简单劳动。提高劳动者的劳动技术,从而提高劳动的复杂程度,是增加商品价值的决定性因素。

课程代码:00794请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上I.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 全国2008年4月高等教育自学考试综合英语(一)试题1. It is said that the newly-built gymnasium is three miles _______ from here.A. away far B. far away C. far D. away2. I _______ my talk with Tony. Let’s go out for a walk.A. have finished B. had finishedC. finish D. finished3. I am for your proposal that the discussion about future plans _______.A. to be put off B. be put offC. should put off D. was put off4. You will see this product _______ wherever you go in this city.A. advertise B. to be advertisedC. advertised D. advertising5. Jack often complains _______ able to communicate with his parents.A. of being not B. of not beingC. being not D. not being6. We expected many club members would come to the tea party, _______ turned up.A. only a few B. very fewC. but a few D. but few7. The reason _______ the little boy died was lack of medical care.A. why B. becauseC. for D. as8. _______ the drill is, it is very useful in improving your oral English.A. Simple you consider B. You consider simpleC. Simple as you consider D. As simple you consider9. Only when I got there _______ how badly the crops had been damaged.A. did I realize B. I realizedC. then I realized D. then did I realize10. _______ that this small town was exposed to various kinds of dangers.A. In 2003 B. The year of 2003C. It was 2003 D. It was in 200311. Smoking hurts not only the smokers, but also the people around them _______ second-hand smoke.A. because B. because ofC. as D. as of12. To her disappointment, her best friend did not _______ at her birthday party.A. turn over B. turn aroundC. turn up D. turn in13. How I wish I could bring _______my children in an environment close to nature!A. about B. inC. out D. up14. When the fever eventually _______, he is likely to feel tired and weak for a while.A. dies down B. dies outC. loses D. leaves15. She had to _______ after the first round because she sprained her wrist.A. run out B. drop outC. draw out D. come out16. It was Allen who _______ with the bright idea to have a barbecue near the lake.A. went up B. came alongC. went along D. came up17. Humor is a most _______, yet frequently neglected means of handling the difficult situations in our lives.A. affirmative B. affectionateC. efficient D. effective18. Hardly had he arrived at the airport _______ he was told that the flight had been cancelled.A. than B. whenC. before D. then19. The decision _______ how much money should go to education is of vital importance.A. due to B. owing toC. as to D. so as to20. I know she didn’t pass the qualifying exam, but really she is _______ but stupid.A. anything B. nothingC. something D. noneII.认真阅读下面两篇短文,每篇短文后有五个问题。根据短文的内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)Passage 1A mile or so before they reached Oxford, they stopped the car on top of a hill from which they could see the whole of the city spread out before them. The spires and the domes, the college walls and towers looked as peaceful as when they were first built, hundreds of years ago.When they drove down, over the River Thames and into the city centre, they found it was not so peaceful after all! The main streets were packed with traffic: cars, lorries, coaches full of tourists and the bicycles which the students use to get about. But as soon as they had managed to park the car and get away from the roaring traffic, they discovered a completely different world. Narrow cobbled streets which had hardly changed since the Middle Ages ran between the high college walls of grey or yellow stone. Inside the great double gates of each college they found quiet squares of grass, surrounded by the chapel, the library, the dining-hall and the rooms where the students and teachers live. Many colleges had the most beautiful gardens where one could sit and read, talk, work or dream.Most of the students, or undergraduates, wore informal clothes: sports coats, or pullovers, and slacks. But some of them were wearing their black gowns. George explained that they had to wear these when going to lectures or to their weekly meeting with their tutor, or teacher. Tom and Anne were very surprised to see a few young men dressed in formal black suits, with ties, gowns and scholars’ caps. Anne asked whatever they were doing, wearing evening dress in the morning! George laughed and said that this was the official dress for taking examinations, many of which were held in June.In one college, they visited the dining-hall. It was enormous with a high roof held up by great wooden beams with windows of stained glass as in a church, and long heavy tables and benches. At one end was the “High Table”, which is usually reserved for the Head of the college and the teachers. It really was high, raised on a wooden platform above the level of the rest of the hall. An undergraduate may sit at the High Table once on the day when he has passed all his examinations, takes his degrees and becomes a graduate.21. They stopped the car on top of a hill because _______.A. the spires and domes looked peacefulB. they wanted to see OxfordC. they wanted to take a restD. the old college walls looked different22. Before they got away from the roaring traffic, they _______.A. succeeded in parking their carB. found a car parkC. tried to park their carD. failed to park their car23. Most of the undergraduates were wearing _______.A. suits, caps and gowns B. black gownsC. sweaters or sports jackets D. vests and slacks24. George told Tom and Anne students wore black gowns _______.A. only when they were on their way to lecturesB. when meeting with their tutor once a weekC. on their way to the libraryD. when they were in the chapel25. An undergraduate may sit at the High Table on the day he _______.A. receives his degrees B. passes his examsC. takes his exams D. leaves schoolPassage 2An ideal design for a toothbrush has not been invented. Dentists have put forward many different designs over the years and each has its advantages. We all know the problems of trying to clean less accessible areas, where it is difficult to see and space is restricted. In trying to clean the backs of our lower front teeth and our wisdom teeth we have produced toothbrushes with every type of bend in the handles and curve on the surface of the bristles(猪鬃、毛发). Added to this there is the choice of natural bristle or nylon for the heads of the toothbrush.After numerous tests it has been found that there is no difference in effectiveness between the natural and artificial bristle. In fact, dentists are finding more advantages with the nylon toothbrush. Nylon bristle is said to last longer, is more easily cleaned and harbours fewer germs. The individual nylon bristles tend to be more consistent in texture and do not become soft. The bristles, moreover, do not split as is the case with natural bristle.The main advantage of natural bristles appears to be that they are more resilient(有弹性的) when new. Another controversy is the appearance of hard, medium and soft toothbrushes. We are told that certain hard brushes are good for smokers and promote healthy gums. Once again the publicity is misleading, starting with the conception that hardness means a bristle of a tougher substance. This is not so, for a hard toothbrush is one in which the diameter of the bristles is greater, thus making the brush more rigid. This causes problems because the gums are easily injured and the tooth surface is more easily worn away by this type of brush. In fact, too much pressure and the wrong technique with a hard brush can cause much damage to the teeth and gums. As the bristles are thicker, they cannot get into the narrow openings so easily. The only advantage of this type of brush is that it lasts longer. In general, therefore, a hard toothbrush is not recommended unless used with extreme care. It is much more advisable to use a medium or soft bristle toothbrush. They don’t have a very long life, and replacement is necessary as soon as the bristles split or fall out.26. According to the passage, the artificial bristle is _______.A. more effective than the natural oneB. less effective than the natural oneC. just as effective as the natural oneD. firmer and cleaner than the natural one27. Which of the following, according to the passage, is an advantage of the nylon toothbrush?A. The bristles split more easily.B. The bristles are free from germs.C. The bristles always stay firm.D. The bristles last longer.28. A hard brush is _______.A. a brush with hard bristles B. a brush with thick bristlesC. good for smokers D. good for the gums29. The wrong technique with a hard brush means _______.A. the wrong use of brush B. too much pressureC. the wrong sort of brush D. the wrong toothbrush30. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. A hard brush is all right if you use it firmly.B. A medium brush is recommended as the bristles last longer.C. A soft brush will soon need replacing.D. A brush that is a mixture of medium and soft bristles is recommended.III.用国际音标标出下列单词中划线字母或字母组合的读音,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分)(注意:考生使用新式或老式音标均可)31.semester 32.unpleasant33.enormous 34.nonsense35.ambulance 36.astonishment37.argument 38.enthusiasm39.circumstance 40.nonetheless41.appearance 42.physically43.loyalty 44.oxygen45.obtainable 46.something47.protein 48.organize49.survival 50.schoolIV.完形填空(将正确答案填在答题纸相应的位置上)(本大题共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分)A.从下列单词中选择适当的词填空,每个词只能用一次。That until first couldwhich would standing whenin where showing actedWe blacks couldn’t take advantage of things we saw other people doing. If we were in a store 51 and some white people came in, the sales people would stop waiting on us. We 52 have to wait, and we could not interrupt. I remember something 53 happened once in either Loveman’s or Pitzitz, 54 they have drawers with hats. This salesperson was 55 some white people hats. Another white lady began to open the drawers and look at the hats. A black lady 56 there thought that while she was waiting she 57 do the same thing. So she opened the drawers. The saleslady 58 like the woman had committed a crime. She told her, “You don’t go in those drawers. You wait 59 I get to you!” That stayed with me a long time. I was about ten or eleven 60 that happened, and I could not understand it.B.根据课文的内容在每个空白处填入一个恰当的词。I was now five, and still I showed no real sign of intelligence. I showed no apparent interest in things 61 for my toes-more especially those on my left foot. I 62 to lie on my back all the time in the kitchen or, 63 bright warm days, out in the garden, surrounded 64 a family that loved me and hoped for me and 65 made me part of it. I was lonely, imprisoned in a world of my 66 , unable to communicate with others, cut 67 , separated from them as though a glass wall stood 68 my existence and theirs. I longed to run 69 and play with the rest, but I was unable to break 70 from my imprisonment.V.根据所学课文内容完成下列句子,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)71. The day before the art exhibition, Henry managed to get in and ________.72. Mr. Budd was afraid after the Evening Messenger printed the full story of his great idea because ________.73. According to the author of Happiness, many successful people feel miserable because they know they are contributing very little of real value and ________.74. In Freedom in Dying, Jim stated his desire to have his ashes scattered over the sea, which reflected his love of ________.75. Tracy’s liver was transplanted into the author’s husband, David, who ________.76. Samuel H. Scudder was disappointed when his professor asked him to look at the fish because ________.77. Bob Sugg made a living by ________.78. After he finished his work in the restaurant, Sidney Poitier would ________.79. In the United States, a person would be regarded as out of his mind if ________.80. The author in The Outside Chance was able to win the bet on the horse races because ________.VI.将下列句子译成英语,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)81.据说新的方案下周公布。82.杰克终于来了,但还是迟到了5分钟。83.我知道那位老人把大部分钱捐给了穷人。84.无论他怎么努力,他也做不出这道题的答案。85.汤姆睡觉前把玩具收拾好了。86.我在车站闲逛了一个小时,我的朋友还是没来。87.一般而言,年轻人容易接受新思想。88.我们必须采取行动有效处理空气污染问题。89.市政府承诺改进交通系统。90.遭受洪水袭击地区的人民急需食品和水。



今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考英语教材习题答案,自考英语一教材答案的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!2010年10月 自考英语答案2010年10月自考英语(二)试题及答案第一大题:1A:protect2D:reference3C:span4B:otherwise5A:superior6C:from7D:afford8B:addto9D:adapt10A:necessarily第二大题:Cloze(完型填空)主要讲述图书馆经费的问题11.B(at)thesametime同时12.A(risen)13.Cnumberofhours14Bprovide15Cexample16Adependon依靠17Bthereis18Ccostly花费大的19Ddisgree不同意20Dbut但是第三大题:ReadingComprehension(阅读理解)主要讲述人工智能的发展在将来可能给人们带来的便利以及对人们工作的影响21.itispossiblethatinthefuture…….选择Dtheneedforserviceforworkerswillberuduced22.themainaimofthesecondparagraphistoshowthat….Aaiwillmakeservicesmoreefficient23.airlinereservationsareearlyexampleof….AAIapplication24.itisimplicatedinthelastparagarphthatinthe21世纪后半叶。。。。。Cniumerousworkerswereforcedtoretireearlier(得早退休)25。这篇文章的态度是。。。Cobjective客观的这篇摘录自苹果公司总裁乔布斯在斯坦福大学的演讲,讲述他一生被dropout(可理解为抛弃)的经历,26.biologcalmother的意思是:。。。。Bone’smotherthroughbirth(生物学母亲的意思是出生他的母亲)27.作者的父母…itistruethattheauthors’parents…Dhadnocollegedegrees(没有大学学位的)28.theauthorquiteschoolmainlybecause作者退学的原因是:Chedidnotthinkhiscollegetuitionworthwhile他觉得大学学费花的不值得29.作者退学后Ccontinuedtopursuehisinterests继续追求她的兴趣30.作者认为他的dropout是…Drewarding有回报的讲述电子垃圾的毒性,第一世界国家开始处理但是相当部分转移到第三世界国家危害环境31.toxins的意思是….Cpoisonoussubstances有毒物质32.lawsaboute-wastehavebeenpassedbecause…通过电子垃圾相关法律是因为…Be-wastecontainstoxinsandbiodegradeslowly(有毒并且难以降解)33.第三段暗示….B大部分第一世界的电子垃圾得到妥善处理34.theauthorbelievesthattheunwantedelectronicshippedtothethirdworld…Adoesmoreharmthangoodinfact意思:运往第三世界国家的电子产品坏处大于好处35.这篇文章主要讨论thepassagemainlydealwithAthedangerouscausedbye-waste第四大题:WordSpelling(单词拼写)36.Slipping37.physically38.impact39.ongoing40.musician41.gravity42.tempt43.suspect44.publication45.routine46.thirtieth47.senseless48.voluntary49.improvise50.honestly51.undertake52.initial53.interval54.location55.Wednesday.第五大题:WordForm(词汇正确形式)56enlarge57employee58choice59consideration60profitalbe61.coverage62characteristic63inspecting64acquaintance65.strenghten第六大题:TranslationFromEnglishIntoChinese(汉译英)66.hetalkedtomejustlikewekneweachotherformanyyears.67.Whatyouaredoingtodaywillbehelpfultoyouinthefuturn.68.HeandIiscomplelyconsistenttothismatter’sview.69.Itseemsthatthisplanisfeasible.70.Peoplelivedinthatareaareworkinghardtoturnthedeserttothefertileland.第七大题:TranslationfromEnglishintoChinese(英译汉)直到二十世纪初人们才认识到食物和饭菜中含有某种重要的物质,可以抵抗疾病的发生,这些重要的物质对身体发育,健康以及身体的一些正常的功能都有重要的作用。一个良好均衡的饮食习惯应该能够提供我们身体的一些正常的维他命的需要,那些能够幸运的买到充足食物的人不会发生维他命的缺乏,然而,因为多种原因,一些人不能保证一个平衡的饮食习惯,人们经常因为疾病而缺乏食欲,独居的人往往没有正常的饮食习惯,偏食的。答案自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

【免费定制个人学历提升方案和复习资料: 】自考大专英语专业一共需要考13门课程(含选修课), 分别为:思想道德修养与法律基础、大学语文、综合英语(一)、综合英语(二)、听力、口语、英语阅读(一)、英语阅读(二)、英语写作基础、英语国家概况、教育学(一)、毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论自考大专英语自考英语大专下方免费学历提升方案介绍: 2020年10月自考00597英语写作基础真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:326.14KB 201704自考00532-中国古代文学作品选(一)真题 格式:PDF大小:482.56KB自考/成考考试有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:







以上就是小编今天给大家整理发送的关于“2021年自考英语考试复习技巧 ”的相关内容,希望对大家有所帮助。总的来说,想要一次通过自考英语还是有一定难度的,考生需要做好适合自己的自考英语复习规划,才能高效高质备考,取得事半功倍的效果。


Part C: Read the following text are fully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.( 10 points)

46. Those societies came out of the war with levels of enrollment that had been roughly constant at 3%-5% of the relevant age groups during the decades before the war.

【解析】1.这句话主干为Those societies came out of the war.

2. with levels of enrollment是介宾短语作状语;

3. that had been roughly constant at 3%-5% of the relevant age groups是定语从句修饰前面levels of enrollment.


47. And the demand that rose in those societies of entry to higher education extended to groups and social classes that had not thought of attending a university before the war.

【解析】1. 这句话主干为the demand extended to groups and social classes,其中extended为谓语动词;

2. that rose in those societies of entry to higher education定语从句修饰demand;

3. that had not thought of attending a university before the war定语从句修饰前面groups and social classes.


48. In many countries of western Europe, the numbers of student in higher education doubled within five-years periods during the 1960s and doubled again in seven, eight or 10 years by the middle of 1970 s.

【解析】这句话主干为the numbers of student in higher education doubled and double again,In many countries of western Europe为地点状语,其他部分为时间状语从句。


49. and when the new staff are predominantly young men and women fresh from past graduate study, they largely define the norms of academic life in that faculty.

【解析】这句话主干为they largely define the norms of academic life in that faculty,when引导的是时间状语从句;其中fresh from past graduate study是形容词短语修饰men and women。


50. High growth rates increased the chances for academic innovation, they also weakened the forms and process by which teachers and students are admitted into a community of scholars during periods of stability or slow growth.

【解析】1.这句话主干是一个并列句为High growth rates increased the chances for academic innovation, they also weakened the forms and process;

2. by which teachers and students are admitted into a community of scholars during periods of stability or slow growth定语从句修饰forms and process.


2021年考研英语一翻译真题解析的内容小编就说到这里了, 更多关于考研备考技巧,报名入口,考研报名时间,考研成绩查询,考研报名费用,准考证打印入口及时间等问题,小编会及时更新。希望各位考生都能进入自己的理想考研院校。希望大家能好好复习。取得佳绩。

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