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我也正在学. 课长太长,单词太多,看得头晕... 但我觉得首先,熟悉课文,多背单词. 去下载课文的MP3吧. 再把课后的答案都下下来. 大耳朵英语有MP3下,但是需要注册, 也可以用人人帐号登. 课后答案百度文库有, 自己搜搜吧. 或者给我留言留邮箱, 我发给你.






1.generation. 2.broken 3.nearly 4.likely. 5.against. 6.activists 7.stairs 8.there 9.that 10.on 11.without 12.lid 13.both 14.it 15.no 16.exception 17.notion 18.ghetto. 19. most 20.lie 21.educational 22.than 23,past 24.absent

今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考教材问题的答案,英语,二自考教材答案的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!自考教材课后练习题答案可以在哪里找到?自考通练习册上有,我建议你要买练习册,不是自考很难过关你说的是哪个与它配套的自考通练习册有,我以前买过求计算机应用基础课后习题答案00018《计算机应用基础》章节作业题参考答案 2011-10-31 08:11:05| 分类: 自考:计算机应用 | 标签:自考 |字号 订阅计算机应用基础作业参考答案 说明:教材:全国高等教育自学考试指定教材,非计算机专业公共基础课《计算机应用基础》2005年版。课程代码00018第一章1、填空题输入设备1输入输出VGA字长、速度、存储系统容量、可靠性、可维护性、性能价格比技术实现简单、简化运算规则、适合逻辑运算、易于进行转换2、选择题BDCCCAADDBBCDCABBDBACABCADBACABBBDABC第二章1、填空题用户、计算机一、软件标题栏、控制下一级菜单、有效多个、任务Alt+Tab、Tab程序、附件空白、鼠标文件夹、驱动器击键、语言复制、粘贴2、选择题CDBDACCBAD3、简答题处理器管理最基本的功能是处理中断事件。处理器只能发现中断事件并产生中断而不能进行处理。配置了操作系统后,就可以对各种事件进行处理。处理器管理的另一功能是处理器高度。处理器可能是一个,也可能是多个,不同类型的操作系统将针对不同情况采取不同的高度策略。Windows窗口有:控制菜单、标题、最小化按钮、最大化/还原按钮,关闭按钮、菜单栏、工具栏、边框、滚动条、状态栏。窗口的基本操作包括窗口的移动、放大、缩小、切换、排列和关闭等主要方法有:1)使用“开始”菜单2)使用“运行”命令启动程序3)利用快捷方式图标Windows文件的名称最多可以由255个字符构成,并且允许使用空格符和加、逗号、分号、左右方括号和等号,不允许使用类括号、正反斜杠、竖杠、冒号、双撇号、星号和问号,使文件的名称更友好,可以反映文件的实际作用。扩展名不限定3个英文字母,可以按照文件的命名规则来选定文件的扩展名。包括文件夹的展开和折叠、创建文件夹、复制文件夹、删除文件夹、移动文件夹和重命名文件夹等操作。1)先选定要移动的文件夹;2)移动文件夹时,按住Shift键再拖动文件夹图村到目的位置后释放即可。可以设置包括鼠标键配置、指针、移动和硬件。可以利用工具箱中的“用颜色填充”、“刷子”、“喷枪”等工具对图画进行着色。所需的颜色可从调色板中进行选择。若所需颜色在调色板中没有,可通过修改调色板来选择。第三章1、填空题Office 2000常规方法、快捷方式编辑、视图、插入、表格标题栏、菜单栏、工具栏、状态栏Alt+F4插入点每一页、整个文档Ctrl+S、另存为普通视图、大纲视图普通视图、Web版式视图、页面视图、大纲视图15、区分大小写左右边界、左对齐黑色、五号排序、计算图片、剪贴画2、选择题BDBADCCCBCDDCBA3、简答题一是指明当前的工作环境是“Microsoft Word”;二是用于控制Word工作窗口的变化。1)按住Ctrl键,将鼠标指针移动到文档左侧的选定区,单击鼠标左键2)将鼠标指针移动到文档左侧的选定区,并连续快速三击鼠标左键3)单击“编辑”菜单中的“全选”命令来选定全文4)用快捷键Ctrl+A5)将插入点移到文档开始处,按Ctrl+Shift+End6)将插入点移到文档末尾处,按Ctrl+Shift+Home1)“格式”工具栏2)“格式”菜单中“段落”命令3)用鼠标拖动标尺上的缩进标记1)用工具栏按钮插入行2)用菜单命令插入行1)将插入点移动到要插入图片的位置,单击鼠标右键显示文本编辑的快捷,然后选择“粘贴”命令。2)将插入点移动到要插入图片的位置,单击“编辑”菜单中的“粘贴”命令,或者单击“常用”工具栏的“粘贴”按钮。3)将插入点移动到要插入图片的位置,单击“编辑”菜单中的“选择性粘贴”命令,打开“选择性粘贴”对话框。选择有关选项,单击“确定”按钮,即执行粘贴操作。第四章1、填空题65536、256输入、编辑公式单元格.xlsA1,A2,A3三个单元格之和∑自定义页脚选定工作表独立排序数据2、选择题DABBBBBBDACB3、简答题工作表的标识是工作表标签,单击工作表标签将激活相应工作表,使其成为当前工作表,当前工作表只能有一个,叫做活动工作表。1)用鼠标先选定C1至H1区域;2)再用鼠标点击格式工具栏中的“合并及居中”按钮。填充柄是指选中单元格右下角的小黑方块,拖动它可扩展或填充单元格序列的内容。绝对引用是指复制或移动单元格时,如果不希望其中的公式中引用的单元格发生变化,需要使用绝对引用。第五章1、填空题状态栏普通视图、大纲视图视图两端对齐、分散对齐前景、背景常用shiftPPZ取消隐藏重复2、选择题CCBACBDBDB3、简答题通过“视图”菜单中的“工具栏”命令,可以选择显示或隐藏某些工具栏。1)在“Powerpoint”启动对话框中选择要打开的演示文稿2)单击“打开”按钮右边上的下拉按钮,选择“以只读方式打开”Powerpoint的每一份演示文稿中都包含有两个母板:幻灯片母版和标题母版要改变段落或标题级别,可以通过鼠标的拖曳移动来实现。用鼠标选择中要改变级别或位置的标题和段落目标,然后上下拖动鼠标,从而改变目标的位置;左右拖动鼠标,改变大纲的次序安排。也可利用“视图”菜单中的“工具栏”命令,打开大纲工具栏,用其中的工具按钮改变段落或标题的级别和前后位置。鼠标在桌面上移动,屏幕左下角出现图标,单击该图标或在屏幕上任意位置按下鼠标右键。都会出现快捷菜单,单击快捷菜单中的“指针选项”在其子菜单中选择“绘图笔”命令,此时鼠标器指针变成一支笔的形状,在屏幕上便可画出线来。第六章1、填空题通信局域网、城域网、广域网,广域网专用线路接入、电话线拨号、无线ISDN、ADSLTCP/IP、SMTP、POP3HTML、HTTP协议名://IP地址或域名/路径/文件名@调制解调器IP地址2、简答题CN:中国JP:日本UK:英国HK:香港TW:台湾COV:政府机构COM:商业机构EDU:教育机构AC:科研机构BJ:北京市SH:上海市TJ:天津市CQ:重庆市 JS:江苏省两个计算机间通信时对传输信息内容的理解、信息表示形式以及各种情况下的应答信号都必需进行一个共同的约定,即协议。1)万维网WWW2)电子邮件3)文件传输协议4)远程登录5)专题讨论6)公告板系统1)用户拨号上网的电话号码2)用户名3)口令4)电子邮件地址5)电子邮件服务地址6)域名服务器地址别的地方是没有的可以去找计算机老师,管他要教材辅导书看看,没准会有的自考会计有哪些教材?不同个省份,安排的科目是不一样的,但没有多大的差别,可以去省自考网官网去看看自考会计有哪些教材?不同个省份,安排的科目是不一样的,但没有多大的差别,可以去省自考网官网去看看###你可以报一个专业的机构,他会提供给你所有的教材不用你费心找教材,我是在智岛启航报的资格证保过,提供教材自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:


是不是: the use of force 这课?

习题全解 I . 1)Germany attacked Russia on an enormous front by air on Sunday, June 22. 2)He was not surprised at the news, because he had thought that the Germans would attack the Soviet Union. 3)Because he had only one purpose, the destruction of Hitler, who he thought was the worst in the world. 4) The policy that Churchill declared Britain would pursue was to destroy Hitler and wipe off every single trace of the Nazi regime. 5)According to Churchill, Hitler's invasion of Russia served as the first step for his invasion of Britain, thus controlling of the Western Hemisphere.Ⅱ . 1)Hitler was hoping that if he attacked Russia, he would win in Britain and the U.S. the support of those who were enemies of Communism. 2)Winant said the United States would adopt the same attitude. 3)In this way, my life is made much easier in this case, it will be much easier for me to decide on my attitude towards events. 4)I will not take back a single word of what I have said about Communism. 5) I can see the German bombers and fighters in the sky, who, after suffering severe losses in the aerial battle of England, now feel happy because they think they can easily beat the Russian air force without heavy loss. 6) We shall be more determined and shall make better and fuller use of our resources. 7)Let us strengthen our unity and our efforts in the fight against Nazi Germany when we have not yet been overwhelmed and when we are still powerful.Ⅲ. See the translation of the text.IV. 1 ) anti-Communist 反共产主义的(人); antichrist反对基督(教)的(人) Here "anti-"means "against", "hostile to", "opposed to". Other examples, anti-Japanese, anticolonial, anti-party, anti-imperialist, anti-fascist, anti-apartheid, antidraft, antislavery, anti-Smith. 2) antibacterial抗细菌的,抗菌物; antifreeze 防冻剂 In these two cases, "anti-"means "preventing', "curing', "neutralizing" or "reducing". Other examples : antiknock, antitoxin, anti-pollution, anti-malarial, antifriction, anti-icer. 3)antiaircraft 防空的 anti-ballistic missile反弹道导弹 Here "anti-"has the meaning of "counteracting", "operating against "or "resisting". Other examples: antitank, antipersecution, antitrust, antigas, antisubmarine, antidote, antimagnetic. 4 )antithesis (修辞学中的)对句,对话,偶句; antihero (小说,戏剧中)不按传统性主角品格塑造的主角 Here "anti-"means "opposite", "reverse". Other examples : antimatter, antipole, antiparticle, antineutron, antiphrasis, antipode, antinovel.V. 1)He was almost at the end of his powers when… 2)-"his reputation is uncertain. 3)He completely ignored… 4)People who are in a vulnerable position should not attack others. 5)This may teach the young man not to take foolish risks. 6)"'brought him great success. 7)The pupils took the teacher as their example. 8)...an enormous pile of letters.Ⅵ. 1)Whether for him, the arch anti-Communist, this was riot bowing down in the House of Rimmon :whether he was not renouncing his previous attitude towards Communism; whether he was not changing his position since he had all along been opposed to Communism. 2)I suppose they will be rounded up in hordes: I think the Red armymen will be surrounded and captured in surprisingly large numbers. 3)The Nazi regime is devoid of all theme and principle except appetite and racial domination: Here "appetite" is used metaphorically, meaning strong German desire for conquest. 4)Still smarting from many a British whipping: Here "whipping" is used metaphorically, meaning counterattack. 5)rid the earth of his shadow and liberated its peoples from his yoke: Here both "shadow" and "yoke" are used metaphorically, the former meaning the very strong power or influence (of Hitler) and the latter meaning control.Ⅶ. 1)as cool as cucumber 2)fact and fantasy 3)He came back sound and safe. 4)She sang a song. 5) Next to health, heart and home, happiness for mobile Americans depends upon the automobile.Ⅷ. Parallel structure : 1)We will never parley We will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang 2)We shall fight him by land We shall fight him by sea We shall fight him in the air 3)behind all this glare behind all this storm I see'" 4)1 see the Russian soldiers standing'" I see them guarding... I see the ten thousand villages... I see advancing upon... I see also the dull… I see the German bombers… I see that small group… 5)that is our policy and that is our declaration 6)We shall be fortified and encouraged in our efforts. We shall be strengthened and not weakened in determination and resources. 7)Let us learn the lessons already taught by such cruel experience. Let us redouble our exertions… Repetition : 1)We have but one aim and one single, irrevocable purpose. 2)He has so long thrived and prospered. 3)We will never parley, we will never negotiate...IX. the Nazi war machine, a swarm of crawling locusts, small group of villainous men, his shadow, his yoke, his tyranny, Hitler's blood-lust and the hateful appetitesX. 1)preparing, writing down 2)very fast and violently 3)obtaining, getting 4)returned 5)spent...on it 6)frontiers 7)ancient time 8)evil 9)agree 10)hold talks with our enemy ll)religious belief; faith 12)sadly, deplorably 13) great and sudden disasterXI. 1)This is true of the rural area as well as of the urban area. 2)He was counting on their support. 3)I don't remember his exact words, but I'm sure he did say something to that effect. 4)Churchill said, "Tell Stalin that Britain has but one desire --to crush Hitler. 5)Only 9% of the population in that country remains illiterate. 6)This leaves them no choice but to rely on his efforts. 7)The guests were overwhelmed by the warm reception. 8)They overwhelmed the enemy by a surprise attack. 9)Their difficulty is our difficulty just as we view their victory as our own victory. 10)It is clear that German fascists were trying to put the people in that region under their domination.XII. 1)turn 2)turned...into 3)turn 4)turned to 5) turned…into 6 ) turning… to 7 ) turn … on 8) turned down 9 ) turned out 10)turned out 11)turn upXIII.(6) (1) (4) (7) (3) (2) (5)XIV. Omitted.XV. The Nazi regime is the most wicked in the world. Now, it is invading U. S. S. R. , and the Russian soldiers are doing their best to safeguard their country. This is a crucial point. I have to declare the policy we should follow. Our policy is to destroy Hitler and every vestige of the Nazi regime. Therefore, we must make every effort to fight together with those who fight Hitler and his supporters. We must unite all our friends and allies in every part of the world to fight Hitler. Hitler's invasion of Russia is merely a prelude to an invasion of Great Britain, which will lead to his total control over the Western Hemisphere. The Russian danger is therefore our danger, and the danger of the United States. If we don't unite, we'll be struck down one by one. Let us make a joint effort to fight the Nazi German.




福师《高级英语(一)》在线作业一的参考答案:一、单选题1、C2、A3、A4、D5、A1. Sometimes it is very difficult to ( ) some of the English words. Even the native speaker can not help.A. decreaseB. createC. defineD. delight2. With the help of the government , a large number of people ---( ) after the flood in 1991.A. survivedB. suspendedC. sufferedD. subfected3. I was born in Japan, but I have _______ Chinese citizenship.A. retainedB. representedC. reportedD. required4. Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell me what number I should dial to get the ( ).A. throatB. verseC. conductorD. operator5. The college students in China are ( ) from smoking on campus because this will do them no good.A. discouragedB. observedC. obeyedD. obtained6. This river forms a natural ( ) between China and Korea.A. boundaryB. stringC. spotD. zone7. The ( ) is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again.A. beanB. beamC. bakeD. battery8. Domestic-made TV sets are not ( ) imported ones at allA. more inferior thanB. inferior toC. inferior thanD. more inferior as9. Pine trees are usually believed to _______ cold weather.A. guardB. accomplishC. roarD. endure10. Free medical service is ( ) to nearly all the college students in China.A. favoriteB. availableC. convenientD. average11. He regretted __________ her the truth.A. having toldB. to have toldC. had toldD. to tell12. He tried to ( ) with the manager for his salary.A. evaluateB. objectC. bargainD. pause13. ( ) is no reason for discharging her.A. Because she was a few minutes lateB. Owing to a few minutes being lateC. The fact that she was a few minutes lateD. Being a few minutes late14. She is already 16 years old. But she ( ) as if she were still a little girl.A. believesB. absorbsC. accusesD. behaves15. After working for twenty hours without any rest, the doctors were ( ).A. exhaustedB. mountedC. wrappedD. restored16. In order to write his paper, he borrowed a lot of ( ) books from the school library.A. implicationB. referenceC. sampleD. saucer17. The engineers in this lab spent several weeks _______ their plans for the new bicycle.A. countingB. strippingC. elaboratingD. casting18. After the death of their parents, the sisters got well ________ and never quarreled.A. awayB. inC. alongD. out19. When traveling alone in the mountains, you’d better take a _______ with you in case you get lost.A. compassB. compressC. compulseD. campus20. I expect all the letters ( ) promptly.A. being typedB. to be typedC. having been typedD. to have been typed21. He’ll always be _______ to you for what you’ve done.A. peacefulB. secureC. gratefulD. companion22. The ( ) work continued for more than a week but there was still no sign of the missing boy.A. researchB. rescueC. vesselD. vast23. Domestic-made TV sets are not __________ imported ones at allA. more inferior thanB. inferior toC. inferior thanD. more inferior as24. As a chairman for nearly ten years, Professor Smith has never ( ) to anything dishonest.A. beardB. attachedC. grantedD. kept25. The Bushmen are ( ) hunters even though their weapons are primitive.A. favouriteB. originalC. sufficientD. expert26. When you buy anything expensive, never forget to ask for the ( ) from the shop.A. renderB. trustC. receiptD. tale27. She is already 16 years old. But she _______as if she were still a little girl.A. believesB. absorbsC. accusesD. behaves28. He is vain and seldom _______ his mistakes.A. confessesB. admitsC. realizesD. recognized29. 1,3,5,7 and 9 are ( ) numbers and 2,4,6 and 8 are not.A. oddB. evenC. extraD. nut30. We can not _______ all the magazines together.A. routeB. drawC. threadD. bind31. He is ( ) of an actor.A. anybodyB. anyoneC. somebodyD. something32. The moon _____ around the earth.A. moveB. movesC. will moveD. has moved33. Hello! Is that 21035? Please put me ________ to the manager.A. acrossB. upC. throughD. over34. A hot shower, a cup of milk, a bag of potato chips, and then a good sleep ( ) the luxury that he needed after the examination.A. areB. wasC. wereD. is35. These programs are designed for those young people who want to _______ higher education but do not have enough time to go to university.A. insureB. purseC. purchaseD. pursue36. Without a proper education, people could ( ) all kinds of crimes.A. conductB. stoopC. commitD. sweat37. The doctors ( ) the medicines to the people in the flood area.A. distributedB. packedC. prayedD. undertook38. He was ( ) his wits end what to do.A. inB. onC. atD. of39. This is the house ( ) windows were broken.A. whoseB. whichC. itsD. of which40. He is ________ of an actor.A. anybodyB. anyoneC. somebodyD. something41. One of the main reasons for air pollution is that many cars ( ) smoke into the atmosphere.A. gatherB. hireC. dischargeD. escape42. I can't afford as ( ) car as this one.A. expensive aB. an expensiveC. a more expensiveD. a most expensive43. Before he left the White House, the president made a _______ speech.A. quarrelB. symbolC. automobileD. farewell44. The college students in China are _______ from smoking on campus because this will do them no good.A. discouragedB. observedC. obeyedD. obtained45. The _______ left the ship after sixty hours of hard struggle.A. dashB. cellC. crewD. gay46. Without a proper education, people could _______ all kinds of crimes.A. conductB. stoopC. commitD. sweat47. When a spacecraft travels, one of the major problems is reentry into the Earth’s ( ).A. surfaceB. atmosphereC. attitudeD. bent48. His face is familiar ( ) me, but I can’t recall his name.A. withB. inC. toD. on49. We are _______ at the rapid progress Mark has made in this semester.A. distinguishedB. annoyedC. astonishedD. scored50. We can not trust him any more because he often ________ his duty.A. owesB. spoilsC. desertsD. neglects



The glass fell from the shelf and broke to pieces玻璃杯从架子上掉下来摔成碎片东西打破打碎 一般用break






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