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大学是人生的关键阶段。这是因为,进入大学是你终于放下高考的重担,第一次开始追逐自己的理想、兴趣。这是你离开家庭生活,第一次独立参与团体和社会生活。这是你不再单纯地学习或背诵书本上的理论知识,第一次有机会在学习理论的同时亲身实践。这是你第一次不再由父母安排生活和学习中的一切,而是有足够的自由处置生活和学习中遇到的各类问题,支配所有属于自己的时间。 大学是人生的关键阶段。这是因为,这是你一生中最后一次有机会系统性地接受教育。这是你最后一次能够全心建立你的知识基础。这可能是你最后一次可以将大段时间用于学习的人生阶段,也可能是最后一次可以拥有较高的可塑性、集中精力充实自我的成长历程。这也许是你最后一次能在相对宽容的,可以置身其中学习为人处世之道的理想环境。 大学是人生的关键阶段。在这个阶段里,所有大学生都应当认真把握每一个“第一次”,让它们成为未来人生道路的基石;在这个阶段里,所有大学生也要珍惜每一个“最后一次”,不要让自己在不远的将来追悔莫及。在大学四年里,大家应该努力为自己编织生活梦想,明确奋斗方向,奠定事业基础。好好努力吧University is a crucial stage of life. This is because aess to college is that you finally lay down the burden of college entrance examination for the first time began to chase their dreams and interests. This is your life away from their families, the first independent participation in the groups and social life. This is you do not simply learn or recite the books of the theoretical knowledge, for the first time have the opportunity to study theory at the same time hands-on. This is the first time you are no longer arranged by the parents of all living and learning, but there is sufficient to dispose freely of life and various problems encountered in the study, the control of all of their own time. University is a crucial stage of life. This is because, This is your last opportunity for a lifetime systematic education. This is the last time you can devote to build your knowledge base. This may be the last time you can long period of time for learning stage of life, it may be the last time you can have a high plasticity and concentrate on the growth of self-enrichment process. This is probably the last time you can be in a relatively tolerant, can immerse themselves in one way and acted the ideal learning environment. University is a crucial stage of life. At this stage, all students should seriously take every one "first", so that they bee the cornerstone of the future path in life; at this stage Duan, all students must treasure every one "last", do not let his rude awakening in the near future. In the university four years, we should try to weave their own dreams of living a clear direction for the struggle, laying career. Good work in this regard

Some say, college, now no longer means that the fate of the change, even in the reverse change the fate.Mr. CAI yuanpei once taught students of pku: each of you to do, have little confidence, training so a o interests, and my mind always think so a question or o.And I always want to mind as "a question or o" is: why do we want to go to college. The university, especially on a famous university, can always bee a last-borns pride in the capital, the neighborhood is the talk of the neighborhood after-dinner speaking. I'd think, the university should have more pure purpose, such ability won't cut class, to do the exam, do not themselves in love, a copper fumes stink, bee cynical, and four years shaoguang wasted, regret at the beginning.In the university you can develop your own interests hobbies, exercise their munication skills, these are all will e to work on the use of ability. College life exerts a subtle influence on the your outlook on life,university of the return or a good thing. 有人说,大学,现在不再意味着命运的改变,即使是在相反的改变命运。蔡元培曾经教授北大的学生每个人都对你做,没什么信心,训练所以两个兴趣,我的头脑总是这么想一两个问题。而且我一直想思想作为“一两个问题”是:为什么我们要去上大学。大学,特别是在一个有名的大学,总是可以成为一个老小骄傲在首都附近的邻居说的餐后演讲。我认为,大学应该有更多的纯粹的目的,这样才不会逃课,应付考试,不要自己在爱铜烟臭味,愤世嫉俗,和四年韶光浪费了,后悔在开始。在大学里你可以培养自己的兴趣爱好爱好,锻炼他们的沟通技能,这些都是将工作市区

Why we should go to college? Differ people have different opinions. Some believe that college is the best place for us to make our dreams e true. It is known that there are many masters in college who can lead us to fulfill our goals and make the better understanding of the value of life. In my point of view, college provides perfect opportunity and the necessity to us, especially for those who urge to learn more in order to repay for our country. Only in this way can we use the capability which we gain in college to make our country a better place. It is this reason that we shall go to college and study hard.

I My name is liu tao.I am thirteen years old.I study at a school called Guangming Middle school .I love playing football and siging.I am good at chinse ang maths.I often help my clas *** ates work out their problems.I never sad a bad word about anyone,so many clas *** ates and teachers like me very much.

您好: These days at Harvard during the visit, the time went to Harvard's neighbors, also in a region of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, often abbreviated as MIT). MIT is a prehensive private university in the United states. Massachusetts Cambridge (Cambridge) region. The Charles River (Charles River) on campus in front of the stream slowly, be it with Boston's Back Bay (Back Bay) separated from the Boston high-rise buildings on the other side of the river - visible. When I came to the subway station, subway advertising is the school and the local history, the local government pay more attention to the value of the historical school and pride. Today the MIT both in the United States and around the world have important influence, and it is also one of the most petitive university. Everyone is pushing Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Massachusetts known overseas, bee our students around the world fascinated heart, scramble for the temple of science. Natural science and engineering of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, enjoys the high reputation in the world, the management science, economics, philosophy, political science, linguistics is also good. The Lincoln Laboratory, puter science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, the media lab and the Sloan School of management is very famous. 2005, there are 61 Nobel laureates have studied or worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In Europe and the United States Students Association Chamber of Commerce, there are many graduated from MIT, they are all very good. For example, the chamber of Commerce Committee Li Shan 2005 MIT alumni, was the Bank of China International CEO. European and American students will have a MIT Alumni Association, is also very active. I also contacted MIT's Sloan School of business MBA and doctoral students, they are also very characteristic. But, MIT, I was most impressed with its emphasis on undergraduate students. Aording to MIT's friend, MIT every year to recruit more than 4000 students. But MIT has a very special is the first year, students can be arbitrarily elective, not professional setting, but more interesting is the first year of the undergraduate test scores only pass (through) the scoring, regardless of ABCD or other grades, but not included in the student transcripts or records. MIT the purpose of doing so is to encourage more students to try bold selection, not familiar with the course, find their own interests, cultivate the courage to try, dare to the spirit of innovation. Choose the wrong also never mind, never learn it does not matter, but if by trying to In 2005, the British times higher education supplement in the world university rankings, MIT ranked second in the overall average (behind the Harvard University), ranking first in the world in science and technology, the world is ranked second in the engineering sciences, ranked fifth in the world in terms of natural sciences, ranked seventh in the world in the field of social sciences. The National Association for the study of the MIT in the popularity of American University ranked first. The United States Princeton Review MIT named as one of the nation's most selective colleges and universities in 2006. Massachusetts Institute of Technology through the unremitting efforts of several generations, today, those who bring the world's most Polytechnic University, everyone is pushing Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Massachusetts known overseas, bee our students around the world fascinated heart, scramble for the temple of science. Natural science and engineering of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, enjoys the high reputation in the world, the management science, economics, philosophy, political science, linguistics is also good. The Lincoln Laboratory, puter science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, the media lab and the Sloan School of management is very famous. 2005, there are 61 Nobel prize winner at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study or work. In Europe and the United States Chamber of Commerce in students, there are a lot of graduated from MIT, they are all very good. For example, the chamber of Commerce Committee Li Shan is 2005 MIT alumni, who is BOC CEO. European and American students will have a MIT Alumni Association, is also very active. I also contacted MIT's Sloan School of business MBA and doctoral students, they are also very characteristic. Everyone is pushing Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Massachusetts known overseas, bee our students around the world fascinated heart, flock to the temple of science. Natural science and engineering of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, enjoys the high reputation in the world, the management science, economics, philosophy, political science, linguistics is also good. The Lincoln Laboratory, puter science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, the media lab and the Sloan School of management is very famous. 2005, there are 61 Nobel prize winner at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study or work. In Europe and the United States Chamber of Commerce in students, there are a lot of graduated from MIT, they are all very good. For example, the chamber of Commerce Committee Li Shan is 2005 MIT alumni, who is BOC CEO. European and American students will have a MIT Alumni Association, is also very active. I also contacted MIT's Sloan School of business MBA and doctoral students, they are also very characteristic. However, MIT I was most impressed with its emphasis on undergraduate students. Aording to MIT's friend, MIT enrolled more than 4000 students every year. But MIT has a very special is the first year, students can be arbitrarily set course, not professional, but more interesting is the first year of the undergraduate test scores only pass (through) the scoring, regardless of ABCD or other grades, but not included in the student transcripts or records. MIT the purpose of doing so is to encourage more students to boldly course, try not familiar with the course, find their own interests, cultivate the courage to try, dare to the spirit of innovation. Choose the wrong does not matter, did not learn it does not matter, but if by trying to However, MIT I was most impressed with its emphasis on undergraduate students. Aording to MIT's friend, MIT enrolled more than 4000 students every year. But MI

No matter what you do ,you should have the confidence Lots of people plain that they lack the ability to do,in fact they have lost confidence in doing that if a person has the right attitude to his ability, it is possible that he has the confidence As long as there is confidence we will be able to acplish any mission we are facing with

I will help my mother do some shopping.We are short of some food.So I need to make a shopping list in order to buy some food we need.We need five kilos of rice,A kilo of apples,a box of milk,three kilos of eggs,o tins of coke and vegetables a kilo.Now I'm going to the shopping center to buy these foods with this list.

My mother My mother is an English teacher and she likes listening to English radio and reading English newspaper. She always gets up early in the morning. She washes her face and has breakfast, then she hurriedly goes to school. She does morning exercises with her students. Next, she has one or o English lessons. In the afternoon, she helps some students with their English. Finally, she goes home at five o’clock. She marks the student’s homework at home and she always. tired everyday. I love my mother and I hope she can just relax at the weekend. 除夕 Spring Festival's Eve Spring Festival's Eve is the last night in the last month of lunar calendar next to Spring Festival Day,the First Day of New Year. Chuxi,the Chinese name of Spring Festival's Eve,means the old year past and we will greet the new by the turn of year. During all festival,the activities or celebrations focus on praying for Good Fortunes and getting rid of Bad Fortunes. 大年初一 In ancient China's Zhou and Qin Dynasty,when it came to Lunar New Year,Royal Palace would have a ritual named Danuo,to drive away ghost and bad luck of illness and disaster,it was also called "Zhuchu(to drive away)". People called the day before Spring Festival's Eve Before-Year's Night,so the Spring Festival's Eve constantly is Year's Night. 大年初二 The Spring Festival's Eve is a most lingered night. In this warm eve,when night ing,youngsters handle a stick of incense to ignite the firecrackers,a child plugs up his ear by one hand and leans to ignite the fireworks by another,other children cover their ears aside to wait fireworks' happy bang impatiently. Although some senior citizens are old, they still could remember what a beautiful spring festival they had in their childhood. To have a family super,make sacrifice and stay up a whole night for greeting new year's ing are the main three activities in the Spring Festival Eve.

(一) My Hobby I like drawing. It does bring me happiness. As a kid, I was keen on those lines and curves drawn on paper made into animals and scenes. It really could show beauty to people and express my feelings. And then I took a course so that I could get close to it and see it well. But at that time, I just did it for fun. Years went by, I got into a long period of time filled with pressure in study. And I found it so good a way to relax. It did not any longer play an unimportant role in my living, but bacame my friend. Since that time, I have felt it like a nice person deep in my heart who can talk with me with true words and make me happy with life. This is my hobby, not just a hobby, but also a true friend. (二) My Hobby There are a great many hobbies to choose from. Some people enjoy collecting coins or stamps, others choose to spend their time on sports or music. I have many hobbies, but playing basketball is my favorite one. At weekends, we always build a team to play basketball against another one in our neighbourhood. The petitions brought us so much fun. I think playing basketball is a good way to build up one's body and relax oneself. But I will always remember that it's unwise to spend too much time playing.

"Animal World" is a popular TV program by CCTV. It is also my favourite program. I like it because I really like *** all animals. Also, the host has the ability to make the program lively and interesting. Finally, from the program I have learned a lot about how animals live, which I didn’t know before. After I see this program, I know that many cute animals are in great danger, There are thousands of animals are disappearing, including all kinds of animals, people kill them for their furry and bone. I think we should protect the animals,only in this way can we protect our earth.

Went to university is worth or not? Went to university is worth or not?To this point,I want to say:It's worth. Absolutely worth,althought you look at many person go to university,when they out of their school,they look like not earn more money.But just is a start.It will say:you have had a good stage.If you can't because of when you got a high certificate,you haven't had a high salary.Don't think about too much.But went to university only less will help you got some balance of knowledge. I think that you were go to a university,not just help you have had more salaries,it will help you got more knowledge.进入大学是值得或者不值得的? 进入大学是值得或不值得的?对于这个观点,我想要说:它是值得的。 绝对是值得的,尽管你看见许多人进入大学,当他们从大学的校门出去的时候,他们看上去没有挣更多的钱。但是,这只是一个开始。它将会说:你有一个好的平台。如果你不能够因为你的高学历而得到一个好的收入。不要担心地太多。但是,去大学至少将会帮助你得到更好的知识方面的平衡。 我想,你去就读于一所大学,不只是帮助你得到更多的收入,而是它会帮助你得到更多的知识。

Why do I want to go to college? No one has ever asked me such a question. But many times I have asked myself. I have come up with a whole variety of reasons. The most important reason is that I want to be a better man.Many things make human beings different from or better than or even superior to animals.One of the most important things is education. If I fail to receive higher education, my education will not finish. As I want to be a fully developed man, I must get a well-rounded education, which good colleges and universities are supposed to provide. I know one can get educated in many ways, but colleges and universities are among the best places to teach me how to educate myself. Only when I am well-educated, will I be a better human being and be able to better fit into society.E智网为你解答,希望可以帮助到你!













I live near my school.So I usually go to school on foot.I think walking to school is a good way to exercise body.Because I walk to school every day,I'm stonger than before.Sometimes I go to school by bike because I'm nearly late for school.But I don't like riding my bike to school,because I'm afraid of my bike being stolen.So I like walking to school best.。














Nowadays, there are many ways students used to go to school. The most mon one is to be fetched by their parents. However, it has became a showing off of how rich the family is by driving a luxurious car or even the most exaggerate one is by helicopter. This will certainly spoil the children making them materialistic. In fact, student should be encouraged to walk or cycle to school. It does not just reduce the pollution and prevent the traffic jam, yet this can be treated as an exercise. Students can get healthier by doing this, besides it too can train them to be independent.。

Everyday morning ,I get up at 6:30,after washing face and hands and eating breakfast,I prepare to go to school. First I should be sure everything I ought to take have been taken.

After this I begin to go to school, long long ago,my parents to take me to school.But I now I can go to school by myself.

I like to go to school,I like studying ,too.

That's all ,thank you!

One morning, my back schoolbag happily go to school.At this time,

the morning mist still wanders, mengmenglonglong, walk on the road, like walking in the same first exit.Walked, I found a few tiny crystal dew on the grass. At this time, the wind doll quickly came,

Small dew jumped into the grass, no see. I think, they are probably playing hide and seek! Wind dolls to flyThe grass look closely, but finally did not find, he left disappointed










Everyday morning ,I get up at 6:30,after washing face and hands and eating breakfast,I prepare to go to school. First I should be sure everything I ought to take have been taken.

After this I begin to go to school, long long ago,my parents to take me to school.But I now I can go to school by myself.

I like to go to school,I like studying ,too.

That's all ,thank you!

How to Go toSchool

I have three good friends, Wang Ming, Li Hua and Zhang Ying. However

each of us goes to school in a different way. I go to school on foot, for my

home is not far from the school. Wang Ming goes to school by bike. It

takes him about 30 minutes to ride to school. Li Hua lives far away

from the school, so he goes to school by bus. It takes him about an hour

to cover the distance from his home to school. Zhang Ying is lucky, for

his father takes him to school by car. He doesn't need to walk or ride

a bike to school. You can imagine that his family is much richer

than ours. Although we go to school in different ways, we arrive at

the school almost at the same time every day.

6am, I get up, eat breakfast, I happily go to school carrying a bag. At this time, the morning fog still floating, Mengmenglonglong, walking on the road, like walking in the same territory earlier. there is one kilometer from my home to the school , I found a few *** all crystal dew on the grass. At this time, the wind quickly came doll, *** all dew quickly jumped into the grass and disappeared. At this time, the sun would wake up, he put the light sprinkling the earth, to make the world bright. Soon the fog lifted, everything around clear and bright. Ah, what a beautiful morning it! I love it。













































I live near my school.So I usually go to school on foot.I think walking to school is a good way to exercise body.Because I walk to school every day,I'm stonger than before.Sometimes I go to school by bike because I'm nearly late for school.But I don't like riding my bike to school,because I'm afraid of my bike being stolen.So I like walking to school best.。














Nowadays, there are many ways students used to go to school. The most mon one is to be fetched by their parents. However, it has became a showing off of how rich the family is by driving a luxurious car or even the most exaggerate one is by helicopter. This will certainly spoil the children making them materialistic. In fact, student should be encouraged to walk or cycle to school. It does not just reduce the pollution and prevent the traffic jam, yet this can be treated as an exercise. Students can get healthier by doing this, besides it too can train them to be independent.。

Everyday morning ,I get up at 6:30,after washing face and hands and eating breakfast,I prepare to go to school. First I should be sure everything I ought to take have been taken.

After this I begin to go to school, long long ago,my parents to take me to school.But I now I can go to school by myself.

I like to go to school,I like studying ,too.

That's all ,thank you!

One morning, my back schoolbag happily go to school.At this time,

the morning mist still wanders, mengmenglonglong, walk on the road, like walking in the same first exit.Walked, I found a few tiny crystal dew on the grass. At this time, the wind doll quickly came,

Small dew jumped into the grass, no see. I think, they are probably playing hide and seek! Wind dolls to flyThe grass look closely, but finally did not find, he left disappointed










Everyday morning ,I get up at 6:30,after washing face and hands and eating breakfast,I prepare to go to school. First I should be sure everything I ought to take have been taken.

After this I begin to go to school, long long ago,my parents to take me to school.But I now I can go to school by myself.

I like to go to school,I like studying ,too.

That's all ,thank you!

How to Go toSchool

I have three good friends, Wang Ming, Li Hua and Zhang Ying. However

each of us goes to school in a different way. I go to school on foot, for my

home is not far from the school. Wang Ming goes to school by bike. It

takes him about 30 minutes to ride to school. Li Hua lives far away

from the school, so he goes to school by bus. It takes him about an hour

to cover the distance from his home to school. Zhang Ying is lucky, for

his father takes him to school by car. He doesn't need to walk or ride

a bike to school. You can imagine that his family is much richer

than ours. Although we go to school in different ways, we arrive at

the school almost at the same time every day.

6am, I get up, eat breakfast, I happily go to school carrying a bag. At this time, the morning fog still floating, Mengmenglonglong, walking on the road, like walking in the same territory earlier. there is one kilometer from my home to the school , I found a few *** all crystal dew on the grass. At this time, the wind quickly came doll, *** all dew quickly jumped into the grass and disappeared. At this time, the sun would wake up, he put the light sprinkling the earth, to make the world bright. Soon the fog lifted, everything around clear and bright. Ah, what a beautiful morning it! I love it。




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