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返回首页请选学习单元第1单元第2单元第3单元第4单元第5单元第6单元第7单元 小小的blanks 里面也能发现莫大的乐趣,不信,试试看... 1. The sun (rise) in the east. (96基础英语试题) 2. He said he (come ) earlier the next day. (97基础英语试题) 3. Write to me as soon as you (get) there. (97基础英语试题) 4. A new bridge (build) here next year. (97基础英语试题) 5. He (take) to hospital tomorrow. (96基础英语试题) 6.She was working in a factory when the city (liberate). (96基础英语试题) 7.More houses (build) next year. (98基础英语试题) 8. The bus usually (start) every five minutes. (98基础英语试题) 9. Two thousand miles (be) too far for us to travel over a short vacation. (99基础英语试题) 10. She (tell) you the news when you ask her to. (基础英语试题)下一步>>



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全国2011年10月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838Ⅰ. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)1. In its broad sense culture is ______ Whatever distinguishes man from the rest part of the world is culture. ()A. social organizations B. the features of the worldC. the attributes of man D. human development2. ______ is,perhaps,the best known subject in which the interaction between language,thought and culture is investigated. ()A. Nonverbal communication B. Intercultural communicationC. Verbal communication D. Translation3. Culture is a loan word from . ()A. French B. LatinC. Roman D. Norwegian4. “Greenhouse” in English and “温室” in Chinese differ in their ______ meaning. ()A. social B. conceptualC. thematic D. reflected5. ______ is a grammatical category of nouns in English,as illustrated by the simple sentence “We are students”. ()A. Person B. CaseC. Number D. Degree6. Westerners tend to be ______ thinkers. ()A. holistic B. subjectiveC. analytic D. objective7. When English speaking people part,they are expected to say“ ______”. ()A. It’s nice to have met you B. I am pleased to meet youC. Thank you very much D. You are welcome8. If a compliment comes to a westerner for his good Chinese,he would reply“______ ”. ()A. No. No. That’s not true B. Thank you for encouraging meC. Sorry,I can’t speaking Chinese well D. Thank you. I am glad to hear that9. ______ contain folk wisdom rather than scientific accuracy. ()A. Idioms B. MetaphorsC. Similes D. Proverbs10. The proverb “Carry coals to Newcastle” is related to ______. ()A. navigation B. geographyC. literature D. Christianity11. The English equivalent for “开某人的玩笑” or “捉弄某人” is “______ ”. ()A. to kid somebody’s brain B. to make one’s faceC. to get one’s hand D. to pull somebody’s leg12. The colour word “______” is associated with profit in business. ()A. white B. blueC. red D. black13. “I’m disadvantaged,for I still don’t have a cent to my name. ” In the above sentence,the word “disadvantaged” means ______. ()A. unfavourable B. disagreedC. poor D. nameless14. Anything that is ______ by religion,tradition or social usage is a taboo. ()A. prohibited B. allowedC. unprohibited D. encouraged15. Man: Would you like to see a movie with me tonight? () Woman: It looks like raining. The above sentences are linked by ______. A. grammar B. lexicalC. phonetics D. meaning16. John overslept this morning. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been late for school. () The logical relationship between the above sentences is______. A. additive B. adversativeC. causal D. temporal17. The word “______” is American spelling. ()A. colour B. travellerC. metre D. defense18. Nike is the name of ______ in Greek mythology. ()A. a heroine B. the goddess of victoryC. the goddess of fortune D. a wealthy lady19. The nonverbal messages that are consistent with accompanying verbal messages,but add to or strengthen or clarify the verbal message serve the function of ______. ()A. regulating B. repeatingC. complementing D. accenting20. “Rubbing one’s thumb against one’s forefinger and middle finger” means ______ in English body language system. ()A. victory B. dirtC. OK D. moneyⅡ. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)21. ______can convey messages in face-to-face communication. ()A. Gestures B. Written symbolsC. Facial expressions D. Phonetic alphabets22. English words borrowed from Latin are normally used in ______ contexts. ()A. informal B. academicC. religious D. intimate23. ______ are a category of the subjunctive mood in English. ()A. Mandative subjunctives B. Formulaic subjunctivesC. Conditionals D. Assumptives24. In a telephone call,if the person wanted is not available,it is customary for the English speaking person to say “______”. ()A. Thank you for calling. B. Hold on a moment. C. May I take a message? D. Would you like to leave a message?25. English proverbs can be classified into ______ categories. ()A. Christianity B. sexismC. individualism D. metaphors26. Which of the following are metaphorical expressions about ideas? ()A. He is the father of modern biology. B. His ideas will live on forever. C. I’ve had a full life. D. Life is empty for him. 27. --- Pass me the salt. () --- Pass me the salt,please. --- Would you please pass me the salt? The above utterances are arranged in an order of increasing degrees of______. A. formality B. informalityC. politeness D. impoliteness28. In a normal text,sentences are connected . ()A. informally B. formallyC. hypotactically D. paratactically29. In Chinese newspapers,______ are not reported so frequently as in English newspapers. ()A. political achievements B. cultural achievementsC. crimes D. disasters30. Our body odours may be affected by ______. ()A. orientation of house B. exercise scheduleC. drinking water D. emotional stateⅢ. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)31. Value systems,world views,national traits,aesthetic standards and thinking patterns are often regarded as the central part of ______. 32. Major English speaking countries,especially the United States,are “countries on the ______”,which is illustrated by such words as “drive-ins”,“motels”,and “diners”. 33. Subjects and ______ are not so frequently omitted in English as in Chinese,as illustrated by the sentence “This book is very interesting,Would you like to read it?”34. In English speaking cultures,it is customary for the person calling or the elderly person to hang up the receiver ______. 35. “A Trojan horse” is an allusion derived from ______. 36. The English speaking people use the word “chicken” metaphorically to refer to a ______. 37. Many plant and place names such as “poker” and “Mississippi” in American English come from ______. 38. It is safe to say that Chinese advertising as a whole tends to be more ______ than English advertising. 39. The ______ zone ranges from touching to 18 inches. It is usually reserved for the very few special people in our lives who are very close to us. 40. Technical time refers to precise,scientific ______ of time counted in ordered, logical sequences. Ⅳ. Answer the following questions briefly. (12 %)41. What does the statement “Language is the carrier and container of culture. ” mean?42. Is “spiritual” a true equivalent to“精神上的”?43. How is the letter “i” pronounced differently when it occurs before “le” in American and British English?44. What does the gesture “touching or pointing to one’s own nose by raised thumb” signify in western culture?Ⅴ. Translation. (18 % )45. Men and women,old and young,all joined in the battle. 46. God help those who help themselves. 47. Many people intend to get white-collar jobs after graduation. 48. 请赐教。49. 敬请光临寒舍。50. 2011年11月1日上午8点火车将到达北京。Ⅵ. Discuss the following topics. (20 %)51. What is your interpretation of the proverb “An Englishman’s house is his castle” and people’s behaviours related to the proverb?52. How would you define “common core English” from the viewpoint of the speaking style?

【免费定制个人学历提升方案和复习资料: 】湖北工程学院是二本。湖北工程学院位于湖北省孝感市,由湖北省人民政府举办的普通本科高等院校,入选国家首批“卓越农林人才教育培养计划”项目、“十三五”应用型本科产教融合发展工程、教育部“互联网+中国制造2025”产教融合促进计划试点院校、首批湖北省 2011计划高校,是汉江流域大学联盟、大别山革命老区高校联盟成员。学校办学历史溯源于1943年创办的湖北省立第三师范学校,历经孝感师范学校、孝感大学、武汉师范学院孝感分院、孝感师范专科学校、孝感师范高等专科学校等发展阶段;1986年与湖北职业技术师范专科学校(前身为华中农学院孝感分院)合并;1999年建设部南方城乡建设学校(又名孝感市建筑工程学校)整体并入;2000年3月更名为孝感学院;2011 年12月更名为湖北工程学院。二本大学下方免费学历提升方案介绍: 2017年04月自考00995商法(二)真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:476.74KB 2019年10月自考00838语言与文化真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:389.71KB自考/成考考试有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:



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2003年4月自考英语(一)试题及答案 Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point for each)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 1�Since Americans pay very high taxes,they often feel that they are working one day each week justtheir taxes.A�pay B�to be paying C�paid D�to pay【】2�Advertising is only part of the total sales effort,but it is the part thatthe most attention.A�attacks B�attracts C�attaches D�attributes【】3�Information that does not make any to you is difficult to remember.A�trouble B�way C�sense D�mistake【】4�The United States is known for its supermarkets,huge quantities of all kinds of food and household articles are sold.A�which B�that C�when D�where【】5�The ants,hardworkingthey are,have time for play.A�as B�but C�so D�lest【】6�Diamonds are the hardestfound in nature.A�instance B�circumstance C�substance D�existence【】7�Large and powerful,the atmosphere consists of an ocean of gases hundreds of miles.A�high B�higher C�highly D�height【】8�Curiosity and imagination are importantwhich help stimulate the discovery of new facts and the laws of science.A�techniques B�technologies C�qualities D�quantities【】9�Information in long�term memory can beat a later time when it is needed.A�remarked B�reminded C�removed D�recalled【】10�Insurance agents are always friendly,well dressed,and cager to behelp.A�for B�of C�from D�into【】Ⅱ�Cloze Test(10 points,1 point for each)下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 For human beings there is more to living than just staying alive.Therefore,your 11,or emotional and mental needs are important.You need to love and 12.You need to feel safe and secure.At the same time,you need to feel13.You need stimulation and variety to keep your brain14and to achieve personal growth.You also need to have a sense of 15,a personal identity,in order to know 16you are and how you fit in the environment. Of all the emotional needs,a need for love is the17basic.At different times in life,you experience the need for love in different ways.18.a helpless baby feels love in 19to care.Love means being kept dry and warm and being fed.Gentle touch and firm support create a feeling of trust20 the baby for the people who care for it. 11�A�physical B�political C�psychological D�educational【】12�A�to be loved B�to be loving �to have loved D�to be for love【】13�A�depend B�depended C�dependent D�independent【】14�A�act B�acted C�active D�action【】15�A�self B�own C�you D�yours【】16�A�that B�who C�which D�how【】17�A�much B�more C�most D�very【】18�A�In addition B�On the average C�Of course D�For example【】19�A�response B�regard C�terms D�view【】20�A�at B�in C�with D�by【】Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points for each)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。Passage one Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. The term “flying saucer”refers to strange objects travelling through the earth�s atmosphere at very high speeds.Thousands of people all over the world claim to have seen them.Some believe them to be spaceships from other planets.Others insist that they are a secret type of aircraft being built on earth.Many people maintain that they are only natural phenomena happening under special temperature,light,or weather conditions All reports,however,agree that the strange objects move at extremely high speeds and fail to follow the laws of motion by reversing(逆转) direction instantly without slowing down. In the United States,the first flying saucers were reported on June 4,1947,by a private plane pilot.He saw nine objects travelling in the sky.Each was disk�shaped and very bright.Because their movements were compared to those of a “saucer skimming across the water”, newspaper reporters called them “flying saucers”. Some weeks after the first reported sighting,the United States Air Force was given the job of investigating all the reports of flying saucers.Because of the confusing variety of shapes,sizes,and colors reported,the Air Force adopted the term Unidentified Flying Objects(UFO) to describe them. Since the Air Force officials began their investigation of flying saucers,they have identified most of the objects as stars,planes,man�made satellites,experimental missiles(导弹),or weather phenomena.Some of the UFO reports,including photographs,were deliberate(蓄意的)tricks made to cheat people. All the research so far has failed to prove that UFOs are spaceships coming from outside the earth.Most investigators agree,however,that more study is needed before the question of whether or not flying saucers really exist can be answered.21�The term“flying saucer” is generally used to refer to.A�spaceships from other planetsB�a secret type of aircraft being builtC�some natural phenomenaD�strange objects flying very fast in the sky【】22�The first flying saucers got their name.A�from a private plane pilot who saw themB�for their brightness in colorC�because they looked like disks moving in the airD�because they skimmed across the water【】23�The Air Force preferred the term UFO because.A�newspaper reporters used itB�the term “flying saucer” was very confusingC�UFO is a general term that can refer to a larger variety of objectsD�the Air Force didn�t find any objects that looked like flying saucers【】24�All the research has failed to identify any UFOs as.A�man�made satellitesB�aircraftC�experimental missilesD�spaceships sent from other planets【】25�From this passage we know that.A�the US Air Force was the first reporter of flying saucersB�the term UFO was first used by the US Air Force investigatorsC�UFOs are not worth further investigationD�the question of whether there exist flying saucers has already been answered 【】Passage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. The American educator Horace Mann once said:“As an apple is not in any proper sense an apple until it is ripe,so a human being is not in any proper sense a human being until he is educated.”Education is the process through which man attempts to pass on to his children his hard�won wisdom and his ideals of a better world.This process begins shortly after birth,as parents seek to train the infant to behave as his culture demands.Schooling,or formal education,consists of experiences that are carefully planned to help young people learn what adults consider important for them to know and how they should respond to choices. While almost everyone accepts the goal of developing skills in the three R�s—reading,writing and arithmetic—it often seems impossible to reach agreement on any goal beyond that.In the broadest terms,the conflict over educational goals can be viewed as a conflict between two groups of people—conservatives and liberals(自由派). The conservatives tend to identify a desirable education with the transmission of the cultural knowledge,offering courses featuring the three R�s at the elementary level and academic(普通文化课的)studies or strong vocational(职业的)or business courses in the secondary school.They stress training of the mind and development of abilities. The liberals tend to be interested in the development of the “whole child,”not merely in training his mind or in preparing him for adult life in a remote future.They emphasize rich,meaningful school living in the present,and they view subject matter as a resource for total human development rather than as a goal in itself.They believe that content should be acquired not for its own sake but as a means of encouraging thought and inquiry.26�What Horace Mann means is that.A�education is essential for man�s growthB�an apple is delicious only when it is ripeC�a man is like a child without proper educationD�education can be compared to the growth of an apple tree【】27�At school,children.A�find it hard to win wisdomB�have choices in what they learnC�are taught what adults select for them to learnD�learn how they should respond to teachers� questions【】28�The three R�s does not include.A�arithmeticB�writingC�readingD�reasoning【】29�It�s most unlikely that the conservatives should emphasize.A�the teaching of basic cultural knowledgeB�courses in three R�s in the elementary schoolC�courses such as modern physics and marketing at the secondary levelD�the development of the student as an individual person【】30�The liberals hold that.A�the goal of school education is mainly to prepare students for adult lifeB�teaching activities should be rich and meaningful to the studentsC�course content should be learned and remembered for future useD�book knowledge is the only resource for learning【】Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. It has been a wide�spread belief that the American family is dying.But a new study reveals that the American family is stronger than ever.This study affords surprising evidence of the persistence of American commitments to family life. The American family is changing,not dying:It is becoming smaller,men and women are becoming more equal,and the divorce rate is higher.But despite the high divorce rate,marriage has never been more popular.The majority of divorced people remarry,but only 2% marry more than twice.Most marriages last a long time,and a large proportion of divorces are from teenage marriages.Depending on the specific situation,there�s often good reason for teenage marriages to break up. There is no evidence that children receive less attention from mothers who work outside the home than from mothers working inside the home.So far the amount of educational or development time hasn�t varied very much,whether or not the mother works outside the home.In fact,working mothers try to make up for it by setting aside time only for their children. The study shows that television is by far the most significant new child�care arrangement of this century.The most important activity for children up to age 14 is watching television. School is the second most time�consuming activity for children.They spend an average of about 19 hours a week in school.A larger proportion of children go to school now than ever before,and they stay in school longer.Another big change is that the proportion of very young children in day�care centers(日托站) has almost doubled in recent years.Compared with these two dramatic changes in child activity,the changes caused by mothers working outside the home appear very small.31�The main idea of this article is that.A�the American family is dyingB�young people today don�t want to get marriedC�the American family is changing,but it is stronger than everD�education has resulted in dramatic changes in the American family【】32�Which of the following statements is NOT true?A�Marriage is more popular than before.B�Many divorced people remarry.C�The majority of marriages last long.D�Working mothers devote less time to their children.【】33�The author of this article believes that.A�the American family is here to stayB�children should not watch so much televisionC�mothers should not work when their children are smallD�teenage marriages should be encouraged【】34�What is the most significant new child�care arrangement of this century?A�The day�care center.B�Television.C�The schoolD�Development time.【】35�According to the writer,which two major factors have led to the belief that the American family is dying?A�The divorce rate is high and working mothers neglect their children.B�The divorce rate is high and children care more about television than anything else.C�Divorces are becoming increasingly more and many teenage marriages break up.D�Children stay in school longer and mothers have little time to take care of them.【】PART TWOⅣ.Word Spelling(10 points,1 point for two words)将下列汉语单词译成英语。作为提示,每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。36�表扬 v.p 37�橡皮n.r 38�表面n.s 39�厚的a.t 40�蒸汽n.s 41�权力n.p 42�噪声n.n 43�第九num.n 44�大声的a.l 45�方法n.m 46�羞耻n.s 47�紧张n.t 48�非法的a.l 49�运气n.l 50�中间的a.m 51�严重的a.s 52�财富n.w 53�浅的a.s 54�信号n.s 55�胜利n.v Ⅴ.Word Form(10 points,1 point for each)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。56�Many people feel that the United States(have) a very complicated tax collection system.57�In 1964,the Olympic Games in Tokyo(become) the first program to be transmitted via satellite.58�In the recent past,medical researchers(begin) to emphasize the fact that heart diseases are associated with stress,smoking and a lack of exercise.59�Taxes consist of the money which people pay(support) their government.60�For centuries the Atlantic Ocean kept the Americas from(discover) by the people of Europe.61�The American consumer often feels constantly(disturb) by insurance agents.62�Women tend to engage in more eye contact than men,especially when(talk) to other women.63�Though marriage(practice) in almost all countries of the world,the customs are quite different from one culture to another.64�No one has been able to prove that fish is any(good) for the brain than many other kinds of food.65�If we did not have atmospheric pressure,we(can,not have) automobile tires.Ⅵ.Translation from Chinese into English (15 points,3 points for each)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。66�人所共知,大西洋仅有太平洋一半大。67�人们可以在电视里观看他们想看的任何电影。 68�在过去几年里你在保险上花了多少钱?69�为了不被人误解,你应当认识肢体语言与文化关系密切。70�直至14世纪较精确的地图才开始出现。Ⅶ�Translation from English into Chinese (15 points)将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。 While the quantity of food needed by the body is measured by the amount of energy,or calories,it has,the quality of food is determined by its nutrients.Nutrients are the substances in food that are needed by your body.You can consume enough soft drinks,bread,and potatoes to supply you with enough calories for the energy you need.But these foods will not supply you with all the necessary nutrients your body needs in order to function well. It is believed that there are forty�five nutrients needed by the human body.It is essential that each of them be present in various amounts in a good diet.Each nutrient is responsible for performing a special body function.2003年下半年高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语(一)试卷完全详解Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure1�【analysis】句中意思为美国人每周有一天的工作是为付高额税的, 因而为目的状语,应用一般式的主动形式。 【key】选D.to pay。2�【analysis】这后半句为强调主语的强调句,意思为这部分最吸引注意, 故应选B�attracts吸引;而A�attacks攻击;C�attaches依附;D�attributes引起,都不对。 【key】选B�attracts。3�【analysis】全句意思为“对你没有任何意义的信息是难以记忆的”。 应为C�sense意义;而trouble苦恼,way方式,mistake错误,都不符合。 【key】选C�sense。4�【analysis】后部分为定语从句说明supermarkets超市,即为场所, 应用D�where。 【key】选D�where。5�【analysis】 以as引出的状语从句,可以把表语提到主语前面来,如Cold as the weather was,it couldn�t cool our enthusiasm for work.故本句应选A�as。 【key】选A�as。6�【analysis】全句意思为“钻石是自然中所发现的最硬的物质”。 应选C�substance物质;而instance实例,circumstance(通常作复数)环境,existence存在,都不合适。 【key】选C�substance。7�【analysis】 数字后说明高应用形容词high,如The house is ten meters high。 【key】选A�high。8�【analysis】句子含意“好奇心与想像力是重要的品性”, 品性或品质为quality, 而technique技巧,technology工程学,quantity重量,数量都不合适。 【key】选C�qualities。9�【analysis】句子意思为“长期记忆的信息在以后需要的时候能记起来。” 应为D�recalled记起;而A�remark评论;B�remined sb.of sb./sth.使某人回想起来某人;C�removed移开;因句中无of结构,故应为D。 【key】选D�recalled。10�【analysis】be of help有帮助,为习惯用语。 【key】选B�of。Ⅱ�Cloze Test11~12【analysis】句意为“你的心理的或感情的,思想上的需要是重要的。你需要去爱和接受爱。” 11�C�psychological心理的;12�A�to be loved被爱。【key】11�选C;12�选A。13~14【analysis】句意为“你需要感到平安和无忧虑。同时,你需要能自立,你需要激励和多姿多彩以保持大脑活跃和实现个人成熟”。【key】13�选D�independent自立;14�选C�active活跃。15~16【analysis】句意为“你也需要有理性,个人特性,为了了解你自己和你如何适应环境”。【key】15�选A�self;16�选B�who。17~19【analysis】句意为“在所有的感情需要中,爱的需要是最基本的。一生中的不同时段,你会经历不同方式的爱的需要。例如,不能自立的婴儿感到关心的爱护”。【key】17�选C�most最;18�选D�Forexample例如;19�选A�response,in~to应…而。20【analysis】句意为“轻柔触摸和坚定保护能使婴儿对照顾他的人产生信任感”。【key】选B�in。Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension21 【analysis】全文意思为“飞碟指地球上空高速飞行的奇异物体,1947年6月4日美国私人飞机驾驶员,看到天空九个碟形物盘旋,因此报上称之为飞碟,因形状不一,所以美国空军称之为不明飞行物”。21题应为D,即飞碟一般用于指空中飞速快的奇怪物体,即D。 【key】选D.22 【analysis】题意为“最初飞碟名称来自看来如空中运动的碟似物”。 【key】选C.23 【analysis】“空军用不明飞行物是因为这个术语能指代种类较多的物体”。 【key】选C.24 【analysis】“关于从其他行星过来的宇宙飞船的辨认的研究全失败了”。 【key】选D.25 【analysis】“从本文我们知道美国空军研究人员首先用了不明飞行物的术语”。 【key】选B.26【analysis】第二篇阅读理解文章含意为“教育是从出生开始,经学校正规教育,使之学会成人认为重要的经验,即三种技巧——阅读,写作与算术。教育的目标分为保守派与自由派。保守派为传播文化知识,提供三种技巧的文化课与职业专业课,强调思想训练和能力培养。自由派强调当前丰富的有意义的学校生活而且把课程看作全人类发展的才能而不仅是目标的本身”。26题Horace Mann的意思是“教育对人们的成长是必要的”【key】选A.27 【analysis】“在校内,孩子们按大人们为他们所选的教材教学”。 【key】选C.28 【analysis】三R并不包括“推理”。 【key】选D.29 【analysis】“保守派极可能强调学生作为个人培养”。 【key】选D.30 【analysis】自由派认为“教学活动应对学生是富有意义的”。 【key】选B.31 【analysis】第三篇意义为“广泛的信念为美国家庭正在消失,而新的研究揭示美国家庭比以前更牢固了。是正在变化,而并不消亡,是更小了,男女更平等了而离婚率更高了。没有证据说明在家外工作的母亲比在家内干活的对孩子们较少关心。不管是否母亲在家外工作,对孩子的教育培养并无太多的变动。孩子在14岁前最重要的活动是观看电视,而学校成为其次花费时间的活动”。 31题这篇文章主题思想为“美国家庭正在变化,但比以前更牢固了”。 【key】选C.32 【analysis】以下叙述哪点是不正确的? 应为D�劳动妇女更少时间专心于孩子了。 【key】选D.33 【analysis】本文作者相信, 应为A�美国家庭仍稳固着。 【key】选A.34 【analysis】本世纪新的孩子照料的安排最有影响的是什么? 应为B.电视。 【key】选B.35 【analysis】按照作者,哪两种主要因素导致美国家庭正在消亡的信念? 应为A�离婚率高和劳动妇女忽视他们的孩子。 【key】选A.Ⅳ�Word Spelling36 【analysis】表扬 v.p 。 【key】praise37 【analysis】橡皮n.r , 来自rub v.擦。 【key】rubber38 【analysis】表面n.s , sur�超过+face面。 【key】surface39 【analysis

全国2011年10月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838Ⅰ. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)1. In its broad sense culture is ______ Whatever distinguishes man from the rest part of the world is culture. ()A. social organizations B. the features of the worldC. the attributes of man D. human development2. ______ is,perhaps,the best known subject in which the interaction between language,thought and culture is investigated. ()A. Nonverbal communication B. Intercultural communicationC. Verbal communication D. Translation3. Culture is a loan word from . ()A. French B. LatinC. Roman D. Norwegian4. “Greenhouse” in English and “温室” in Chinese differ in their ______ meaning. ()A. social B. conceptualC. thematic D. reflected5. ______ is a grammatical category of nouns in English,as illustrated by the simple sentence “We are students”. ()A. Person B. CaseC. Number D. Degree6. Westerners tend to be ______ thinkers. ()A. holistic B. subjectiveC. analytic D. objective7. When English speaking people part,they are expected to say“ ______”. ()A. It’s nice to have met you B. I am pleased to meet youC. Thank you very much D. You are welcome8. If a compliment comes to a westerner for his good Chinese,he would reply“______ ”. ()A. No. No. That’s not true B. Thank you for encouraging meC. Sorry,I can’t speaking Chinese well D. Thank you. I am glad to hear that9. ______ contain folk wisdom rather than scientific accuracy. ()A. Idioms B. MetaphorsC. Similes D. Proverbs10. The proverb “Carry coals to Newcastle” is related to ______. ()A. navigation B. geographyC. literature D. Christianity11. The English equivalent for “开某人的玩笑” or “捉弄某人” is “______ ”. ()A. to kid somebody’s brain B. to make one’s faceC. to get one’s hand D. to pull somebody’s leg12. The colour word “______” is associated with profit in business. ()A. white B. blueC. red D. black13. “I’m disadvantaged,for I still don’t have a cent to my name. ” In the above sentence,the word “disadvantaged” means ______. ()A. unfavourable B. disagreedC. poor D. nameless14. Anything that is ______ by religion,tradition or social usage is a taboo. ()A. prohibited B. allowedC. unprohibited D. encouraged15. Man: Would you like to see a movie with me tonight? () Woman: It looks like raining. The above sentences are linked by ______. A. grammar B. lexicalC. phonetics D. meaning16. John overslept this morning. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been late for school. () The logical relationship between the above sentences is______. A. additive B. adversativeC. causal D. temporal17. The word “______” is American spelling. ()A. colour B. travellerC. metre D. defense18. Nike is the name of ______ in Greek mythology. ()A. a heroine B. the goddess of victoryC. the goddess of fortune D. a wealthy lady19. The nonverbal messages that are consistent with accompanying verbal messages,but add to or strengthen or clarify the verbal message serve the function of ______. ()A. regulating B. repeatingC. complementing D. accenting20. “Rubbing one’s thumb against one’s forefinger and middle finger” means ______ in English body language system. ()A. victory B. dirtC. OK D. moneyⅡ. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)21. ______can convey messages in face-to-face communication. ()A. Gestures B. Written symbolsC. Facial expressions D. Phonetic alphabets22. English words borrowed from Latin are normally used in ______ contexts. ()A. informal B. academicC. religious D. intimate23. ______ are a category of the subjunctive mood in English. ()A. Mandative subjunctives B. Formulaic subjunctivesC. Conditionals D. Assumptives24. In a telephone call,if the person wanted is not available,it is customary for the English speaking person to say “______”. ()A. Thank you for calling. B. Hold on a moment. C. May I take a message? D. Would you like to leave a message?25. English proverbs can be classified into ______ categories. ()A. Christianity B. sexismC. individualism D. metaphors26. Which of the following are metaphorical expressions about ideas? ()A. He is the father of modern biology. B. His ideas will live on forever. C. I’ve had a full life. D. Life is empty for him. 27. --- Pass me the salt. () --- Pass me the salt,please. --- Would you please pass me the salt? The above utterances are arranged in an order of increasing degrees of______. A. formality B. informalityC. politeness D. impoliteness28. In a normal text,sentences are connected . ()A. informally B. formallyC. hypotactically D. paratactically29. In Chinese newspapers,______ are not reported so frequently as in English newspapers. ()A. political achievements B. cultural achievementsC. crimes D. disasters30. Our body odours may be affected by ______. ()A. orientation of house B. exercise scheduleC. drinking water D. emotional stateⅢ. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)31. Value systems,world views,national traits,aesthetic standards and thinking patterns are often regarded as the central part of ______. 32. Major English speaking countries,especially the United States,are “countries on the ______”,which is illustrated by such words as “drive-ins”,“motels”,and “diners”. 33. Subjects and ______ are not so frequently omitted in English as in Chinese,as illustrated by the sentence “This book is very interesting,Would you like to read it?”34. In English speaking cultures,it is customary for the person calling or the elderly person to hang up the receiver ______. 35. “A Trojan horse” is an allusion derived from ______. 36. The English speaking people use the word “chicken” metaphorically to refer to a ______. 37. Many plant and place names such as “poker” and “Mississippi” in American English come from ______. 38. It is safe to say that Chinese advertising as a whole tends to be more ______ than English advertising. 39. The ______ zone ranges from touching to 18 inches. It is usually reserved for the very few special people in our lives who are very close to us. 40. Technical time refers to precise,scientific ______ of time counted in ordered, logical sequences. Ⅳ. Answer the following questions briefly. (12 %)41. What does the statement “Language is the carrier and container of culture. ” mean?42. Is “spiritual” a true equivalent to“精神上的”?43. How is the letter “i” pronounced differently when it occurs before “le” in American and British English?44. What does the gesture “touching or pointing to one’s own nose by raised thumb” signify in western culture?Ⅴ. Translation. (18 % )45. Men and women,old and young,all joined in the battle. 46. God help those who help themselves. 47. Many people intend to get white-collar jobs after graduation. 48. 请赐教。49. 敬请光临寒舍。50. 2011年11月1日上午8点火车将到达北京。Ⅵ. Discuss the following topics. (20 %)51. What is your interpretation of the proverb “An Englishman’s house is his castle” and people’s behaviours related to the proverb?52. How would you define “common core English” from the viewpoint of the speaking style?


语言学概论试卷(1) (2)一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确的答案,并将其号码填在题干的括号内。每小题1分,共25分) 1.�一般说来,新词、古词、方言词、行业词和外来词等()。 ①属于一般词汇 ②属于基本词汇 ③有的属于基本词汇,有的属于一般词汇 ④有时属于基本词汇,有时属于一般词汇 2.�现代汉语的借词是()。 ①从外民族语言中借来的词 ②从古代汉语中借用的文言词 ③从各方言中借用的词 ④从科技术语中借来的词 3.语法组合规则的发展主要表现为()。 ①词序的改变 ②词类的变化 ③语法范畴的消长 ④形态的改变 4.下列各词中,属于派生词的有()。 ①蜻蜓 ②老虎 ③蟒蛇 ④青蛙 5.英语“book”(书)和汉语的“书”()。 ①是等义词 ②是意义基本相同的同义词 ③不是同义词 ④是同源词 6.语言中发展速度最慢的是()。 ①语义 ②语法 ③语音 ④一般词汇 7.从造字方法看,兼用表意表音两种方法的文字叫()。 ①表意字 ②指事字 ③假借字 ④意音文字 8.蒙古语和维吾尔语的差别是()之间的差别。 ①方言 ②亲属语言 ③非亲属语言 ④社会方言 9.英语的man—→men采用的语法手段是()。 ①加词尾 ②变换重音的位置 ③加词缀 ④词根内部音素的变化 10.汉语属于()。 ①复综语 ②屈折语 ③粘着语 ④孤立语 11.汉藏语系诸语言表示语法关系多用(),这是它们在结构类型上的共同特点之一。 ①声调 ②重音 ③词序和虚词 ④词的形态变化 12.现代汉语“实行灵活的经济管理措施”这个句子的构造可以分为()。 ①两层 ②三层 ③四层 ④五层 13.汉语的声调是一种()。 ①音质音位 ②非音质音位 ③重位 ④音位变体 14.汉语的量词“头”不用于马,是因为词义的组合受()的制约。 ①词义系统 ②现实现象之间的实际关系 ③语义系列中其他成员 ④惯用法 15.把现代汉语第三人称代词写成“他”、“她”()。 ①是表示性范畴 ②是表示格的范畴 ③并不是表示性的范畴 ④是表示体的范畴 16.根据语言结构的类型,维吾尔语,土耳其语,芬兰语()。 ①属于不同类型 ②同属于粘着语 ③同属于孤立语 ④同属于屈折语 17.汉语和英语的/p/音位按发音部位的全部聚合群成员()。 ①都是/p,p`m/ ②都是/p,p`,b,m/ ③前者是/p,p`m/,后者是/p,b,m/ ④前者是/p,p`/,后者是/p,b/ 18.按照普通话及四川话的读音,“路”、“庞”、“移”等字都没有代表读音的部分,这说明它们()。 ①不是形声字 ②是形声字 ③没有表音的成分在内 ④读音古今变化很大 19.基本词汇里的词()。 ①都是由一个词根构成 ②少数由一个词根构成 ③一般由两个或两个以上的词构成 ④一般由一个词根构成 20.词的理性意义()以实现现象为基础。 ①必须 ②大多数 ③少数 ④可以不 21.英语的同义词“many”(多)和“much”(多)的主要不同点是()不同。 ①强调的重点和方面 ②搭配习惯 ③感情色彩 ④风格色彩 22.多义词的中心意义与本义()。 ①完全一致 ②在多数词中是一致的 ③在少数词中是一致的 ④完全不一致 23.语言符号的物质形式是()。 ①声音 ②文字 ③它所代表的事物 ④发音器官 24.语音研究应当从分析()入手。 ①音素 ②音位 ③音节 ④音标 25.比词组小一级的语法单位是()。 ①句子 ②词 ③语素 ④音位 二、多项选择题(在每小题的五个备选答案中,选出二个至五个正确的答案,并将其号码分别填在题干的括号内,多选、少选、错选,均无分。每小题1分,共15分) 1.汉字记录现代汉语时()。 ①都代表词 ②都代表语素 ③绝大部分代表词 ④绝大部分代表语素 ⑤少数代表没有意义的音节 2.“鸡母”和“母鸡”名异实同,这类差别是()的差别。 ①社会方言 ②地域方言 ③方言间词汇 ④方言间语法 ⑤方言间词义 3.汉语的“遐迩、峥嵘、闺阁”之类的词只在书面语里使用,不在口语里使用,这说明()。 ①口语比书面语先进 ②书面语比口语高级 ③书面语比口语保守 ④书面语跟口语本质不同 ⑤书面语跟口语不尽一致 4.在一个音节中,音峰()。 ①一般落在辅音上 ②不能落在辅音上 ③一定落在元音上 ④可以落在辅音上 ⑤一般落在元音上 5.下列句子中,有句法歧义现象的句子是()。 ①“认真工作的好干部” ②“热爱人民的好干部” ③“喜欢认真工作的好干部” ④“人民的好干部” ⑤“好干部喜欢认真工作” 6.下列语言单位中不属于固定词组的是()。 ①俱乐部 ②学文化 ③四面楚歌 ④换汤不换药 ⑤汉语专业 7.语素是()。 ①最小的语言符号 ②能独立运用的最小的语言符号 ③最小的语法单位 ④最小的造句单位 ⑤语言中最小的音义结合体 8.()是非音质音位。 ①汉语的声调 ②藏语、苗语的调位 ③英语的重音 ④英语元音的长短 ⑤辅音的清浊 9.英语、德语间的关系与英语、法语间的关系()。 ①没有区别 ②有亲疏远近之别 ③都是同源的亲属关系 ④不是同源的亲属关系 ⑤是“母语”和“子语”的关系 10.每一个音位都处于()两种关系之中。 ①对立和互补 ②聚合和组合 ③发音部位和方法 ④双向聚合或单向聚合 ⑤平行和对称 11.中古汉语全浊声母并无送气和不送气的分别,后来在北方话中变成清声母时分别归入送气和不送气的两类,这个分化是()。 ①有规律的 ②无规律的 ③有条件的 ④无条件的 ⑤任意的 12.发〔y〕时,()。 ①舌位靠前 ②不圆唇 ③舌位最高 ④圆唇 ⑤舌位半高 13.下面词组中加点的词是同音词的有()。 ①开会\会场 ②开会\会英语 ③把舵\把着门 ④把舵\把门打开 ⑤敲锣打鼓\打草稿 14.附在上腭的发音器官有()。 ①软腭 ②小舌 ③舌头 ④齿龈 ⑤硬腭 15.发〔t〕时,()。 ①部分发音器官紧张 ②发音器官均衡紧张 ③发音部位无阻碍 ④发音部位有阻碍 ⑤声带振动 三、填空题(每小题1分,共5分) 1.语言的底层是______________,语言的上层是_________________。 2.北京话〔ts、ts`、s〕聚合成群依据的区别特征是___________________。 3.“歌”和“喝”两字的声母在发音上的不同,是由于前者使用_________的发音方法,而后者使用_____________的发音方法。 4.具有“受一定条件限制、时间性、地区性”三个明显特点的是_________演变的规律。 5.新事物、新概念的出现,要求语言必须丰富其_________________,而人们思维的愈加细密,则要求语言改进____________。 四、名词解释题(每小题5分,共15分) 1.语流音变 2.语言符号的线条性 3.语法的组合规则 4.仿译词 5.音位变体 五、判断分析题(判断正误,将正确的划上“对�”,错误的划上“错�”,并简述理由。每小题5分,共10分) 1.发元音时声带振动,发辅音时声带不振动。( ) 2.既然语言符号音义结合是任意的,那末我们就可以任意改变这种音义关系。( ) 六、简答题(每小题5分,共10分) 1.从声音的产生方面看,音质的不同取决于哪些条件? 2.什么是语法组合的递归性? 七、论述题(每小题10分,共20分) 1.词义跟语音以及跟现实现象之间的关系怎样?举例说明。 2.试述语言符号的组合关系和聚合关系之间的联系与区别语言学概论(英语专业一九九九一月辽宁)一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确的答案,并将其号码填在题干后的括号内。每小题1分,共20分) l.用词形变化表现的行为动作进行的状态这种语法范畴属于() ①时 ②体 ③格 ④态 2.英语/e/和/a/的区别在于它们的() ①唇形不同 ②舌位的高低不同 ③唇形与舌位的前后不同 ④舌位的前后与高低不同 3.英语/P/与/K/的区别在于它们的() ①发者方法不同 ②唇形(圆或展)不同 ③声带状态(清或浊)不同 ④发音部位 4.以下英语中哪对音属于同一音位的两个音位变体() ①/k/和/p/ ②/b/和/p/ ③/t/和/p/ ④/pb/和/p/ 5.英语中把I am读成I'm,这是一种() ①同化现象 ②异化现象 ③弱化现象 ④脱落现象 6.根据句法结构的表达方式所划分的类型是() ①多式综合语 ②综合语 ③屈折语 ④粘着语 7.英语stop一词中的/t/发作不送气音,这是一种() ①音位自由变体 ②音位条件变体 ③清音浊化 ④非音质音位 8.汉语中“冷战”一词是一个() ①基本词 ②意译词 ③直译词 ④音译词 9.汉语中的“怕”与”爸”两个字里的输音的区别在于() ①发音方法不同 ②清与浊 ③发音部位不同 ④送气不送气 10.运用语音高低升降组织词语,使之产生一定语法意义的形式手段叫() ①声调 ②语调 ③调值 ④句子 11.语言中最小的音义结合单位是() ①词 ②词组 ③语素 ④句子 12.英语中用shall、will等助动词表示时态是运用() ①异根法 ②附加法 ③重迭法 ④外部形态 13.英语“go”一词的过去时形式是went,其语法手段是() ①附加 ②内部曲屈折 ③重音转移 ④异根 14.如果两个相似的音不出现在同一位置上,它们就是() ①比较分布 ②互补分布 ③两个音位 ④两个音素 15.语音的物理属性是() ①声道 ②喉 ③音质 ④呼吸器官 16.下列不是混合语的是() ①克里奥尔语 ②皮钦语 ③洋泾浜 ④世界看 17.英语pen一词的演变结果是属于() ①词义的扩大 ②词义的缩小 ③词义的引申 ④词义的转移 18.语音的生理属性是() ①音高 ②音长 ③声道 ④音强 19.发什么音时,发音器官的各部分均衡地保持紧张状态:() ①元音 ②辅音 ③长音 ④短音 20.利用历史来源不同而词汇意义完全一样的不同词根来表达同一个词的不同语法意义的方法就是() ①附加 ②异根 ③内部屈折 ④重音转移 二、填室题(每空1分,共20分) 1.声音具有______、______、______、______这四种声学特征。 2.按照舌位的前后,可以把舌面元音分为______。 3.同一音位的条件变体除出现的条件_____外,也必须在_____上相似。 4.基本词汇有三个特点:_______、_______、_______。 5.词汇的单位有两种:一种是_______,另一种是_______。 6.超音段音位主要包括_______、_______和_______。 7.词汇的发展变化大致包括_______、_____、_______。 三、判断题(判断每题正误,对的在题后括号内划“/”错的划“X”。每小题1分,共10分) 1.抽象性是语法最重要的特点。() 2./^/是半低元音。() 3.态是用词形变化表现出来的,动词所表动作与主语间的施受关系。() 4.语言的音和义的结合是有必然和本质联系的。(〕 5.在语流里绝大多数音位变体不可能在同一位置上出现。() 6.按原词的结构用本民族的语言材料翻译过来的词叫意译型词。() 7.地区方言和土语是同一种语言现象。() 8.利用词根语素语言形式的部分变化来造成词形的变化的方法叫内部屈折。() 9.元音的弱化跟轻重音无关。() 10.语言符号的线性特点是指不能在同一时间里说出两个符号。() 四、归类题(每小题1分,共20分) A.语言谱系归类 将代表该语言语系的字母填在各题前的括号里。 ()1.赫哲语 a.汉藏语系 ()2.格鲁吉亚语 b.印欧语系 ()3.索马里语 c.乌拉尔语系 ()4.蒙古语 d.阿尔泰语系 ()5.布依语 e.阿非罗---亚西亚语系 ()6.匈牙利语 f.伊比利亚---高加索语系 ()8.车臣语 g.马来---波利尼西亚语系 ()8.罗马尼亚语 h.南亚语系 ()9.高山语 ()1O.景颇语 B.构词法归类 将代表该单词构词法的字母填在各题前的括号内。 ()1.notebook a.前加法 ()2.sat b.后加法 ()3.dislike c.复合法 ()4.UFO d.内部屈折法 ()5.radar e.缩减法 ()6.minute(adj) f.重音移动法 ()7.manly ()8.手表 ()9.反科学 ()1O.画家 五、匹配题(每小题1分,共10分) 在下列术语的前面,写出其例子的序号字母。 ()(1)异根 a.打扫干净 ()(2)直译词 b.马力 ()(3)音节字母文字 c.阿拉伯文字 ()(4)内部屈折 d.冷水[leg216suei214]读作[leg35suei214] ()(5)述补结构 e.Send--Sent ()(6)辅音字母文字 f.打扮[tA35pan51]读作[tA35pen51] ()(7)意译词 g.民主 ()(8)述宾结构 h.日本假名 ()(9)异化 i.good--better ()(10)弱化 j.禁止通行 六、简答题(每小题5分,共20分) 1.举例说明新词产生的途径。 2.说明语言与思维的区别。 3.简述词有哪些特征? 4.语素有几类?写出划分语素的依据。 要更多的卷纸到下面的网站上去查找:

全国2011年10月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838Ⅰ. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)1. In its broad sense culture is ______ Whatever distinguishes man from the rest part of the world is culture. ()A. social organizations B. the features of the worldC. the attributes of man D. human development2. ______ is,perhaps,the best known subject in which the interaction between language,thought and culture is investigated. ()A. Nonverbal communication B. Intercultural communicationC. Verbal communication D. Translation3. Culture is a loan word from . ()A. French B. LatinC. Roman D. Norwegian4. “Greenhouse” in English and “温室” in Chinese differ in their ______ meaning. ()A. social B. conceptualC. thematic D. reflected5. ______ is a grammatical category of nouns in English,as illustrated by the simple sentence “We are students”. ()A. Person B. CaseC. Number D. Degree6. Westerners tend to be ______ thinkers. ()A. holistic B. subjectiveC. analytic D. objective7. When English speaking people part,they are expected to say“ ______”. ()A. It’s nice to have met you B. I am pleased to meet youC. Thank you very much D. You are welcome8. If a compliment comes to a westerner for his good Chinese,he would reply“______ ”. ()A. No. No. That’s not true B. Thank you for encouraging meC. Sorry,I can’t speaking Chinese well D. Thank you. I am glad to hear that9. ______ contain folk wisdom rather than scientific accuracy. ()A. Idioms B. MetaphorsC. Similes D. Proverbs10. The proverb “Carry coals to Newcastle” is related to ______. ()A. navigation B. geographyC. literature D. Christianity11. The English equivalent for “开某人的玩笑” or “捉弄某人” is “______ ”. ()A. to kid somebody’s brain B. to make one’s faceC. to get one’s hand D. to pull somebody’s leg12. The colour word “______” is associated with profit in business. ()A. white B. blueC. red D. black13. “I’m disadvantaged,for I still don’t have a cent to my name. ” In the above sentence,the word “disadvantaged” means ______. ()A. unfavourable B. disagreedC. poor D. nameless14. Anything that is ______ by religion,tradition or social usage is a taboo. ()A. prohibited B. allowedC. unprohibited D. encouraged15. Man: Would you like to see a movie with me tonight? () Woman: It looks like raining. The above sentences are linked by ______. A. grammar B. lexicalC. phonetics D. meaning16. John overslept this morning. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been late for school. () The logical relationship between the above sentences is______. A. additive B. adversativeC. causal D. temporal17. The word “______” is American spelling. ()A. colour B. travellerC. metre D. defense18. Nike is the name of ______ in Greek mythology. ()A. a heroine B. the goddess of victoryC. the goddess of fortune D. a wealthy lady19. The nonverbal messages that are consistent with accompanying verbal messages,but add to or strengthen or clarify the verbal message serve the function of ______. ()A. regulating B. repeatingC. complementing D. accenting20. “Rubbing one’s thumb against one’s forefinger and middle finger” means ______ in English body language system. ()A. victory B. dirtC. OK D. moneyⅡ. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)21. ______can convey messages in face-to-face communication. ()A. Gestures B. Written symbolsC. Facial expressions D. Phonetic alphabets22. English words borrowed from Latin are normally used in ______ contexts. ()A. informal B. academicC. religious D. intimate23. ______ are a category of the subjunctive mood in English. ()A. Mandative subjunctives B. Formulaic subjunctivesC. Conditionals D. Assumptives24. In a telephone call,if the person wanted is not available,it is customary for the English speaking person to say “______”. ()A. Thank you for calling. B. Hold on a moment. C. May I take a message? D. Would you like to leave a message?25. English proverbs can be classified into ______ categories. ()A. Christianity B. sexismC. individualism D. metaphors26. Which of the following are metaphorical expressions about ideas? ()A. He is the father of modern biology. B. His ideas will live on forever. C. I’ve had a full life. D. Life is empty for him. 27. --- Pass me the salt. () --- Pass me the salt,please. --- Would you please pass me the salt? The above utterances are arranged in an order of increasing degrees of______. A. formality B. informalityC. politeness D. impoliteness28. In a normal text,sentences are connected . ()A. informally B. formallyC. hypotactically D. paratactically29. In Chinese newspapers,______ are not reported so frequently as in English newspapers. ()A. political achievements B. cultural achievementsC. crimes D. disasters30. Our body odours may be affected by ______. ()A. orientation of house B. exercise scheduleC. drinking water D. emotional stateⅢ. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)31. Value systems,world views,national traits,aesthetic standards and thinking patterns are often regarded as the central part of ______. 32. Major English speaking countries,especially the United States,are “countries on the ______”,which is illustrated by such words as “drive-ins”,“motels”,and “diners”. 33. Subjects and ______ are not so frequently omitted in English as in Chinese,as illustrated by the sentence “This book is very interesting,Would you like to read it?”34. In English speaking cultures,it is customary for the person calling or the elderly person to hang up the receiver ______. 35. “A Trojan horse” is an allusion derived from ______. 36. The English speaking people use the word “chicken” metaphorically to refer to a ______. 37. Many plant and place names such as “poker” and “Mississippi” in American English come from ______. 38. It is safe to say that Chinese advertising as a whole tends to be more ______ than English advertising. 39. The ______ zone ranges from touching to 18 inches. It is usually reserved for the very few special people in our lives who are very close to us. 40. Technical time refers to precise,scientific ______ of time counted in ordered, logical sequences. Ⅳ. Answer the following questions briefly. (12 %)41. What does the statement “Language is the carrier and container of culture. ” mean?42. Is “spiritual” a true equivalent to“精神上的”?43. How is the letter “i” pronounced differently when it occurs before “le” in American and British English?44. What does the gesture “touching or pointing to one’s own nose by raised thumb” signify in western culture?Ⅴ. Translation. (18 % )45. Men and women,old and young,all joined in the battle. 46. God help those who help themselves. 47. Many people intend to get white-collar jobs after graduation. 48. 请赐教。49. 敬请光临寒舍。50. 2011年11月1日上午8点火车将到达北京。Ⅵ. Discuss the following topics. (20 %)51. What is your interpretation of the proverb “An Englishman’s house is his castle” and people’s behaviours related to the proverb?52. How would you define “common core English” from the viewpoint of the speaking style?

一单选1 routine --habit2 rate 3 denied 4 for 5 points6 additional 7 in place of 8 with 9 Rich as she is 10 Much as 1、 Elderly ……A2、 It is ……A3、 Unexpectedly ……C4、 A good manager ……C5、 Everything ……C6、 Besides ……B7、 The biologist ……B8、 Scientists ……A9、 ——,jane is ……D10、——I admire ……D二、完型 Courage is an essential attribute in、learning a foreign language。……11-----20 DABCB, ABDCB三、阅读段落一 Karen was 14,depressed and not doing well at school。……21------25 CDBDD段落二 the amount of time kids spend online is a source of frustration for many parents。……26------30 AABCD段落三 American scientist have found that some birds are more intelligent than believed。……31-----35 AAABD四、单词翻译36、古代的、古老的ancient37、生涯、经历career38、毁坏、损伤damage39、特别、尤其especially40、渐渐的、逐步的gradually41、车库garage42、诚实的、正直的honest43、保险、保险金insurance44、汁、液juice45、商人merchant46、谈判、协商negotiate47、发生、出现occur48、停止、放弃quit49、包围、环绕surround50、薪金、薪水salary51、治疗、对待treatment52、技术、技巧technique53、美德virtue54、值得做的worth55、屈服、屈从yield五、变换格式56、(become)become57、(curious)curiosity58、(watch)watching59、(be)was60、(expect)expectation61、(agree)agreeable62、(crowd)crowded63、(rich)Enrich64、(praise) has been praised65、(appear) appeared五、翻译66、我们都被大自然的美深深的吸引住了we are deeply impressed with the beauty of nature67、如果想省钱,你就不要买那块昂贵的表。If you want to save money ,do not buy the expensive watch68、那篇小说是她创作时心情的真实反映。The novel really reflects his mood when he wrote it69、应歌迷要求,年轻歌手又唱了一首民歌。The young singer sang a folk song again at the fans request70、一些科学家认为需要有更多的数据才能证明这一事实。Some scientists believe that more data car prove the reality.六、翻译短文每种文化都有自已的理想行为,美国也不例外。在那里,孩子们被鼓励要开放、直接。美国人认为开放是诚实的表现,他们对于沉默和保守提出怀疑。他们觉得你一定在隐藏什么如果你没说出来。他们觉得由于沉默而受威胁,这一点他们不相信也不理解。然而,许多其它文化并不看重开放和直接。事实上,他们不喜欢这些品质因为对它们而言,开放和直接孩子好像很粗鲁。在它信眼里不像成人的行为。那么并不令人吃惊的是许多种文化的误解也由于开放和直接所致 这是江苏的,好像全国也是,供参考。



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全国2011年10月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838Ⅰ. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)1. In its broad sense culture is ______ Whatever distinguishes man from the rest part of the world is culture. ()A. social organizations B. the features of the worldC. the attributes of man D. human development2. ______ is,perhaps,the best known subject in which the interaction between language,thought and culture is investigated. ()A. Nonverbal communication B. Intercultural communicationC. Verbal communication D. Translation3. Culture is a loan word from . ()A. French B. LatinC. Roman D. Norwegian4. “Greenhouse” in English and “温室” in Chinese differ in their ______ meaning. ()A. social B. conceptualC. thematic D. reflected5. ______ is a grammatical category of nouns in English,as illustrated by the simple sentence “We are students”. ()A. Person B. CaseC. Number D. Degree6. Westerners tend to be ______ thinkers. ()A. holistic B. subjectiveC. analytic D. objective7. When English speaking people part,they are expected to say“ ______”. ()A. It’s nice to have met you B. I am pleased to meet youC. Thank you very much D. You are welcome8. If a compliment comes to a westerner for his good Chinese,he would reply“______ ”. ()A. No. No. That’s not true B. Thank you for encouraging meC. Sorry,I can’t speaking Chinese well D. Thank you. I am glad to hear that9. ______ contain folk wisdom rather than scientific accuracy. ()A. Idioms B. MetaphorsC. Similes D. Proverbs10. The proverb “Carry coals to Newcastle” is related to ______. ()A. navigation B. geographyC. literature D. Christianity11. The English equivalent for “开某人的玩笑” or “捉弄某人” is “______ ”. ()A. to kid somebody’s brain B. to make one’s faceC. to get one’s hand D. to pull somebody’s leg12. The colour word “______” is associated with profit in business. ()A. white B. blueC. red D. black13. “I’m disadvantaged,for I still don’t have a cent to my name. ” In the above sentence,the word “disadvantaged” means ______. ()A. unfavourable B. disagreedC. poor D. nameless14. Anything that is ______ by religion,tradition or social usage is a taboo. ()A. prohibited B. allowedC. unprohibited D. encouraged15. Man: Would you like to see a movie with me tonight? () Woman: It looks like raining. The above sentences are linked by ______. A. grammar B. lexicalC. phonetics D. meaning16. John overslept this morning. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been late for school. () The logical relationship between the above sentences is______. A. additive B. adversativeC. causal D. temporal17. The word “______” is American spelling. ()A. colour B. travellerC. metre D. defense18. Nike is the name of ______ in Greek mythology. ()A. a heroine B. the goddess of victoryC. the goddess of fortune D. a wealthy lady19. The nonverbal messages that are consistent with accompanying verbal messages,but add to or strengthen or clarify the verbal message serve the function of ______. ()A. regulating B. repeatingC. complementing D. accenting20. “Rubbing one’s thumb against one’s forefinger and middle finger” means ______ in English body language system. ()A. victory B. dirtC. OK D. moneyⅡ. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)21. ______can convey messages in face-to-face communication. ()A. Gestures B. Written symbolsC. Facial expressions D. Phonetic alphabets22. English words borrowed from Latin are normally used in ______ contexts. ()A. informal B. academicC. religious D. intimate23. ______ are a category of the subjunctive mood in English. ()A. Mandative subjunctives B. Formulaic subjunctivesC. Conditionals D. Assumptives24. In a telephone call,if the person wanted is not available,it is customary for the English speaking person to say “______”. ()A. Thank you for calling. B. Hold on a moment. C. May I take a message? D. Would you like to leave a message?25. English proverbs can be classified into ______ categories. ()A. Christianity B. sexismC. individualism D. metaphors26. Which of the following are metaphorical expressions about ideas? ()A. He is the father of modern biology. B. His ideas will live on forever. C. I’ve had a full life. D. Life is empty for him. 27. --- Pass me the salt. () --- Pass me the salt,please. --- Would you please pass me the salt? The above utterances are arranged in an order of increasing degrees of______. A. formality B. informalityC. politeness D. impoliteness28. In a normal text,sentences are connected . ()A. informally B. formallyC. hypotactically D. paratactically29. In Chinese newspapers,______ are not reported so frequently as in English newspapers. ()A. political achievements B. cultural achievementsC. crimes D. disasters30. Our body odours may be affected by ______. ()A. orientation of house B. exercise scheduleC. drinking water D. emotional stateⅢ. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)31. Value systems,world views,national traits,aesthetic standards and thinking patterns are often regarded as the central part of ______. 32. Major English speaking countries,especially the United States,are “countries on the ______”,which is illustrated by such words as “drive-ins”,“motels”,and “diners”. 33. Subjects and ______ are not so frequently omitted in English as in Chinese,as illustrated by the sentence “This book is very interesting,Would you like to read it?”34. In English speaking cultures,it is customary for the person calling or the elderly person to hang up the receiver ______. 35. “A Trojan horse” is an allusion derived from ______. 36. The English speaking people use the word “chicken” metaphorically to refer to a ______. 37. Many plant and place names such as “poker” and “Mississippi” in American English come from ______. 38. It is safe to say that Chinese advertising as a whole tends to be more ______ than English advertising. 39. The ______ zone ranges from touching to 18 inches. It is usually reserved for the very few special people in our lives who are very close to us. 40. Technical time refers to precise,scientific ______ of time counted in ordered, logical sequences. Ⅳ. Answer the following questions briefly. (12 %)41. What does the statement “Language is the carrier and container of culture. ” mean?42. Is “spiritual” a true equivalent to“精神上的”?43. How is the letter “i” pronounced differently when it occurs before “le” in American and British English?44. What does the gesture “touching or pointing to one’s own nose by raised thumb” signify in western culture?Ⅴ. Translation. (18 % )45. Men and women,old and young,all joined in the battle. 46. God help those who help themselves. 47. Many people intend to get white-collar jobs after graduation. 48. 请赐教。49. 敬请光临寒舍。50. 2011年11月1日上午8点火车将到达北京。Ⅵ. Discuss the following topics. (20 %)51. What is your interpretation of the proverb “An Englishman’s house is his castle” and people’s behaviours related to the proverb?52. How would you define “common core English” from the viewpoint of the speaking style?

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