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不可能,重大现在不让自考生参加4 6级考试了,几年前就取消了。你朋友撒谎。我就是这个学校的,基本不会错。





作弊模式用英文怎么说 cheating style “作弊”用英语怎么说? cheat cheating 忍受作弊用英语怎么说 作弊 to cheat (in an examination) cheating to cheat practise fraud to plagiarize有人作弊用英语怎么讲 Someone is cheating in the test (现在式) Someone was cheating in the test (过去式) 开挂用英语怎么说? 开挂 开挂,原意是指开外挂,外挂是指某些人利用电脑技术专门针对电脑游戏进行一些修改后,达到充分有利于自己玩游戏的作弊程序。开外挂原意指的是玩游戏时作弊的意思。 基本解释 开挂,原意是指开外挂,外挂是指某些人利用电脑技术专门针对电脑游戏进行一些修改后,达到充分有利于自己玩游戏的作弊程序。开外挂原意指的是玩游戏时作弊的意思。挂是一种作弊的软件,开挂的人在游戏中可以通过作弊取得非法的分数,开挂在网络游戏中是不被允许的。 所以使用“cheat”作弊 是正解!! 他们甚至用手机作弊用英语怎么翻译 They even cheat with phone. 望采纳,谢谢~ 作弊的英文怎么写 cheating cheat 英[tʃi:t] 美[tʃit] vt. 欺骗,诈骗; 误导,愚弄; 躲避,逃脱; vi. 作弊,行骗; 犯规; 俚〉不忠; 消磨,解(闷),消除(疲劳) n. 骗子; 欺骗(行为) 雀麦; 〈美俚〉反光镜; [例句]Magic is used to cheat your eyes and feeling! 魔术就是用来欺骗你的眼睛和感觉的! [其他] 第三人称单数:cheats 复数:cheats 现在分词:cheating过去式:cheated 过去分词:cheated 作弊的英文怎么说 楼主,你好,作弊是cheat We caught him cheating in the examination. 他考试时作弊给我们抓住了。 He is cheating at cards. 他打牌舞弊。 He cheated on (=in) the examination. 他考试作弊。 英语单词 作弊 怎么拼 作弊 [词典] cheat; practise fraud; indulge in corrupt practices; [例句]他在考试中作弊被抓。 He had been caught cribbing in an exam

楼主,你好,作弊是cheatWe caught him cheating in the examination. 他考试时作弊给我们抓住了。 He is cheating at cards. 他打牌舞弊。 He cheated on (=in) the examination. 他考试作弊。


My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations 我对考试作弊的看法It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.As students, we often take examinations at school, but sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us. On the other hand, some of us are lazy and don't work hard at their lessons. So when taking examinations, they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.In my opinion, it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools. We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations. What's more, we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations.~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【选为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问者在客户端上评价点“满意”即可~~~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~~如还有新的问题,请另外向我求助,答题不易,敬请谅解~~

Stop Cheating Yourself By Harold Z., West Windsor, NJ A student does not know any of the answers on a test. As he stares at the blank answer page, all the problems look blurry, and when the results come back, the student realizes that he failed. This is the situation for those who copy homework from others. They are not only cheating, they are not learning anything and will not be prepared for tests or quizzes. By using the work of others, they can ruin their grade as well as their future. It is not right to cheat when we all have the capability to do our own work. People should not receive rewards for the effort of others. Most people have cheated at least once in their lives, whether it was for missed or incomplete work, or even just for credit that you didn’t deserve. But this is not right; in fact, it is unethical and unfair. Taking the work of others and using it as your own is not the right thing to do. It shows a lack of responsibility as well as a lack of knowledge. For example, if a student cheats using a classmate’s exam paper, he is taking credit for another’s work. If the tea-cher catches him, the consequences are usually failure. Cheating by using the work of others is the same as ruining your life with drugs. It is not only unnecessary and foolish, it can also start to be addicting in many ways. If a student constantly cheats, then it may become a habit in the future. Besides, no one needs to cheat. We all have brains that we can use and also teachers, parents, and peers to help us. Anyway, it’s not like we will succeed in life if we continuously cheat. There is no need to ruin both your education and your life by cheating. Cheaters usually suffer many consequences. In the beginning when the student is in grade school, cheating may only lead to losing credit and going to the principal’s office. In middle school, there will be Saturday detentions, suspensions, and even parent-teacher conferences. But in high school, college, and the rest of a person’s life, cheating will not be tolerated. If a college student uses a quote from a book or website and doesn’t cite where the information came from, that is plagiarism. This form of credit-taking does not just have minor consequences but can also land you in jail, ruin your record for certain jobs, tear apart your relationships with family and friends, and jeopardize your future. Every day as you pass through a teen-infested hallway, there will be at least one person madly scribbling away on a piece of paper trying to match it with the one from their peers. This all can occur right before the bell signals the start of a new school day. Why do they have to do this? Will those extra 10 points have a huge impact on their grade and also remind them to do their homework in the future? The clear answer is no! Why can’t they just tell their teachers the truth? By copying, the cheater learns nothing and the teacher will never know if they copied their homework or if they did it themselves. Of all things, taking credit for others’ work is not only unnecessary but quite unreasonable as well. If we all just do our work, then there is no need to cheat. We should make an effort for our education instead of taking the easy way out. But most important, if we all work hard instead of cheating, then everyone will live a prosperous and successful life.原文翻译:别再欺骗自己由哈罗德西温莎,台北松山机场学生不知道答案的一个测试。当他盯着空白页面,所有问题的答案看起来模糊,当结果回来,学生意识到他失败了。这种状况对那些抄作业于别人。他们不仅是欺骗,他们没有学到东西,不会被准备测试或测验。利用别人的工作,他们可以摧毁他们的品位以及他们的未来。这是不对的,我们每个人都有作弊的能力做自己的工作。人们不应该得到回报别人的努力。大多数人欺骗了至少一次在他们的生活中,是否因缺席或不完整的工作,或甚至只是因为你没有得到学分。但这是不正确的;事实上,它是不道德的,且不公平的。以别人的工作和使用它作为自己的不正确的事情。它显示出缺乏责任,也是一种缺少知识造成的。例如,如果一个学生骗子利用同学的试卷,他以诚信对他人的工作。如果tea-cher捕捉住他,后果通常是失败的。欺骗利用别人的工作是一样的生活与毒品毁了你。它不仅是不必要的,愚蠢的,它也开始上瘾的方法有很多种。如果一个学生不断骗子,就成为一种习惯,在未来的。除此之外,没人需要给骗了。我们都有大脑,我们可以利用这些资源,同时也是老师,父母,和同伴来帮助我们。无论如何,这不像我们生命中会有成功的,如果我们不断欺骗。没有必要毁了你的教育、你的生活都被欺骗。骗子通常受许多的后果。一开始当学生在小学的时候,欺骗只有可能引起失去信用,走到校长室。在初中的时候,将会有星期六拘留,停赛,甚至家长会。但在高中、大学、和其余的人的生活,欺骗的将不会被宽容。如果一个大学生使用一个引用一本书或网站,不举在信息的来源,那就是剽窃。这种形式的credit-taking不仅有些许的后果,还能让你镗啷入狱,毁了你对某些工作记录,撕裂你和家人及朋友的关系,而且危及你的未来。每天你通过一个teen-infested的走廊,至少将会有一个人疯狂的草写走在一张纸上,试图将它与一个来自他们的同行。这都可以发生的权利之前,贝尔信号开始一所新学校的一天。他们为什么要这样做呢?这些额外的10分,将有一个巨大的影响他们的品位和也提醒他们做未来的家庭作业吗?清晰的答案是否定的!为什么他们不能就告诉他们的老师说实话?那个骗子被复制,就什么也学不到,老师将永远不会知道他们是否复制他们的作业或者如果他们做到了自己。所有的一切,以诚信为别人的工作不仅是很不合理的。如果我们只是做我们的工作,那就不需要欺骗。我们应该努力为我们的教育,代替容易的方法。但最重要的是,如果我们一起努力工作,而不是欺骗,那么每个人都将住一个繁荣和成功的人生。

因为作业的多 平时压力的积累 所以才会这样






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