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Finally, on the first day of study, I got up early, had breakfast, sat at my desk, stared at the computer and waited anxiously. At 8:30, a teacher appeared on the screen on time, "Hello, everyone, I'm today's Chinese teacher. Now let's review unit 1..." the teacher operated skillfully, but I was in a hurry. I didn't know whether to take notes or take a screenshot first. Next, the second quarter is math class, and I also began to get better. I can work with the teacher to calculate and solve problems together... So the first day of the course is over. Not only learned knowledge, but also did sports and eye exercises.

Although the teachers in the computer are very good and serious, there are still many differences between the real classroom learning and the online class. Facing the teacher on the screen, I can't talk to her or share my thoughts on the problem with her. There are no classmates in the class and can't play games with my good friends after class. Hey... I hope the epidemic will pass soon, Get together with your classmates and teachers at school and go back to the real class.


At home, you can arrange a schedule to enrich your holiday life. For example, reading can let you enter the world of books and make you happy. How good it is; Making dumplings and dumplings is also very interesting. You must be happy and happy to do it yourself. In addition to exercising your own hands-on ability, you can also increase your skills; Practicing calligraphy is also a necessary skill. It can not only make your handwriting look beautiful, but also exercise your patience. If you write very well, you may win a prize in the competition!

You can't go out because of the epidemic, but you can't go out without exercise! Exercise can sweat, so the virus can't enter our body. Guess what sports I like to do at home? That's rope skipping. There are many sports to play in the family. Viruses are everywhere, but we don't have to worry. If we take more exercise and exercise, the virus will be far away from us.

How, this special winter vacation life is still colorful! Can read, can exercise, can also make dumplings, how happy, how happy!

This is my winter vacation.


"Humans, we are back. This time, we will be stronger than before." The virus King laughed and said. All the other viruses were cheering and jumping. But the usual busy streets are now empty. The streets and alleys were empty and quiet everywhere, with only one or two bird songs. At this time, the virus families saw some people go out and were very excited: "let's go quickly." But as soon as they passed, they were surprised to find that the people who came out had put on masks. The virus families were furious, and then ran all the way to the hospital. When they were just ready to invade, they saw the medical staff put on their war clothes and ride to meet the difficulties, just to hold up the tomorrow of life.

The people of the whole country unite as one and unite as one. Love and hope spread faster than the virus. Strong winds know strong grass, and big waves show heroes. I firmly believe that many difficulties will prosper the country, and there will be a warm sun after dark clouds. Look, the elated virus king is now scared to death. Other viruses were also frightened and ran away.

With the disappearance of the virus family, we have ushered in a vibrant spring. Listen, the leaves rustle. Look, the birds make a new nest. A group of young pioneers bury a seed in the campus and grow into a tree next year. This tree is called love and hope.


In the face of the epidemic, how to accompany children is a topic that every parent of "staying at home" can't get around. There are various interesting leisure activities created by parents to spend parent-child time with their children; Some parents take this opportunity to talk to their children about the importance of respecting nature... In fact, if parents do a good job in prevention and consciously abide by the requirements of prevention and control, they will virtually set an example for their children. On weekdays, many parents hope to find a "panacea" to cultivate their children's sense of social responsibility and let their children become themselves. During this special time, telling their children what to do at home can support epidemic prevention and control, and expressing blessings and respect to their uncles and aunts who stick to their posts around them is a wake-up to the sense of gratitude and responsibility.

Cherishing health, being a good citizen, fearing nature and knowing how to take responsibility are not only our "good recipe" to fight the epidemic, but also the most precious wealth on the road of life. At this moment, every parent can pass on these good qualities to their children by setting an example and giving good guidance. In this sense, every parent can be a "hero" in the eyes of their children to drive away the epidemic.


A war without gunpowder smoke has also quietly opened. At this critical moment of life and death, many admirable medical workers have emerged all over the country. They cherish the old and young who are reunited at home and rush to the front line of the fight against the epidemic without hesitation. They wear thick protective clothing to treat patients every day. Because the protective clothing is airtight, they sweat all over their body, but they don't complain. They use their flesh and blood to build a safe defense line for the people.

There is also such a grandfather, Zhong Nanshan, an 84 year old academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering. He is still in charge, racing against time and fighting against the virus. Grandpa Zhong's coming forward is like a timely rain in the drought. He moistens the hearts of the people and brings unlimited hope to the people. Isn't grandpa Zhong's spirit of fearlessness, courage, resourcefulness and due diligence worthy of our admiration?

The power of example inspires us to move forward. Our teenagers should also study hard, arm their minds with knowledge and knowledge, and be an indomitable pillar of the country like grandpa Zhong in the future.

I firmly believe that from now on, as long as each of us obeys grandpa Zhong's command of epidemic prevention and control, works together in the same boat and moves forward bravely, the epidemic will be gradually curbed and the dawn of victory will belong to us!


My father is a doctor. When I heard of the outbreak, I seldom saw him. Every time he comes home, he just stays at home for 30 minutes. I call him "30 minutes dad".

The "Ding Dong" doorbell rang.

Mother said, "it must be dad who came back." My brother and I sprinted to the door and opened the door for my father. As soon as he entered the house, I immediately took my brother two meters away from my father. My father looked at us and smiled and began to disinfect himself. After Dad "handled" himself and entered the house, our house became lively like a vegetable market.

Grandpa smiled and poured a cup of hot tea for his father. His 3-year-old brother jumped on the sofa like a happy monkey. Mom and grandma happily brought steaming meals from the kitchen. Dad couldn't catch up with the meal every time he came back, so he had to sit at the table alone. Looking at the back of my father eating alone, I love him very much. The back of "30 minutes dad" is like a high mountain, blocking the dangerous "thousands of troops", safe and warm.

I know that my father is in close contact with patients face to face every day. He is worried about the virus on his clothes and is afraid of infecting us. He wants to protect us. The whole family supports his work very much. Dad went back to the hospital after dinner and worked overtime.

The slogan of "epidemic" in our family is: wash hands frequently, drink more water, wear masks when going out, and don't go out.


Infected and quarantined people, in the ward, who is fighting the virus on them? They are doctors and soldiers in white. They are not heroes, nor are they wearing armor and cloaks. They only wear masks, isolation clothes and their own tools to save lives.

They fought day and night, exhausted, but they didn't say to give up. Every time they save someone, they will be very happy and proud.

Academician Zhong Nanshan's wisdom helps us out of difficulties and leads us to the door of success. The deaths of some nurses and doctors also make us extremely sad.

There are also some soldiers who no longer hold batons, but pick up a thermometer. For others, they would rather give up their happiness, stick to their posts, and give the people who go home a sense of security. Only loneliness can accompany them.

They bravely "fight" in the front line and fight the disease without fear. We can only help them by staying at home.

Thank you. It's because of you that we can defeat the virus.


As a young pioneer, I should also actively dedicate my part to the new year, do not visit or have dinner this year, urge my family to do a good job of hygiene and epidemic prevention, and wear masks in public places when I have to, The used masks shall be thrown into the "harmful garbage" bin according to the regulations. Pay attention to personal hygiene, keep ventilated, wash hands frequently, do not spit everywhere, and make correct shielding when sneezing and coughing. Carry out study at home, strengthen exercise and protect wild animals.


"By the way," the father interrupted his mother who was washing vegetables and said, "the unit began to recruit Party members to volunteer in the urban area to prevent and control the epidemic. I intend to sign up." The mother's hands for washing vegetables suddenly froze, hesitated for a moment, and said anxiously, "in the current situation, how dangerous and tired it is to fight the epidemic..." "this is a national event!" The father shouted out before his mother finished, and stood up from his chair. "I have to bear this responsibility. That's it. I'll hand in the newspaper tomorrow!" My father's words are so firm that his sunny words are deeply engraved in my heart. That night, I couldn't sleep.

The north wind roared, and the cold wind swept through the streets like a snake, ringing with the sound of terror... Carrying my father's luggage and watching my father go to the train platform. "After this task is completed, I have to stay by myself for 14 days before I can go home." Father took the luggage from me and charged. I stared at my father blankly. He seemed to understand my eyes and touched my head. A firm light flashed in his clear eyes: "I have to bear this responsibility. If I flinch when I encounter such difficulties, how can I do?" I was speechless and could only look at him calmly. He was against the light and couldn't see his expression clearly. The silhouette was also blurred, but he was integrated with the light. In an instant, I couldn't tell whether the light was soaking him or whether he was shining from inside to outside. Perhaps light and shadow made a small joke on me. His right hand accidentally held a small and bright aperture. He held it as if he held a responsibility, a gorgeous light woven by responsibility that can affect others.

Tears poured out unconsciously. I don't know whether I was reluctant or moved by my father's firmness

The faint sound from the stairs outside the door pulled me back from my memory. After a while, there was a metal collision sound, the key was slowly inserted into the lock hole, and there was another gentle rotation sound. The door opened and a tall figure came into view. It was my father! I jumped up from my chair excitedly and threw myself into my father's arms


Although the school announced the postponement of the opening time, and we can't go back to school in time, I still haven't forgotten to study, and we need to send the bravest challenge to study in 2020. Some people may say, how can we learn if we can't go to school? But I think we can still study efficiently at home. On the basis of carefully completing our winter vacation homework, we can learn the e-textbooks pushed by the school to us. According to our own actual situation, we can also make full preparations for the study of the new semester in combination with our own actual situation.

Students, we should cherish the precious time at home and concentrate on our study. We should be at home and focus on learning. We should not relax our study because of the epidemic. In this way, when the epidemic is relieved, we will be able to devote ourselves to the study of the new semester with a better attitude.

Coincidentally, when I calmed down to do my homework, the virus didn't seem so terrible. This is my trick. I don't tell ordinary people.




请根据以下表格写篇Protecting Wild Animals的英语作文。






Since the pneumonia epidemic broke out in Wuhan in December, the number of people infected and patients who have died keep climbing. It is reported that the epidemic has something to do with the killing and selling of wild animals at South China Seafood Market. With the decrease of wild animals, many animals are endangered. Worse still,some of them may disappear forever.

There is no doubt that hunting and killing wild animals has a bad influence. For wild animals are killed for their fur, which causes the imbalance of nature. For another, due to the contact between humans and wild animals, epidemics like SARS and pneumonia may infect humans easily.

As far as I am concerned, something must be done to stop this illegal action. First, Nature Reserves are supposed to be built so as to offer more living space to wildlife. Second, be aware that never have wild animals for food, as they are part of environment. Third, it is high time that we raised people’s awareness to protect wildlife. In this way, we can build a harmonious society and ensure a sustainable development.




In the face of the sudden outbreak of pneumonia in New Coronavirus, there was no smoke fighting.


In the Spring Festival, the most important traditional festival in China, people are reluctant to reunite, abandon their wives and mothers, abandon their children and leave home. At the risk of their lives, more than 50 medical teams and more than 6000 medical workers rush to Wuhan


One by one to the superior's "please war letter", one by one with the family's comfort letter, one by one to save the dying and heal the wounded hot heart. On New Year's Eve, "angels in white" are walking in the opposite direction, which makes countless people cry.


Time is life. A lot of medical staff only pay attention to a meal a day, and they don't have time to drink a mouthful of water in the morning. Some of them hardly took off their white coats in nearly a month of fighting, and some even gave their precious lives.





I'm very sad these days, because we were going to travel to Guangzhou. Because of the outbreak of this new coronavirus in Wuhan, we can't play anymore.


Last night, my mother told me about the picture book of the new coronavirus. I learned from it that the virus was originally grown on wild animals, but because some people eat wild animals and kill wild animals, the new coronavirus ran to our human beings and settled down. Although the virus is very dangerous, there are still ways to deal with it, especially those doctors who are working hard to treat the infected patients, some of whom have recovered and left the hospital. I stay at home with my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and brother. I dare not go out. If someone wants to go out to buy food, I will remind him: "don't forget to put on the mask!"


The virus has brought great disaster to human beings. I want to say to you, "come on! We have a way to deal with this virus, we will win! "


There are big and small back, there are sad and reluctant. What moved me most is the back of the angels in white in 2020.


The new year is coming In the past, the Spring Festival was full of bustle, streets and alleys were full of people, supermarkets and vegetable farms were even more crowded, people could hear people's laughter in every corner.


Novel coronavirus came to our side light of heart from care and the carefree holiday.


The novel coronavirus is named after a crown. He was like a proud and ignorant king who locked people in his home and could not go out.


The wind knows the grass, the waves show the hero. Grandpa Zhong Nanshan led the medical team to study drugs, and Grandma Li Lanjuan also made a great contribution to the epidemic. If one side is in trouble, support from all sides. Countless medical staff rushed to Wuhan from all directions to support when they heard the news.


Whenever I see angels in white wearing 7 thick protective clothing in the news, I want to say to them: Thank you, you've worked hard! In the airtight protective clothing, the doctors are sweating profusely. They have little rest time because they have to fight against the clock to take the patient's life back from death.


I hope the war will be over as soon as possible. Angels in white, you work hard!


新冠肺炎疫情从爆发开始,就一直牵动着全国人民的心绪。而很多平时看起来有点生僻的单词一跃成为英文“热词”。以下是我为大家准备的关于抗击疫情的 英语 作文 ,欢迎大家前来参阅。



Joint prevention and control of new pneumonia in the name of life responsibility

临近 春节 ,新型肺炎疫情却不期而至。据国家卫健委披露,截至1月20日24时,已收到国内4省(区、市)累计 报告 新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎确诊病例291例(湖北省270例,北京市5例,广东省14例,上海市2例),另有14省(区、市)累计报告疑似病例54例。

Near the Spring Festival, the new pneumonia epidemic is unexpected. The novel coronavirus has been reported in 291 provinces (270 cases in Hubei, 5 cases in Beijing, 14 cases in Guangdong, 2 cases in Shanghai) and 4 cases in suspected cases in 24 provinces (districts and municipalities), according to the National Health Protection Committee, as at January 20th, when the new 4 cases were reported.

随着近日确诊病例增加,社会关注度提升,有关各方的防控力度也在提升。1月20日,国家卫健委决定将新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎纳入法定传染病乙类管理,采取甲类传染病的预防、控制 措施 ;同日,武汉成立疫情防控指挥部,指出武汉市要启动战时值班备勤机制,明确将采取更严格的举措,内防扩散、外防输出。21日,指挥部又召开新闻发布会称,武汉所有新型冠状病毒感染患者救治均由政府买单。

With the increase of confirmed cases in recent days, the degree of social concern has increased, and the prevention and control efforts of all parties concerned have also increased. In January 20th, the novel coronavirus infection was classified into class B management by the National Health Protection Committee, and the prevention and control measures for class A infectious diseases were taken. On the same day, the epidemic prevention command headquarters in Wuhan was established. It was pointed out that Wuhan should launch a wartime duty attendance mechanism, and clearly adopted more stringent measures to prevent proliferation and prevent external output. Novel coronavirus infection in Wuhan was paid by the government, the 21 day, the headquarters also held a news conference.


In fact, not only the national health and Health Commission and Wuhan local government have taken targeted prevention and control actions, but also many local governments have taken corresponding prevention and control measures. Many places have made it clear that in the future, they will increase the monitoring and screening of new confirmed cases of pneumonia, start the temperature monitoring mechanism in key places such as airports, railway stations, long-distance bus stations, and do a good job in isolation treatment and case treatment, some prohibit the marketing of live birds in an all-round way, some hold scheduling meetings for this purpose, and some aviation, railway and tourism platforms have also introduced free cancellation measures.

更多 关于抗击疫情英语作文 内容欢迎点击进入






In response to this sudden outbreak, many aspects have indeed been put into action. According to the requirements of the superior joint prevention and control, all localities and departments can continue to work hard on the coordination and cohesion of prevention and control.


After SARS in 2003, China issued the regulations on emergency response to public health emergencies, which made it clear that emergency response work should follow the principle of prevention first and constant preparation, and implement the principle of unified leadership, hierarchical responsibility, timely response, decisive measures, relying on science and strengthening cooperation. At the same time, there are also prevention and control approaches and hierarchical division of labor for public health emergencies, including the responsibilities of governments at the national level and at the provincial, municipal and county levels.


It was reported that the local rectification of the South China seafood market, the source of the epidemic, was based on the regulations of the State Council such as the regulations on emergency response to public health emergencies. In view of the spread of the epidemic, it is obvious that all relevant localities should meet the requirements in the table and regulations, take a mirror view of themselves, see that they have endless provisions in the regulations, and follow the regulations, reasonably allocate and coordinate the division of labor among relevant departments, so as to ensure that medical and health institutions, monitoring institutions and scientific research institutions, as well as railways, transportation, etc. perform their respective responsibilities, and their responsibilities can be "the same as To make efforts to achieve better joint defense and control effect.


At present, the National Health Committee has made clear the categories of new pneumonia according to the degree of harm and epidemic intensity. It is included in the class B management of legal infectious diseases, but the prevention and control measures of class A infectious diseases are required, which undoubtedly shows the importance of this epidemic situation. For the local and department, in terms of the treatment and control means of epidemic prevention and control, it is also necessary to contrast with this important requirement, so the "upgraded" can not follow the rigid standard, let alone be easily downgraded.


It needs to be clear that, according to Zhong Nanshan, the leader of the high level expert group of the National Health Commission, there is a "human to human" situation in the new pneumonia. The World Health Organization points out that the latest reported infection information indicates that there may be continuous human to human transmission now, and more analysis is needed. In view of the arrival of the peak period of the Spring Festival, the frequent flow of population and the wide contact between people, these flows are often across provinces, and the monitoring and emergency response involve many departments. To prevent "human to human transmission" with greater efforts and more comprehensive measures, it is necessary to coordinate across regions and departments, so as to achieve joint management and coordinated disposal, rather than stop at the prevention and control and governance ideas of block division.


As some people say, epidemic prevention is also a war in which no smoke of gunpowder can be seen. This will involve management and control, mobilization, monitoring and inspection, science popularization, etc., some of which are likely to be based on the premise of reducing people's convenience. In this situation, we should not only focus on the prevention and control efficiency, but also take action in an orderly and regular way - now that there are relevant regulations, we should do it according to law, straighten out the responsibilities of all parties under the rule framework, ensure the legitimacy and legality of various measures, and achieve a more efficient and reasonable joint prevention and control.


Such "according to laws and regulations" also puts forward rigid requirements for the government's positive actions. In contrast to the rigid regulations, whether the relevant parties have fulfilled their responsibilities, there is also a benchmark for evaluation.


In the end, at this time, local governments at all levels need to take a highly responsible attitude towards the life and health of the public, in accordance with the existing laws and regulations on the prevention and control of outbreaks, the efforts to improve the prevention and control will be enhanced, the improvement of the response plan will be improved, and strive to rely on the rule of law and good governance to achieve the victory in the prevention and control of new pneumonia as soon as possible.





请根据以下表格写篇Protecting Wild Animals的英语作文。






Since the pneumonia epidemic broke out in Wuhan in December, the number of people infected and patients who have died keep climbing. It is reported that the epidemic has something to do with the killing and selling of wild animals at South China Seafood Market. With the decrease of wild animals, many animals are endangered. Worse still,some of them may disappear forever.

There is no doubt that hunting and killing wild animals has a bad influence. For wild animals are killed for their fur, which causes the imbalance of nature. For another, due to the contact between humans and wild animals, epidemics like SARS and pneumonia may infect humans easily.

As far as I am concerned, something must be done to stop this illegal action. First, Nature Reserves are supposed to be built so as to offer more living space to wildlife. Second, be aware that never have wild animals for food, as they are part of environment. Third, it is high time that we raised people’s awareness to protect wildlife. In this way, we can build a harmonious society and ensure a sustainable development.


新冠肺炎疫情从爆发开始,就一直牵动着全国人民的心绪。而很多平时看起来有点生僻的单词一跃成为英文“热词”。以下是我为大家准备的关于抗击疫情的 英语 作文 ,欢迎大家前来参阅。



Joint prevention and control of new pneumonia in the name of life responsibility

临近 春节 ,新型肺炎疫情却不期而至。据国家卫健委披露,截至1月20日24时,已收到国内4省(区、市)累计 报告 新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎确诊病例291例(湖北省270例,北京市5例,广东省14例,上海市2例),另有14省(区、市)累计报告疑似病例54例。

Near the Spring Festival, the new pneumonia epidemic is unexpected. The novel coronavirus has been reported in 291 provinces (270 cases in Hubei, 5 cases in Beijing, 14 cases in Guangdong, 2 cases in Shanghai) and 4 cases in suspected cases in 24 provinces (districts and municipalities), according to the National Health Protection Committee, as at January 20th, when the new 4 cases were reported.

随着近日确诊病例增加,社会关注度提升,有关各方的防控力度也在提升。1月20日,国家卫健委决定将新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎纳入法定传染病乙类管理,采取甲类传染病的预防、控制 措施 ;同日,武汉成立疫情防控指挥部,指出武汉市要启动战时值班备勤机制,明确将采取更严格的举措,内防扩散、外防输出。21日,指挥部又召开新闻发布会称,武汉所有新型冠状病毒感染患者救治均由政府买单。

With the increase of confirmed cases in recent days, the degree of social concern has increased, and the prevention and control efforts of all parties concerned have also increased. In January 20th, the novel coronavirus infection was classified into class B management by the National Health Protection Committee, and the prevention and control measures for class A infectious diseases were taken. On the same day, the epidemic prevention command headquarters in Wuhan was established. It was pointed out that Wuhan should launch a wartime duty attendance mechanism, and clearly adopted more stringent measures to prevent proliferation and prevent external output. Novel coronavirus infection in Wuhan was paid by the government, the 21 day, the headquarters also held a news conference.


In fact, not only the national health and Health Commission and Wuhan local government have taken targeted prevention and control actions, but also many local governments have taken corresponding prevention and control measures. Many places have made it clear that in the future, they will increase the monitoring and screening of new confirmed cases of pneumonia, start the temperature monitoring mechanism in key places such as airports, railway stations, long-distance bus stations, and do a good job in isolation treatment and case treatment, some prohibit the marketing of live birds in an all-round way, some hold scheduling meetings for this purpose, and some aviation, railway and tourism platforms have also introduced free cancellation measures.

更多 关于抗击疫情英语作文 内容欢迎点击进入






In response to this sudden outbreak, many aspects have indeed been put into action. According to the requirements of the superior joint prevention and control, all localities and departments can continue to work hard on the coordination and cohesion of prevention and control.


After SARS in 2003, China issued the regulations on emergency response to public health emergencies, which made it clear that emergency response work should follow the principle of prevention first and constant preparation, and implement the principle of unified leadership, hierarchical responsibility, timely response, decisive measures, relying on science and strengthening cooperation. At the same time, there are also prevention and control approaches and hierarchical division of labor for public health emergencies, including the responsibilities of governments at the national level and at the provincial, municipal and county levels.


It was reported that the local rectification of the South China seafood market, the source of the epidemic, was based on the regulations of the State Council such as the regulations on emergency response to public health emergencies. In view of the spread of the epidemic, it is obvious that all relevant localities should meet the requirements in the table and regulations, take a mirror view of themselves, see that they have endless provisions in the regulations, and follow the regulations, reasonably allocate and coordinate the division of labor among relevant departments, so as to ensure that medical and health institutions, monitoring institutions and scientific research institutions, as well as railways, transportation, etc. perform their respective responsibilities, and their responsibilities can be "the same as To make efforts to achieve better joint defense and control effect.


At present, the National Health Committee has made clear the categories of new pneumonia according to the degree of harm and epidemic intensity. It is included in the class B management of legal infectious diseases, but the prevention and control measures of class A infectious diseases are required, which undoubtedly shows the importance of this epidemic situation. For the local and department, in terms of the treatment and control means of epidemic prevention and control, it is also necessary to contrast with this important requirement, so the "upgraded" can not follow the rigid standard, let alone be easily downgraded.


It needs to be clear that, according to Zhong Nanshan, the leader of the high level expert group of the National Health Commission, there is a "human to human" situation in the new pneumonia. The World Health Organization points out that the latest reported infection information indicates that there may be continuous human to human transmission now, and more analysis is needed. In view of the arrival of the peak period of the Spring Festival, the frequent flow of population and the wide contact between people, these flows are often across provinces, and the monitoring and emergency response involve many departments. To prevent "human to human transmission" with greater efforts and more comprehensive measures, it is necessary to coordinate across regions and departments, so as to achieve joint management and coordinated disposal, rather than stop at the prevention and control and governance ideas of block division.


As some people say, epidemic prevention is also a war in which no smoke of gunpowder can be seen. This will involve management and control, mobilization, monitoring and inspection, science popularization, etc., some of which are likely to be based on the premise of reducing people's convenience. In this situation, we should not only focus on the prevention and control efficiency, but also take action in an orderly and regular way - now that there are relevant regulations, we should do it according to law, straighten out the responsibilities of all parties under the rule framework, ensure the legitimacy and legality of various measures, and achieve a more efficient and reasonable joint prevention and control.


Such "according to laws and regulations" also puts forward rigid requirements for the government's positive actions. In contrast to the rigid regulations, whether the relevant parties have fulfilled their responsibilities, there is also a benchmark for evaluation.


In the end, at this time, local governments at all levels need to take a highly responsible attitude towards the life and health of the public, in accordance with the existing laws and regulations on the prevention and control of outbreaks, the efforts to improve the prevention and control will be enhanced, the improvement of the response plan will be improved, and strive to rely on the rule of law and good governance to achieve the victory in the prevention and control of new pneumonia as soon as possible.


新冠肺炎疫情从爆发开始,就一直牵动着全国人民的心绪。而很多平时看起来有点生僻的单词一跃成为英文“热词”。以下是我为大家准备的关于抗击疫情的 英语 作文 ,欢迎大家前来参阅。



Joint prevention and control of new pneumonia in the name of life responsibility

临近 春节 ,新型肺炎疫情却不期而至。据国家卫健委披露,截至1月20日24时,已收到国内4省(区、市)累计 报告 新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎确诊病例291例(湖北省270例,北京市5例,广东省14例,上海市2例),另有14省(区、市)累计报告疑似病例54例。

Near the Spring Festival, the new pneumonia epidemic is unexpected. The novel coronavirus has been reported in 291 provinces (270 cases in Hubei, 5 cases in Beijing, 14 cases in Guangdong, 2 cases in Shanghai) and 4 cases in suspected cases in 24 provinces (districts and municipalities), according to the National Health Protection Committee, as at January 20th, when the new 4 cases were reported.

随着近日确诊病例增加,社会关注度提升,有关各方的防控力度也在提升。1月20日,国家卫健委决定将新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎纳入法定传染病乙类管理,采取甲类传染病的预防、控制 措施 ;同日,武汉成立疫情防控指挥部,指出武汉市要启动战时值班备勤机制,明确将采取更严格的举措,内防扩散、外防输出。21日,指挥部又召开新闻发布会称,武汉所有新型冠状病毒感染患者救治均由政府买单。

With the increase of confirmed cases in recent days, the degree of social concern has increased, and the prevention and control efforts of all parties concerned have also increased. In January 20th, the novel coronavirus infection was classified into class B management by the National Health Protection Committee, and the prevention and control measures for class A infectious diseases were taken. On the same day, the epidemic prevention command headquarters in Wuhan was established. It was pointed out that Wuhan should launch a wartime duty attendance mechanism, and clearly adopted more stringent measures to prevent proliferation and prevent external output. Novel coronavirus infection in Wuhan was paid by the government, the 21 day, the headquarters also held a news conference.


In fact, not only the national health and Health Commission and Wuhan local government have taken targeted prevention and control actions, but also many local governments have taken corresponding prevention and control measures. Many places have made it clear that in the future, they will increase the monitoring and screening of new confirmed cases of pneumonia, start the temperature monitoring mechanism in key places such as airports, railway stations, long-distance bus stations, and do a good job in isolation treatment and case treatment, some prohibit the marketing of live birds in an all-round way, some hold scheduling meetings for this purpose, and some aviation, railway and tourism platforms have also introduced free cancellation measures.

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In response to this sudden outbreak, many aspects have indeed been put into action. According to the requirements of the superior joint prevention and control, all localities and departments can continue to work hard on the coordination and cohesion of prevention and control.


After SARS in 2003, China issued the regulations on emergency response to public health emergencies, which made it clear that emergency response work should follow the principle of prevention first and constant preparation, and implement the principle of unified leadership, hierarchical responsibility, timely response, decisive measures, relying on science and strengthening cooperation. At the same time, there are also prevention and control approaches and hierarchical division of labor for public health emergencies, including the responsibilities of governments at the national level and at the provincial, municipal and county levels.


It was reported that the local rectification of the South China seafood market, the source of the epidemic, was based on the regulations of the State Council such as the regulations on emergency response to public health emergencies. In view of the spread of the epidemic, it is obvious that all relevant localities should meet the requirements in the table and regulations, take a mirror view of themselves, see that they have endless provisions in the regulations, and follow the regulations, reasonably allocate and coordinate the division of labor among relevant departments, so as to ensure that medical and health institutions, monitoring institutions and scientific research institutions, as well as railways, transportation, etc. perform their respective responsibilities, and their responsibilities can be "the same as To make efforts to achieve better joint defense and control effect.


At present, the National Health Committee has made clear the categories of new pneumonia according to the degree of harm and epidemic intensity. It is included in the class B management of legal infectious diseases, but the prevention and control measures of class A infectious diseases are required, which undoubtedly shows the importance of this epidemic situation. For the local and department, in terms of the treatment and control means of epidemic prevention and control, it is also necessary to contrast with this important requirement, so the "upgraded" can not follow the rigid standard, let alone be easily downgraded.


It needs to be clear that, according to Zhong Nanshan, the leader of the high level expert group of the National Health Commission, there is a "human to human" situation in the new pneumonia. The World Health Organization points out that the latest reported infection information indicates that there may be continuous human to human transmission now, and more analysis is needed. In view of the arrival of the peak period of the Spring Festival, the frequent flow of population and the wide contact between people, these flows are often across provinces, and the monitoring and emergency response involve many departments. To prevent "human to human transmission" with greater efforts and more comprehensive measures, it is necessary to coordinate across regions and departments, so as to achieve joint management and coordinated disposal, rather than stop at the prevention and control and governance ideas of block division.


As some people say, epidemic prevention is also a war in which no smoke of gunpowder can be seen. This will involve management and control, mobilization, monitoring and inspection, science popularization, etc., some of which are likely to be based on the premise of reducing people's convenience. In this situation, we should not only focus on the prevention and control efficiency, but also take action in an orderly and regular way - now that there are relevant regulations, we should do it according to law, straighten out the responsibilities of all parties under the rule framework, ensure the legitimacy and legality of various measures, and achieve a more efficient and reasonable joint prevention and control.


Such "according to laws and regulations" also puts forward rigid requirements for the government's positive actions. In contrast to the rigid regulations, whether the relevant parties have fulfilled their responsibilities, there is also a benchmark for evaluation.


In the end, at this time, local governments at all levels need to take a highly responsible attitude towards the life and health of the public, in accordance with the existing laws and regulations on the prevention and control of outbreaks, the efforts to improve the prevention and control will be enhanced, the improvement of the response plan will be improved, and strive to rely on the rule of law and good governance to achieve the victory in the prevention and control of new pneumonia as soon as possible.


This winter vacation, the sudden new pneumonia disrupted the pace of people's celebration of the Spring Festival, especially in Wuhan, a serious epidemic area, a large number of people's livelihood diseases led to doctors' emergency, beds' emergency, medical supplies' emergency, and a war without gunpowder is starting.

The virus has no lover. Every change of the epidemic affected the hearts of the people of the whole country and even the people of the world: neighboring Japan not only did not refuse Chinese tourists to enter China, but also gave a large number of medical materials to our country; overseas students tried their best to raise masks and transport them back to China at the first time; medical students and nurses from all over the world left their families and rushed to the front line to cure the disease and save the people, and they worked day and night, tired and trapped Lying on the table and resting on the ground for a while, Huzhou's 83 year old grandfather made a living by picking up rubbish, but he did not hesitate to donate the ten thousand yuan saved by frugality; an uncle from Anhui ran into the police station, threw 500 masks, turned around and left, silently giving his love.

I believe that the difficulty is only temporary. Through our joint efforts, we will win the war against the virus and usher in a warm spring day as soon as possible.




I'm very sad these days, because we were going to travel to Guangzhou. Because of the outbreak of this new coronavirus in Wuhan, we can't play anymore.

Last night, my mother told me about the picture book of the new coronavirus. I learned from it that the virus was originally grown on wild animals, but because some people eat wild animals and kill wild animals, the new coronavirus ran to our human beings and settled down. Although the virus is very dangerous, there are still ways to deal with it, especially those doctors who are working hard to treat the infected patients, some of whom have recovered and left the hospital. I stay at home with my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and brother. I dare not go out. If someone wants to go out to buy food, I will remind him: "don't forget to put on the mask!"

The virus has brought great disaster to human beings. I want to say to you, "come on! We have a way to deal with this virus, we will win! "




2020 is a new beginning, but just at the time of the SpringFestival, the Chinese people once again face the virus crisis: new coronavirus,only 17 years since the last SARS in 2003.I saw in the news that the new virus caused by Wuhan as the sourceof infection spread to the whole country. According to statistics and analysis,the people who left Wuhan from January 10 to 22 and went to all parts of thecountry respectively arrived in Zhoukou, Yueyang, Yichang, Hefei, Chongqing,Nanning, Guangzhou and other places. This is an acute infection of pneumonia.

I hope that the people of the whole country will join hands to fightagainst this crisis and stay at home and not run around. We can certainlysurvive this crisis from our motherland. It's very important that medical staffhave given up the chance to celebrate the new year with their families andrushed to the front line of the epidemic field. We should believe them more!

Come on Wuhan, come on angel in white, come on China, wish thebeauty of the world be linked with you.






在疫情面前不退缩,在困难面前不低头,关键时刻冲在前,这既是我们每一个中华儿女的责任,想要了解疫情主题的 作文 ,学生们是怎么写的吗?下面是我为大家带来的有关2021众志成城抗击疫情优秀 话题作文 【五篇】,希望大家喜欢。


孩子,这个 春节 注定让人终生难忘。新型冠状病毒肺炎的疫情让中国人无法用传统的方式过年,本应车水马龙的街道空空荡荡,本应人山人海的景区门可罗雀,本应走亲访友的拜年也变成深居简出不相往来。


疫情是一面镜子,照出世间百态,也照出一个人内心最深沉的思索和最隐秘的真相。这种极端的疫情并不多见,并不是生活的常态,正因为不多见,非常态,更应成为 反思 生命、反思理性的典型情境。



当然,我们也不能失去信心,疫情使人进步,我们最终会找到应对疫情的办法。因为这个疫情,我写下了这些文字,希望对你我的思考和成长都有所帮助。现在疫情已经成为全球公共卫生的 热点 ,任何一个地方也不能侥幸,你们也要保护好自己。并且我们相信,我们一定能守的云开,见月明。





我们永远不会忘记在中国疫情最严重的时候,国际社会对中国提供的政治支持,以及79个国家和10个国际组织为中国人民提供的抗疫物资援助。随着国内疫情防控形势持续向好,在着力外防输入、内防反弹的同时,我国已向89个国家、4个国际组织提供力所能及的物资援助,向伊朗、伊拉克、意大利、塞尔维亚和柬埔寨这5个国家伸出援手,派出7批医疗专家组,并积极分享防控 经验 ,开展药物和疫苗联合研发,并积极主动与世卫组织和国际社会交流信息,为世界争取了宝贵的“时间”和“机会窗口”,彰显了“肝胆每相照,冰壶映寒月”般的守望相助、风雨同舟精神,向世界展现了一个负责任大国的情怀和担当。




新冠肺炎疫情暴发后,千千万万的战疫英雄在危难时刻挺身而出、英勇奋斗,在大战激战中践行初心、不辱使命,展现了新时代的中国精神。当前,一批批战疫英雄从湖北回到自己的家乡,回到推动经济社会发展的日常工作岗位。各级党组织要积极挖掘讲好战疫 故事 ,激励广大党员汲取英雄力量、传承中国精神、争做时代先锋。


讲好战疫中国精神。人无精神不立,国无精神不强。在历史长河中,我们形成了长征精神、西柏坡精神、改革开放精神等一系列中华民族伟大精神图谱。抗击疫情展现出中国精神新的时代内涵。英雄凝聚力量,榜样引领未来。学习战疫英雄,就要学习他们身上展现的爱国精神、团结精神、奋斗精神、创造精神、担当精神。要通过举办先进 事迹 报告 会、表彰大会、组织报告团巡回演讲等,让广大党员感悟英雄力量,掂量肩头责任,凝聚发展动力。要以拍摄微电影、创作小说歌曲、建设党性 教育 基地等形式,让战疫英雄体现的中国精神、中国力量走进党员群众的精神生活。要充分运用互联网新兴载体,打破时空界限,丰富方式 渠道 ,扩大英雄的影响力、感染力,增进民族的凝聚力、向心力。

弘扬战疫伟大力量。“学所以益才也,砺所以致刃也”。要把抗击新冠肺炎疫情展现的榜样力量、中国精神,作为广大党员在未来前行路上新的精神食粮,激发实现中华民族伟大复兴的强劲动力。学习英雄,既要深学,更要笃行。对标学习英雄,要从眼前做起、从小事干起,在点滴中提升、从小节上修炼,以实际行动学习先进,在本职岗位彰显担当。要做实干家,增强“四个意识”,勇于攻坚克难,做到平常时候看得出来、关键时刻冲得上去,打好战疫下半场,抓实抓好新旧动能转换、脱贫攻坚、乡村振兴、民生改善等重点工作,推动实现“双胜利”。要善于把战疫中行之有效的 方法 和经验运用到其他工作中,完善治理体系,增强治理能力,全心全意为群众解难事、办实事,争做新时代干事创业先锋。






协和万邦,彰显大国责任与担当。中国政府采取的防疫 措施 与救治措施有效阻止了疫情的蔓延,坚持公开透明,积极采取措施帮助其他国家共同抗疫。抗击疫情的中国行动、中国方案、中国精神,让世界看到了中国的责任与担当,感受到了中国的力量与决心。面对疫情,中国始终秉持人类命运共同体理念,在做好本国疫情防控的同时,积极向国际社会开展疫情防控工作,积极与他国共享防疫经验,派遣专家奔赴疫情较为严重的国家参与疫情防控工作,中国防疫经验迅速走向世界,让世界看到了大国的情怀,中国这个负责任的大国形象更加深入人心。








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病毒虽然来势凶猛,并且已经侵犯了全国各地,甚至世界上 其它 很多国家,但它终将会被人类击败!相信这场可怕的瘟疫一定会过去,春天一定会如期来临。这里给大家分享一些关于2020抗击疫情的心得 作文 ,方便大家学习。





或许你在 除夕 夜离开家人奔赴武汉;或许你早已在防护服里贡献了无数个日夜……而我,愿意做这样的人——与你们一样的人。






南方医科大学第五附属医院重症学科主治医师陈毅飞2月13日起作为带队队长进驻荆州市中心医院。在直播连线中,陈医生讲述说在救治过程中,确实会遇到很多危急、危险情况。一位危重病人的两次惊心抢救,至今令陈毅飞记忆犹新:“有天发现患者插管漏气,口腔分泌物不停外散,我们整个组都被喷了一身,幸好都穿着严密的防护服。”在第二次为其做心肺复苏抢救时,患者再度出现分泌物大量外泄现象。不过吸取了上次 经验 的陈毅飞,将防护 措施 进一步升级,极大降低了医护们的感染风险。



邓超也在第一时间与电影频道《战疫 故事 》直播组取得了联系,并透过连线为陈医生及他的同事们清唱了能量满满的《奔跑》。“这些天来你们辛苦了,”歌曲唱罢,邓超也向这些白衣战士致以电影人的敬意,“我知道每位医务工作者都很辛苦,都很不容易,尤其是听到你不顾自身安危抢救危重病人的经历,我真的被深深地震撼到了,要向你们学习。”






春节 期间,拜年团聚、走亲访友是我们的传统。然而,这种人群集聚正是传染性病毒“喜欢”的,也是控制疫情的大敌。控制传染源、切断传播途径、保护易感人群是传染病防控的三原则,为了更好地“切断传播途径”,遏制住新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情蔓延势头,我们有必要在特殊时期暂时放下老传统,形成一些“新年俗”。


出门记得戴口罩。新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎,最长潜伏期达14天。携带病毒的人脸上没有写字,在不得不与人接触的场合,一个小口罩将起到阻挡病毒入侵的大作用。中科院院士、国家卫健委高级别专家组成员高福在接受央视采访时,10分钟内至少8次提到“口罩”一词,他强烈呼吁近期出门戴口罩,要形成“口罩 文化 ”。为安全着想,不要怕麻烦和累赘,请把口罩戴起来,也请劝家人把口罩戴起来。







作为一个小学生,我很着急,不能在这突如其来的灾难来临的时候为国家做些什么。我想,我们能做的就是做好防护,不为社会增添负担。我们要勤洗手,尽量多洗几次;出门戴口罩,尽量不去公共场所;在家里也要进行 体育运动 ,增强抵抗力;多吃鸡蛋,多喝鸡汤,多吃蔬菜水果……防护的 方法 还有很多,我说都说不完。只要做好自己的事,就不必太恐慌。



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