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全国06年4月自学考试:英语(二)试卷及答案 2006年09月21日 14:18 来源:腾讯教育 第 1 2 3 4 5 6 页 PART ONE (50 POINTS) I.Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1point each) 1. It would be better to make a decision now, ______ leave it until next week. A. other than B. rather than C. less than D. more than 2. We‘ll inform you as soon as tickets become ______. A. valuable B. capable C. acceptable D. available 3. The foreign company has been______ running this factory for decades. A. enormously B. effectively C. infinitely D. extremely 4. If you ______ my advice, you wouldn‘t be in such trouble now. A. took B. takes C. has taken D. had taken · 免费用QQ打电话超清晰 · 银行卡 安全快捷换Q币 · 沟通无极限手机Q时代 · 魔法表情秀出百变心情 · 管中窥豹 明察秋毫 · QQ秀 秀出个性真自我 5. The meeting ______, we left the room quickly for dinner. A. over B. was over C. is over D. been over 6. All the money ______, Frederick started looking for work. A. having spent B. has been spent C. having been spent D. had been spent 7. ______ his talk when Mary ran out of the lecture hall. A. Hardly had be begun B. Hardly he had begun C. Hardly he has begun D. He hardly had begun 8. The two sisters are _____ in many ways, not only in appearance but also in temperament. A. like B. likely C. alike D. lively 9. The purpose of the program is to provide training for employees so that they can work ______. A. late B. later C. lately D. latest 10. I hope my boy friend will be handsome, strong and ______ kind. A. above all B. in all C. at all D. after all II. Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point each) However careful one may be, he cannot possibly listen carefully to everything that he hears. There are 11 of reasons for this. One of them is the overload of messages most of us 12 each day. In addition to the numerous hours we 13 hearing other people speak, we may spend several hours listening to the radio or sitting in front of a television set. 14, it is impossible to focus our attention completely on what is said; our mind might be 15 elsewhere. Preoccupation with our personal concerns is 16 reason we don‘t always listen carefully. A romance 17 sour or a good grade on a test may take prominence in our mind even as 18 is speaking to us. Furthermore, we are surrounded by all kinds of noises which interfere 19 listening. For example, voices at a party or 20 of traffic may simply make it difficult for us to catch everything that is being said. 11. A. the number B. a number C. number D. numbers 12. A. accept B. obtain C. receive D. possess 13. A. put B. consume C. spend D. spare 14. A. Besides B. Whereas C. Otherwise D. Nevertheless 15. A. wondering B. swinging C. recycling D. wandering 16. A. other B. some C. the other D. another 17. A. gone B. going C. goes D. went 18. A. anyone B. everyone C. someone D. few 19. A. to B. with C. of D. about 20. A. sound B. noise C. voice D. scream III. Reading Comprehension (30 points, 2 points each) Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Many of today‘s most trusted sales techniques were invented over a century ago by a young merchant named Eaton in Toronto. When he was young, Eaton worked briefly with his brothers in small-town stores. In 1869, he sep up his own shop in downtown Toronto. He had many competitors, but he was also ambitious and had a plan for success. He offered a unique style of trade, but as was expected, all the other shopkeepers laughed at him, believing he would eventually fail. However, Eaton was not a man to be easily defeated; he came up with a brand new notion of business – “Goods satisfactory, or money refunded.” He sold all his goods at fixed prices and only for cash. With a sharp sense of what the public wanted, he went out of the way to meet their needs. His business grew rapidly. He set up new branches and started mail order service that allowed people to buy from a list of his goods. Eaton‘s list—advertisements of his day—was the first of its kind. It was distributed and read all over the country. It was the only way to access good-quality goods at reasonable prices for people living far away from big cites. It became part of their life. They even called it The Wishing Book. The secret of the list’s success was that Eaton gained the respect of this customers; they trusted him for good prices and quality goods. Probably because he remembered his miserable early days in Ireland, Eaton thought much of the welfare of his employees: better working conditions, shorter weekday hours than his competitors and Saturday afternoons off in the summer. In all this, he was a leader. 21. The best description of Eaton is that ______. A. he was the richest merchant in Toronto B. he was a successful technical inventor C. he introduced new sales practices D. he changed people‘s ideas about businessmen 22. Eaton‘s success lay primarily in that ____. A. he sold only good quality goods B. he was the first person to provide good service C. he treated his employees better than any of his competitors D. he won respect from his customers 23. From the passage we can infer that ______. A. Eaton invented the idea of the internet shopping B. Eaton drove other businessmen to failure C. Eaton never sold his goods on credit D. Eaton was defeated by his rivals 24. The best title for this passage is _____. A. Good Goods, of Money Refunded B. Eaton, a Sales Inventor C. Customers‘ Respect, a Secret of Success D. Eaton‘s list, a Welcome Event in Sales History 25. Eaton‘s List was important to people on farms because it was a convenient way of getting _____. A. good-quality goods at reasonable prices B. goods at unreasonable prices C. good-quality goods at unreasonable prices D. poor-quality goods at reasonable prices Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. The threat of a global outbreak (疾病大爆发) of bird flu makes it urgent for the international community to cooperate effectively. Wealthy countries will have to provide hundreds of millions of dollars for the testing and production of medicines necessary for treating patients suffering from bird flu. Developing countries, particularly in Southeast Asia, where the bird flu virus (病毒) has spread since 1997, must work out special programs so that farmers will not hide sighs of possible outbreaks. In addition, the way such farm birds as chickens and ducks are traditionally raised and marketed in the developing world should be changed; there should be more distance between the birds and their keepers. Countries should deal with the disease with joint effort. If one country is inadequately prepared, it will be a threat to every other country. The potential effects of a national outbreak of bird flu are enormous. Firstly, an outbreak may kill large numbers of people. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that an outbreak similar to the mild Hong Kong flu of 1968 could kill as many as 7.4 millions people. If it were as dangerous as the 1918 Spanish flu, which killed 50 million, the number would be much higher. Secondly, such an outbreak may cause great financial damage. The latest outbreak of bird flu, which began in December 2003, has cost Southeast Asia more than $10 billion and depressed its GDP by 1.5 percent. If a new outbreak of bird flu were to last for a whole year, $800 billion would be lost. Despite the 124 human cases and 63 deaths from bird flu since December 2003, the virus remains mainly a disease animals. However, the more animals that die of the disease, the more chances it has of spreading to people. Large numbers of dead or dying birds mean that more people will be exposed to the virus and change into a virus with new characteristics. If the international community works together efficiently, man can surely prevent such a virus and possibly save millions of lives. 26. Faced with the threat of a global outbreak of bird flu, the international community should ________. A. establish new markets B. work together effectively C. stop birds from flying to other countries D. raise fewer chickens and ducks 27. The second paragraph focuses on ______. A. World Health Organization B. flus in Hong Kong and Spain C. the economy of Southeast Asia D. possible effects of a bird flu outbreak 28. The number of people who have died of bird flu since 2003 is _______. A. 63 B. 124 C. 7.4 million D. 50 million 29. In the third paragraph, the author is mainly interested in _____. A. stimulating financial growth B. reducing economic damages C. saving human lives D. protecting bird species 30. The passage deals with all the following aspects bird flu EXCEPT _______. A. the origin and history of bird flu B. the importance of international cooperation C. the possible dangers of a national outbreak D. the significance of preventing it from spreading Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. The long summer holidays are finally over and some parents are pleased. “We worry more about their safety in the holidays,” explains one mother from North London. If teenagers are not wandering around on public transport in a big and potentially dangerous city, they are chatting to strangers in an internet chat room! Well, that‘s an extreme picture of the UK today, but many parents are worried about how much freedom they can give their children during the holidays and at weekends. Weekends are not the only time to worry! Newspaper are full of stories about too many school kids going to school by car because their parents do not want them to travel alone on a bus or train. This summer there were more frightening stories of teenagers disappearing with questionable friends that they met on the net. All the Media stories help increase parents fears, but is the UK really so dangerous? Many young people feel that life for their parents was easier. In the 1960s young people played in the streets more and traveled around town without their parents. “At least our parents can keep tabs on us,” says 16-year-old Julia. “So many people have mobile phones now and their parents ring to find out where they are. I use my mobile to get Dad to come to the station when I arrive late.” Mobiles are not just expensive toys; they help keep young people safe. Most significantly, they help keep young people safe. Most significantly, they make parents feel better. Only one problem is, though, that some young people have been attacked by thieves who want to steal their mobile phones. Young people like going out with friends, but they now need to learn how to get home safely. Five million young people in the UK between the ages of 9 to 16 use chat rooms to make friends, but they, too, need to be careful and never give their personal details to a stranger. Young people today have more opportunities to meet new people and go out at night more than their parents ever did. Now school, television programs and newspapers must help teenagers to enjoy their freedom and to be responsible for their own safety. 31. Some parents are upset about the summer holidays mainly because their children ______. A. wander around on bus in the city B. chat to strangers in Internet chat rooms C. make questionable friends on the net D. are taken little care of by teachers 32. For the sake of the safety, many parents send their kids to school ________. A. by car B. by bus C. by train D. by public transport 33. Most significantly, mobile phones _______. A. enable parents keep a close watch on their kids B. help keep teenagers safe C. make parents feel less worried D. protect teenagers from being attacked 34. Teenagers should never give any strangers ______. A. their mobile phone numbers B. their family address C. their personal information D. their parents‘ names 35. This passage is mainly about ________. A. freedom for teenagers in summer holidays B. safety for teenagers in summer holidays C. activities for teenagers in summer holidays D. troubles for teenagers in summer holidays PART TWO (50 POINTS) IV. Word Spelling (10 points, 1 point for two items) 将下列汉语单词译成英语。每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。 36. 获胜者,优胜者 n. w_ _ _ _ _ 37. (使)枯萎,凋谢 v. w_ _ _ _ _ 38. 垂直的,竖的 a. v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39. 易变的,变量的 a. v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40. 唯一的,独特的 a. u_ _ _ _ _ 41. 地下的,隐蔽的 a. u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42. 真实的,如实地 ad. t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43. 星期二 n. T_ _ _ _ _ _ 44. 传统,惯例 n. t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45. 同情,同情心 n. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46. 投降,让步 vi. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47. 足够的,充分的 a. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48. 亲属,亲戚 n. r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49. 抵抗,反抗 n. r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50. 有目的的,蓄意的 a. p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51. 财产;性质 n. p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 52. 俯望,漏看 vt. o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 53. 发源,源自 vi. o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54. 音乐的,悦耳的 a. m_ _ _ _ _ _ 55. 意图,打算 n. i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V. Word Form (10 points, 1 point each) 将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。 56.He _________(write) her 10 letters since he met her last years. 57. I think it necessary for him ________ (finish) the work in time. 58. The house is ______ (complete) before his brother‘s wedding ceremony. 59. You had better ________ (bring) enough money with you. 60. The _______ (good) he feels, the more work he will do. 61. If I hadn‘t listened to you, I would _______ (make) such a silly mistake. 62. The three players repeatedly denied ________ (take) any drug. 63. People who are entitled to ________ (vote) should be over eighteen. 64. The government has taken measures to reduce the total energy ______(consume)。 65. If she ______(catch) the 10 O‘clock train, she can get there by lunch time. VI. Translation from Chinese into English (15 points, 3 points each) 将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。 66. 男人的平均身高比女人高几英寸。 67. 你所说的与我们正在讨论的豪不相干。 68. 教育应该使每个学生德、智、体全面发展。 69.这本书对读者产生了很大影响。 70.这次考试比我们预想的要难得多。 VII. Translation from English into Chinese (15 points) 将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。 There is a clear distinction between one who is supposed to know and another, usually a younger person who is supposed not to know. However, teaching is not necessarily the area of a special group of people, nor should it be looked upon as a technical skill. Teaching can be more like guiding and assisting than forcing information into a blank mind. If you have a certain skill, you should be able to share it with others. You do not have to get a certificate to convey what you know to them or to help them in their attempt to teach themselves. All of us, from the very youngest children to the oldest members of our society, should come to realize our own talent and abilities as teachers. We can share what we know, however little it might be, with others who have need of that knowledge or skill. 「答案及评分参考」 I. Vocabulary and Structure (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A II. Cloze Test (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.B III. Reading Comprehension (本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 21.C 22.D 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.B 27.D 28.A 29.C 30.A 31.D 32.A 33.C 34.C 35.B IV. Word Spelling (本大题共20小题,每两小题1分,共10分) 36. winner 37. wither 38. vertical 39. variable 40. unique 41. underground 42. truthfully 43.Tuesday 44. tradition 45. sympathy 46. surrender 47. sufficient 48. relative 49. resistance 50. purposeful 51. property 52. overlook 53. originate 54. musical 55. intention [评分参考] 多写、少写或错写一个或一个以上的字母均为错 V. Word From (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 56. has written 57. to finish 58. to be completed 59. bring 60. better 61. have made 62. taking 63. vote 64. consumption 65. catches [评分参考] 语法错误或拼写错误均不给分。 VI. Translation from Chinese into English (本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分) 66. On the average, men are higher than women by several inches/several inches higher than women. 67. What you said has nothing to do/has no relevance with what we are discussing. 68. Education should enable every student to develop morally,intellectually and physically. 69. The book has made a great impact/had a great effect/influence on its readers. 70. The test was much more difficult than we had expected.


2003年4月自考英语(一)试题及答案 Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point for each)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 1�Since Americans pay very high taxes,they often feel that they are working one day each week justtheir taxes.A�pay B�to be paying C�paid D�to pay【】2�Advertising is only part of the total sales effort,but it is the part thatthe most attention.A�attacks B�attracts C�attaches D�attributes【】3�Information that does not make any to you is difficult to remember.A�trouble B�way C�sense D�mistake【】4�The United States is known for its supermarkets,huge quantities of all kinds of food and household articles are sold.A�which B�that C�when D�where【】5�The ants,hardworkingthey are,have time for play.A�as B�but C�so D�lest【】6�Diamonds are the hardestfound in nature.A�instance B�circumstance C�substance D�existence【】7�Large and powerful,the atmosphere consists of an ocean of gases hundreds of miles.A�high B�higher C�highly D�height【】8�Curiosity and imagination are importantwhich help stimulate the discovery of new facts and the laws of science.A�techniques B�technologies C�qualities D�quantities【】9�Information in long�term memory can beat a later time when it is needed.A�remarked B�reminded C�removed D�recalled【】10�Insurance agents are always friendly,well dressed,and cager to behelp.A�for B�of C�from D�into【】Ⅱ�Cloze Test(10 points,1 point for each)下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 For human beings there is more to living than just staying alive.Therefore,your 11,or emotional and mental needs are important.You need to love and 12.You need to feel safe and secure.At the same time,you need to feel13.You need stimulation and variety to keep your brain14and to achieve personal growth.You also need to have a sense of 15,a personal identity,in order to know 16you are and how you fit in the environment. Of all the emotional needs,a need for love is the17basic.At different times in life,you experience the need for love in different ways.18.a helpless baby feels love in 19to care.Love means being kept dry and warm and being fed.Gentle touch and firm support create a feeling of trust20 the baby for the people who care for it. 11�A�physical B�political C�psychological D�educational【】12�A�to be loved B�to be loving �to have loved D�to be for love【】13�A�depend B�depended C�dependent D�independent【】14�A�act B�acted C�active D�action【】15�A�self B�own C�you D�yours【】16�A�that B�who C�which D�how【】17�A�much B�more C�most D�very【】18�A�In addition B�On the average C�Of course D�For example【】19�A�response B�regard C�terms D�view【】20�A�at B�in C�with D�by【】Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points for each)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。Passage one Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. The term “flying saucer”refers to strange objects travelling through the earth�s atmosphere at very high speeds.Thousands of people all over the world claim to have seen them.Some believe them to be spaceships from other planets.Others insist that they are a secret type of aircraft being built on earth.Many people maintain that they are only natural phenomena happening under special temperature,light,or weather conditions All reports,however,agree that the strange objects move at extremely high speeds and fail to follow the laws of motion by reversing(逆转) direction instantly without slowing down. In the United States,the first flying saucers were reported on June 4,1947,by a private plane pilot.He saw nine objects travelling in the sky.Each was disk�shaped and very bright.Because their movements were compared to those of a “saucer skimming across the water”, newspaper reporters called them “flying saucers”. Some weeks after the first reported sighting,the United States Air Force was given the job of investigating all the reports of flying saucers.Because of the confusing variety of shapes,sizes,and colors reported,the Air Force adopted the term Unidentified Flying Objects(UFO) to describe them. Since the Air Force officials began their investigation of flying saucers,they have identified most of the objects as stars,planes,man�made satellites,experimental missiles(导弹),or weather phenomena.Some of the UFO reports,including photographs,were deliberate(蓄意的)tricks made to cheat people. All the research so far has failed to prove that UFOs are spaceships coming from outside the earth.Most investigators agree,however,that more study is needed before the question of whether or not flying saucers really exist can be answered.21�The term“flying saucer” is generally used to refer to.A�spaceships from other planetsB�a secret type of aircraft being builtC�some natural phenomenaD�strange objects flying very fast in the sky【】22�The first flying saucers got their name.A�from a private plane pilot who saw themB�for their brightness in colorC�because they looked like disks moving in the airD�because they skimmed across the water【】23�The Air Force preferred the term UFO because.A�newspaper reporters used itB�the term “flying saucer” was very confusingC�UFO is a general term that can refer to a larger variety of objectsD�the Air Force didn�t find any objects that looked like flying saucers【】24�All the research has failed to identify any UFOs as.A�man�made satellitesB�aircraftC�experimental missilesD�spaceships sent from other planets【】25�From this passage we know that.A�the US Air Force was the first reporter of flying saucersB�the term UFO was first used by the US Air Force investigatorsC�UFOs are not worth further investigationD�the question of whether there exist flying saucers has already been answered 【】Passage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. The American educator Horace Mann once said:“As an apple is not in any proper sense an apple until it is ripe,so a human being is not in any proper sense a human being until he is educated.”Education is the process through which man attempts to pass on to his children his hard�won wisdom and his ideals of a better world.This process begins shortly after birth,as parents seek to train the infant to behave as his culture demands.Schooling,or formal education,consists of experiences that are carefully planned to help young people learn what adults consider important for them to know and how they should respond to choices. While almost everyone accepts the goal of developing skills in the three R�s—reading,writing and arithmetic—it often seems impossible to reach agreement on any goal beyond that.In the broadest terms,the conflict over educational goals can be viewed as a conflict between two groups of people—conservatives and liberals(自由派). The conservatives tend to identify a desirable education with the transmission of the cultural knowledge,offering courses featuring the three R�s at the elementary level and academic(普通文化课的)studies or strong vocational(职业的)or business courses in the secondary school.They stress training of the mind and development of abilities. The liberals tend to be interested in the development of the “whole child,”not merely in training his mind or in preparing him for adult life in a remote future.They emphasize rich,meaningful school living in the present,and they view subject matter as a resource for total human development rather than as a goal in itself.They believe that content should be acquired not for its own sake but as a means of encouraging thought and inquiry.26�What Horace Mann means is that.A�education is essential for man�s growthB�an apple is delicious only when it is ripeC�a man is like a child without proper educationD�education can be compared to the growth of an apple tree【】27�At school,children.A�find it hard to win wisdomB�have choices in what they learnC�are taught what adults select for them to learnD�learn how they should respond to teachers� questions【】28�The three R�s does not include.A�arithmeticB�writingC�readingD�reasoning【】29�It�s most unlikely that the conservatives should emphasize.A�the teaching of basic cultural knowledgeB�courses in three R�s in the elementary schoolC�courses such as modern physics and marketing at the secondary levelD�the development of the student as an individual person【】30�The liberals hold that.A�the goal of school education is mainly to prepare students for adult lifeB�teaching activities should be rich and meaningful to the studentsC�course content should be learned and remembered for future useD�book knowledge is the only resource for learning【】Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. It has been a wide�spread belief that the American family is dying.But a new study reveals that the American family is stronger than ever.This study affords surprising evidence of the persistence of American commitments to family life. The American family is changing,not dying:It is becoming smaller,men and women are becoming more equal,and the divorce rate is higher.But despite the high divorce rate,marriage has never been more popular.The majority of divorced people remarry,but only 2% marry more than twice.Most marriages last a long time,and a large proportion of divorces are from teenage marriages.Depending on the specific situation,there�s often good reason for teenage marriages to break up. There is no evidence that children receive less attention from mothers who work outside the home than from mothers working inside the home.So far the amount of educational or development time hasn�t varied very much,whether or not the mother works outside the home.In fact,working mothers try to make up for it by setting aside time only for their children. The study shows that television is by far the most significant new child�care arrangement of this century.The most important activity for children up to age 14 is watching television. School is the second most time�consuming activity for children.They spend an average of about 19 hours a week in school.A larger proportion of children go to school now than ever before,and they stay in school longer.Another big change is that the proportion of very young children in day�care centers(日托站) has almost doubled in recent years.Compared with these two dramatic changes in child activity,the changes caused by mothers working outside the home appear very small.31�The main idea of this article is that.A�the American family is dyingB�young people today don�t want to get marriedC�the American family is changing,but it is stronger than everD�education has resulted in dramatic changes in the American family【】32�Which of the following statements is NOT true?A�Marriage is more popular than before.B�Many divorced people remarry.C�The majority of marriages last long.D�Working mothers devote less time to their children.【】33�The author of this article believes that.A�the American family is here to stayB�children should not watch so much televisionC�mothers should not work when their children are smallD�teenage marriages should be encouraged【】34�What is the most significant new child�care arrangement of this century?A�The day�care center.B�Television.C�The schoolD�Development time.【】35�According to the writer,which two major factors have led to the belief that the American family is dying?A�The divorce rate is high and working mothers neglect their children.B�The divorce rate is high and children care more about television than anything else.C�Divorces are becoming increasingly more and many teenage marriages break up.D�Children stay in school longer and mothers have little time to take care of them.【】PART TWOⅣ.Word Spelling(10 points,1 point for two words)将下列汉语单词译成英语。作为提示,每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。36�表扬 v.p 37�橡皮n.r 38�表面n.s 39�厚的a.t 40�蒸汽n.s 41�权力n.p 42�噪声n.n 43�第九num.n 44�大声的a.l 45�方法n.m 46�羞耻n.s 47�紧张n.t 48�非法的a.l 49�运气n.l 50�中间的a.m 51�严重的a.s 52�财富n.w 53�浅的a.s 54�信号n.s 55�胜利n.v Ⅴ.Word Form(10 points,1 point for each)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。56�Many people feel that the United States(have) a very complicated tax collection system.57�In 1964,the Olympic Games in Tokyo(become) the first program to be transmitted via satellite.58�In the recent past,medical researchers(begin) to emphasize the fact that heart diseases are associated with stress,smoking and a lack of exercise.59�Taxes consist of the money which people pay(support) their government.60�For centuries the Atlantic Ocean kept the Americas from(discover) by the people of Europe.61�The American consumer often feels constantly(disturb) by insurance agents.62�Women tend to engage in more eye contact than men,especially when(talk) to other women.63�Though marriage(practice) in almost all countries of the world,the customs are quite different from one culture to another.64�No one has been able to prove that fish is any(good) for the brain than many other kinds of food.65�If we did not have atmospheric pressure,we(can,not have) automobile tires.Ⅵ.Translation from Chinese into English (15 points,3 points for each)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。66�人所共知,大西洋仅有太平洋一半大。67�人们可以在电视里观看他们想看的任何电影。 68�在过去几年里你在保险上花了多少钱?69�为了不被人误解,你应当认识肢体语言与文化关系密切。70�直至14世纪较精确的地图才开始出现。Ⅶ�Translation from English into Chinese (15 points)将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。 While the quantity of food needed by the body is measured by the amount of energy,or calories,it has,the quality of food is determined by its nutrients.Nutrients are the substances in food that are needed by your body.You can consume enough soft drinks,bread,and potatoes to supply you with enough calories for the energy you need.But these foods will not supply you with all the necessary nutrients your body needs in order to function well. It is believed that there are forty�five nutrients needed by the human body.It is essential that each of them be present in various amounts in a good diet.Each nutrient is responsible for performing a special body function.2003年下半年高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语(一)试卷完全详解Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure1�【analysis】句中意思为美国人每周有一天的工作是为付高额税的, 因而为目的状语,应用一般式的主动形式。 【key】选D.to pay。2�【analysis】这后半句为强调主语的强调句,意思为这部分最吸引注意, 故应选B�attracts吸引;而A�attacks攻击;C�attaches依附;D�attributes引起,都不对。 【key】选B�attracts。3�【analysis】全句意思为“对你没有任何意义的信息是难以记忆的”。 应为C�sense意义;而trouble苦恼,way方式,mistake错误,都不符合。 【key】选C�sense。4�【analysis】后部分为定语从句说明supermarkets超市,即为场所, 应用D�where。 【key】选D�where。5�【analysis】 以as引出的状语从句,可以把表语提到主语前面来,如Cold as the weather was,it couldn�t cool our enthusiasm for work.故本句应选A�as。 【key】选A�as。6�【analysis】全句意思为“钻石是自然中所发现的最硬的物质”。 应选C�substance物质;而instance实例,circumstance(通常作复数)环境,existence存在,都不合适。 【key】选C�substance。7�【analysis】 数字后说明高应用形容词high,如The house is ten meters high。 【key】选A�high。8�【analysis】句子含意“好奇心与想像力是重要的品性”, 品性或品质为quality, 而technique技巧,technology工程学,quantity重量,数量都不合适。 【key】选C�qualities。9�【analysis】句子意思为“长期记忆的信息在以后需要的时候能记起来。” 应为D�recalled记起;而A�remark评论;B�remined sb.of sb./sth.使某人回想起来某人;C�removed移开;因句中无of结构,故应为D。 【key】选D�recalled。10�【analysis】be of help有帮助,为习惯用语。 【key】选B�of。Ⅱ�Cloze Test11~12【analysis】句意为“你的心理的或感情的,思想上的需要是重要的。你需要去爱和接受爱。” 11�C�psychological心理的;12�A�to be loved被爱。【key】11�选C;12�选A。13~14【analysis】句意为“你需要感到平安和无忧虑。同时,你需要能自立,你需要激励和多姿多彩以保持大脑活跃和实现个人成熟”。【key】13�选D�independent自立;14�选C�active活跃。15~16【analysis】句意为“你也需要有理性,个人特性,为了了解你自己和你如何适应环境”。【key】15�选A�self;16�选B�who。17~19【analysis】句意为“在所有的感情需要中,爱的需要是最基本的。一生中的不同时段,你会经历不同方式的爱的需要。例如,不能自立的婴儿感到关心的爱护”。【key】17�选C�most最;18�选D�Forexample例如;19�选A�response,in~to应…而。20【analysis】句意为“轻柔触摸和坚定保护能使婴儿对照顾他的人产生信任感”。【key】选B�in。Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension21 【analysis】全文意思为“飞碟指地球上空高速飞行的奇异物体,1947年6月4日美国私人飞机驾驶员,看到天空九个碟形物盘旋,因此报上称之为飞碟,因形状不一,所以美国空军称之为不明飞行物”。21题应为D,即飞碟一般用于指空中飞速快的奇怪物体,即D。 【key】选D.22 【analysis】题意为“最初飞碟名称来自看来如空中运动的碟似物”。 【key】选C.23 【analysis】“空军用不明飞行物是因为这个术语能指代种类较多的物体”。 【key】选C.24 【analysis】“关于从其他行星过来的宇宙飞船的辨认的研究全失败了”。 【key】选D.25 【analysis】“从本文我们知道美国空军研究人员首先用了不明飞行物的术语”。 【key】选B.26【analysis】第二篇阅读理解文章含意为“教育是从出生开始,经学校正规教育,使之学会成人认为重要的经验,即三种技巧——阅读,写作与算术。教育的目标分为保守派与自由派。保守派为传播文化知识,提供三种技巧的文化课与职业专业课,强调思想训练和能力培养。自由派强调当前丰富的有意义的学校生活而且把课程看作全人类发展的才能而不仅是目标的本身”。26题Horace Mann的意思是“教育对人们的成长是必要的”【key】选A.27 【analysis】“在校内,孩子们按大人们为他们所选的教材教学”。 【key】选C.28 【analysis】三R并不包括“推理”。 【key】选D.29 【analysis】“保守派极可能强调学生作为个人培养”。 【key】选D.30 【analysis】自由派认为“教学活动应对学生是富有意义的”。 【key】选B.31 【analysis】第三篇意义为“广泛的信念为美国家庭正在消失,而新的研究揭示美国家庭比以前更牢固了。是正在变化,而并不消亡,是更小了,男女更平等了而离婚率更高了。没有证据说明在家外工作的母亲比在家内干活的对孩子们较少关心。不管是否母亲在家外工作,对孩子的教育培养并无太多的变动。孩子在14岁前最重要的活动是观看电视,而学校成为其次花费时间的活动”。 31题这篇文章主题思想为“美国家庭正在变化,但比以前更牢固了”。 【key】选C.32 【analysis】以下叙述哪点是不正确的? 应为D�劳动妇女更少时间专心于孩子了。 【key】选D.33 【analysis】本文作者相信, 应为A�美国家庭仍稳固着。 【key】选A.34 【analysis】本世纪新的孩子照料的安排最有影响的是什么? 应为B.电视。 【key】选B.35 【analysis】按照作者,哪两种主要因素导致美国家庭正在消亡的信念? 应为A�离婚率高和劳动妇女忽视他们的孩子。 【key】选A.Ⅳ�Word Spelling36 【analysis】表扬 v.p 。 【key】praise37 【analysis】橡皮n.r , 来自rub v.擦。 【key】rubber38 【analysis】表面n.s , sur�超过+face面。 【key】surface39 【analysis

今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考英语写作教材解析,自考英语写作万能句子的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!如何备考自考英语写作00603?备考方法如下:1.注重过程,勤写多改。2.布局谋篇,分析范文。3.广泛阅读,多想善思。英语写作不同于其它像《英语词汇学》、《欧洲文化入门》等知识性课程,它是实践性的,技能性的课程。对于英语写作的学习不能像学习知识性课程那样,只记忆知识脉络,就可以了,它需要考生功在平时,勤写多改,锻炼自己英语基本能力;英语写作有自己的规律性。在有限的时间那,要从一些散乱的、突发的、只言片语的想法发展到一篇结构合理,逻辑清晰的文章谈何容易?因此,考生在平时就要注重写作过程的练习,自觉遵从写作的流程。英语写作是要遵循一定的过程的。并不是信手拈来,或是急就章。一般来讲,一篇英语文章的完成,要经过构思,整理,撰写大纲,一稿,二稿,终稿。学生要遵循英语写作流程,才会有长远的进步。只有把握住了写作流程,才会高屋建瓴,从总体上布局谋篇,而不是“只见树木,不见树林”。一些考生写作不打草稿,随性而致,势必会影响作文的质量,这是不可取的。英语写作重视整篇文章的撰写,注意布局谋篇,因此考生要仔细阅读教材相关章节,详细分析范文,把理论和实践相结合,将理论深化,内化为自己的写作指南。能够做到见到文章能抽象出文章的结构,见到题目能理出自己的写作思路,框架和结构。这正是考试撰写大纲和文章写作的考核目的所在。因此,考生们要对英语典型的篇章结构了如指掌,做到心中有数。做题时方能游刃有余。英语写作还需要考生善于把握当下热点问题,并能就此发表个人看法,因此广泛阅读,多想善思会对英语写作大有裨益。考生可以从其它英语课程或是英文报刊等英语资源中汲取好的词汇,语句,结构,甚至是好的观点为我所用。其次,写作和阅读密不可分,相辅相成;考试对补齐段落和撰写大纲的考察都需要较强的阅读能力作为后盾,如果文章理解都出现问题,何来对补齐段落和撰写大纲;对英语写作的结构的了解反过来可以帮助考生提高阅读理解能力,特别是把握文章总体思想的能力。考生若能细心研习,必会大受其益。英语写作是英语专业本科段一门重要的实践课程,是英语专科阶段英语写作基础的继续。我认为英语写作和英语写作阶段的是英语写作的两个层次,即遣词造句和布局谋篇两个层次。前者更多地注重语言形式,以句子、段落为写作核心,后者注重整篇文章的结构合理,脉络清晰,强调整体感。因此英语写作学习要特别注意英语篇章结构的把握。英语写作重点教授的是如何用英语写好记叙文、描写文、说明文以及议论文等,而其中又以说明文和议论文为中心。英语写作考核重点英语写作的考核目标和出题原则在考试大纲中有明确的阐述。根据历年考题看,考核重点有以下三点:1.应考生能写出内容充实,具有一定广度和深度的说明文和议论文。2.要熟练掌握提纲及提要。3.写作速度每小时250-300词。关于自考英语本科英语写作这门课一、《英语写作》课程简介《英语写作》是英语专业本科段一门重要的实践课程,是英语专科阶段英语写作基础的继续。我认为《英语写作》和《英语写作阶段的》是英语写作的两个层次,即遣词造句和布局谋篇两个层次。前者更多地注重语言形式,以句子、段落为写作核心,后者注重整篇文章的结构合理,脉络清晰,强调整体感。因此《英语写作》学习要特别注意英语篇章结构的把握。《英语写作》重点教授的是如何用英语写好记叙文、描写文、说明文以及议论文等,而其中又以说明文和议论文为中心。《英语写作》考核重点《英语写作》的考核目标和出题原则在《考试大纲》中有明确的阐述。根据历年考题看,考核重点有以下三点:1. 应考生能写出内容充实,具有一定广度和深度的说明文和议论文;2. 要熟练掌握提纲及提要;3. 写作速度每小时250-300词。《英语写作》备考方法1. 注重过程,勤写多改2. 布局谋篇,分析范文3. 广泛阅读,多想善思《英语写作》不同于其它像《英语词汇学》、《欧洲文化入门》等知识性课程,它是实践性的,技能性的课程。对于英语写作的学习不能像学习知识性课程那样,只记忆知识脉络,就可以了,它需要考生功在平时,勤写多改,锻炼自己英语基本能力;英语写作有自己的规律性。在有限的时间那,要从一些散乱的、突发的、只言片语的想法发展到一篇结构合理,逻辑清晰的文章谈何容易?因此,考生在平时就要注重写作过程的练习,自觉遵从写作的流程。英语写作是要遵循一定的过程的。并不是信手拈来,或是急就章。一般来讲,一篇英语文章的完成,要经过构思,整理,撰写大纲,一稿,二稿,终稿。学生要遵循英语写作流程,才会有长远的进步。只有把握住了写作流程,才会高屋建瓴,从总体上布局谋篇,而不是“只见树木,不见树林”。一些考生写作不打草稿,随性而致,势必会影响作文的质量,这是不可取的。《英语写作》重视整篇文章的撰写,注意布局谋篇,因此考生要仔细阅读教材相关章节,详细分析范文,把理论和实践相结合,将理论深化,内化为自己的写作指南。能够做到见到文章能抽象出文章的结构,见到题目能理出自己的写作思路,框架和结构。这正是考试撰写大纲和文章写作的考核目的所在。因此,考生们要对英语典型的篇章结构了如指掌,做到心中有数。做题时方能游刃有余。《英语写作》还需要考生善于把握当下热点问题,并能就此发表个人看法,因此广泛阅读,多想善思会对英语写作大有裨益。考生可以从其它英语课程或是英文报刊等英语资源中汲取好的词汇,语句,结构,甚至是好的观点为我所用。其次,写作和阅读密不可分,相辅相成;考试对补齐段落和撰写大纲的考察都需要较强的阅读能力作为后盾,如果文章理解都出现问题,何来对补齐段落和撰写大纲;对英语写作的结构的了解反过来可以帮助考生提高阅读理解能力,特别是把握文章总体思想的能力。考生若能细心研习,必会大受其益。二、考试题型及分析高等教育自学考试《英语写作》考试满分100分,考试时间为150分钟。全部题目用英文做答。其形式相对固定,大题有三项:I. 补充段落Supplying the missing paragraph The following passage is incomplete with one paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph missing paragraph of about 100 words. Make sure that the tone and vocabulary you use are in unity with the passage provided.II. 撰写大纲Write an outline Read the following passage carefully and compose a “sentence outline” for it. Sometimes the passage is from the textbook.III.文章写作Composition 从考察的内容看,考察的核心是英语的篇章结构,无论是补齐段落还是撰写大纲都不是孤立进行的,补齐的段落要和整篇文章衔接,做到整体如一;撰写的大纲是对篇章结构的直接考察,即考察考生从文章中抽象出结构的能力;文章写作考察整篇文章写作的综合能力。从考试形式上看,既考察学生句子,段落写作能力,也考察篇章写作能力。补齐对话考察段落写作,撰写提纲考察句子写作,文章写作考察篇章写作能力。因此,对《英语写作》的学习要牢牢把握一条红线,那就是要熟悉英语文章的篇章结构。具体的解题技巧我们将在课程讲解后给大家做详细的指导。三、《英语写作》课程讲解写作格式要求 有一句话,大家可能都知道,叫“文如其人”,英文是“The style is the man himself”。从一个人的行文就能看出他的品德,品性。整洁的文风不仅是对读者的尊重,更是对自己的尊重。这从一个侧面说明了写作格式的重要性,它是写作的“面子”,马虎不的。一些考生认为,作文注重内容,不注重形式。这是一种误解,干净整洁的文章使人耳目一新,急于阅读,使人对作者产生一种办事认真,思路清晰的第一印象。相反,杂乱无章,急就章式的文字使人觉得作者思维混乱,不知所云。设想一下在阅卷时间紧迫,任务繁重的情况下,给阅卷人留下良好的第一印象是多么的重要啊! 另外,严格的写作格式要求是英语写作不可分割的一部分,学习英语写作就必须遵守英语写作的规范,否则就不成其为英语写作。总体上讲,英语写作格式要给人留下整洁,清晰的印象。具体写作时,要注意以下几点:1. 页边距2. 题目位置:第一行居中。3. 题目中单词的大小写 每个单词的第一个字母要大写,但是下列除外: 冠词,少于四个字母的介词,并列连词如and, or, but, nor, for, to 等。 题目的第一个单词必须大写。4. 题目中的标点题目可以是问句;论文题目,直接引要加引号;书名要用斜体。5. 段落缩进每段第一行要缩进4-5个字母;练习时,隔行写便于教师批阅。考试时,不必要。标点符号后要空格。写作格式要求主要是一个习惯养成问题,考生在写作时要多加注意,养成习惯。撰写大纲的基本要求撰写大纲是英语写作的重要一步,也是英语写作考试重点考察的内容之一。因此,考生应该给以足够的重视。大纲指的是一篇文章的总体结构。撰写大纲能力的高低反应考生总体把握英语篇章能力的强弱。在《英语写作》考试中,它有两种表现形式:一是根据文章写出其大纲;一是根据题目编写大纲,构思文章。前者是考试直接考察的,既考察大纲的形式也考察其内容。后者是间接考察的,即在文章写作一题中,考生在构思时所用的大纲。它是写好一篇文章的前提和基础。这里我们着重讲解撰写大纲的形式要求,而对如何针对文章撰写大纲的考试技巧和写作过程中的大纲撰写将在后面的章节中加以详细论述。撰写英语大纲要遵循以下基本原则1. 部分若含有分项,则分项不能少于两个。即有“1”必有“2”,有“A”必有“B”,依次类推。处于同一地位的分项要具有同样的重要性,安排要合乎逻辑。分项要用相同的语法结构来表达。2. 不要将话题大纲和句子大纲相混淆。英语大纲有两种形式:话题大纲和句子大纲。顾名思义,话题大纲由名词短语,动名词短语,不定式短语等构成。句子大纲由完整的句子构成。两者泾渭分明,不得混用。3. 话题大纲的第一个字母要大写,短语后不必点句号;句子大纲要遵循英语句子的标点规范。但是在序列号中每一个罗马字母,大写字母,阿拉伯数字或是小写字母后要加句号,加了括号后不再加句号。4. 大纲序列号如下:I.罗马字母A.大写字母1.阿拉伯数字a.小写字母1) 带括号的阿拉伯数字a) 带括号的小写字母5.大纲实例话题大纲:I. Kindness to MumA. Warm languageB. Help with houseworkII. Kindness to childrenA. My own experienceB. His talk to my classmateIII. Kindness to our neighboursA. His help of the Wangs1. Quilts2. Dinner3. ConsolidationB. His help of the Changs1. Renting a car for the troubled2. Borrowing money for them句子大纲I. Father loves mother most kindly.A. He never hurts Mom with harsh wordsB. He tries his best to help Mom with the homework.II. Father reasons with us children when we do things wrong.A. He reasoned with me when I took his favorite record of music out to show off and damaged itB. He reasoned with my classmate Hong when we quarreled.III. Father kept helping our neighbors out of trouble.A. He helped the Wangs when their house caught fire.1. He gave them our new quilts.2. He invited them to eat in our home.3. He comforted them.B. He helped the Changs when their baby was terribly ill.1. He stopped a car and went to the hospital with the baby and mother.2. He borrowed money from friends to cover the hospital expenses.看一下这个网站吧,有你想要的资料的.自考英语专科资料导航 :?boardID=2&ID=862&page=1自考英语本科资料导航:?boardID=2&ID=861&page=1参考资料:英语易bbs.yingyuyi.com我也正好在找英语写作方面的资料,觉得这个讲的挺好,给你帖下他那里的第一页。如果你觉得好的话点这个网址看看后面的内容吧。自考《英语写作》开头和结尾万能公式及句型1. 开头万能公式一:名人名言有人问了,“我没有记住名言,怎么办?尤其是英语名言?”,很好办:编!原理:我们看到的东西很多都是创造出来的,包括我们欣赏的文章也是,所以尽管编,但是一定要听起来很有道理呦!而且没准将来我们就是名人呢!对吧?经典句型:A proverb says, “ You are only young once.” (适用于已记住的名言)It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever. (适用于自编名言)更多经典句型:As everyone knows, No one can deny that…2.开头万能公式二:数字统计原理:要想更有说服力,就应该用实际的数字来说明。原则上在议论文当中不应该出现虚假数字的,可是在考试的时候哪管那三七二十一,但编无妨,只要我有东西写就万事大吉了。所以不妨试用下面的句型:According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation.看起来这个数字文邹邹的,其实都是编造出来的,下面随便几个题目我们都可以这样编造:Honesty根据最近的一项统计调查显示,大学生向老师请假的理由当中78%都是假的。Travel by Bike根据最近的一项统计调查显示,85%的人在近距离旅行的时候首选的交通工具是自行车。Youth根据最近的一项统计调查显示,在某个大学,学生的课余时间的70%都是在休闲娱乐。Five-day Work Week Better than Six-day Work?根据最近的一项统计调查显示,98%的人同意每周五天工作日。更多句型:A recent statistics shows that …你只管做 管它对不对 会打多少分 那是老师的问题.你要做的是准备好.然后自信的迎接考试.我也是读英语的.我现在在学法语.因为我喜欢法国.法语刚刚学起来会很难 但到最后很容易.日语相反.还有如果你只想过二外 其他的不管,那学日语.这科有那么难吗?我都没看书就过了。自考英语大专的有网上课堂吗?请问哪里有自自考英语大专的视频教材呀?对。明年一月有招生。全名:北京外国语大学网络教育学院。电话:010-88817912/13010-88811106邮箱:support@如果决定了,就赶快准备吧!求英语自考教材所有书名求英语自考教材所有书名还有在哪里可以买?求自考书店/新华书店/大型书市/淘宝网/专业网校书店。 上述书店一般有历年自考真题以及针对性的模拟题。自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:


【免费定制个人学历提升方案和复习资料: 】成人自考本科学位英语题型题型一:阅读理解阅读理解部分主要考查自考生对材料的主旨的掌握,能够理解字面意思并能 根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论;一般有三篇短文,总阅读量不超过900个词。每篇文章后有五个问题,考生应根据文章内容从每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。题型二:完形填空完形填空考核考生的综合运用语言的能力,要求考生在全面理解内容的基础上选出一个最佳答案,使短文的结构和意思恢复完整。题型三:挑错挑错题是测试学生掌握词汇、短语及语法结构的熟练程度,其重点是固定搭配和句型。考试范围与第二部分相同。该题型由10个单句组成。每个句子含有标着A、B、C、D的四个画线部分,其中有一处是错误的,要求考生从四个画线部分中挑出其错误的部分。题型四:翻译翻译题考核学生词汇、语法、句型等方面综合运用语言的能力。 要求考生把前面阅读理解文章中画线的五个句子译成中文或把中文翻译成英文。题型五:词语用法和语法结构词语用法和语法结构题型考核学生运用词汇、短语及语法结构的能力。考试范围包括全日制文理科本科教学大纲中词汇表及语法结构表一至三级的主要内容。自考学位英语自考学位英语考试题型下方免费学历提升方案介绍: 2016年10月自考02275计算机基础与程序设计真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:396.3KB 2013年10月自考06092工作分析真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:128.4KB自考/成考考试有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:

有志青年 我看好你哦努力吧~~~~

你好,自考历次试题可以网上找找 或是有辅导书里面有历次试题普通自考学习要教材大纲、练习题、历年真题、网上一些学习资料综合复习才可以。自考制定学习计划要根据你的时间考试计划来安排你的考试,时间多学习就快一些,当然也可以从网络上下载资料学习,按照教材与考试大纲相结合的方法来学习,毕竟自考需要靠自己的真实力才可以。此外就是多做一些历次的真题。自考学习以自己学习为主,主要参考教材和考试大纲加上一些网上学习资料,此外就是历年的考试真题。重点就是吃透考试大纲,用好教材,这是出题的根本,最好是在买一套模拟题做做,巩固学习成果,要制定计划花时间好好学习的。自考要靠真知识才能通过的,多努力吧总体上讲自考课程考试安排要先易后难,基础课程简单,专业课程难一些,一次考试最多报考4科,所以一次考试选择基础课程与专业课程相结合,有难有易,提高备考效率与考试信心。此外,有自考免考的课程不需要再考。

【免费定制个人学历提升方案和复习资料: 】自考人力资源管理(811)本科科目有中国近现代史纲要、马克思主义基本原理概论、英语(二)、日语(二)、俄语(二)、中国简史、信息技术、应用文写作、人力资源开发与管理、管理系统中计算机应用、管理系统中计算机应用(实践)、工作分析、薪酬管理、人员素质测评理论与方法、劳动关系与劳动法、经济学、人力资源管理案例分析(实践)、劳动保险概论、人力资源规划与职业设计、管理思想史、人力资源管理职业资格证书、人力资源管理毕业论文。自考人力资源管理(B020218)本科科目有中国近现代史纲要、马克思主义基本原理概论、英语(二)、管理系统中计算机应用、基础会计学、经济学、管理学原理、公共关系学、劳动关系与劳动法、人员素质测评理论与方法、薪酬管理、工作分析、人力资源开发与管理、毕业论文。自考人力资源管理(020218)本科科目有中国近现代史纲要、马克思主义基本原理概论、英语(二)、日语(二)、俄语(二)、公共关系学、管理系统中计算机应用、铁路运输经济学、管理学原理、基础会计学、管理思想史、劳动关系学、人员素质测评理论与方法、薪酬管理、工作分析、人力资源开发与管理、毕业论文。自考人力资源管理(B020218)本科科目有英语(二)、中国近代史纲要、马克思主义基本原理概论、管理系统中的计算机应用、管理系统中计算机应用(实践)、现代管理学、企业管理概论、劳动关系学、招聘管理、绩效管理、人员素质测评理论与方法、薪酬管理、人力资源开发与管理、职业生涯规划与管理、毕业论文(设计)。自考人力资源管理(120206)本科科目有英语(二)、基础会计学、管理系统中计算机应用、管理系统中计算机应用(实践)、管理学原理、公共关系学、中国近现代史纲要、马克思主义基本原理概论、管理思想史、劳动关系与劳动法、人员素质测评理论与方法、薪酬管理、工作分析、人力资源开发与管理、毕业论文。自考人力资源管理(B120206)本科科目有基础会计学、毕业考核、工作分析、公共关系学、管理系统中计算机应用、经济学(二)、人力资源开发与管理、劳动关系与劳动法、薪酬管理、人员素质测评理论与方法、行政管理学、中国近现代史纲要、管理思想史、管理学原理、社会学概论、英语(二)。人力资源管理专业需要学生学习管理学、经济学及人力资源管理方面的基本理论和基本知识,受到人力资源管理方法与技巧方面的基本训练,具有分析和解决人力资源管理问题的基本能力。人力资源管理专业培养具备管理、经济、法律及人力资源管理等方面的知识和能力,能在事业单位及政府部门从事人力资源管理以及教学、科研方面工作的工商管理学科专门人才。毕业后可从事企事业单位及其咨询机构人力资源管理相关岗位,从事招聘、人力资源开发、考核、薪酬管理、员工培训、办公室文秘等工作。人力资源管理专业下方免费学历提升方案介绍: 2020年10月自考00153质量管理(一)真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:278.94KB 2019年04月自考06092工作分析真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:273.46KB自考/成考考试有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:


很多小伙伴问,关于成人自考英语二有哪些题型?成人自考英语题库的相关问题,今天本站编辑就给大家整理了关于成人自考英语二有哪些题型?成人自考英语题库全部问题,希望对你有帮助!成人自考英语二有哪些题型?【免费定制个人学历提升方案和复习资料:tg/?bdlk 】成人自考英语二题型包括七个部分,分别是阅读判断、阅读选择、概括段落大意和补全句子、填句补文、填词补文、完形补文以及短文写作。一、阅读判断。阅读判断一般位于试卷的第一题,给你一段短文,根据短文内容对于每个句子作出判断,一般有10个句子判断选项,正确的选A,错误的选B。需要大家读懂文章大意,才能作出正确选项。二、阅读选择。阅读选择也是一段短文,题目的设置是通过阅读短文,从所给各题的 4 个选项中选出 1 个最佳选项,选项不再是判断对错,而是挖空的形式,属于细节题。三、概括段落大意和补全句子。概括段落大意,简单来说就是根据段落大意,然后根据每个段落的意思,选择一个符合意思的词语。一般有五个选项,而补全句子需要从六个选项中选择五个选项填入对应句子,将其补全。四、填句补文。一般短文会设置 5 处空白,而短文后会设置 6 个句子选项,要求考生根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。五、填词补文。除了填句补文以外,还有填词补文。这种题型在英语四级和六级的考试中,也是有的,主要对于考生单词词汇量要求比较高。六、完形补文。或许大家对于完形补文比较陌生,但是完形填空大家一定知道,其实完形补文也差不多,需要考生根据空白括号后的单词提示,根据上下文,正确填写单词形式,进而补全文章。七、短文写作。凡是英语考试,必然会要求写英语作文,就像考语文一定要作文一样,作文写作字数一般要求在100 词左右。根据指定的话题完成写作任务。成人自考英语二下方免费学历提升方案介绍: 2018年04月自考07008采购与仓储管理真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:306.54KB 2020年08月自考07008采购与仓储管理真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:331.78KB自考/成考考试有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:tg/?bdlk自考APP软件哪个比较好,做题和搜题都可以的那种?自考搜题软件哪个好用?学姐的这份自考心备考自考的时候大家是不是有很多迷茫的地方,很多的地方有着似懂非懂的感觉,这种感觉其实是正常的,我的一个表姐就是自考提升的学历,今天我就把从她那里取到的经“传授”给你们!首先我们要说的第一件事就是备考的方式,很多的小伙伴可能会选择报一个培训机构,也有极个别的小伙伴会选择孤军奋战,自学备考,无论你的打算是怎样,接下来的几点请你一定要认真看!第一点,报一个班比自己学习要好很多,因为培训机构会有很多更加高效的学习资料给到你们,从头到尾基本上都是会为你负责,基本上就不用操心很多,也不会很影响自己的个人时间。第二点,不要轻信他人,其实很多人都是所谓的“熟人”介绍,但是自己并没有认真考察,所以还是建议大家一定要好好的考察再做决定,毕竟有些机构并不是很负责。第三点,那就是就是平常我们应该怎么样学习和备考了,其实自考是很很需要技巧的,最好还是要制定一下相关的计划,因为是每次考两门,所以只需要在考试前1-3个月开始备考就好,因为提前太多会很容易忘记,还浪费了时间。关于自考的搜题软件表姐只给我推荐了两个,她说有这两个基本上就够了,一个是学习英语的沪江开心词场,另一个就是优题宝。沪江开心词场 对于英语的学习是很有帮助的,里面有一套比较完整的学习体系,还能够制作属于自己的记单词计划,整体来说还是蛮不错的。优题宝 科目真的是很全,所以基本上自考的专业都是可以用的上,备考遇到不会的题目就可以搜答案,答案准确,解析也很详细,很值得入手。自考英语二考试试题(历年真题)?00015英语(二)真题和答案29份:2004年04月,2004年10月,2005年04月,2005年07月2005年10月,2006年04月,2006年07月,2006年10月2007年01月,2007年04月,2007年07月,2007年10月2008年01月,2008年04月,2008年07月,2008年10月2009年01月,2009年04月,2009年07月,2009年10月2010年01月,2010年04月,2010年07月,2010年10月2011年01月,2011年04月,2011年07月,2011年10月2012年01月 我有这些试题及答案专科英语等级考复习软件有什么如今与英语相关的工作岗位都比较吃香,一方面英语专业人才仍是社会稀缺资源 ,另一方面是英语相关的工作岗位薪资待遇好,发展前景也更广阔。因此许多热爱学习英语的考生会选择学习这门专业。自学考试专科英语专业一共需要考试的课程科目有十二科,如果大家每次报考四科并且全部通过的话,是可以在一年半的时间里就能申请毕业的。这是最短的时间,但也是对大家要求最严格的时间,因为需要大家每科的成绩都达到合格线才可以顺利拿到自考英语专科毕业证书。所以无论大家是为了更好找工作,还是为了之后考研等深造的话,都是需要尽快拿到毕业证的。有关如何备考,推荐以下几款英语学习app,助力大家早日通过考试!一、 欧陆词典背单词最棒的词典,词库免费!非常智能的跨平台取词功能以及非常完善的离线词库绝对是两大亮点,除了通常我们常用的词库,这各种专业领域的词库也是一应俱全。很方便知识扩展。自考英语核心词有4400个,词组400个,按照自己的时间分配每天的单词量。个人建议20-30个就可以。另外,背单词还是要运用艾宾浩斯的遗忘曲线来,也就是说今天背20个单词,明天背第二批20个,也要同时先复习第一天的20个单词,相当于第二天就是旧20个+新20个。不要害怕遗忘,也不需要强迫自己一定一次性背完。先背最重要的单词,最常用的,边看边写边背。二 、每日英语听力一款用于提高英语听力的应用软件,用真实语境的例句,来深入了解从而掌握英语的学习语言环境。每日英语听力拥有每天更新的海量听力库,并独家提供智能语音高亮跟随功能。与拥有海量词库的《欧路词典》无缝集成,查词典、背单词轻松搞定。要注意的是,听听力集中注意力非常重要,在做听力题时一定要保证自己的注意力高度集中。有一些同学会奇怪,自己的词汇量不少,基础也不差,为什么还是在练习听力的时候,感觉困难重重。明明知道的单词,却听不出来。对于这种情况的同学,很有可能是因为在背记单词的过程中,没有掌握正确的单词读音,或者忽略了连读,因为有时候两个单词连在一起读的时候,会省略th的发音,或者是其他清辅音的发音。建议在练习中用下面这几种方法解决:重新复习音标,修正自己单词发音,并且大声朗读这些单词注意重读音节部分进行听力材料跟读,提高自己的语感和读音的准确性注意连读部分,进行归纳总结三、希赛自考题库自考英语刷题工具,这个app有含历年真题、模拟考卷、章节练成人自考本科学位英语题型?【免费定制个人学历提升方案和复习资料:tg/?bdlk 】成人自考本科学位英语题型题型一:阅读理解阅读理解部分主要考查自考生对材料的主旨的掌握,能够理解字面意思并能 根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论;一般有三篇短文,总阅读量不超过900个词。每篇文章后有五个问题,考生应根据文章内容从每题四个选择项中选出一个。题型二:完形填空完形填空考核考生的综合运用语言的能力,要求考生在全面理解内容的基础上选出一个,使短文的结构和意思恢复完整。题型三:挑错挑错题是测试学生掌握词汇、短语及语法结构的熟练程度,其重点是固定搭配和句型。考试范围与第二部分相同。该题型由10个单句组成。每个句子含有标着A、B、C、D的四个画线部分,其中有一处是错误的,要求考生从四个画线部分中挑出其错误的部分。题型四:翻译翻译题考核学生词汇、语法、句型等方面综合运用语言的能力。 要求考生把前面阅读理解文章中画线的五个句子译成中文或把中文翻译成英文。题型五:词语用法和语法结构词语用法和语法结构题型考核学生运用词汇、短语及语法结构的能力。考试范围包括全日制文理科本科教学大纲中词汇表及语法结构表一至三级的主要内容。自考学位英语自考学位英语考试题型下方免费学历提升方案介绍: 2016年10月自考02275计算机基础与程序设计真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:396.3KB 2013年10月自考06092工作分析真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:128.4KB自考/成考考试有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:tg/?bdlk自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

自考工作分析名词解释 1.岗位研究是岗位调查、岗位分析、岗位设计、岗位评价和岗位分类等项活动的总称 2.岗位研究特点:1对象性2系统性3综合性4应用性5科学性 3.任务:指为达到一定的工作目标而进行的一项劳动活动 4.职务:亦称岗位名称,对某一工作岗位特定的指称。 5.权限:是对职权的具体细分细化。 6.职位:亦称岗位,特指国家行政机关中的工作岗位。 7.岗位:亦称职位 8.工作:反之体力和脑力劳动活动,是构成岗位的前提和基础 9.工作族:它是两个或两个以上的工作集合 10.职业:指人们在社会中所从事的作为主要生活来源的某种工作 11.人力资源规划:是指为实现发展战略并完成生产目标。企事业单位根据内外部条件变化,运用科学方法对企事业单位人力资源需求和供给进行预测,并制定出相应的政策和措施。使企事业单位人力资源供给和需求达到平衡。 12.人力资源规划又人力资源策划,是人力资源管理活动起点和依据 13:人力资源规划可分为:战略发展、组织人事、制度建设、员工开发规划 14:人是企事业单位在规划中首要考虑的因素 15:人力资源规划还被称为“人力资源管理活动的纽带” 16:企事业单位岗位分析、岗位设计和岗位评价等基础工作是企事业单位制定和实施人力资源规划的重要条件和基础 17:员工招聘:是根据人力资源战略规划和工作岗位的要求,通过招募。选拔、录用和评价等环节,将符合的引进企事业单位的活动过程 18:定编:合理确定企事业单位组织机构的结构、模式和规模,以及人员配置的总额。 19:定岗:科学划分部门,合理的设置岗位,优化劳动环境和条件,保证岗位工作的满负荷。 20:定员:为企事业单位各类岗位配备适量和质量合格的人员 21:定额:采用多种方法,对生产某种产品或完成某项工作任务的活劳动消耗量所预先规定的数据。 22:企业员工培训是现代企业人力资源管理与开发的基础 23:员工培训方法分为:从内容上:知识的培训、技能的培训、态度的培训 24:绩效管理:通过对员工个人或群体的行为表现、劳动态度和工作业绩以及综合素质的全面监测、考核、分析与评价 25:岗位评价和岗位分类是确定企业岗位薪酬制度的基本依据和前提 26:岗位薪酬制是以员工工作岗位为基础的工资制度,薪酬的给付“对岗不对人” 27:岗位研究的对象:企业中需要有人来承担的工作岗位 28:岗位研究的中心任务:为现代人力资源管理的各项活动构建一个科学的管理平台 29:岗位研究的基本原则:1.系统原则。(特征:1整体性。2目的性。3相关性。4环境适应性。)2.能级原则3.标准化原则。4.优化原则。 30:系统:由若干既有区别又相互依存的要素组成的,处于一定环境条件中,具有特定结构的和功能的有机整体 31:能级:组织机构中各个岗位的等级。可分为:决策层、管理层、执行层和操作层。 32:工作研究:方法研究和时间研究的总称 33:泰勒------科学管理之父 34:三定:定标准作业方法、定标准作业时间和定每天的工作量 35:岗位调查:以工作岗位为对象,采用科学的调查方法,收集各种与岗位有关信息的过程。 36:岗位调查的意义:1.收集各种有关的数据、资料,以便系统、全面、深入地对岗位进行描述。2.为改进工作岗位的设计提供信息。3.为制定各种人事文件(如岗位规范、工作说明书等)、进行岗位分析提供资料。4.为岗位评价与岗位分类提供必要的依据。 37:岗位信息的类型:1.劳动者定向的工作活动信息2.劳动者工作活动过程的信息3.劳动者定置定位活动的信息4.工作衡量标准5.工作互相关系6.个人素质方面 38:岗位调查的方式:1.面谈。2.现场观测。3.书面调查。 39:面谈注意要点:1.尊重被调查人,接待热情态度诚恳用语适当2。面谈场地环境、器具设备要适合调查的目的,造成一种良好的气氛,使被调者感到轻松,能无拘无束的回答3面谈中,应允许被调者长篇大论谈问题,直到他自己无话可说为止、调查者可根据情况记录要点4调查者对重大原则问题应避免发表个人观点和看法,要引而不发5.提问要采取启发式,避免命令式 40:书面调查的可靠性和准确性受2因素影响:1.调查表本身设计是否科学合理2.被调查人的文化水平,以确保完整性和全面性 41:岗位调查的具体办法:个人写实,工组写实,技术会议法 42:调查表中提问的方式:封闭式和开放式 43:封闭式优点:①答案标准化②回答者较为准确回答问题③便于计算机进行数据处理 44:封闭式缺点:①回答者对提问并不十分清楚而盲目猜测答案②问题的答案写的不详细③供选择答案如果太多,不仅增加印制费用,还会给回答者带来不便。 45:开放式优点:①可获得难以预料的某些信息②被调查者可以畅所欲言③可解决封闭式答案过多,无法编排的问题④更适合于回答那些难度较大、错综复杂的问题⑤给回答者较多的创造性和自我表现机会 46:开放式的缺点:①可能搜集到一些无价值的信息②回答问题各有不同,因而难以进行对比和统计分析③对回答者来说,开放式需要较高的素养④可能是回答者花费较多的时间和精力,而最终怯于纸笔 47:岗位写实的功能:1.全面了解被调查对象在一个工作日内工作活动的情况,掌握其具体的工作内容、程序、步骤和方法。2.在岗位写实中,可以通过必要的提问,深入了解事件的背景及其产生的原因,透视在重要或细微表现的背后所隐含的真相。3.掌握员工工时利用情况,分析工时损失的原因,为提高岗位的工时利用率提供依据。4.通过对若干岗位的写实,可以发现企业营锖、生产、技术、财务、人事等方面管理工作的薄弱环节。5.为最大限度地增加产量,规定员工和设备在工作日内合理的负荷量,确定劳动者体力劳动强度的级别等提供必要的依据。6.可以满足岗位调查表中所需填写的大部分项目的要求,采集到更具体翔实的数据和资料。 48:岗位写实的种类:1、个人岗位写实 2、工组岗位写实 3、多机台看管写实 4、特殊岗位写实 5、自我岗位写实 49:岗位写实的范围可以是个人也可以是集体。 50:作业测时的概念:是以工序或某一作业为对象,按照操作顺序进行实地观察记录,研究作业活动的一种方法。 51:作业测时主要表现在(1)范围不同(2)观测的精细程度不同(3)具体作用不同 52:作业测时的基本功能 1、为制定工时定额提供数据资料2、使操作方法合理化、科学化,不断减轻员工的体力消耗和劳动强度3、合理确定各工作岗位的劳动负荷量,改善劳动组织,提高劳动生产率4、为掌握劳动的劳动负荷量,以及进行体力劳动强度分级提供依据5、”弥补岗位写实无法获得的工时数据资料。 53:岗位抽样的特点1、使用范围广2、节省时间节约费用3、取得的数据真实可靠,能消除被观测人员在生理心理上的影响。、大大减少工作量,避免因冗长的观测哦带来的疲劳和厌烦情绪。 54:岗位抽样:是统计抽样法在岗位调查中具体运用,根据概率论和数理统计的原理,对工作岗位随机进行抽样检查,利用抽样检查得到的数据资料对总体情况的出推断的一种方法。 55:岗位分析:工作岗位分析是对各类工作岗位的性质、职责权限、岗位关系、劳动条件和环境,以及员工承担本岗位任务应具备的资格条件所进行的系统研究,并制定出工作说明书等岗位人事规范的过程。 56.岗位分析的内容:1.在完成岗位调查取得相关信息的而基础上,首先要对岗位存在的时间、空间范围作出科学的界定,然后再对岗位内在活动的内容进行系统的分析,并作出必要的总结和概括。2.在界定了岗位的工作范围和内容以后,应根据岗位自身的特点,明确岗位对员工的素质要求,提出本岗位员工所应具备的,诸如知识水平、工作经验、道德标准、心理品质、身体状况等方面的资格和条件。3.按照一定的程序和标准,以及文字和图表的形式加以表述,最终制定出工作说明书、岗位规范等人事文件。 57.工作岗位分析的作用1.工作岗位分析为招聘、选拔、任用合格的员工奠定了基础。2.工作岗位分析为员工的考评、晋升提供了依据。3.工作岗位分析是企业单位改进工作设计、优化劳动环境的必要条件4.工作岗位分析是制定有效的人力资源规划,进行各类人才供给和需求预测的重要前提5.工作岗位分析是工作岗位评价的基础,而工作岗位评价又是建立、健全企业单位薪酬制度的重要步骤。 58.岗位分析包括:岗位职责分析(包括岗位识别信息、岗位任务、岗位责任和权限的分析)、岗位关系分析、劳动条件和环境分析、劳动资料和对象分析、劳动强度分析。 59.岗位名称是识别岗位的基本标志 60.对岗位的任务进行分析是整个岗位分析的前提和基础 61.岗位责任是根据劳动分工与协作的要求,规定员工在本岗位范围内对事物对人所承担的各种义务。 62.岗位权限:亦即所谓的“职权”的具体细化,是完成岗位职责范围内的工作任务时可在一定限度内自主行使的权利。 63.劳动强度分析:劳动者从事劳动活动的繁重、紧张或密集的程度 64.岗位要求分析:岗位对员工素质要求的分析。包括:知识水平分析、工作经验分析、心理素质要求分析 65.岗位分析的程序:1准备阶段2调查阶段3总结分析阶段 66:工作说明书、岗位规范是岗位分析最后形成的重要成果之一。 67.工作说明书是组织对各类岗位的性质和特征(识别信息)、工作任务、职责权限、岗位关系、劳动条件和环境,以及本岗位人员任职的资格条件等事物所做的统一规定。 68.岗位规范:是对组织中的各类岗位某一专项事物或对某类员工劳动行为、素质要求等所作的统一规定。 69.岗位规范的内容:1.岗位劳动规则(1)时间规则(2)组织规则(3)岗位规则(4)协作规则(5)行为规则2.定员定额标准3.岗位劳动规范4.岗位培训规范5.岗位员工规范 70.(论述)工作说明书与岗位规范的联系与区别:1、所涉及的内容不同。工作说明书是以岗位“事”和“物”为中心,而岗位规范所覆盖的范围、所涉及的内容要比工和说明广泛得多,只是其有些内容与工作说明书的内容有所交叉。2、所突出的主题不同。岗位说明书是在岗位分析的基础上,解决“什么样的人才能胜任本岗位的工作”的问题;工作说明书不仅要解决岗位说明书的问题,还要回答“该岗位是一个什么岗位?这个岗位做什么?在什么地点和环境条件下做?”3、具体的结构形式不同。工作说明书不受标准化原则的限制,可繁可简,结构形式多样化;岗位规范一般由企业职能部门按企业标准化原则,统一制定并发布执行的。 71.工作说明书的内容:1基资料2岗位职责3监督与岗位关4工作内容和要求5工作权限6劳动条件与环境7工作时间8资历9身体条件10心理品质要求11专业知识和技能12.绩效考评 72.工作岗位设计的基本原则:(一)明确任务目标的原则?(二)合理分工协作的原则(三)责权利相对应的原则 73:改进岗位设计的基本内容:(一)岗位工作扩大化与丰富化1.工作扩大化(Job Enlargement)。包括:(1)横向扩大工作(2)纵向扩大工作。2.工作丰富化(Job Enrichment)。为了使岗位工作丰富化,还应注重考虑达到以下五个方面的要求:(1)任务的多样化, (2)明确任务的意义,使员工明确完成本岗位任务的重要作用和实际意义;(3)任务的整体性 (4)赋予必要的自主权 (5)注重信息的沟通与反馈。(二).岗位工作的满负荷(三)岗位的工时制度(四)劳动环境的优化 74:工作岗位的设计应当满足:(1)企业劳动分工与协作的需要;(2)企业不断提高生产效率,增加产出的需要,(3)劳动者在安全、健康、舒适的条件下从事劳动活动在生理上、心理上的需要。 75:哈克曼和欧德曼提出的五种特征说①技术差异性;②任务的同质性;③任务的重要性;④员工自治性;⑤信息反馈。 76:岗位设计的四项基本原则:1.每个岗位工作任务都应当具有独立的技术内容2.保证岗位员工在掌握低技能等级工作之后,向高技能等级工作发展。3.鼓励一专多能4岗位员工在可能的情况下,既能从事生产工作。又能承担一定的组织监督管理任务。 77:岗位工作扩大丰富化的具体应用:1岗位宽度扩大化(1)延长加工周期(2)增加岗位的工作内容(3)包干负责2 深度夸大化:①岗位工作纵向调整②从事岗位工作内容③岗位工作连贯设计④岗位工作轮换设计⑤岗位工作矩阵设计 78:企事业单位变革与革新基于两方面:1来自外部的压力2企业自身的原因 79:5类变革模式:1,技术变革2,产品与服务变革3,组织战略变革4,组织结构变革5,文化变革。 80:3类工时制度:1.标准工时工作制(8小时,5天)2.综合计算工时制3.不定时工作制 81.建立工作轮班制是工作时间组织的基本形式。 82:(重点)岗位评价:是在岗位分析的基础上, 对岗位责任大小,工作强度,所需资格条件等特性进行评价,以确定岗位相对 价值的过程 83.岗位评价的特点:1.岗位评价的中心是客观存在的“事”和“物”,而不是现有的人员。2.岗位评价是对企事业单位各类岗位的相对价值进行衡量的过程。3岗位评价是对同类不同层级岗位的相对价值衡量的过程。 84:岗位评价的信息来源:1.直接的信息来源2.间接的信息来源 85:岗位评价的步骤;1.按岗位工作性质分类2.收集有关岗位的各种信息3.建立有岗位分析评价专家组成的岗位评价小组。4.制定出刚做岗位评价的总计划5.在广泛收集资料的基础上,并提出方案和细则。6.通过讨论,设计。7.先试点,后总结,及时纠正。8.全面落实岗位评价计划9.最后写出各个层级的评价报告书。10。进行全面总结,为以后奠定基础。 86:岗位评价的具体3个作用:1.对岗位工作任务的繁简难易程度、责任权限大小、所需要的资格条件等因素,进行测评。2.能够在客观衡量自身价值的基础上进行横向、纵向比较,并具体说出在企业中的作用。3系统全面的工作岗位评价制度为企业单位的归级奠定基础。 87:岗位评价要素:构成并影响岗位工作任务的最主要因素。1.主要因素2.一般因素3.次要因素4极次要因素 88:岗位评价要素四原则;1.少而精的原则2.界限清晰便于测量的原则3.综合性原则4.可比性原则 89:测评误差:按预先规定的标准对岗位进行系统评价时,所获资料数据等与最后结果有一定差距。 90.测评误差分为2类:1登记误差2代表性误差(1)随机误差(2)重点系统误差 91:信度:测评结果的前后一致性程度。测评得分可信赖程度的大小。 92:效度:测评本身可能达到的期望目标的程度,即测评结果反映被评价对象的真实程度。 93.岗位评价的方法:排列法、分类法、因素比较法和评分法。 94:排列法分为1.简单排列法(最简单)2选择排列法3.成对比较法 95:因素比较法:先选定岗位的主要影响因素,然后将工资额合理分解,使之与各个影响因素相匹配,最后再根据工资数额的多寡决定岗位的高低。 96:5步骤;1先从全岗位选出15~20各主要岗位,其所得到的报酬应是公平合理的2 选定各岗位共有的影响因素作为岗位评价的基础。3将每一个主要岗位的每个影响因素分别加以比较。按程度高低进行排序。 97.作业能力:完成某种作业所具备的心理,生理特征。 98:影响作业能力因素有:生理因素、环境因素、工作条件和性质、锻炼与熟练效应等 99:作业疲劳:劳动者在作业过程中,由于连续工作致使身心劳累而引起工作能力下降的一种现象。 100:引起疲劳的原因:1工作环境因素(包括工作强度、速度、方式以及持续的时间)2生理因素3心理因素(情绪、兴趣、态度、动机、意志等) 101:劳动强度:劳动者所从事的劳动的繁重、紧张或密集的程度。 102:能量代谢率M指某工种劳动日内各类活动和休息的能量消耗的平均值。 103:岗位劳动评价:是从体力劳动强度(最重要。最主要)、工时利用率、劳动姿势、劳动紧张程度、工作班制来评价。 104:能量代谢的测定法:1直接侧热法2间接侧热法3通气量法 105:工时利用率:在工作日制度中,完全用于生产劳动的时间占制度工时总时间的百分比。 106:劳动姿势的分类:坐姿、立姿、前俯、后仰、卧姿、蹲姿 107:粉尘是我国工业生产中最主要的职业危害因素。 108:高温作业:在高气温(最重要的因素)合并高气湿,或在强辐射热的不良条件下进行的生产劳动。 109:高温作业分为:高温强辐射热、高温高湿、夏季露天。 110:有毒作业:劳动环境中存在生产性毒物,并且可能危害劳动者健康的生产作业。 111:有毒作业的危害因素:1毒物的理化性质2对人体的毒性作用3接触毒物的时间4接触的浓度及其超标倍数。 112.噪声:是工业生产中最普遍的有害因素。 113.长期接触噪音对人体产生不良影响,甚至产生噪声性疾病 114:影响噪声危害程度最主要因素是噪声的强度和接触噪声的时间。 115.工作岗位分类:岗位分类分级或岗位归级。 116.岗位分类:在岗位调查分析设计和评价的基础上,采用科学方法,根据岗位自身的特点和性质,对企事业单位中全部岗位,从横向和纵向2个维度上进行划分 117.职系和职组是按照岗位工作性质和特点对岗位所进行的横向分类。岗级和岗等是纵向分级。 118:岗位分类的作用:1提供了明确的晋升路线选择和个人在组织中职业发展的阶梯2为企事业单位合理的编制定岗人员工作提供依据。 119:岗位分类的基本要求:1根据系统性原则,按照工作岗位的业务性质对岗位进行横向分类。2岗位分类的结构要合理。3岗位分类的依据,是客观存在的“事”4岗位分类反映了岗位工作诸因素上的差别。5岗位分类一般是静态分类 120:职系:有工作性质和基本特征相似相近,而任务轻重、责任大小。简繁难易度和要求不同的岗位所构成的岗位序列。 121:职组:由工作岗位性质和特征相似相近的若干职系所组成的岗位群。职组是岗位分类中的中小类。 122:职门是岗业分类中的大类。 123:岗级:岗位分类中最重要的概念。她是工作岗位性质、任务轻重。繁简难易程度。责任大小以及所需人员资格条件相同或相近工作岗位的集合。 124:岗等:将工作性质不同。但工作繁简难易程度、责任大小以及所需资格条件等因素相近的岗位纳入统一的岗等。 125:岗位横向分类:根据各种岗位工作的性质不同,将看似繁杂的各种岗位划分为职门职组和职系的过程。 126:应遵循以下原则:单一原则、程度原则、时间原则、选择原则 127:岗位横向分类步骤:1将全部岗位,按工作性质划分为若干大类即职门。2再将各职门内的职位,根据工作性质的异同继续进行细分,把业务相同工作岗位归入相同的职组。3将同一职组内的岗位再一次按照工作的性质进行划分,把业务性质相同的岗位组成一个职系。 128:(重点)岗位纵向分级:指在岗位横向分类的基础上,根据岗位工作繁简难易度、责任大小以及承担岗位工作的人员所需具备的资格条件等因素,对同一职系中的岗位划分出不同岗级,并对不同职系中的岗位统一规定岗等。 129、工作岗位研究: 是岗位调查、岗位分析、岗位评价和岗位分级等项活动的总称。 130、工作要素:工作活动中不能再继续分解的动作单元。 131、职务: 对员工所承担工作任务的性质和特点的综合和概括。 注:一般是由多个职位相似的职位组成 132、职位(岗位): 由一名员工承担完成若干项工作任务,并承担一定的责任和拥有相应的权限,这个员工就处于某一特定的职位上。 133、责任: 是指分内应做的事。根据劳动分工的要求,在职责范围内应尽的义务。134、工作岗位研究的作用:配置人力资源、确定劳动定额、指导职业培训、衡量工作绩效、制定劳动报酬 135、工作研究:方法研究、时间研究的总称。 136、工作分析也叫职务分析:要是两个界定:(1)各个职位的性质、任务、责任及所需权限进行界定,并形成职位描述;(2)对各个职位的任职资格、条件进行界定,形成职位规范。 137、职位分析:指对由一个人承担一项或若干项任务的职位所进行的系统分析与研究。 138、基本内容与工作分析相同。 139、工作评价:叫职务评价。在工作分析的基础上,对不同内容的工作,以统一的尺度进行定量的评定1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNabcdefghijklmn!@#$%^&&*()_+.一三五七九贰肆陆扒拾,。青玉案元夕东风夜放花千树更吹落星如雨宝马雕车香满路凤箫声动玉壶光转一夜鱼龙舞蛾儿雪柳黄金缕笑语盈盈暗香去众里寻他千百度暮然回首那人却在灯火阑珊处你可能喜欢自考工作分析复习资料 工作分析名词解释 工作分析江苏自考 经济学名词 自考经济学复习资料 绩效管理自考资料公司管理人员绩效考核 自考工作分析与评价自考工作分析(06092)复习资料(根据2012最... 16页 免费 自考工作分析(06092)复习资料 16页 免费 自考本科“工作分析理论与应用”复习资料 60页 1下载券 工作分析自考复习资料 与教材相符 2页 1下载券 2013年自考本科工作分析理论与应用复习资料 暂无评价 8页 2下载券 更多与“自考工作分析复习资料”相关的内容>> 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【免费定制个人学历提升方案和复习资料: 】自考人力资源管理(811)本科科目有中国近现代史纲要、马克思主义基本原理概论、英语(二)、日语(二)、俄语(二)、中国简史、信息技术、应用文写作、人力资源开发与管理、管理系统中计算机应用、管理系统中计算机应用(实践)、工作分析、薪酬管理、人员素质测评理论与方法、劳动关系与劳动法、经济学、人力资源管理案例分析(实践)、劳动保险概论、人力资源规划与职业设计、管理思想史、人力资源管理职业资格证书、人力资源管理毕业论文。自考人力资源管理(B020218)本科科目有中国近现代史纲要、马克思主义基本原理概论、英语(二)、管理系统中计算机应用、基础会计学、经济学、管理学原理、公共关系学、劳动关系与劳动法、人员素质测评理论与方法、薪酬管理、工作分析、人力资源开发与管理、毕业论文。自考人力资源管理(020218)本科科目有中国近现代史纲要、马克思主义基本原理概论、英语(二)、日语(二)、俄语(二)、公共关系学、管理系统中计算机应用、铁路运输经济学、管理学原理、基础会计学、管理思想史、劳动关系学、人员素质测评理论与方法、薪酬管理、工作分析、人力资源开发与管理、毕业论文。自考人力资源管理(B020218)本科科目有英语(二)、中国近代史纲要、马克思主义基本原理概论、管理系统中的计算机应用、管理系统中计算机应用(实践)、现代管理学、企业管理概论、劳动关系学、招聘管理、绩效管理、人员素质测评理论与方法、薪酬管理、人力资源开发与管理、职业生涯规划与管理、毕业论文(设计)。自考人力资源管理(120206)本科科目有英语(二)、基础会计学、管理系统中计算机应用、管理系统中计算机应用(实践)、管理学原理、公共关系学、中国近现代史纲要、马克思主义基本原理概论、管理思想史、劳动关系与劳动法、人员素质测评理论与方法、薪酬管理、工作分析、人力资源开发与管理、毕业论文。自考人力资源管理(B120206)本科科目有基础会计学、毕业考核、工作分析、公共关系学、管理系统中计算机应用、经济学(二)、人力资源开发与管理、劳动关系与劳动法、薪酬管理、人员素质测评理论与方法、行政管理学、中国近现代史纲要、管理思想史、管理学原理、社会学概论、英语(二)。人力资源管理专业需要学生学习管理学、经济学及人力资源管理方面的基本理论和基本知识,受到人力资源管理方法与技巧方面的基本训练,具有分析和解决人力资源管理问题的基本能力。人力资源管理专业培养具备管理、经济、法律及人力资源管理等方面的知识和能力,能在事业单位及政府部门从事人力资源管理以及教学、科研方面工作的工商管理学科专门人才。毕业后可从事企事业单位及其咨询机构人力资源管理相关岗位,从事招聘、人力资源开发、考核、薪酬管理、员工培训、办公室文秘等工作。人力资源管理专业下方免费学历提升方案介绍: 2020年10月自考00153质量管理(一)真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:278.94KB 2019年04月自考06092工作分析真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:273.46KB自考/成考考试有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:


2012年7月高等教育自学考试中英合作商务管理专业与金融管理专业模拟考试 商务英语试题 (课程代码00796) (考试时间50分钟,满分100分) 本试卷分为两部分,共10页。1. 第一部分为选择题,应考者必须在“答题卡”上的“选择答题区”内按要求填涂,答在时间上无效。2. 第二部分为非选择题,应考者必须在“答题卡”上的“非选择答题区”内按照试题题号顺序直接答题,答在试卷上无效。Part 1 Questions 1-5 Where can you see these notices? For Questions 1-5, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.1Return FaresABCIn an airportIn a hospitalIn an office2Buy two and get one free.ABCIn a companyIn a supermarketIn a station3DO NOT DISTURB.ABCAt homeIn a zooIn a hotel4Interview in progress.ABCIn a parkIn an officeIn a hotel5Customers Lounges ABCIn a companyIn a hotelIn an airportPart 2 Questions 6-10 Complete the five conversations. For Questions 6-10, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. 6Hello! It's long time not to see you, how are you?ABCI'm fine, thanks. I'm doing a survey, now.It is warm.I don’t like the fish.7How did you manage to get the ticket?ABCI don’t know.My friend helped me to get it.Disaster.8Do you know the news about the dogs?ABCYes, they are not allowed to walk on the street.But I like it.You know it.9What can I do for you?ABCI am looking for a pair of shoes.I don’t know.I would rather go.10May I leave a message, please?ABCHold on.No, you’d better go.You are lucky.Part 3 Questions 11-15 Read the sentences about a girl’s first train ride.Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For Questions 11-15, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. 11Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was to a children’s party. AinviteBinvitedCinviting12I decide to take by train. AherBhersCshe13Sally was very . AexcitedBexciteCexciting14Because she never travelled on a train before. AhasBhadChave15She sat the window. AInBonCnearPart 4 Questions 16-20 Look at the messages or notices below.Choose the best option (A, B or C) to answer each question. For Questions 16-20, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.16This notice says that there isA. no commission to pay for exchanging money after the end of August.B. a small amount to pay for exchanging money before August.C. no charge for exchanging money during August. 17Delegates who cancel 20 days before the conference must payA.100% of the fee.B.50% of the fee.C.20% of the fee. 18The management remind staff that these parking spaces are reserved for clients.Who are these spaces intended for?A staff B clients C management 19 A Phones may not be brought into the factory by employees. B Phone calls can be made only if a supervisor agrees. C Phone calls made in the factory must be supervised. 20Delivery driversIf you have not had asecurity checked,obtain theappropriate form frommain gate staffA Security checks are carried out by main gate staff.B Delivery drivers are required to have a security check.C Please give your security check forms to main gate staff. Part 5 Questions 21-28 Read the recruitment advertisement below. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For Questions 21-28, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.Experienced managers wantedWe need experienced managers – and we are happy to pay for them! We have opportunities for people (21)………you. We’re giving you the chance to make a real difference, for our clients and for yourself.We help world-class organizations get the best (22)………their employees by checking that they have the most effective mix of people, process and technology. Because we are growing (23)………..fast, we need to recruit people at all levels. We want people (24)……….have the ability to solve complex problems. You will help people in (25)……. companies create positive change in difficult situations. Our team believes in creating high performance change, so ideally you have already worked (26)……….multi-million pound international products. (27)………you are looking for rewards and responsibility, (28)……….is only one possible choice: contact us now!21.A.like B.as C.than22.A.to B.from C.out23.A.so B.such C.too24.A.whose B.who C.which25.A.others B.another C.other26.A.on B.off C.by27.A.Where B.Whether C.If28.A.It B.There C.This Part 6 Questions 29-35 Read the announcement below about working hours. Are sentences 29-35 ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)?If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C). For questions 29-35, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.FLEXIBLE WORKING HOURSThe Company is planning to introduce a new flexible system of working hours. At present all employees work from 8am to 5pm, with a total of one hour for lunch and other breaks. The building opens at 7:30 in the morning, and closes at 7 o’clock in the evening for those doing overtime.Under the new system, employees will work a minimum of eight hours, but they will have some choice about when they work. All staff must be at work in the office for a fixed period, from 10am to 4pm, with a total of 60 minutes for breaks. The building will be open between 7am and 9pm, and staff may plan their remaining work schedule to suit themselves, within those hours.We hope that this scheme will benefit employees with young families, and will give everybody the chance to avoid the worst of the traffic. We will try out the scheme for one month, and then we will send out questionnaires to assess employees’ opinions. Naturally it will add to our costs to keep the building open for the extra hours, but we feel this will be a good investment because it will bring benefits to our staff. 29. At present employees must stop work by 7pm. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say30. At present employees must take breaks at fixed times. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say31. Under the new system employees will be able to start work later in the day. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say32. Employees will be able to choose to work from 7:00am to 3:00pm. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say33. The company is planning to provide new facilities for employees with children. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say34. The company will consult employees before making the new system permanent. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say35. The company says that the scheme may be too expensive for the advantages it will bring. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say Part 7 Questions 36-40 Look at the book cover below. It lists useful aspects of a marketing textbook. For questions 36-40, decide which aspect (A-H) is relevant to each person. For Questions 36-40, mark one letter (A-H) on your answer sheet.Do not use any letter more than once. Key features ofStudent Guide toMarketingA All theories supported by reference to real-life casesB Each chapter ends by summing up the topic discussedC Important vocabulary explainedD Case studies for discussionE Examples of standard diagrams in marketingF Discussion and review questions for further studyG Guide to career opportunitiesH Subject index 36 Stanley offredi is interested in a particular topic and wants to know which page in the book to turn to. 37 Maurita johansson has changed jobs and wants to find the meanings of technical marketing words that are new to her. 38 Harry Chang hopes to learn enough by reading only the main points of what is covered in the book. 39 To get a new job writing market research report, Cristina Perez needs to discover what sorts of graphics are normally used. 40 Ali El hadioui needs some detailed examples of marketing practice for his class to talk about.

2005年4月高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试卷+答案 (课程代码 0832) 第一部分 选择题 I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers.Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%) 1. There are two approaches to the study of polysemy.Theyare______. A.primary and secondary B.central and peripheral C.diachronic and synchronic D.formal and functional [ ] 2. Which of the following is NOT a stylistic feature of idioms? A.Colloquial B.Slang C.Negative D.Literary [ ] 3. Synonyms can be classified into two major groups,that is:_____. A.absolute and relative B.absolute and complete C.relative and near D.complete and identical [ ] 4. In the early period of Middle English,English,____existed side by side, A.Celtic and Danish B.Danish and French C.Latin and Celtic D.French and Latin [ ] 5. Amonomorphemic word is a word that consists of a single_______morpheme. A.formal B.concrete C.free D.bound [ ] 6. Whch of the following groups of words is NOT onomatopoeically motivated? A,croak,drum B.squeak,bleat C.buzz,neigh D.bang,trumpet [ ] 7.LDCE is distinctive for its____. A.Clear grammar codes B.usage notes C.language notes D.all of the above [ ] 8. From the historical point of view,English is more closely related to A.German B.French C.Scotttish D.Irish [ ] 9. Which of the following is NOT an acronym? A.TOEFL B.ODYSSEY C.BASIC D.CCTV [ ] 10. In the course book,the author lists____types of context clues for inferring word meaning. A.eight B.six C.seven D.five [ ] 11.Sources of homonyms include____. A.changes in sound and spelling B.borrowing C.shortening D.all of the above [ ] 12.The written form of English is a(an)________representation of the spoken form. A.selective B.adequate C.imperfect D.natural [ ] 13.Structurally a____is the smallest meaningful unit of a language. A.molpheme B.stem C.word D.compound [ ] 14.Unlike affixes,____are often free morphemes. A.sufrixes B.prefixes C.inflectional morphemes D.roots [ ] 15.The four major foreign contributors to the English vocabulary in earlier times were French. Latin,____. A.Scandinavian and Italian B.Greek and Scandinavian C.Celtic and Greek D.Italian and Spanish [ ] 第二部分 非选择题 Ⅱ.Complete the rollowing staternents with proper words or expressions according to the course book. 16.The name given to the widening of meaning which some words undergo is____. 17.Longman lexicon of Contemporary English is a____dictionary. 18.When a new word appears for the first time,the author usually manages to give hints or ____in the context to help the readers. 19.Radiation and____are the two coinages which the development of word meaning follows from monosemy to polysemy. 20.Middle English refers to the language spoken from 1150 to____. Ⅲ.Match the words or explessions in Column A with those in Column B according to 1)word Origin,2)word formation. and 3)types of Synonyms or antonyms. A B ( )21.skill A.back—formation ( )22.babysit B.blendlng ( )23.telequiz C.French origin ( )24.composition/compounding D.SCandinavianorigin ( )25.government E.clipping ( )26.same/different F. relative synonyms ( )27.gent G. Germanic ( )28.English H.absolute synonyms ( )29.change/alter I. contradictory terms ( )30.big/small J.contrary terms IV.Smdy the following words or expressions and identify 1) types of bound morphemes underlined, 2) types of meanings,3)processes of meaning development,and 4) forlnation of eompounds. 31.neck→primary meaning:that part of man joining the head tO the body; a secondary meaning:the narrowest part of anything.( ) 32.contradict ( ) 33.mother:love,care ( ) 34.upcoming ( ) 35.window shopping ( ) 36.radlos ( ) 37.property developer ( ) 38.Candidate→earlier meaning:white-robed; later meaning:a person proposed for a place,award etc. ( )overcoat 39.handsomo-tyoewhter ( )man 40.northward ( ) V. Define the following terms. 41.encyclopendia 42.borrcwed 43.blending 44.extension 45.phrasal verb VI. Answer the following questing questions. Your answers should be Clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below. 46.what is the difference prefixation and suffixation? Explain with two examples. 47.what is extra-linguistic context? 48.what is polysemy? Illustrate your points. VII. Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below. 49. Study the following sentence and try to guess the meaning of the word in italics. Then what contextual help you to work out the meaning. Carnivores are very dangerous. Not long ago, a tiger escaped from the zoo and killed a dog in The street and ate it. 50.Connotative meaning is not stable. Comment on this statement with one example. 英语词汇学答案 (课程代码 0832)I.Each Of the smtements below is followed by four alternative answers.Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket. 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B II Complete the following statements with proper words Or expressions according to the course book. 16.extension 或generalization 17.specialized 18.clues 19.concatenation 20.1500 III.Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according tO 1) word origin,2)word formation,and 3)types of synonyms or antonyms. 21.D 22.A 23.B 24.H 25.C 26.I 27.E 28.G 29.F 30.J IV.Study the following words or expressions and identify 1)types of bound morphemes underlined,2)types of meanings,3)processes of meaning development,and 4)formation of compounds. 31.radiation 32.bound root 33.connotative meaning 34.adv+v-ing 35.n+v-ing 36.inflectional affix/inflectional morpheme 37.n+v-er 3.concatenation 39.collocative meaning 40.suffix/derivational affix V.Definethefollowingterms. 41.An encyclopedia provides encyclopedic information concerning each headword;it is not concerned with the language per se. 42.Borrowed words,also,known,as loan words,are words taken over from foreign languages. 43.It refers to the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word with a part of another word. 44.Extension is a process by which a word which originally had a specialized meaning has now become generalized. 45.idiom composed of a verb plus a preposition and/or a particle. VI.Answer the following questions.Your answers should be clear and short.Write your answers in the space given below. 46.Prefixation does not generally change the word-class of the stem;it only modifies its meaning. e.g.treat--maltreat Suffixation,On,the other hand,changes the word-class instead of its meaning.e.g.employ—— employer 47.(1)Known as non-linguistic context or context of situation. (2)components a.participants(addresser and addressee) writer and reader speaker and listener/hearer b.time and place c.cultural background 48.要点:1)a common feature peculiar to all natural languages. 2)have more than one sense. 3)The problem of polesemy Can be dealt with from two angles:diachronic approach and synchronic approach. VII.Analyze and comment on the following.Write your answers in the space given below. 49(1)tiger is a hyponym,of carnivore (2)carnivore is a superordinate of tiger (3)tiger feeds on meat as known by all (4)carnivore may feed on meat (5)therefore,a carnivore is a meat-eating animal 50.(1)connotative meaning,known as connotation,refers to the overtones or associations suggested by the conceptual meaning. (2)connotative meanings are not given in the dictionary.but associated with the word in actual context to particular readers or speakers.Thus they are unstable.varying considerably according to culture,historical period and the experience of the individual. (3)For example,home may remind one child of warmth,safety or love,while to another child who is often scolded or beaten at home,it may mean indifference,hatred,or even hell.

全国06年4月自学考试:英语(二)试卷及答案 2006年09月21日 14:18 来源:腾讯教育 第 1 2 3 4 5 6 页 PART ONE (50 POINTS) I.Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1point each) 1. It would be better to make a decision now, ______ leave it until next week. A. other than B. rather than C. less than D. more than 2. We‘ll inform you as soon as tickets become ______. A. valuable B. capable C. acceptable D. available 3. The foreign company has been______ running this factory for decades. A. enormously B. effectively C. infinitely D. extremely 4. If you ______ my advice, you wouldn‘t be in such trouble now. A. took B. takes C. has taken D. had taken · 免费用QQ打电话超清晰 · 银行卡 安全快捷换Q币 · 沟通无极限手机Q时代 · 魔法表情秀出百变心情 · 管中窥豹 明察秋毫 · QQ秀 秀出个性真自我 5. The meeting ______, we left the room quickly for dinner. A. over B. was over C. is over D. been over 6. All the money ______, Frederick started looking for work. A. having spent B. has been spent C. having been spent D. had been spent 7. ______ his talk when Mary ran out of the lecture hall. A. Hardly had be begun B. Hardly he had begun C. Hardly he has begun D. He hardly had begun 8. The two sisters are _____ in many ways, not only in appearance but also in temperament. A. like B. likely C. alike D. lively 9. The purpose of the program is to provide training for employees so that they can work ______. A. late B. later C. lately D. latest 10. I hope my boy friend will be handsome, strong and ______ kind. A. above all B. in all C. at all D. after all II. Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point each) However careful one may be, he cannot possibly listen carefully to everything that he hears. There are 11 of reasons for this. One of them is the overload of messages most of us 12 each day. In addition to the numerous hours we 13 hearing other people speak, we may spend several hours listening to the radio or sitting in front of a television set. 14, it is impossible to focus our attention completely on what is said; our mind might be 15 elsewhere. Preoccupation with our personal concerns is 16 reason we don‘t always listen carefully. A romance 17 sour or a good grade on a test may take prominence in our mind even as 18 is speaking to us. Furthermore, we are surrounded by all kinds of noises which interfere 19 listening. For example, voices at a party or 20 of traffic may simply make it difficult for us to catch everything that is being said. 11. A. the number B. a number C. number D. numbers 12. A. accept B. obtain C. receive D. possess 13. A. put B. consume C. spend D. spare 14. A. Besides B. Whereas C. Otherwise D. Nevertheless 15. A. wondering B. swinging C. recycling D. wandering 16. A. other B. some C. the other D. another 17. A. gone B. going C. goes D. went 18. A. anyone B. everyone C. someone D. few 19. A. to B. with C. of D. about 20. A. sound B. noise C. voice D. scream III. Reading Comprehension (30 points, 2 points each) Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Many of today‘s most trusted sales techniques were invented over a century ago by a young merchant named Eaton in Toronto. When he was young, Eaton worked briefly with his brothers in small-town stores. In 1869, he sep up his own shop in downtown Toronto. He had many competitors, but he was also ambitious and had a plan for success. He offered a unique style of trade, but as was expected, all the other shopkeepers laughed at him, believing he would eventually fail. However, Eaton was not a man to be easily defeated; he came up with a brand new notion of business – “Goods satisfactory, or money refunded.” He sold all his goods at fixed prices and only for cash. With a sharp sense of what the public wanted, he went out of the way to meet their needs. His business grew rapidly. He set up new branches and started mail order service that allowed people to buy from a list of his goods. Eaton‘s list—advertisements of his day—was the first of its kind. It was distributed and read all over the country. It was the only way to access good-quality goods at reasonable prices for people living far away from big cites. It became part of their life. They even called it The Wishing Book. The secret of the list’s success was that Eaton gained the respect of this customers; they trusted him for good prices and quality goods. Probably because he remembered his miserable early days in Ireland, Eaton thought much of the welfare of his employees: better working conditions, shorter weekday hours than his competitors and Saturday afternoons off in the summer. In all this, he was a leader. 21. The best description of Eaton is that ______. A. he was the richest merchant in Toronto B. he was a successful technical inventor C. he introduced new sales practices D. he changed people‘s ideas about businessmen 22. Eaton‘s success lay primarily in that ____. A. he sold only good quality goods B. he was the first person to provide good service C. he treated his employees better than any of his competitors D. he won respect from his customers 23. From the passage we can infer that ______. A. Eaton invented the idea of the internet shopping B. Eaton drove other businessmen to failure C. Eaton never sold his goods on credit D. Eaton was defeated by his rivals 24. The best title for this passage is _____. A. Good Goods, of Money Refunded B. Eaton, a Sales Inventor C. Customers‘ Respect, a Secret of Success D. Eaton‘s list, a Welcome Event in Sales History 25. Eaton‘s List was important to people on farms because it was a convenient way of getting _____. A. good-quality goods at reasonable prices B. goods at unreasonable prices C. good-quality goods at unreasonable prices D. poor-quality goods at reasonable prices Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. The threat of a global outbreak (疾病大爆发) of bird flu makes it urgent for the international community to cooperate effectively. Wealthy countries will have to provide hundreds of millions of dollars for the testing and production of medicines necessary for treating patients suffering from bird flu. Developing countries, particularly in Southeast Asia, where the bird flu virus (病毒) has spread since 1997, must work out special programs so that farmers will not hide sighs of possible outbreaks. In addition, the way such farm birds as chickens and ducks are traditionally raised and marketed in the developing world should be changed; there should be more distance between the birds and their keepers. Countries should deal with the disease with joint effort. If one country is inadequately prepared, it will be a threat to every other country. The potential effects of a national outbreak of bird flu are enormous. Firstly, an outbreak may kill large numbers of people. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that an outbreak similar to the mild Hong Kong flu of 1968 could kill as many as 7.4 millions people. If it were as dangerous as the 1918 Spanish flu, which killed 50 million, the number would be much higher. Secondly, such an outbreak may cause great financial damage. The latest outbreak of bird flu, which began in December 2003, has cost Southeast Asia more than $10 billion and depressed its GDP by 1.5 percent. If a new outbreak of bird flu were to last for a whole year, $800 billion would be lost. Despite the 124 human cases and 63 deaths from bird flu since December 2003, the virus remains mainly a disease animals. However, the more animals that die of the disease, the more chances it has of spreading to people. Large numbers of dead or dying birds mean that more people will be exposed to the virus and change into a virus with new characteristics. If the international community works together efficiently, man can surely prevent such a virus and possibly save millions of lives. 26. Faced with the threat of a global outbreak of bird flu, the international community should ________. A. establish new markets B. work together effectively C. stop birds from flying to other countries D. raise fewer chickens and ducks 27. The second paragraph focuses on ______. A. World Health Organization B. flus in Hong Kong and Spain C. the economy of Southeast Asia D. possible effects of a bird flu outbreak 28. The number of people who have died of bird flu since 2003 is _______. A. 63 B. 124 C. 7.4 million D. 50 million 29. In the third paragraph, the author is mainly interested in _____. A. stimulating financial growth B. reducing economic damages C. saving human lives D. protecting bird species 30. The passage deals with all the following aspects bird flu EXCEPT _______. A. the origin and history of bird flu B. the importance of international cooperation C. the possible dangers of a national outbreak D. the significance of preventing it from spreading Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. The long summer holidays are finally over and some parents are pleased. “We worry more about their safety in the holidays,” explains one mother from North London. If teenagers are not wandering around on public transport in a big and potentially dangerous city, they are chatting to strangers in an internet chat room! Well, that‘s an extreme picture of the UK today, but many parents are worried about how much freedom they can give their children during the holidays and at weekends. Weekends are not the only time to worry! Newspaper are full of stories about too many school kids going to school by car because their parents do not want them to travel alone on a bus or train. This summer there were more frightening stories of teenagers disappearing with questionable friends that they met on the net. All the Media stories help increase parents fears, but is the UK really so dangerous? Many young people feel that life for their parents was easier. In the 1960s young people played in the streets more and traveled around town without their parents. “At least our parents can keep tabs on us,” says 16-year-old Julia. “So many people have mobile phones now and their parents ring to find out where they are. I use my mobile to get Dad to come to the station when I arrive late.” Mobiles are not just expensive toys; they help keep young people safe. Most significantly, they help keep young people safe. Most significantly, they make parents feel better. Only one problem is, though, that some young people have been attacked by thieves who want to steal their mobile phones. Young people like going out with friends, but they now need to learn how to get home safely. Five million young people in the UK between the ages of 9 to 16 use chat rooms to make friends, but they, too, need to be careful and never give their personal details to a stranger. Young people today have more opportunities to meet new people and go out at night more than their parents ever did. Now school, television programs and newspapers must help teenagers to enjoy their freedom and to be responsible for their own safety. 31. Some parents are upset about the summer holidays mainly because their children ______. A. wander around on bus in the city B. chat to strangers in Internet chat rooms C. make questionable friends on the net D. are taken little care of by teachers 32. For the sake of the safety, many parents send their kids to school ________. A. by car B. by bus C. by train D. by public transport 33. Most significantly, mobile phones _______. A. enable parents keep a close watch on their kids B. help keep teenagers safe C. make parents feel less worried D. protect teenagers from being attacked 34. Teenagers should never give any strangers ______. A. their mobile phone numbers B. their family address C. their personal information D. their parents‘ names 35. This passage is mainly about ________. A. freedom for teenagers in summer holidays B. safety for teenagers in summer holidays C. activities for teenagers in summer holidays D. troubles for teenagers in summer holidays PART TWO (50 POINTS) IV. Word Spelling (10 points, 1 point for two items) 将下列汉语单词译成英语。每个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。 36. 获胜者,优胜者 n. w_ _ _ _ _ 37. (使)枯萎,凋谢 v. w_ _ _ _ _ 38. 垂直的,竖的 a. v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39. 易变的,变量的 a. v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40. 唯一的,独特的 a. u_ _ _ _ _ 41. 地下的,隐蔽的 a. u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42. 真实的,如实地 ad. t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43. 星期二 n. T_ _ _ _ _ _ 44. 传统,惯例 n. t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45. 同情,同情心 n. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46. 投降,让步 vi. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47. 足够的,充分的 a. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48. 亲属,亲戚 n. r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49. 抵抗,反抗 n. r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50. 有目的的,蓄意的 a. p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51. 财产;性质 n. p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 52. 俯望,漏看 vt. o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 53. 发源,源自 vi. o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54. 音乐的,悦耳的 a. m_ _ _ _ _ _ 55. 意图,打算 n. i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V. Word Form (10 points, 1 point each) 将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。 56.He _________(write) her 10 letters since he met her last years. 57. I think it necessary for him ________ (finish) the work in time. 58. The house is ______ (complete) before his brother‘s wedding ceremony. 59. You had better ________ (bring) enough money with you. 60. The _______ (good) he feels, the more work he will do. 61. If I hadn‘t listened to you, I would _______ (make) such a silly mistake. 62. The three players repeatedly denied ________ (take) any drug. 63. People who are entitled to ________ (vote) should be over eighteen. 64. The government has taken measures to reduce the total energy ______(consume)。 65. If she ______(catch) the 10 O‘clock train, she can get there by lunch time. VI. Translation from Chinese into English (15 points, 3 points each) 将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。 66. 男人的平均身高比女人高几英寸。 67. 你所说的与我们正在讨论的豪不相干。 68. 教育应该使每个学生德、智、体全面发展。 69.这本书对读者产生了很大影响。 70.这次考试比我们预想的要难得多。 VII. Translation from English into Chinese (15 points) 将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。 There is a clear distinction between one who is supposed to know and another, usually a younger person who is supposed not to know. However, teaching is not necessarily the area of a special group of people, nor should it be looked upon as a technical skill. Teaching can be more like guiding and assisting than forcing information into a blank mind. If you have a certain skill, you should be able to share it with others. You do not have to get a certificate to convey what you know to them or to help them in their attempt to teach themselves. All of us, from the very youngest children to the oldest members of our society, should come to realize our own talent and abilities as teachers. We can share what we know, however little it might be, with others who have need of that knowledge or skill. 「答案及评分参考」 I. Vocabulary and Structure (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A II. Cloze Test (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.B III. Reading Comprehension (本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 21.C 22.D 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.B 27.D 28.A 29.C 30.A 31.D 32.A 33.C 34.C 35.B IV. Word Spelling (本大题共20小题,每两小题1分,共10分) 36. winner 37. wither 38. vertical 39. variable 40. unique 41. underground 42. truthfully 43.Tuesday 44. tradition 45. sympathy 46. surrender 47. sufficient 48. relative 49. resistance 50. purposeful 51. property 52. overlook 53. originate 54. musical 55. intention [评分参考] 多写、少写或错写一个或一个以上的字母均为错 V. Word From (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 56. has written 57. to finish 58. to be completed 59. bring 60. better 61. have made 62. taking 63. vote 64. consumption 65. catches [评分参考] 语法错误或拼写错误均不给分。 VI. Translation from Chinese into English (本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分) 66. On the average, men are higher than women by several inches/several inches higher than women. 67. What you said has nothing to do/has no relevance with what we are discussing. 68. Education should enable every student to develop morally,intellectually and physically. 69. The book has made a great impact/had a great effect/influence on its readers. 70. The test was much more difficult than we had expected.

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