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自考问答 > 自考百科 > 自考本科口译与听力怎么考试






以往一直不难 就唯独2010年得10月份儿 我们考试难了 有一半人没过。就是提前会通知在哪个大学,提前一天看考场 第二天排队进场。考试有汉译英的句子,英译汉的句子,英译汉的短文,汉译英的短文 四个大题。尤其是句子 千万要等到录音说完,“滴”一声后在翻译 说明才能录上呢 说早了可不行

听力:四十分钟播放录音,试题在一份试卷上,大部分都是选择题,速度比较快,比四六级快,,平时要多训练才行!!!口译:就是进考场提前就给你几个句子准备,然后按顺序进去,里面的老师从你准备里的句子里抽几句,你就译出来.当然可能还有一些临时对话,都是用英语进行的.其实水平达到了,一点都不用破,水平没到的话,是很难投机的 这是福建省的规则,不知道你是哪个省的,我是黑龙江的,我现在连书还没买到,你买到了吗,祝你好运!



有老师问,你就回答。题目有句子的英译中,中译英和不是很长的段落英译中。有点难度,要提早好好把书背一遍。 现在网上貌似有《口译与听力》的复习资料,考试题型买了。听说比较准,还总结了好几届考生考过的题目和经验。

以往一直不难 就唯独2010年得10月份儿 我们考试难了 有一半人没过。就是提前会通知在哪个大学,提前一天看考场 第二天排队进场。考试有汉译英的句子,英译汉的句子,英译汉的短文,汉译英的短文 四个大题。尤其是句子 千万要等到录音说完,“滴”一声后在翻译 说明才能录上呢 说早了可不行




今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考教材口译与听力的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!江苏省英语自考口译与听力你好,江苏自考英语口译与听力考试大纲一、课程目的与要求口译与听力是教师系列自学考试英语专业本科阶段的一门语言实践课程。通过考生自学和实践以及相关助学单位的辅导,在口译方面,考生应能较为熟练地运用综合语言运用能力、口译技巧和背景知识,对一般难度的语言材料用汉英两种语言较为准确流畅地进行口译;在听力方面,考生应能基本听懂VOA、BBC、CNN、CCTV-9等英语新闻节目中有关政治、经济、文教、科技等方面的新闻报道和有关社会经济发展、科技动态、语言文化等领域的一般性节目以及同样题材的电视短片和电视短剧,并能作简要的笔头摘要。二、考试内容考试内容包括两大部分:第一部分听力,占总分的50%;第二部分口译,占总分的50%,其中英译汉和汉译英各占25%。试题难易程度分部为:较高难度题约占20%,中等难度题约占50%,较易题约占30%三、学习方法考生自学与教师助学相结合。口译与听力是一门实践性很强的课程,要求学习者有很大的信息输入和语言实践,仅仅依靠课本和集中辅导是不够的。课本只是给学生提供了一个学习的框架,真正口译与听力水平的提高要靠平时自觉进行听力训练的习惯养成和知识信息与实践经验的积累。听力理解能力的提高主要在于多听。除了熟悉教材的内容和反复聆听教材所配的磁带,要养成每天听英语广播、看电视英语节目的习惯,提高对英语的敏感性。要每天收听收视世界上主要媒体如BBC、VOA、CNN、CCTV-9等的播音播放节目。收听收视要注意方法,讲求实效,根据不同的材料决定精听和泛听。精听的内容最好有录音原文的文字稿,采用先看后听、边看边听、先听后看等方法,对照学习,弄清楚哪些没听懂及没听懂的原因,采取针对性的措施,反复练习,逐步地提高听力水平。口译能力的提高在于多实践。和笔译工作者一样,口译者要具备厚实的语言功底、较大的词汇量、较丰富的语汇和较强的口头语言表达能力。考生要夯实语言基本功,优化自己的语音语调,学会用较地道的英语传递各类信息;要做有心人,善于从日常阅读书报和收听收视广播电视节目中搜集有用的、具有时代特征的表达方式并在口语交际中加以应用;要养成将两种语言互相翻译的习惯,抓住一切机会练习口译,不断琢磨英汉互译的技巧,提高翻译的准确性和灵活性;要比较和分析英汉两种语言和文化的差异,培养得体地用英语进行交际的能力。关于自考英语本科的口译与听力的问题我没有报自考,但是帮同学去考过这科,78分。其实很简单,你前面的听力一定要尽量拿高分,因为后面的口译打分基本上是看你的听力成绩来的。也就是说口译部分的分值和你本人的翻译水平其实关系不大。我本人说话声音不大,考试时周围人的声音倒是比我大多了。你不会翻译的话旧停下来听听别人的。总之要过这科很容易的。我没看过书都过了,你应该相信自己。自考英语口译与听力及论文答辩什么时候报?自考英语口译与听力及论文12月初就可以报名啦自考口译与听力题型&如何考?不知道你是哪个省的,福建省的是考bbc和voa的听力。口译是有意本教材的。题型是口译翻译书本的内容,一般是从课文中任意选取一段翻译中文,另外一段翻译英文,有时是1句1句翻译,有时是2-3句翻译,看你的考试老师不一样了。听力也有BBC 和VOA 的教材,现在已经是新版的了。如果你报考的学校有办口译与听力的培训班, 你最好去参加,因为是学校组织的考试,他们有可能在培训的时候给划一定的考试范围,这样就简单了很多。考口译不难,听力有点难度,多听听,就OK了,不是很难的。祝你好运!自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

如果是广外的要到本校考试,以下是考试大纲希望对你有帮助广东省高等教育自学考试英语本科口译与听力自学考试大纲(修订稿)(课程代码:0602)一、 考核目标:口译与听力是高等教育自学考试英语专业本科阶段的一门必修课程,学分为6。课堂教学总课时为120节。本课程属实践考核,主要考查学生是否达到以下目标:1. 熟练运用口译技巧,对初级或中级难度的材料进行较为准确、流畅的口译。2. 有良好的中英语言基础,对世界各国,尤其是我国的基本国情与国策有基本的了解。3. 能听动交际场合中各种英语会话和讲话。4. 能听懂VOA或BBC节目中有关政治、经济、文化教育、科技等方面的记者现场报道。5. 能听懂有关政治、经济、历史、文化教育、语言文学、科普方面的一般讲座及讲座后的问答。6. 能听懂同样题材的电视实事短片及电视短剧。二、 考试依据教材:指定教材:1. 口译部分:《高级汉英/英汉口译教程》(上、下册)王桂珍主编华南理工大学出版社(2001年8月第一版)2.听力部分:《高级英语听力教程》 何勇斌主编 广州外语音像出版社(2005年8月第一版)参考教材:BOA,BBC等英语电台正常语速节三、 命题原则在: 每份试卷包括两大部分:第一部分考核听力,占总分的50%;第二部分考核口译,占总分的50%。就试题难度而言,困难题目约占20%,较难题目约占40%,较易题目约占30%,容易题目约占10%;就试题内容而言,指定教材中的内容不少于40%。四、 试题类型听力 (50分) 1.Statemengts(10个,每个1分,共10分) 2.Conversations(5个对话,每个对话2个问题,每个问题1分,共10分) 3.News(两段,每段5个问题,每个问题1.5分,共15分) 4.Passages(两至三个段落,共10个问题,每个问题1.5分,共15分)口译(50分) 汉译英(25分) 1. 单句 (5个,每句2分,共10分) 2. 段落 (1个,大约150个字左右,共15分) 英译汉(25分) 1. 单句 (5个,每句2分,共10分) 2. 段落 (1个,大约200个字左右,共15分)五、 口译评分标准:1. 英译汉和汉译英各占25分。2. 以语段(两个//符号之间的一个句子或数个句子为单位)中的信息单位的准确完整记分。3. 语法和语音语调方面基本不扣分,但是如果差到令人不知所云则扣分,以语段中的信息为单位扣分。六、 考试说明: 本课程为实践考核,考试时间约为1个小时。听力部分,第一、第二部分只读一遍,第三、四部分读两遍,每个问题之间的时间间隔大约为10秒。口译部分,单句只读一遍,段落先整个通读一遍,然后再根据意群分小段读一段,翻译一段。两部分的英语语速皆控制在每分钟130—150词左右。本课程满分为100分,60分为及格。考试一般在语音室内进行,考试时每个学生发一盒空白磁带供录音用。广东外语外贸大学自学考试办公室2006年元月4日




【自考快速报名和免费咨询: 】广东自考英语本科要考哪些科目?有很多喜欢语言类的考生在选择专业的时候会选择英语,那么自考英语有哪些科目要考呢?下面就跟着广东成人自考专升本小编一起来了解一下吧! 广东自考英语本科要考哪些科目? 一般情况下要考的科目有: 1 马克思主义政治经济学原理 2毛泽东思想概论 3第二外语(日/俄/法) 4高级英语 5英语写作 6英语翻译 7口译与听力 8英美文学选读 9现代语言学 10教育学(一) 11心理学 自考本科英语说明: 1、应考者在全部课程考试合格后,必须撰写论文,毕业论文及答辩由主考院校组织实施。 2、考试方式: (1)除英语口语、口译与听力2门课程外,其他各门课程均采用笔试,按百分制计分,60分以上为合格; (2)英语听力课程考试时间为30分钟; (3)英语口语课程采用口试方式,考试时间一般为6—10分钟; (4)口译与听力为两部分,口译采用口试方式,听力采用笔试方式;口译考试时间为20分钟,听力考试时间为30分钟,成绩各占50%。 3、本科段报考条件: 凡取得教育部认可、属国民教育系列的各类高等学校(含自学考试)英语专业专科毕业证书的,均可直接报考本专业本科段;凡取得教育部认可、属国民教育系列的各类高等学校(含自学考试)非英语专业专科、本科毕业证书的,参加英语专业本科段考试须加考基础科段的“综合英语 4、港澳考生可不考思想道德修养与法律基础,毛泽东思想,邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论两门课程,但须加考法学概论,宪法学两门课程。 5、听力,口语两门课程为毕业考核课程,考生须取得该专业全部笔试课程合格成绩后才能报考。自考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考考点内容、不清楚自考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:


听力:四十分钟播放录音,试题在一份试卷上,大部分都是选择题,速度比较快,比四六级快,,平时要多训练才行!!!口译:就是进考场提前就给你几个句子准备,然后按顺序进去,里面的老师从你准备里的句子里抽几句,你就译出来.当然可能还有一些临时对话,都是用英语进行的.其实水平达到了,一点都不用破,水平没到的话,是很难投机的 这是福建省的规则,不知道你是哪个省的,我是黑龙江的,我现在连书还没买到,你买到了吗,祝你好运!





课程性质:《口译与听力》(听力部分)是高等教育自学考试英语专业基础课考试计划中的一门必修课。总体水平相当于普通高等院校英语专业四年制本科结业时的听力水平。 课程要求: 1.能听懂英语国家人士关于日常生活、社会与文化的讲话、交谈或讲座,理解中心大意,抓住主要论点。 2.能听懂英语国家有关政治、经济、历史、文化以及风土人情的广播和电视节目的主要内容。 3.语速为每分钟150-170词,接近英语国家人士的日常说话速度。 学习书目:《英语高级听力》,何其莘等编写,外语教学与研究出版社,1992年版。 考试安排:考试时间共约30分钟,满分100分,共分四部分。每个问题答题时间为14秒。除第三部分短文填空读三遍外,其它题型均只读一遍。 题量及分值: Part I 10个小题,每小题2分,共20分 Part II 10个小题,每小题2分,共20分 Part III 15个空,每空2分,共30分 Part IV 10个小题,每小题3分,共30分 题型说明: Part I 是陈述(Statement),问题在考生卷中印出。 Part II是对话(Conversation)。 Part III为短文填空(Text Completion),每空填一个词或数字。短文的题材主要涉及社会、教育、文化、风俗人情、历史地理等方面的内容,多选自英语母语者的演讲和讲座等。 Part IV为新闻报道(News Broadcast),本部分一般由5条新闻组成,均为政治、经济、文化、社会等方面的重要新闻。就每条新闻提出2个问题,问题在考生卷中印出。 样题举例: Part I STATEMENT In this part of the test,you will hear 10 short statements.After each statement there will be a 14-second pause.During the pause,read the question and the four possible choices marked A,B,C and D,and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have just heard.On the ANSWER SHEET,mark your choice of answer.( 20%) 1. 听力原文 To apply for your VISA you need to go to Room 201 first to confirm your identity. Q:Where are you most likely to hear this statement? 考生卷 Q:Where are you most likely to hear this statement? A.In a police station. B.In a tourist information centre. C.In a foreign embassy. D.In a bank. 2. 听力原文 I have found another problem with my washing machine,as if one is not enough. Q:What is the speaker trying to say? 考生卷 Q:What is the speaker trying to say? A.The speaker is not sure about the number of the problems. B.The speaker is complaining about the quality of the washing machine. C.The speaker is trying to find more problems. D.The speaker is ready to buy another washing machine. 3. 听力原文 Cathy's dresses are anything but expensive though she has a substantial bank account. Q:What can we infer about Cathy? 考生卷 Q:What can we infer about Cathy? A.She sets up a special account to buy expensive dresses. B.She spends a lot on her dresses. C.She puts every penny she saves to her bank account. D.She doesn't spend much on her dresses. Part II CONVERSATION In this part of the test,you will hear 10 short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation,a third voice will ask a question about what was said.After the question there will be a 14-second pause.During the pause,read the four possible choices and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have just heard.On the ANSWER SHEET,find the number of the question and mark your choice of answer.( 20%) 1. 听力原文 W:During the last thunderstorm I noticed several leaks in my bedroom ceiling and they really caused a mess. M:Maybe you have some broken tiles.I have the phone number of a good roofing company that could do a good repair job for you at a reasonable price. Q:What can we conclude from this conversation? 考生卷 A.The roof of the woman's house needs to be repaired. B.The roof of the man's house has several bad leaks. C.The woman's bathroom was badly damaged. D.The man works for a roofing company. 2. 听力原文 W:If I were you,I wouldn't interrupt the boss while he's in an important meeting.Wait till he gets back to his office. M:I have to. He told me to bring him this letter as soon as it arrived,even if he was in the bathroom. Q:Where is the boss? 考生卷 A.In his office. B.In a meeting. C.In the bathroom. D.In another room. 3. 听力原文 W:Friday's speaker is supposed to be wonderful.Are you going to attend the seminar on that day? M:Yes.But I haven't been able to get the ticket yet.Since the lecture is open to the public,I imagine that the tickets may have already been sold out. Q:Why is the man afraid he won't be able to attend the seminar? 考生卷 A.He doesn't think that there will be enough seats for everybody. B.He doesn't think that the speaker will show up. C.He doesn't think that the seminar will be open to the public. D.He doesn't think that there may be any more tickets available. Part III TEXT COMPLETION In this part of the test,you are going to hear a passage.Some words or numbers on the printed passage have been taken out.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with the words or numbers you hear.The passage will be read THREE times.(30%) 听力原文 Let's use paper as an example.The first step is to raise public awareness about the recycling process,to explain the kinds of materials that can be recycled,and provide ways on how to properly dispose of them.Local governments should educate the public on how to properly sort reusable materials from those,like waxed paper,carbon paper,plastic material such as fast food wrappers,that can't be recycled very easily.Then,a system of collecting these sorted materials needs to be established.The public interest might be there,but soon may wane if there isn't a system where they can take these materials to be recycled.Sometimes we become complacent when it comes to recycling,but when you speak in terms of actual facts and figures that everyone can understand,people become more aware of the problem.I remember reading one time that the energy saved from one recycled aluminum can will provide enough power to operate a television for three hours.Give the public information they can grasp,and then you will increase your chances of gaining followers. 考生卷 Let's use paper as an example.The first step is to _____public awareness about the recycling process,to explain the kinds of_______ that can be recycled,and provide ways on how to properly______ of them.Local_______should educate the public on how to properly sort_________materials from those,like waxed paper,carbon paper,plastic material such as fast food wrappers,_______can't be recycled very easily.Then,a system of________these sorted materials needs to be established.The public interest_________be there,but soon may wane if there isn't a system________they can take these materials to be recycled.Sometimes we become complacent when_________comes to recycling,but when you speak in terms of actual facts and figures that everyone can understand,people become_________aware of the problem.I remember reading one time that the energy saved_______one recycled aluminum can will provide enough power to________ a television for three hours.Give the public_________they can grasp,and then you will______your chances of gaining followers. Part IV NEWS BROADCAST In this part of the test,you will hear 5 news broadcasts from foreign broadcast corporations.You will hear them once only.(30%) Questions 1and 2 are based on the following news.At the end of the news item,you will be given 14 seconds to answer each question.On the ANSWER SHEET,mark your choice of answer. 听力原文 News Item One PepsiCo of the US and Unilever of the UK have become the latest foreign entrance in China's competitive bottle tea market.The two companies launched Lipton's iced tea in Guangzhou last week in a fifty-fifty venture.PepsiCo is contributing its bottling facilities and distribution networks to the alliance while Unilever provides the famous tea brand and recipe,company executive said.China has a growing bottle tea market estimated to be worth 10 billion Yuan.It has been dominated in recent years by two Taiwanese brands:Master Kong and Uni-president.Three other big brands – Nestle,Guangdong-based Jianlibao and Lipton have just entered the market this year.Swiss company Nestle is working in conjunction with Coca Cola. Q:1.The news item is manly about a joint venture between___________. 2.Who will provide the distribution networks in the joint venture? 考生卷 1.The news item is manly about a joint venture between___________. A.a US company and a UK company B.a Swiss company and a UK company C.two Taiwanese companies D.a mainland company and a US company 2.Who will provide the distribution networks in the joint venture? A.Unilever. B.Nestle. C.PepsiCo. D.Coca Cola Questions 1 and 2are based on the following news.At the end of the news item,you will be given 14 seconds to answer each question.On the ANSWER SHEET,mark your choice of answer. 听力原文 News Item Two Britain has announced that it is to cancel about 200 million pounds worth of the debts owed to it by poorer commonwealth countries.The International Development Secretary says the relief was being offered to countries committed to eliminating poverty and pursuing good government.This would include taking action against corruption.At the same time,Common Market Finance Ministers are meeting in Mauritius.Britain is expected to put forward a fresh initiative on reducing the debts of the poorest countries.The Chancellor of Exchequer has indicated that he plans to revive a scheme put forward last year by the International Monetary Fund which has not yet provided any relief. Q:1.Which of the following is NOT a condition for the reduction of debts??? 2.By canceling the debts owed to her,Britain intends to ___a similar scheme proposed by the International Monetary Fund.? 考生卷 1.Which of the following is NOT a condition for the reduction of debts??? A.Commitment to wiping out poverty. B.Commitment to good government. C.Commitment to fighting against corruption. D.Commitment to narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor. 2.By canceling the debts owed to her,Britain intends to ___a similar scheme proposed by the International Monetary Fund.? A.reject? B.restart? C.follow D.review Questions 1 and 2 are based on the following news.At the end of the news item,you will be given 14 seconds to answer each question.On the ANSWER SHEET,mark your choice of answer. 听力原文 News Item Three Israel and PLO,after 6 days of intensive negotiations,meet again later today for what they say they hope will be the final initialing of an agreement on extending Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank.The two sides had been optimistic about reaching agreement yesterday.But last minute hitches arose over the timetable for releasing thousands of prisoners and the arrangements for the redeployment of Israeli troops.The BBC Jerusalem correspondent says it appears the two sides have made progress on one of the most difficult issues of all,the future of Hebron,the only town in the West Bank where there is a community of Jewish settlers. Q: 1. The 6-day negotiations between the PLO and Israel are mainly about 2.What progress has been made in their negotiations? 考生卷 1. The 6-day negotiations between the PLO and Israel are mainly about A.the extension of Palestinian self-rule. B.the establishment of Jewish settlement. C.the arrangement of PLO troops. D.the reconstruction of Hebron. 2. What progress has been made in their negotiations? A.Israeli troops can stay on in the West Bank. B.Israel has released thousands of prisoners. C.PLO and Israel have made a final agreement D.Agreement has been reached on the future of Hebron.

以往一直不难 就唯独2010年得10月份儿 我们考试难了 有一半人没过。就是提前会通知在哪个大学,提前一天看考场 第二天排队进场。考试有汉译英的句子,英译汉的句子,英译汉的短文,汉译英的短文 四个大题。尤其是句子 千万要等到录音说完,“滴”一声后在翻译 说明才能录上呢 说早了可不行

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