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自考问答 > 自考百科 > 自考学位英语考试题是往年题吗






本科学士学位英语考试是全省统一考试。与高考生的高等教育学士学位不同,成考、自考、网络教育同属于继续教育系列,其学位是相同的,均会注明“成人教育学士学位”。普通高等学校本科毕业生(包括统招专升本)毕业考试成绩合格,在校表现良好,就可以获得学士学位。参加高等教育自学考试(本科),所有科目平均分在65~70分以上(不同学校要求不同),毕业论文答辩良好及以上并通过学位外语(英、日、法、德)考试,毕业后可以申请学士学位(有的学校还要求通过学位加试,即本专业主干课加试)。脱产、业余(函授)的成人教育本科生(包括成人专升本)毕业后符合条件者(一般是在校表现良好、论文良好及以上、所有科目平均分70分以上、补考累计少于四门、通过学位英语考试)可以申请学士学位。参加各大学的网上远程教育本科(专升本)学习,毕业后符合条件者也可申请学士学位。成人教育学士学位的申请条件成人教育学士学位的授予条件是由高校自主规定的,各高校的规定都有所不同,常见申请条件通常包括以下三个:平时成绩平均分不低于70-75分 毕业论文良或优 通过国家统一组织的学位英语考试 成人高考学生要在毕业前申请,而自学考试可在毕业后一年内申请。但特别要注意的是,有些高校会附加其他条件,如中大和华工都要参加学校组织的两门学位课程考试,这给学生增加了不小难度。





网上没有泛读三的真题。一般可以去自考书店买,1元一套。泛三的重题出现率很高。英语巴士自考真题比较多,包括全国各地的真题。365的江苏版英本真题也不少,但没有泛三的真题省份:江苏考试时间:每年10月份教材:高级英语阅读教程(下)--上海交通大学出版社学习资料:教材一本、06年10月真题一份。自考办有历年真题卖,每份1元。我还买了份05年的,可惜全无用,教材是06年新换的,可见自考办的不人道之处,教材都换了,配套的试卷竟然还在卖,自考办的网站上样卷也没有更新(新旧考卷的考题不完全一样,更新还是很必要的)。工具书:牛津双解词典。关于教材,全书共16单元,每单元分A、B两课,A后有练习并配有答案,B为辅助阅读,和A内容类似。考察基础(课文)的考题包括填空、选择题、修辞法判断选择、用英文解释斜题部分、回答课文相关问题、翻译。考察能力的考题为阅读理解题。下面就各题型简单说明其复习方法,仅为应试用...1、填空(10P),10个空,每空一分。------该部分的考题基本上出自课后第一题的填空,基本上都是原题的,而且书后都有答案的。2、选择题(20P)。从四个选项中找出一个正确答案,解释句中画线的词或词组。句子选自课文。------关于该部分有三点:一是会有重题,今年就有5道左右的重题;二比较偏向考词义,而且是非常用的词义,所以看书时,遇到理解不通的时候,就多查词典,词典上的释义很全面,而且还有例句,有助于理解,我想这就是我比较偏爱传统工具书的地方吧;三是约有40%的题目会出自单元B。这部分出题面很广,所以复习时的细心、积累很重要。不过,选择题总归是好做的,有备选答案嘛。3、判断题(10P),5个句子,每个2分。-------判断所给句子的修辞手法,考题也基本出自课A后面的修辞方法介绍(共有16种修辞法)。一般会给出7个选项,相当于7选5,这样不仅要判断出修辞法,还要选择正确,所以一定要熟记各种修辞法的单词拼写,这部分的10分一般不会丢的。复习时理解下书上的例句,考前背一下16个单词是很重要的。4、阅读理解题(20P)。2篇短文,每篇5个问题。根据短文,选择正确答案回答问题,这部分没什么好说的。5、用英文解释句中的斜体部分(15P),5个题目,每个3分。-------这部分考题基本上出自课后的注释和第三题的解释斜题部分,背诵就好了。这部分原本是打算不复习的,想说就临场发挥好了。结果考前一天的下午,看去年考题的时候,发现都是课后的第三题原题,当时那个激动阿。就开始边写边背,每课5个,16课也是80个句子阿,有长有短的(考试的题目也是有长句有短句)。不想背了就暂时分散下注意力,然后再接着背,考前都容易浮躁,但还是要坚持。考试当天早晨又背了一遍,恩是一个小时多一点儿。我觉得早晨再背的这遍是很有用的,就跟考毛概和政经前狂读一样,不要小看这种临时记忆。6、回答课文相关问题(15P),3个问题,每个5分。------该部分其实看一下历届考题,就知道出题类型了,比如段落大意阿,作者论据阿,你是如何理解的....之类的。会有重复的考题出现。考前我以为不会有重题,所以真题的这部分没有看,结果发了卷子一看第一个题目就重复,当时心就有点凉,就把这部分放在最后做了。这个就像考试习惯,题目复习到了的,就会开心;没有复习到么,也没关系,相信自己还是有实力的嘛;关键就是复习的时候,知道有这个题目,以为不会出的,就没看,结果它出了,那个懊悔阿,纠结阿,没想死的心,也有拍桌子的心。就是想告诉大家考场上心态和情绪调节也很有必要。 还要提醒的是:背课后第三题及答案对做这部分题目也有帮助噢。7、翻译(10P),中译英2个,英译中3个,每个2分。-------这部分就看你的理解能力和汉语表达了,我是比较偏直译的,答得自己都觉得不怎么通顺。这部分好像也碰到一个课后第三题的句子,所以呢,关于课后的题目,理解也很重要阿。先就这样吧。总之,应试的话就是历届考题、背课文注释、课后填空、课后斜体解释(第三题)、修辞法,这样再加上阅读,通过考试就没有问题。所以呢,泛读(三)就是一纸老虎。题外话:虽然泛读(三)都是自己摸索学的,可是高级英语却是从巴士获益良多阿,mp3、课文逐句译、课后答案,最最重要的是有了信心,有这么多热心的考友,共享学习资料,分享考路心情。还要谢谢介绍给我这个网站的朋友。参考


改后的应该是1、C:(sports ..to be hold)2、C:(they had .. food to out)3、c:(welfare helps..amanricans)4、d:(tend to...for growth)5、a:(the digenrous of..)6、C:(it coneerns the couple and their farnilies as well)7、D:(the young couple)8、B:(men used to be dominant in choosing a partner)9、D:(satisfying) 10、A(the process of an arranged japanese marriage)11、A:(they are too busy and academically unprepared)12、C:(the former have more problems than the latter)13、B:(provide aduit with guidance)14、D:(for educator interesed in adult learning).15、B:(in a life long proces)16、C:(distinct)17、B:(vividly)18、A:(stpatation)19、B:(accompanies)20、D:(almptified)21、D:(repaited)22、C:(deep)23、D:(will have been completed)24、A:(catch up with) 25、A:(bear)26、a:(might)27、b:(d开头的单词)28、c:(防雷同自己选)29、b:(since then)30、d:(C开头的单词)31、a:(by hand) 32、b:(carving)33、c:(it) 34、b:(action)35、b:(become)36、多种多样的(diverse) 37、同样的(likewise) 40、偏见(bias ) 41、商标(trademark)42、观众(audence) 43、城市的(urban)44、词典(distionary) 45、材料(material)46、科学的(scientific) 47、值得(deserve)48、延长(prolong) 49、缺陷、毛病(defect)50、图书管理员(librarian) 51、药片(tablet)52、命令、指令(command) 53、明智(sensible )54、原则(principle) 55、次等的、劣等的(inferior)56-60:treatment effective quickened different honesty 61-65:writhy irvegular seriousness tolerant rapidlly66f.I think it is hard to understand the black hole theory 67y.To finish the test ,the scientist hardly go to sleep before midnight 68t.The young man’s study could harly succead 69x.Even if the police could find the reason for the traffic allident70c.I would rather hope he could buy this house next year翻译:过去,工作与休息的时间被划分得很明确.人们按时离开办公室,当他们在上下班时完全无法联系,并且一回到家中就不再工作.现在,已经不再如此了.在如今竞争力强的工作市场上,雇主对产量的要求高了,期望员工们花更多的时间在工作上,并通过传真,手机,电邮或其他通讯方式与之联系.因此,员工们感觉到必须了解公司所发生的事,即使他们已经下班了.他们有加班的压力,从而完成自己的所有工作.他们工作更加努力,时间更长,并且换工作更为频繁,并且对工作安全担忧.



全国2014年4月高等教育自学考试综合英语(一)试题 课程代码:00794 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 Ⅰ.语法和词汇填空。阅读下面的句子或对话,从A、B、C和D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的选项,并在答题纸上将该项的字母涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。 (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1. I can’t help wondering ________ that has made her so excited. A. what it is B. how it is C. what is it D. how is it 2.________ his leg was badly injured, the boy managed to attend class every day. A. If B. Unless C. Although D. Because 3. Some 40 percent of the hired hands left before they ________ their term of service. A. finish B. finished C. would finish D. have finished 4. His best novel was written in ________ he called the “sweet new style” of the language. A. that B. where C. what D. which 5. I think if I ________ stay in Italy for another three months, we, Jim and I, might become good friends. A. will B. shall C. would D. were to 6. When I arrived she greeted me at the door, her kids all ________ behind. A. standing B. stood C. have been standing D. were standing 7. Across the continent of South America ________ the Amazon River. A. lie B. lies C. is lying D. lying 8. According to a recent official report, Britain’s economy grew ________ the first quarter of the year. A. half as fast as B. half faster than C. half fast as D. as half fast as 9. Mr. Smith fully shares the view of the speaker ________ every man is as good as his neighbor. A. which B. whom C. who D. that 10. Henry’s plan was ________ the couple to dinner at a nice restaurant and then ask them for their forgiveness. A. inviting B. invited C. to invite D. going to invite 11. Most students make a study plan ________ the beginning of the new term. A. on B. in C. from D. at 12. The family found it hard to ________ from the traditions of their own country and adapt to the new environment. A. break away B. break down C. break out D. break up 13. Three years ________ a long time to be cut off from contact with your friends. A. are B. were C. is D. be 14. I wonder why Alice ________ to us recently. We should have heard from her by now. A. hasn’t written B. hadn’t written C. didn’t write D. doesn’t write 15. No fund has been provided to build a system ________ reading fingerprints more efficiently. A. good at B. keen on C. concerned for D. capable of 16. Drying is the oldest type of food storage. Drying fruit sometimes ________ a completely new product. A. turns into B. results in C. turns from D. results from 17. The police with a group of experts arrived at the ________ of the accident in ten minutes. A. sight B. point C. scene D. space 18. The governor spoke to the earthquake victims, ________them that everything would be done to help them rebuild their homes. A. providing B. assuring C. comforting D. advising 19. In many countries, there aren’t sufficient water resources ________ for future development. A. offered B. provided C. existent D. available 20. The flight has been delayed for four hours ________ the foggy weather. A. for fear of B. owing to C. for the sake of D. according to Ⅱ.阅读理解。认真阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容从A、B、C和D四个选项中选出一个选项,并在答题纸上将该项的字母涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。 (本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) Passage 1 Long ago, the. Earth was covered in darkness. None of the creatures living there knew what daylight looked like. One day, all of the animals of the forest gathered together in a cleating (林中空地). They wondered if it would be better to remain in darkness, or if it would be better to also have light. Deer, Chipmunk (花松鼠), Raccoon (浣熊), Wolf, Bear,and many other creatures climbed to the top of the highest mountain. There were no trees on its top, and it was covered only with rocks. Millions of stars shone in the dark sky overhead. The biggest and most powerful animal in the forest was Bear, and he was the first to reach the mountaintop. Bear stood on the highest peak, looked out over the forest below, and argued for remaining in darkness. He said that the creatures of the forest would be able to sleep better in darkness because there would be no light to keep them awake. Most of the other animals were afraid, and they agreed with Bear. Raccoon said that he did not mind the darkness because he was so smart that he could find plenty of food, even in the dark. Wolf was easy to please, too. She didn’t mind the darkness because she could howl in darkness or in light. But one animal did stand up to Bear. Chipmunk, the smallest of the animals,argued that it would be better to have both light and dark. Chipmunk was very clever. As Bear continued to argue for darkness, she made many good arguments for light. Slowly, the night passed. Bear grew tired of talking, but Chipmunk chattered on and on, as if she had all of the energy in the world. As the other animals dropped off to sleep, one by one, Chipmunk kept arguing. Finally, the first sunrise ever seen by the animals appeared over the top of the mountain. They woke up and were amazed by what they saw. Chipmunk began to dance from rock to rock. Bear became angry because he didn’t get his own way. He roared loudly and ran after Chipmunk. He chased Chipmunk all the way down the mountain. Bear was fast, and he reached out his giant paw to grab Chipmunk. Chipmunk got away, but not before Bear managed to scratch her back with his long claws. And that is why, to this day, you can see stripes on Chipmunk’s back! 21. The lesson of this story is that _______. A. making decisions is difficult B. there is only one right way to do things C. one should hold out for what he believes D. it is always better to go along with the crowd 22. According to the passage, Bear is _______. A. a good listener B. used to having his own way C. unsure about what he wants D. well liked by the other animals 23. The word “chattered” (Paragraph 4) means _________. A. talked quickly B. laughed loudly C. sang softly D. argued angriIy 24. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Raccoon loved to live in darkness because he was smart. B. Deer kept quiet because she liked both darkness and light. C. Wolf liked darkness because she was pleased to howl at night. D. Chipmunk believed it was better to have both darkness and light. 25. Bear was angry when he saw the sunrise because ________. A. he loved darkness B. his authority was challenged C. Chipmunk became the leader D. other animals didn’t listen to him Passage 2 Most single parents work outside the home; and in many two-parent families,both parents work. Unless working parents have been lucky enough to arrange a flexible schedule that allows them to be home when their children are not in school, they are not available to care for their children during the period immediately after school. The result is children of all ages being left to care for themselves after school. Young children in these families have been referred to as latchkey kids because they carry their own house key. Older students are more likely to care for themselves after school. Parents provide supervision (监管) after school for over half of the students in grades K-5. Other children stay with adults other than their parents, attend center-based programs, or take part in extracurricular activities (课外活动) such as sports, arts, or clubs. Children in poverty are slightly more likely to stay with relatives than other children; they are also less likely to care for themselves after school than children in families with higher incomes. One-fifth of the children in kindergarten through fifth grade attend after-school programs in centers or schools with adult supervision and guidance on first aid, nutrition, health, homework, and being on their own at home. These programs are sometimes available at the child’s school, or they may be organized by local houses in cooperation with community groups. Young children may learn how to get home from school safely, how to use the telephone and be familiar with emergency telephone numbers, what to do in case of fire, how to deal with strangers, and how to use their time wisely. Often parents must pay a fee for their children to take part in such programs. Unfortunately, some families cannot afford the cost of such care. Educators should be aware of the realities faced by children left alone after school. Children are sometimes frightened to be at home alone, especially when they have no brothers or sisters. The process of traveling from school to home can be dangerous and frightening in neighborhoods where drugs are being sold and peers (同龄人) are encouraging one another to misbehave. Television often becomes the babysitter, providing children with the opportunity to learn from educational programs—or from programs unsuitable for children. In most cases, children are thankful for caring adults who can provide supervision and assistance. 26. The main topic of the passage is _________. A. parentless kids B. homeless kids C. kids after school D. kids at kindergarten 27. Compared with kids from rich families, children in poor families are more likely _________. A. to be left alone after school B. to attend after-school programs C. to stay with relatives after school D. to care for themselves after school 28. According to the passage, after-school programs aim to _________. A. warn children to keep away from strangers B. teach kids how to get along with their peers C. give parents advice on how to educate children D. provide children with supervision and guidance 29. The purpose of the passage is _________. A. to draw people’s attention to children’s awkward situation after school B. to advise after-school centers to provide more activities C. to suggest parents spend more time with their children D. to urge children to look after themselves after school 30. Which of the following is supposed to be the target readers of the passage? A. Kindergarten kids. B. Educators. C. Government. D. Students. 非选择题部分 注意事项: 用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。 Ⅲ.用国际音标标出下列单词中划线字母或字母组合的读音,写在答题纸上的相应位置。(本大题共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分)(注意:使用新式或老式音标均可) 31. wicked 32. tasteless 33. charming 34. breathing 35. backwards 36. acts 37. entirely 38. courtesy 39. initiate 40. length 41. repair 42. pleasure 43. banquet 44. chemistry 45. conceit 46. beyond 47. among 48. sew 49. because 50. growl Ⅳ.完形填空。请将你的答案写在答题纸上的相应位置。(本大题共20小题,每小题 0.5分,共10分) A.从下列单词中选择适当的词填空,每个词只能用一次。 in taking while similarities both friendly with supermarkets emotion rnanner patient each The person I am very close to in my family is my mother. My mother is medium height who always wears a 51 smile on her face. Blue is her favorite color as she thinks it stands for peace and 52. I think it has a lot to do with her personality. As a music teacher, she is always very 53 and kind to her students. There are quite a few 54 between us. People always say that I look like my mother more than my father. We 55 like listening to the music and watching movies. On weekends, we often go shopping in the 56 or the department stores. But we are also different 57 many ways. My mother is a good gardener. I am not so patient in 58 care of the plants. Besides, my mother can cook many delicious dishes, 59 I can’t cook at all. I have learned from her how to treat people and how to deal 60 problems on my own. She is the one I am close to as she really influences me a lot. B.根据课文的内容在每个空白处填入一个恰当的词。 I had planned to stay at this job for only two days. But now I’m going to stay.The exercise is great. The lifting gets easier with every load, 61 if my left shoulder stays sore. I become faster and neater as time goes 62. I’m outdoors in clean air. And, contrary 63 what people think I don’t get dirty on the job. I have 64 up my mind, too, to go on saying hello in backyards. It doesn’t 65 any harm, and it still feels fight. Frankly, I’m proud. I’m doing an essemial task, “like a police officer or a fire fighter.” I left this country a little cleaner 66 I found it this morning. Not many people can say that tonight. John Gardener has said that a society 67 praises its philosophers and looks down on its plumbers is in for 68. “Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold 69 ,” he wams. He might have gone a step further and called 70 respect for both our economists and our trashmen; otherwise they’ll both leave trash behind. Ⅴ. 根据所学课文内容完成句子。将你的答案写在答题纸上的相应位置。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 71. In “Freedom in Dying”, Jim’s bravery and courage in the face of death has taught the author __________. 72. According to “The English Character”, the four typical qualities of the English people are modesty, reserve, sportsmanship and ________. 73. In “The Emotional Bank Account—Secrets of Happy Families”, the author tells us that in relationships, the little things are the big things because they help us to _______. 74. In “I Got My B.A. by Sheer Luck”, the author Walter Pauk said he got full score by sheer luck, but it is actually due to ______.  75. In “The Joker”, though Henry Ground was believed to be a good-for-nothing, people could not help liking him for ________. 76. In “Hobbyist”, the druggist says that he sells an undetectable poison simply to ________. 77. In Jack London’s short story “Love of Life”, what drove the man to walk on despite all the difficulties and dangers was _________. 78. In “How Dictionaries Are Made”, the author believes that the writing of a dictionary is a task of _________. 79.“Hans Christian Anderson’s Own Fairy Tale” tells the story of how a shoemaker’s son became _________. 80. According to the author of “The Time Message”, time is tricky because it’s ________. Ⅵ.汉译英。将下列句子译成英语,写在答题纸上的相应位置。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 81.是她的弟弟帮她渡过了难关。 82.如果多花点时间练习,她早就通过了驾驶考试。 83.你们带上雨伞,以防下雨。 84.医生们每天上午9点开始查房,是吧? 85.过去三个月,他们一直轮流照顾老人。 86.停车场每小时收费10元。 87.他刚搬到北京时,不太习惯那里的生活。 88.尽可能多地接触英语是学好这门语言的关键。 89.只有全身心地投入,他才能按时完成任务。 90.我经常看到他把散落在地上的垃圾捡起来,扔进垃圾桶。


I.重写句子(15 points, 1.5 points each)

Rewrite each of the following sentences according to the requirement in brackets.

Example: The history of English words is the history of our civilization in many ways. (periodic

sentence) 1. Queues will likely be long this summer at the airport. Families head abroad for their summer holidays. (complex sentence)

2. Although the rain clouds are gathering in the distance, they still insist on meeting in the park. (simple sentence)

3. No farmer would dare invest in anything new without being certain that the government officials stand behind it.(periodic sentence)

4. The loan model offers some unbelievably cheap loans and allows a short payback period. (compound sentence)

5.Because the hotel receptionist beat the thief severely, both the receptionist and the thief were arrested. (simple sentence)

6. Tighter restrictions on animal transports have forced farmers to consider transporting their herds by cargo plane instead of lorry as a way to comply with animal welfare requirements. (complex sentence)

7. The Great Wall is the world’s longest human-made structure, stretching over approximately 6,400 km from Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west, along an arc roughly drawing the southern edge of Inner Mongolia. (compound-complex sentence)

8. By the Spring and Autumn Period, which began around the 8th century BC, the Chinese had learned the techniques of wall-building. (loose sentence)

9. Susan knows business management very well. She has got many years’ work experience in business administration. (compound sentence)

10. Oprah Winfrey’s own story is an inspiration. She overcame almost every obstacle that a person might face. (compound-complex sentence)

Ⅱ.修改病句 (15 points,3 points each)

Correct the errors in the following sentences.

Example: After seeing an offensive mouthwash ad on television. I resolved never to buy that

brand again.

11. A new blouse in a fashionable color can update an old outfit; in contrast, adding dramatic jewelry or an attractive scarf can make an old outfit seem new.

12. Judging by Meg’s party, her parents are irresponsible. First of all, there is no adult supervision, for example, wine and beer are served.

13. He said that they should make full use of the water power of the river. And that a small reservoir should be built.

14. My hometown is closer to Beijing than Shijiazhuang.

15. After correcting all the mistakes, the second draft of the paper was much better than the first. Ⅲ.辨认主题句 (15 points, 5 points each)

16. Choose the best topic sentence from the four options below. Write the corresponding letter of your choice on the Answer Sheet.

A. Some political parties have adopted animals to represent them.

B. Cars are given animal names to make consumers associate them with speed and grace.

C. Many professional sports teams, such as the Tigers and Rams, have chosen animal names to suggest power.

D. Many people in the world hold animals in such high regard that they use animals’ names for their organizations and products.

17. Read the following paragraph and write the topic sentence on the Answer Sheet.

We are on our way to becoming a cashless, checkless society, a trend that began with the credit card. Now some banks are offering “debit cards” instead of credit cards. The costs of purchases made with these cards are deducted from the holder’s bank account instead of being added to a monthly bill. And checking accounts, which are mainly used for paying bills, are going electronic. Now some people can make computer transactions over their pushbutton phones to pay bills by transferring money from their account to the account of whomever they owe. Soon we may be able to conduct most of our business without signing a check or actually seeing the money we earn and spend.

18. Read the following paragraph and choose the best topic sentence from the four options that follow. Write the corresponding letter of your choice on the Answer Sheet.

Cutting down on your responsibilities is one way to minimize stress in your life. You can also relax yourself by breathing deeply, rather than taking light, shallow breaths. Peaceful music is also soothing if you focus your attention on it and consciously disregard distracting thoughts. Another good way to release

tension is to exercise regularly, which, rather than tiring you out, builds energy and endurance.

A. Stress has several harmful effects, so you must minimize them.

B. There are several ways you can reduce stress in your life.

C. Cutting down on responsibilities lessens stress.

D. You can relax by breathing deeply.

Ⅳ.重新组合段落 (5 points, l point each)

19. Rearrange the following sentences so that they read logically. Write the corresponding letters in a proper sequence on the Answer Sheet. The positions of some sentences have been given.

A. After several conversations with salespeople, she then buys what she came into the store for in the first place, but all the while, my father has been reading a mystery in the car.

B. My father has grown to hate stores of all kinds.

C. My mother, on the other hand, has a somewhat more complicated approach.

D. As she does so, she draws up two mental lists-one of items that she can afford and the other of items she cannot.

E. His view is that one should go into a store, buy what one came for, and leave.

F. While she believes that one should enjoy oneself as much as possible while shopping, my father feels enjoyment and shopping are two different things.

G. She prefers to look carefully over every single item in the store.

Ⅴ. 划掉与段落内容无关的句子 (10 points, 5 points each)

20. Read the following paragraph and write the TWO irrelevant sentences on the Answer Sheet. Studies reveal that people’s first names can have influence on them. Clearly, Chinese names are quite different. Some names reflect on people in a positive way. For example, one survey showed that American men consider the name Susan to be sexy. And participants in a British study thought Tony to be the name of someone very friendly. However, other names can have a negative impact. In one study, for instance, teachers gave lower grades to essays supposedly written by boys named Hubert and Elmer than to the very same essays when they were credited to boys with more popular names. Another study found that girls with unpopular names did worse on IQ and achievement tests than girls with more appealing names. So IQ and achievement tests are important and necessary in studying names.

Ⅵ. 写信 (40 points)

21. Suppose you (Wang Lin) have finished your study, during which Professor Li helped you a lot both in your study and in your life. Write a letter to thank him. Tell him with examples that you have learned a lot from him in terms of knowledge and positive attitude towards difficulties. And

also tell him that with what you have learned from him, you have got a good job in a company or you have started your own business. (150-200 words)

I. Write an outline. (20 points)

Read the following passage carefully and compose a “sentence outline” for it.

Styles of Dress as Reflections of Social Conditions

Something that becomes very apparent when we study the topic of fashion is that clothes and style are related to so much more than merely an individual’s appearance. For thousands of years, fashion and style have been primary indicators about a person’s social status, sexuality, wealth, individuality, and overall personality attributes.

In the 20th century alone, each decade has been marked by distinctly different manners for dress for both men and women. Our Halloween tradition exemplifies this very clearly with “costumes” such as a 1920’s “flapper girl” and the 1960’s “hippie.” With deeper consideration, however, these differing fashion styles can be viewed as representative of the related social conditions occurring at the time.

As stated by Pasacoe, “The fashion of the 1920’s reflected the Jazz Age perfectly. It was made for fast automobiles and Charlestondance. For the first time in western fashion the knee was socially acceptable.” Although there are many theories regarding what causes fashion to change, the fact that social climate is reflected in styles of dress has a great deal of support. Perhaps the reason why so much change occurred in women’s dress in the early decades of the century is that so many changes occurred regarding women’s roles and fights within that same time frame.

Another decade in which fashion was strongly indicative of the underlying social conditions is the turbulent 1960’s. One of the most noted developments accredited to this decade is the introduction of the miniskirt. Many social historians relate the introduction of the miniskirt to the introduction of the birth control pill. Women became sexually liberated and the “free love” era began. These miniskirts came to symbolize the new liberation for women and the ssocial climate of the decade. As stated in Vogue at the end of the decade, “The length of your skirt is how you feel this moment.”

Towards the end of the 1960's, younger generations were rejecting the establishment and rejecting the idea of high fashion along with it. Students wore long hair, faded denim jeans, and flamboyant patterns. Many wore combat jackets and surplus shirts to anti-war rallies. As Hoeymaker stated, “By the end of the decade, cheap, flamboyant clothes became expensive designer labels. The hippie style became high fashion; in fact ‘anti-fashion’ became the biggest fashion of all.” In this case, clothes became a form of protest.

Overall, there are countless examples of how fashion is influenced by the social climate of the times. Over the past thousands of years, the socially “appropriate” styles of dress for men and women have varied tremendously. Regardless of what exactly constituted“stylish” fashion during any given time period, one thing that remains constant is that fashion has always been a significant aspect of one's life and the time in which they lived.

II. Supply the missing paragraph. (20 points)

The following passage is incomplete with one body paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 words. Make sure that your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided.

Say No to Blind Optimism

“Is the glass half full or half empty?" This question is often asked to determine whether someone

is an optimist or a pessimist. In my view, even though we need to see the glass half full, we cannot deny the fact that the glass is also half empty. Having a healthy proportion of expectations makes us more realistic. Blind optimism, however, may foster delusions, result in frustrations and spoil relationships.

We all long for accomplishments, but sometimes we overstress the positive outcome of our effort and waste our time with glori ous plans that will never work. We indulge ourselves in delusions and impractical dreams. We fail to see that blind optimism only gives us false promises and clouds our sense of judgment. Ambition without clear directions cannot lead to a victorious experience. We need to understand that wishful thinking and delusions won’t work.

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Balanced optimism helps us to develop healthy relationships whereas blind optimism destroys them. One of the reasons for short-lived friendships is that we tend to expect too much of our friends. However, they may not always live up to our expectations. This gives rise to disappointment and misunderstanding. Friendships or relationships consequently turn sour. Some relationships may be seriously affected, with all parties experiencing much pain. A more realistic outlook helps us to understand human limitations, show more consideration for others and prevent excess expectations. To sum up, blind optimism does more harm than good and should be discarded. Saying no to blind optimism means we can fly but we fly with the safest bet, with the parachute, so that we don’t drop hard. It proves our ability to accept weaknesses and strive for the best. It gives us second options in our lives and alleviates the pains and disappointments that life imposes on us. This holistic attitude, accepting both positive and negative sides, will make us stronger and more mature. After all, a lotus is a beautiful flower that blossoms out of the mud.

IlI. Compose an essay. (60 points)

Some people enjoy playing sports individually while others love to play in groups. Which do you prefer? Write a 300-word expository essay stating your reasons.



2013年10月自考真题:综合英语(一)试题 Ⅰ.语法和词汇填空。阅读下面的句子或对话,从A、B、C和D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的选项,并在答题纸上将该项的字母涂黑。(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1. He was educated at the local grammar school, after ______ he went on to Cambridge. A. when B. whatC. which D. where2. There’s no ______ to make an appointment. Just come to my office anytime after 10 in the morning.A. time B. needC. good D. chance3. — Could I have a look at your essay to get a few ideas?—______A. Sure. Why not? B. Yes, that’s right.C. Don’t mention it. D. That sounds great.4. Even if you fail the first time, you should ______ trying.A. hold on B. go onC. work out D. carry out5. A tall man walked into the bar in a woollen sweater, a jacket ____ at his waist. A. to tie B. tieC. ties D. tied6. My father is a businessman and is often away from home. Sometimes I wish that he ______ making less money.A. will be B. has beenC. were D. is7. Technology has indeed had a direct ______ on our life today.A. change B. effortC. effect D. role8. ______ you stop working for a while, you will be tired out.A. As B. UnlessC. If D. When9. Biological science should be developed to do good ______ harm to people. A. other than B. less thanC. better than D. rather than10.______ it was getting dark, we decided to stop at a hotel for the night. A. Since B. IfC. Though D. That11. The two boys look very much alike, but Robert is ______ one.A. the tallest B. the tallerC. tall D. taller12. The teacher, as well as three of his students, ______ taken an interest in traditional Chinese painting.A. is B. areC.has D. have13. If I ______ harder at mathematics in school, I would have a much better chance of getting a good job.A. worked B. had workedC. were to work D. were working14. Gone are the days ______ I was young and as strong as a horse.A. when B. thatC. where D. which15.I’ve tried to avoid ______ with him, but something in his manner of speaking always annoys me.A. quarrel B. to quarrelC. quarreling D. quarreled16. Only in this way ______ to achieve real success in your new business.A. do you hope B. you do hopeC. you can hope D. can you hope17. The street was named ______ George Washington who led the American Revolution. A. from B. withC. as D. after18. Tom took a pile of papers off the desk to make ______ for the new computer. A. room B. areaC. position D. place19. Lily has no trouble finding the new railway station because she has a good ______ of direction.A. feeling B. ideaC. knowledge D. sense20. My boyfriend won’t go to Mary’s birthday party tonight and ______.A. I won’t either B. neither do IC. so will I D. I will tooⅡ.阅读理解。认真阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容从A、B、C和D四个选项中选出一个选项,并在答题纸上将该项的字母涂黑。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)Passage 1It was a cold grey day in late November, and although it was now only a little after two o’clock in the afternoon, the dark of a winter evening seemed to have come down over the hills, hiding them in mist(薄雾). The air was cold, and in spite of the tightly closed windows it found its way into the coach. The few passengers sat close together for warmth. Mary Yellan was sitting where the drops of rain came through the crack in the roof. She brushed them away with impatient fingers. Although she was only 40 miles by road from what had been her home for 23 years, she was already beginning to miss it. The courage which was so large a part of her, and had helped her so much during the long unhappiness of her mother’s illness and death, was now shaken by this rain and wind.She remembered a letter from her aunt. The writer said that the news had shocked her; that she had had no idea that her sister was ill, because it was many years since she had been in Helford. And she went on: “There have been changes with us that you will not know about. I no longer live in Bodmin, but nearly 12 miles outside it, on the road to Launceston. It’s a wild and lonely spot, and if you were to come to us I should be glad of your company in wintertime. I have asked your uncle, and he does not object, he says, if you don’t talk too much and will give help when it is needed. He cannot give you money or feed you for nothing, as you will understand. He will expect your help in the bar in return for your room and meals. You see, your uncle is the landlord of Jamaica Inn.”The letter was a strange message of welcome from the smiling Aunt Patience she remembered. A cold, empty letter, giving no word of comfort, and little information, except that she must not ask for money. Aunt Patience, with her silk skirts and delicate ways, the wife of an innkeeper!So it was that Mary Yellan found herself traveling north in the coach. Villages were scattered now, and there were few smiling faces at the doors of the small houses. There were almost no trees. The wind blew and the rain came with the wind.21. The purpose of Mary Yellan’s trip is to ______ .A. work in her uncle’s innB. spend a winter holiday with her auntC. inform her aunt of her mother’s deathD. live with her aunt after her mother’s death22. The word “shaken” (Line 10, Paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to ______ . A. moved B. shockedC. weakened D. improved23. Mary Yellan’s feeling on the trip can be best described as ______.A. hesitant B. heavyC. hopeful D. relieved24. According to the letter, Mary Yellan was required to ______ .A. take care of her aunt B. run the inn for her uncleC. pay money for her meals D. talk less and help in the bar25. It can be learned from Paragraph 3 that Mary Yellan was ______ .A. surprised at her aunt’s businesslike mannerB. angry about her aunt’s cold letterC. lonely without her aunt’s helpD. happy to see her auntPassage 2It’s summer time, meaning a lot of people are eating outside while enjoying the sunshine. But if you don’t properly take care of the grill or the food you’re cooking on it, you could wind up making people sick.According to Dr. Elizabeth Hagen, the under secretary for food safety at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, people may neglect the importance of food safety during cookouts, because they’re busy entertaining and do not have the same “sense of food handling” they might have in the kitchen. However, Hagen noted it’s important to be cautious no matter where you cook, because thousands of people are admitted to hospitals every year for food-related illnesses. “Forty-eight million people in the United States get sick every year from food poisoning. Forty-eight million,” Hagen said. “And 128,000 of them end up in the hospital; 30,000 of them will die from food-related illness each year in the United States. That’s why this is worth talking about, raising awareness, and giving people the information they need to reduce the risk.”Hagen listed three steps to keeping food safe. The first step is to clean your hands, tools and food surfaces before you cook. Then you should separate raw meat and poultry(禽肉)from foods that won’t be cooked. Besides, you need to use a meat thermometer to cook to the proper temperature.“When you’re eating outside the rule is two hours,” Hagen said. “You really can’t leave things sitting out for more than two hours, and if the temperature is above thirty-two degrees, which it often is at fourth of July, you can’t leave things out for more than one hour. So get them back into the cooler, back into the refrigerator as soon as possible.”If you get a food-related illness, Hagen said you may start feeling symptoms anywhere from a couple of hours to as long as six weeks after you’ve eaten the unhealthy food.26. The phrase “wind up” (Line 3, Paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to ______. A. turn up B. end upC. clean up D. give up 27. Which of the following statements is true according to Dr. Hagen? A. People pay less attention to food safety during cookouts. B. 48 million people suffer from food poisoning during cookouts. C. 128,000 people die from food-related illness each year in the US. D. People have less sense of food handling when they cook at home. 28. What is the second step listed by Dr. Hagen to keep food safe? A. Clean your hands, tools and food surfaces. B. Keep your cooking materials in the refrigerator. C. Separate raw meat from foods that won’t be cooked. D. Cook to the right temperature by using a meat thermometer. 29. How long can you leave the food out when the temperature is above 32℃ ? A. More than three hours. B. More than two hours. C. No more than two hours. D. No more than one hour. 30. What is the passage mainly about? A. Outdoor cooking. B. Food storage. C. Outdoor food safety. D. Food-related diseases. 非选择题部分 注意事项: 用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。 Ⅲ.用国际音标标出下列单词中划线字母或字母组合的读音。 (本大题共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分)(注意:使用新式或老式音标均可) 31. believe 32. sandwich 33. mechanized 34. June 35. besides 36. wolf 37. essential 38. vision 39. rough 40. crawl 41. fairy 42. acquire 43. heavy 44. waitress 45. journey 46 . persuade 47. approach 48. couple 49. realistic 50. whole Ⅳ.完形填空。(本大题共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分) A.从下列单词中选择适当的词填空,每个词只能用一次。 because modern to attention traditional take they who and than helpful there A recent report has come up with some surprising findings. It shows that many people still prefer to do their shopping in __51__ shops. They say they particularly like the personal __52__ they get from local salespeople, who take the trouble to get to know their customers __53__ are always cheerful when they serve them. Many particularly like to buy electric appliances from a local shop __54__ they feel that if the products develop any unpleasant faults, they can __55__ them back to a shopkeeper who they know and who they feel will be __56__ . Another reason people give for preferring their local shops __57__ the larger stores is that they distrust the persuasive salespeople __58__ meet in the big stores. So it seems that people are more selective __59__ . we have been led to believe. The report will make comforting reading to all of us __60__ would hate to lose our local shops. It would indeed be depressing if they were to disappear. B.根据课文的内容在每个空白处填入一个恰当的词。 I was once having dinner with him in an expensive restaurant. When the wine-waiter brought the wine, he __61__ a drop into Henry’s glass and waited with a proud __61__ on his face, as if to say “Taste __63__ , you peasant. It’s clear that you know __64__ about wine.” So Henry, instead of tasting it, the __65__ any normal person would do, dipped his thumb and forefinger __66__ the wine. Then he put his hand to his ear and rolled his forefinger and thumb together as __67__ he were listening to the quality of the wine! Then he nodded __68__ the wine-waiter seriously, as if to say “Yes, that’s fine. You may __69__ it.” You should have seen the wine-waiter’s __70__! And how Henry managed to keep a straight face, I’ll never know! Ⅴ.根据所学课文内容完成句子。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 71. In“The Day I Was Fat”, it was the boy’s abusive but honest words that made the author commit herself to ______. 72. In“The Mystery of the Silver Box”, The Thinking Machine is actually a ______. 73. In“Remembering Tracy Bill”, Bill and Cory Marsh decided to do what their son had wished for when he was alive—to ______. 74. Clearly, the author of “The Trashman” wants people to know that trashmen deserve as much ______ as economists. 75. In “Little Things Are Big”, the author didn’t have enough courage to offer his help to the white woman in the subway station mainly due to the social reality of ______. 76. According to “Happiness”, one of the things that long-term happiness is based on is ______. 77. In “In the Laboratory”, Professor Agassiz says that facts are stupid things until they are ______. 78. In “Detective on the Trail”, Bob Sugg, the newspaper boy, succeeded in helping the police catch the thief by ______. 79. In “This Life”, the author Sidney Poitier made up his mind to learn how to read after ______ . 80. In “The Letter ’A’’’, Christy Brown, whom doctors believed to be mentally defective, created a miracle and learned to ______. Ⅵ.汉译英。将下列句子译成英语。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 81.这个航班本该一小时前起飞,但由于天气不好延误了。 82.她侄子已经大学毕业,将去一家外国公司工作。 83.我上星期买的电视昨天出毛病了。 84.离开教室前,请务必关窗和关灯。 85.他清了清嗓子,高兴地说:“我要结婚了。” 86.这是她来到公司后第一次独立完成任务。 87.你能派人把负责这个项目的人请过来吗? 88.他刚打开电脑就停电了。 89.如果你早点儿告诉我,我也许已经帮你把问题解决了。 90.他在全国运动会上获得了金牌,这让他的家人充满自豪。

一单选1 routine --habit2 rate 3 denied 4 for 5 points6 additional 7 in place of 8 with 9 Rich as she is 10 Much as 1、 Elderly ……A2、 It is ……A3、 Unexpectedly ……C4、 A good manager ……C5、 Everything ……C6、 Besides ……B7、 The biologist ……B8、 Scientists ……A9、 ——,jane is ……D10、——I admire ……D二、完型 Courage is an essential attribute in、learning a foreign language。……11-----20 DABCB, ABDCB三、阅读段落一 Karen was 14,depressed and not doing well at school。……21------25 CDBDD段落二 the amount of time kids spend online is a source of frustration for many parents。……26------30 AABCD段落三 American scientist have found that some birds are more intelligent than believed。……31-----35 AAABD四、单词翻译36、古代的、古老的ancient37、生涯、经历career38、毁坏、损伤damage39、特别、尤其especially40、渐渐的、逐步的gradually41、车库garage42、诚实的、正直的honest43、保险、保险金insurance44、汁、液juice45、商人merchant46、谈判、协商negotiate47、发生、出现occur48、停止、放弃quit49、包围、环绕surround50、薪金、薪水salary51、治疗、对待treatment52、技术、技巧technique53、美德virtue54、值得做的worth55、屈服、屈从yield五、变换格式56、(become)become57、(curious)curiosity58、(watch)watching59、(be)was60、(expect)expectation61、(agree)agreeable62、(crowd)crowded63、(rich)Enrich64、(praise) has been praised65、(appear) appeared五、翻译66、我们都被大自然的美深深的吸引住了we are deeply impressed with the beauty of nature67、如果想省钱,你就不要买那块昂贵的表。If you want to save money ,do not buy the expensive watch68、那篇小说是她创作时心情的真实反映。The novel really reflects his mood when he wrote it69、应歌迷要求,年轻歌手又唱了一首民歌。The young singer sang a folk song again at the fans request70、一些科学家认为需要有更多的数据才能证明这一事实。Some scientists believe that more data car prove the reality.六、翻译短文每种文化都有自已的理想行为,美国也不例外。在那里,孩子们被鼓励要开放、直接。美国人认为开放是诚实的表现,他们对于沉默和保守提出怀疑。他们觉得你一定在隐藏什么如果你没说出来。他们觉得由于沉默而受威胁,这一点他们不相信也不理解。然而,许多其它文化并不看重开放和直接。事实上,他们不喜欢这些品质因为对它们而言,开放和直接孩子好像很粗鲁。在它信眼里不像成人的行为。那么并不令人吃惊的是许多种文化的误解也由于开放和直接所致 这是江苏的,好像全国也是,供参考。



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