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国开本科人文英语1和人文英语2是两门不同的课程,它们在教学内容、难度等方面都有所不同。一般来说,国开本科人文英语1主要涉及到以下几个方面:- 英美文化与历史:介绍英美地区的历史、政治、经济、社会等方面的知识;- 文学欣赏:通过阅读和分析经典作品,提高学生对于英美文学的理解和欣赏能力;- 学术写作:培养学生撰写论文或报告的能力,并让他们了解相关规范和格式。而国开本科人文英语2则更加注重实用性,在以下几个方面进行授课:- 商务沟通技巧:包括商务谈判、演讲技巧等;- 职场素质培养:如职业道德、团队合作能力等;- 国际交流与跨文化管理:介绍跨越不同国家和地区之间交流时需要注意的事项。因此,如果您想要提升自己在各种商务场景下使用英语进行沟通和交流的能力,则可以选择修习国开本科人文英语2。如果您更关心对于西方历史、社会以及经典著作有一个全面深入了解,则可以选择修习国开本科人文英语1。




电大人文英语形考1一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题10分)题目1正确获得10.00分中的10.00分标记题目题干– Good afternoon. Can I help you?– ________________________________选择一项:A. Yes, I think so, too.B. I don't think I need any of your help.C. I need to buy a birthday present for my son. 反馈正确答案是:I need to buy a birthday present for my son.题目2正确获得10.00分中的10.00分标记题目题干– Do you think I can borrow your bike for a few hours?– ________________________________选择一项:A. I don't think so.B. I am afraid you can.C. I'm sorry, but I really need it this afternoon. 反馈正确答案是:I'm sorry, but I really need it this afternoon.题目3正确获得10.00分中的10.00分标记题目题干Our house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many houses __________选择一项:A. far apartB. in between C. among them反馈译文:我们家离火车站大概一英里左右,而且中间房子不多正确答案是:in between题目4正确获得10.00分中的10.00分标记题目题干Both the kids and their parents __________English, I think. I know it from their accent.选择一项:A. are B. isC. been反馈译文:我想,这些孩子和他们的父母都是英格兰人。从他们的口音我可以知道。正确答案是:are题目5正确获得10.00分中的10.00分标记题目题干Did you notice the guy _________head looked like a big potato?选择一项:A. whoB. whose C. which反馈译文:你注意到那个头看上去像个大土豆得家伙吗?正确答案是:whose标记题目信息文本二、阅读理解:选择题(每题10分)题目6正确获得50.00分中的50.00分标记题目题干排序题A. Does it cost the same for every household?B. You can pay right here, on the Internet!C. Just go ahead.D. We do for the live Cable TV programs.E. Exactly, even digital boxes. Liu Hui: Gordon, may I ask you a question?Gordon: Hi, Liu Hui. 回答ABCDE.Liu Hui: Do I need to pay for a TV license if I only watch TV online in the UK?Gordon: Yes, indeed. You need to be covered by a TV license if you watch or record programs as they're being shown on TV or live on an online TV service.Liu Hui: Including watching TV on computers and mobile phones?Gordon: 回答ABCDE. It is the law.Liu Hui: I see. How much is the license fee?Gordon: It costs £145.50 for a color TV license and £49.00 for a black and white TV license.Liu Hui: That's a lot of money for a year. 回答ABCDE?Gordon: It costs the same for all applicants under 75. When you reach the age of 75, you may apply for a free Over 75 TV License.Liu Hui: I see.Gordon: Do you need such a license in China?Liu Hui: 回答ABCDE.Gordon: Oh, it sounds similar. But for BBC, the license fee is the main source of income. There is no advertising on the BBC channels.Liu Hui: By the way, where should I go to pay for my license?Gordon: 回答ABCDE.Liu Hui: Well, sure! Thank you!反馈答案:1. C 2. E 3. A 4. D 5. B解析:这是刘辉和戈登讨论英国的电视许可证系统。1.刘辉想问戈登一个问题,戈登说请问吧。所以选C。2.戈登向刘辉介绍,在英国无论是通过电视还是网络收看电视节目都需要有电视许可证,刘辉问,包括在电脑和手机上收看吗? 戈登回答是的,包括数字盒子。这是英国法律规定的。所以选E。3.戈登向刘辉介绍英国电视许可证的收费情况,刘辉问是否每家的收费是一样的。所以选A。4.戈登问刘辉在中国是否也有类似的许可证,刘辉告诉他有线电视节目是需要的。所以选D。5.刘辉问到哪里去为电视许可证付费,戈登说在这里通过网络就可以。所以选B。


人文英语1”教学指南一、课程概况1.课程性质“人文英语1”是为国家开放大学人文类专业(专科)开设的公共英语课程;计3学分,54学时,开设1学期,建议第一学期开设。 本课程将英语学习与法学、社会工作、汉语言、教育等专业的职场活动相结合,以真实的语言素材为载体创设职场情景,在进行英语语言基础知识和基本技能训练的同时,培养学生在职场情景下使用英语进行初步交流的基本能力。 2.课程任务通过“人文英语1”课程的学习,学生应能掌握一定的英语语言基础知识和基本技能,具有初步的读、听、说、写、译能力;同时,了解人文活动中最基本的英语词语及表达方式,能在涉及法学、社会工作、汉语言、教育等专业的职场活动中进行简单交流;并为在今后职场英语应用能力的进一步提高奠定基础。 教学对象“人文英语1”课程的教学对象为国家开放大学人文类的法学、社会工作、汉语言、教育等专业的成人学生和具有同等英语水平的业余学习者。 课程衔接“人文英语1”的后续课程为“人文英语二、课程学习基本要求“人文英语1”课程在加强学生的英语语言基础知识和基本技能训练的同时,使学生接触并了解与职业相关的基本知识,培养学生在人文活动中使用英语进行交际的实际能力。 本课程不同维度的基本要求如下:在词汇认知方面,应能认知1,800个左右的词汇(含入学时认知的1,000个左右)及其常见短语或固定搭配,以及一定量的职场相关词汇和短语;在词汇掌握方面,应能熟练使用其中的1,100个左右词汇(含入学时掌握的600个左右)及其常见短语或固定搭配,以及一定量的职场相关词汇和短语;在语法知识方面,应能基本熟悉基础语法知识(见教学内容细目表);在功能意念方面,应能熟悉常见功能意念(见教学内容细目表)及其惯用表达方法等。






Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life.Generally,its advantages can be seen as follows.First----------------(A的优点之一).Besides-------------------(A的优点之二).

But every coin has two sides.The negative aspects are also apparent.One of the important disadvantages is that----------------(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,------------------(A的第二个缺点).



The topic of①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently.There are two sides of opinions of it.Some people say A is their favorite.They hold their view for the reason of②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more,③-------------理由二).Moreover,④---------------(理由三).



①When asked about lucky numbers,different people will offer different opinions.Some people think that②lucky numbers can bring good luck.They hold this view because③they believe lucky numbers will help them fulfill their wishes-to be rich or successful.④However,there are still many people who won't agree.They argue that⑤such kind of idea is only ignorant and superstitious belief.Besides,⑥they think numbers are just numbers and each number is equal in its importance.

⑦Personally,I am on the side of the latter argument.For one thing,⑧numbers,including lucky numbers,are just a tool for counting,They don't have magic power.For another,⑨whether we will have good luck or not depends on ourselves instead of lucky numbers,If we work hard and make good preparations,good luck will come to us.

⑩Therefore,lucky numbers don't bring good luck.It is our hard work and good preparations that bring us good luck.

A job interview is indispensable in the process of job hunting.If a job seeker can make the best use of the interview and leave a good impression on the interviewer’s mind,he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many applicants.If,on the other hand,the job hunter gives a poor performance during the interview,he is unlikely to stand a chance to succeed.

To be successful in a job interview,the job hunter should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities.

First,the applicant ought to attach much importance to his appearance and manner of speaking.Second,he is supposed to display his ability,especially his grasp of professional knowledge required by the position for which he is applying.Finally,a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence in and a practical attitude toward the cause concerned.

If the interviewee succeeds in displaying these characteristics and presents his most attractive qualities during an interview,the interviewer might make an on-the-spot decision to take him on.



There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One o the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil.

The polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What’s more, vegetation has been greatly reduced with rapid growth of modern cities.

To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution.

Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environment protection today.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environment protection through education.

Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population. Finally’ those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished.

We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.


In recent years, due to the country to promote low-carbon living, now the city has many people usually go out no more cars, but with the bike, and some people just walk.

Also, in the summer, people a few years ago still use air conditioning. Later, some people learn the low carbon life, no longer open air conditioning, but with less power of the electric fan, now, people have even the fans are no longer in use, but with the fan.

Now, our family life is the lowest carbon water, we pool water, has now become a bucket. The pond water will flow into the bucket. Buckets of water to flush the toilet, take a shower of water of our home is generally used to flush the toilet.

Washing machine is the same water.

Low carbon life.


Nowadays, though the awareness of protecting environment is being accepted by more and more people, we can still see many unpleasant scenes especially in scenic spots. Why does this phenomenon arise? Many factors are accounting for it.

First and foremost, to some people, the consciousness of protecting environment is still not so strong. They may not think it is a big deal to throw rubbish everywhere. In addition, the environmental management system isn’t so satisfying.

For example, in some places there’re few regulations or the implementation is seldom performed actually.From what has been discussed above, it is urgent to take some effective and relative measures.

In the first place, we should continue to conduct more propaganda in communities and schools so as to let people realize the importance of protecting environment.

In the second, more rules should be made and carried out by the government to restrain the conduction of destroying environment.

People should work together to create clean and beautiful surroundings.





成人专升本是指专科毕业后,离开学校后,参加全国统一的成人考试,每年与成人高考同时报名考试,最后颁发的学历是成人本科学历(有学位)。 毕业证盖所学习高校章,证书上显示“成人教育脱产或函授”字样,国家承认,通常认为同等情况下,社会认可度低于普高本科甚至自考本科。



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