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我是东莞 --广东外语外贸大学的商务英语本科段-- 的自考生, 我也想知道这个问题呢, 楼主有答案了,记得也通知我一下呀。 对了, 你过了几科了?是不是只剩下这两门实践考试了?你要是有兴趣,加2487205 QQ, 这是一个深圳的商英自考生建立的自考群,里面人多,可以去问一下。

321 评论(8)


great and good do not die, even in this world. Embalmed in books, their spirits walk

125 评论(11)


我就说点吧1. World is developing, human is developing, every ethinic want to learn other countries' advanced things.The world become more and more globalization. Therefore, it is important to know another language, especially English. English is most representative language in the world. There are lots of things are written or spoken in English. For nowadays, we can't use computer and many other things without English.2. First, this is my personal interst. I want to be a businessman. Second, most people want to be the managers, so learning business is a short cut on this way.3. It is convenient. These modern methods careated by people and used by people. If people dont need them, they will not be invented. However, it is also insecure. There are s lot of examples of losing and cheating of money around us. Base on our modern methods, we need to escalate it.4. It plays an important role in our life. In other words, we can not live without our PCs now. Type files, record data....5. cellular or an open-plan office这我不明白是什么意思。

81 评论(13)


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  • 自考商务英语口语教程答案

    我是东莞 --广东外语外贸大学的商务英语本科段-- 的自考生, 我也想知道这个问题呢, 楼主有答案了,记得也通知我一下呀。 对了, 你过了几科了?是不是只剩下这

    lucaminiya 3人参与回答 2024-09-27
