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Bachelor degree in marketing of higher education self-study exam, all course achievement qualification, authorized, are allowed to be graduated. Jiangxi province education self-study examination committee

359 评论(8)


楼主我很负责任的告诉你 即使你自己翻译的一字不差纯的不能在纯的完全正确的英语 也不好用!公证处不认!要想公证必须花钱给公证处 他们自己找人翻译才可以给予公证!这点我肯定!我当初来法国之前 去公证了8份材料!翻译是我找的在法国这边的老师翻译的他在这边就是从事法语教育的 就这都不行!公证处不认!您就别费劲了 这钱必须花

176 评论(12)


参加市场营销专业本科高等教育自学考试,全部课程成绩合格,经审定,准予毕业。Bachelor degree in marketing of higher education self-study exam, all course achievement qualification, authorized, are allowed to be graduated.江西省教育自学考试委员会Jiangxi province education self-study examination committee应该是的!我翻译应该对

245 评论(15)


维多利亚大学 瑞士 学术证明副件 名称 :何种专业学生: 授予学位: 入学日期: 毕业日期: gode coure of srudy grade gontemporary policy lssues in buiness 这两句话中的单词有错误,你再看一下是什么 货币和资本市场 跨国经营 创业 全球公司 ethice又是一个错误的单词管理转变 二年级2007年1月- 2008年1月 组织发展 应为organizational development战略领导 电子商务方面 博士研究 论文

152 评论(12)


Degree certificate Ku, female, November 9, 1987 students. Completed in the undergraduate nursing professional learning program, has graduated from the application complies with the "PRC Regulations degree" requirement, granting Bachelor of Science degree. President of the South China University of Degree Evaluation Committee President: lattice wave certificate number: 123456 general higher education graduates **%%* * July 1, 2009 diploma universities and colleges students Ku, sex female, 1987 Health on Nov. 9, in September 2005 to July 2009 in the four-year undergraduate nursing specialty hospital study, completing a full course teaching plan, pass in, allowed to graduate. School Name: South China University College Chuanshan Dean: Chen Xi certificate number: 123456 July 1, 2009. **% % **

276 评论(8)



105 评论(15)


公正的地方都给翻译的 自己翻译的人家不认可不过。。The Self-Study Examination CertificateName:ID No.:No. of Certificate:xxx has been majoring in English,has completed the requirements of the teaching program with qualified score and is hereby granted graduation.The Self-Study Examination Committeexx xx xxInstitutions of Higher Learningxx xx xx

136 评论(13)


Bachelor's degree certificate ancient month, female, on November 9, 1987 was born. Specialized has completed the undergraduate course learning program in the nursing, already graduates, conforms to "the People's Republic of China Degree Rule" after the verification the stipulation, awards Neo-Confucianism bachelor's degree.Principal Southern China university degree evaluation commission chairman: Article lattice vibration certificate serial number: 123456 ordinary higher education undergraduate course graduate 2009 year on July 1 ordinary College diploma student ancient month, sex female, on November 9, 1987 was born, studies in September, 2005 to July, 2009 in this courtyard nursing specialized four year system undergraduate course, repaires completely the plan of instruction the complete curriculum, the result is qualified, permits the graduation. courtyard: Southern China University Ship Mountain Institute Chair : Chen bright certificate serial number: 123456 2009 year on July 1

250 评论(15)


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